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Research Paper • E-mail: nesapublications@gmail.

International Journal on Biological Sciences

International Journal on Biological Sciences 9 (2) : 13-19, January-June, 2018

ISSN No.: 0974-6065; NAAS Rating 3.14; UGC List of Journal No. 7783


1 2 3 1*
Yattapu Prasada Reddy . Ravindra Kumar Yadav , Supradip Saha and Gerard Abraham
CCUBGA, ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, India
Division of Agricultural Chemicals, ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi -110012, India

Received: 12.03.2018 Revised: Accepted:

Cyanobacteria from extreme environments are important sources of novel biomolecules of industrial significance.
Such biomolecules that have gained considerable attention in the recent times is mycosporine like amino acids which
are involved in stress tolerance and photo-protection as sunscreen compounds. The present study deals with the
detection of mycosporine like amino acids in the cyanobacterial isolates Nostoc sp.and Phormidium sp. isolated from
the hypersaline environment of Rann of Kutch. Influence of temperature, pH, salinity and nitrate on the production of
mycosporine like amino acids was assessed in these cyanobacterial isolates. Mycosporine like amino acids production
could be augmented in the isolates cultured in modified BG-11 medium supplemented with nitrate having pH 9 at a
temperature of 45°C. The results show the biotechnological potential of the strains isolated from Rann of Kutch as a
source of mycosporine like amino acids.

Keywords: Cultural variables, Cyanobacteria, mycosporine like amino acids, optimization, Rann of Kutch, sunscreen

INTRODUCTION cyanobacterial products from diverse cyanobacteria 4.

Hence, search for cyanobacteria is important in the
Cyanobacteria represent one of the largest and diverse identification of potential organisms for industrial
groups of photosynthetic organisms having a unique exploitation.
distribution pattern. They have been found to colonize Cyanobacteria from extreme environments show the
successfully in several diverse types of ecosystems. They presence of several important compounds involved in
have the ability to tolerate high temperature, UV conferring stress tolerance. The cyanobacteria from
desiccation, water and saline stress123. The origin of extreme environments synthesize several compounds and
cyanobacteria dates back to the Pre-Cambrian times and metabolites to cope with preventing complex situations 5.
they successfully thrive in a wide range of environments. Cyanobacteria under osmotic stress conditions have been
Further advancement in the field of microbiology and shown to synthesize unique amino acids known as
biotechnology has helped in the exploration of mycosporine like amino acids (MAA's)6. MAA's have also
cyanobacteria for industrially important and value added been shown to be highly resistant against abiotic stressors
products. The cyanobacteria are rich sources of such as temperature, UV radiation, various solvents and pH
industrially important compounds and a variety of 7
. The production of natural photo protective compounds

*Corresponding author:


