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It was such a difficult time of African American living within the United State Of America under harsh

discrimination of the society. The end of the American Civil War in 1865 effectively meant the end of
slavery. But African American were in a lon struggle before they were finally awarded equal rights. As of
1870, all eligible male citizens were able to vote. However, blacks were discouraged to by violence end
eventually legal stipulation. Soon boardened to include schools, many southen states applied this
“separate but equal”mentality to all aspects of life. But it someway resulted in blacks being treated as
second-class citizens. Segregated school, public transit, restrooms, water fourtains are more continued
into the 1900s. Since then, there were a lot of civil movements asking for equal rights for coloured people
but noone bring about a significant result. Until the event that the first intergrated school in the US was
opened in the fall of 1955 happen. Encouraged by the decision, the Civil rights movement began to hold
high-profile boycott

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