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Dangling Modifier (Lesson No – 1)

 After stealing the TV , the thief was caught by the police

এইখানে after stealing the TV modifier যা modify করছে thief কে

অর্থাৎ চোরকে ।
RULES: Modifier যাকে modify করে modifier এর পাশে ঠিক
তাকেই বসাতে হয়।

 Returning to her room, she found that several pieces of

jewelry were missing.
 Having been delayed by heavy traffic, Adnan could not arrive
on time.
 After graduating from Dhaka University, he continued his
studies at Oxford University.

DEFINITION: A dangling modifier is a type of misplaced modifier. A

dangling modifier is misplaced because it does not have anything to
modify. The word or words a dangling modifier should modify have
been omitted from the sentence.
Dangling modifiers make unclear the meaning of a sentence. As you
can see from the following examples, the sentences should be
restructured to include the words the modifiers describe.
* Incorrect: Reading the regulations, the dog did not enter the
> “Reading the regulations” is a dangling modifier.
> The dog cannot read the regulations; the word(s) that
“reading the regulations” modifies have been omitted.
* Correct: After reading the regulations, I did not enter the park
with my dog.

* Incorrect: Understanding the daycare’s policies, the baby

waited for her mom.
> The baby cannot understand the policies; the word(s) that
“understanding the daycare’s policies” modifies have been omitted
Correct: Understanding the daycare’s policies, the mother picked
up her baby.
“Understanding the daycare’s policies” now modifies

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