induced under stress conditions are helpful for the filtered through microcentrifuge filters (pore size 0.2
organisms that are exposed to strong insolation 8. It has μm) for partial purification and HPLC analysis.
been observed that the level of MAA is influenced by
the conditions it is exposed to and the expression and HPLC analysis of mycosporine like aminoacids
production of these compounds are influenced by the Further analysis of partially purified aqueous solutions
under environment 9. However, nothing much is was done using an HPLC system (Waters, USA)
known about these compounds from cyanobacteria equipped with a licrospher RP 18 column. The samples
from extreme environments like Rann of Kutch facing (50μl) were injected into the HPLC column through a
very strong insolation. Therefore in the present study Waters 717 plus auto-sampler. The wavelength for
an attempt was made to assess the potential of MAAs detection was 310nm to 360nm and the mobile
cyanobacterial strains isolated from Rann of Kutch as phase was 0.02% acetic acid (v/v) in double distilled
possible source of mycosporine like amino acids and to water, run isocratically at a flow rate of 1.0 ml min-1.
optimize conditions to enhance their production. Presence of MAAs was identified by comparing the
absorption spectra and retention time. The
MATERIALS AND METHODS quantification of MAAs was performed13.
Isolation, identification and maintenance of Optimization of mycosporine like amino acids
cyanobacteria Cultures of Nostoc and Phormidium sp. were for
Soil samples were collected randomly from five grown in BG-11 medium for 15 days in a culture room
different sites from the Rann of Kutch region of under standard growth conditions. To evaluate the role
Western Gujarat, India and they have been subjected to of various pH on the production of mycosporine like
isolation for cyanobacterial strains following standard amino acids, the pH was maintained at 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,
enrichment culture techniques 10. The isolated and respectively. BG- 11 medium was supplemented with
identified cultures were maintained in BG-11 medium sodium chloride (1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5%) for the
(with or without combined nitrogen) in the culture
evaluation of mycosporine like amino acids in relation
room having light intensity of 52-55µmol
to salinity. To study the effect of different temperature
photon/m2/S, 16/8 light and dark period and 28±2°C
on mycosporine like amino acids production the
temperature. The pH of the culture medium was
cultures of both Nostoc and Phormidium sp. were
adjusted to 8.25. Strains were examined
incubated in a BOD incubator (Thermotech TH 7004,
microscopically and the morphological characters
India) for 15 days. The temperature range was varied
were compared according to the taxonomic keys
from 30°C, 35°C, 40°C and 45°C. To evaluate the role
provided by Desikachary for identification 11.
of nitrogen source on the production of mycosporine
Screening and quantification of mycosporine like like amino acids in Nostoc sp. sodium nitrate (Nitrogen
amino acids @ 0.247 g/L) was provided additionally in the nitrogen
The several isolated strains identified from Rann of free BG-11 medium. Phormidium sp. being a non
Kutch were screened for MAA production. Presence of nitrogen fixer nitrate was provided in the BG-11
mycosporine like amino acids was done by comparing medium.
the absorption spectra and retention times through
HPLC analysis. Quantification of MAAs was Based on the results obtained regarding the individual
effect of pH, salinity, temperature and nitrate, BG-11
performed spectrophotometrically 12. The cells were
medium was modified to screen mycosporine like
harvested by centrifugation (9000xg for 5 min) and
amino acids production in both Nostoc sp. and
MAAs were extracted in 2 ml of 100% HPLC grade
Phormidium sp. For this experiment the medium was
methanol overnight at 4°C. After extraction aliquots
supplemented with sodium chloride (5%) and nitrate
were centrifuged at 5000x g for 5 min and the
(nitrogen @ 0.247 g/L). The pH of the medium was
supernatant was evaporated to dryness at 45°C in a
maintained at 9.0 and the cultures were incubated at a
vacuum evaporator and the extracts were re-dissolved
temperature of 45°C in BOD incubator for 15 days.
in 500 μl double distilled water. A few drops of
chloroform were added to this solution and the water RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
phase was transferred carefully after centrifugation in
fresh eppendorf tubes to remove the contaminant Nostoc sp. and Phormidium sp. were isolated from the
photosynthetic pigments. Finally, the samples were soil samples of Rann of Kutch as per the standard

International Journal on Biological Sciences 9 (1) Gerard Abraham et al., 15

microbiological tools and taxonomic keys 11. The positive for the MAAs. The HPLC analysis further
morphological characters such as the vegetative cells, revealed the presence of mycosporine like amino acids
position and number of the heterocysts were employed on the basis of retention time and absorption spectrum
for the identification. These two strains were then in both the cyanobacterial strains (Fig. 1a-d).
assessed for MAAs and both these strains were found

Fig. 1 : The HPLC chromatograms of mycosporine like amino acids on the basis of retention(1a, 1c) time and
absorption spectrum (1b, 1d) in Nostoc sp (1a and 1b) and Phormidium sp(1c and 1d).

To enhance the production of important biochemicals, temperature might have resulted in changes in
factors such as temperature, pH, nitrogen level and biosynthetic pathway of the enzymes leading to
salinity are important. The expression and production enhanced MAA production. Similarly we studied the
of many of these compounds have been found to be effect of pH on mycosporine like amino acids in both
influenced under environmental conditions 9. Hence strains and pH 9 supported the maximum production of
initially these parameters are needed to be MAA's (Fig. 2b). The content of MAA's in Nostoc sp.
standardized under laboratory conditions for enhanced was 0.203 mg/g dry weight and in Phormidium sp. it
production of metabolites. Nostoc and Phormidium sp. was 0.0894 mg/g dry weight, respectively. Increase in
were incubated and grown at different temperatures mycosporine like amino acids content with increase in
(30°C, 35°C, 40°C and 45°C) and the results showed pH was observed 15. Enhancement in the mycosporine
that the level of MAA's was marginally influenced by like amino acids in the fresh water cyanobacterium
the temperature (Fig. 2a). Temperature influences the Anabaena fertilissima in response to changes in pH
MAA production and influence of temperature on was observed16. The MAA content increased gradually
enhanced MAA production has been reported earlier 14 with increasing salt concentration and maximum
. An important factor that regulates growth is the MAA's was observed at 5% salt concentration (Fig.
temperature and development and increase in 2c). The observed of MAA's content was 0.1796 mg/g


