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Writing a debate script is a process that requires careful planning and organization.

The first step is

to choose a topic that is relevant and debatable. Next, research both sides of the argument and
gather evidence to support your position. It's important to consider the audience and anticipate
counterarguments that may be presented by the opposition.

Once you have a clear understanding of the topic and your position, you can begin outlining your
script. Start by introducing the topic and outlining the main points you will be discussing. Each main
point should be supported by evidence, examples, and logical reasoning. It's important to present
your points in a clear and concise manner, and to avoid using jargon or overly complex language.

As you write your script, keep in mind the structure of a debate. This typically includes an opening
statement, a series of main points, and a closing argument. The opening statement should introduce
the topic and set the stage for the rest of the debate. The main points should be clearly organized
and supported by evidence. The closing argument should summarize the main points and reinforce
your position.

Overall, the key to writing a strong debate script is to thoroughly research the topic, clearly
articulate your points, and use logical reasoning to support your position.

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