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Strategic planning based on corporate practice is being put forward and used as

an approach to more effective communitywide public planning. This article

critically assesses the approach by comparing it to ideas common in the planning
literature and by interviewing practitioners exposed to exercises in corporate-
style strategic planning in their communities. We conclude that most of the ideas
subsumed in this approach have been a part of planning education for decades
and that most practitioners trained as planners view the approach as “old wine in
new bottles.” Nevertheless, we argue that planners should view the new
popularity of corporate-style strategic planning as an opportunity to revive
interest in planning.
Jerome L. Kaufman & Harvey M. Jacobs (1987) A Public Planning Perspective on Strategic Planning,
Journal of the American Planning Association, 53:1, 23-33, DOI: 10.1080/01944368708976632

While strategic planning is a key concept in management research, there has been little
consistency in its conceptualization or measurement. Our review of prior studies also identifies
reliability and validity, dimensionality, crude levels of measurement, and lack of parsimony as
additional problems associated with prior use of this variable. Such problems substantially limit
our ability to compare results across studies, or to make appropriate normative
recommendations. We address these concerns by developing and validating a multiple indicator
measure of strategic planning, using two independent samples. Implications for future research
are then discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

 Tasneem F. Mohammed, Logan E. Gin, Nicholas J. Wiesenthal, Katelyn M. Cooper, The

Experiences of Undergraduates with Depression in Online Science Learning Environments, CBE—
Life Sciences Education, 10.1187/cbe.21-09-0228, 21, 2, (2022).

Bedford A.Fubara studyis an enquiry into corporate planning in Nigeria. The data
was collected from the corporate executives of 44 companies and the finding is
that planning is informal and is accompanied by annual budgets and extended
budgeting extrapolated for 5 years to agree with Nigeria's 5-year development
plans. It is argued that corporate planning should be futuristic, innovative and
responsive to changes in the business environment, and therefore is not the
same as budgeting. Since the corporate plans of companies in Nigeria appear
to be in the minds of their corporate executives, it is the author's opinion that
such informal plans leave the companies vulnerable to the slightest storm in
the economy.
P.C. Asiodu
Managing Nigeria's new economic challenges
Journal of the Nigerian Institute of Management (1983), p. 2
The paper reports the major descriptive results of a study of corporate planning in 48 U.K.
companies in the mid-1970s. Introduction of corporate planning clearly quickened in the 1970s.
The number of specialist corporate planners tended to be small and was correlated with
company size. Responsibilities of planners varied between operating companies, divisions, and
the corporate parent company. Corporate planners had widened the scope of their plans since
the late 1960s, made fairly extensive use of written documents and procedures, and often used
a high number of sophisticated techniques for forecasting and evaluation, but their use of
documents and techniques was far from uncritical. The extent of planning varied between types
of companies.
Bazzaz, S. J. ‘ Contextual variables and corporate planning in 48 UK companies’, unpublished Ph.D
thesis, City University Business School, London, 1977.

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