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ASSIGNMENT/ESSAY Schmaltz (2020) states that plastic pollution is becoming

TITLE recognised as a major problem for the environment and
living organisms. Identify and evaluate two methods of
. addressing plastic pollution at national and/or local
government level.


WORD COUNT (excluding 983

cover sheet and
reference list)
.STUDENT Abdulhadi Ekdy

.STUDENT ID U2280923

TUTOR Beata Raszkowska

Submission of Coursework Student Declaration 

By submitting this assignment, you confirm that you have produced the assign-
ment without assistance following the guidelines below. The work that you are
submitting is your own.

 When completing coursework assessments, you must: -

o Complete all work independently

o Acknowledge all sources

 When completing coursework assessments, you must not: -

o Submit work which is not your own

o Submit work that does not acknowledge sources
o Copy from other students
o Ask someone to proofread your work
o Use translation or grammar checking websites or software
o Lend your work to other students
o Allow your work to be copied
o Help other students to complete their coursework

 Using a thesaurus or dictionary to support your work is acceptable but using

translation websites or proofreading &/or editing services &/or software such
as ''WriteCheck'' is not acceptable and will be treated as collusion.

 Please see your Student Handbook for penalties that will apply if instances of
academic misconduct are found.


By entering my name below I confirm that this piece of work is a result of my own work.
Material from the work of others has been acknowledged and quotations and paraphrases
suitably indicated. Furthermore, I confirm that I understand the definition of Academic
Misconduct that is used by Huddersfield University International Study Centre.

Student Name: .Abdulhadi Ekdy Date:03/08/2022.

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