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Action-Reflection-Action-Session (ARAS)

In our community health nursing exposure we are assigned to

Hacienda Carmen of Barangay Granada and we’ve seen how the people
in the community live their lives everyday. I love the people in the
community especially on how they welcome each one of us. Some give
us fruits that they fetch in their own backyard. The air in there is very
fresh which one of the reason why I really love their community. They
had a lot of plants includes fruits, flowers and vegetables. My client
shared that they rarely eat meat which is very good and they always eat
vegetables. Maybe that’s the reason why most of the old people there are
still healthy considering their age.

Earlier, while going home, I’ve realized that at this young age, I
should have take good care of my self. Like eating healthy food and
avoiding foods that are not good in my health, just like what my client did.
As a student-nurse having a healthy lifestyle is a must. Always remember
that what we did or act reflect on ourselves. I believe being an effective
educator, one must be a testimony of what he/she teaches. So how will
our client do what we told them to do if we, ourselves don’t do that either.
How can we educate our clients about healthy lifestyle if we,
student-nurses don’t practice healthy lifestyle? So I must say we must
start to promote health on ourselves and being an effective educator will
To add on this, being generous is also one of the thing that I’ve
noticed in the community. Being a nurse we should possess generosity,
on our time and effort not only in our duty but in helping people as well.

To apply the things that I’ve learned, I should start doing healthy
lifestyle. I wanted to reach the senior years healthy and without any
complication, just like some people in the community. Also in my duty as
a student-nurse, I should apply the value of generosity. I want to achieve
to give my client my extra effort and time.


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