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Validation and verification is use the make the integrity of data


To check that the entered data is sensible. Validation applied before the data is created or
check data against the set of rules.

Range check

It checks that data entered should falls in a particular range,

Test data

O to 100 inclusive

Normal 2-99

Abnormal -1 ,101 ,twenty

Extreme 0 100

Test data

O to 100 exclusive

Normal 2-98

Abnormal -1 ,101 ,twenty,100,0

Extreme 1 99

Length check:

It checks that the entered data should contain an equal ,lesser of higher number of character

Type check:

It checks that the entered data is of specified data type.

Presence check:

It checks that the data field should not be left blank.

Character check:

It checks the entered data should not contain any invalid character.

Format check.

Checks that the entered data should be of specified format.


Converting manual data in digital. Electronic data transfer

Visual check:
In this typed data is compared with the original source visual to check for error.

Double entry Method:

Same data is been typed twice and then compared to check error

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