Fig. 2 : (a) Influence of different temperature, (b) pH and (c) salinity on the mycosporine like aminoacids
(MAA) production in Nostoc sp and Phormidium sp

dry weight in Nostoc sp. as compared to 0.0834 mg/g (3%), and nitrogen source (0.247 g/L nitrogen in the
dry weight in Phormidium sp. Increasing NaCl levels BG-11 media). Fig. 3 depicts the MAA production by
up to 5% had increased levels of mycosporine like Nostoc sp. and Phormidium sp. in the modified
amino acids. Biosynthesis of MAAs in cyanobacteria medium. The quantity of mycosporine like amino
is controlled by factors such as salinity and acids produced by Nostoc sp. in the modified medium
temperature 1 7 . In the present study ambient was (0.218 mg/g dry weight) as compared to control
physiological conditions such as pH, temperature, (0.152mg/g dry weight). However, in case of
salinity and level of nitrogen individually enhanced the Phormidium sp. the quantity of MAA produced by the
content of MAAs in the selected cyanobacterial modified and optimized medium was (0.137 mg/g dry
isolates. weight) as compared to control (0.736 mg/g dry
weight). MAAs has been reported to play important
Based on results obtained on the mycosporine like role in nitrogen storage and influence of nitrogen
amino acid production by pH, salinity, nitrate and sources on the enhanced production of MAAs have
temperature we modified the BG-11 medium and also been observed in certain red algae 18. Selection
studied the production of mycosporine like amino pressure due to harsh environmental conditions
acids in Nostoc sp. and Phormidium sp. cultured in this prevailing at Rann of Kutch could be one of the reasons
medium. The cultural parameters such as pH (9), for the presence of mycosporine like amino acids in
salinity (5%), nitrogen source (sodium nitrate) and this cyanobacterium and cultural modification of
temperature (45°C) were taken in to consideration as it factors such as pH, temperature, salinity and nitrogen
supported maximum MAA production. A control was source further resulted in their enhanced production.
employed having pH (8), temperature (30°C), salinity Recently attempt was made to enhance the

International Journal on Biological Sciences 9 (1) Gerard Abraham et al., 17

Fig. 3: Mycosporine like amino acid production by Nostoc sp and Phormidium sp in the modified BG-11

mycosporine like amino acid production in Anabaena production of these compounds in cosmetics was
sp. isolated from hot springs of Rajgir in India through suggested25.
photoheterotrophic growth19. Although these reports CONCLUSIONS
suggest better growth and biomass accumulation due
to photoheterotrophic growth, the photoautotrophic The present study has led to the identification of a
growth remains a cheaper and economically viable cyanobacterium Nostoc sp with potential for the
option to mass multiply the organism in laboratory as production of mycosprine like amino acids. It was also
well as outdoor conditions for the production of observed that mycosporine like amino acid production
pharmaceutically important MAAs. in cyanobacteria could be augmented by modifying the
growth and cultural conditions. Thus promising strains
Apart from the ecological significance the could be further taken up for mass multiplication and
mycosporine like amino acids have therapeutic extraction of these pigments on a large scale for
importance. Effective blockage of thymine dimer commercial exploitation.
formation by UVR in vitro stimulation of growth
activity in human cells has been observed 20 21. Certain Author contribution
G. A. and D.W.D. designed the experiments and Y.P.R.
MAAs have antioxidant properties and therefore may
performed the experiments. R.K.Y. helped in the
play a role in protection by scavenging free radicals
isolation of the strain and screening of mycosprine like
produced 22. They are actively excreted and
amino acids and S.S. performed the HPLC analysis and
accumulated at the epidermis where they show sun
helped in the technical analysis of the data.
screening effect and are natural sunscreen
compounds23. The strains used in the present ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
experimentation were isolated from harsh
This work is a part of M.Sc. dissertation of Sh. Y. P.
environmental conditions of high salinity and high
Reddy. Y.P. Reddy acknowledges the financial
rates of insolation. The biosynthesis of these
assistance from Indian Council of Agricultural
compounds is up-regulated under various
environmental and cultural regimes. Accumulation of Research and PG School, IARI, New Delhi. We thank
myccosporine like amino acids could be therefore one Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi for
of the mechanisms adopted by organisms to protect the facilities.
cells. MAAs are secondary metabolites capable of REFERENCES
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