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These maps illustrate how Rockford village altered during 1930-2010.

Rockford village shows lots of

changes during this period.

According to the given information, In 1930, we can see that on the right-hand, there was
farmland and another farmland was near the River Stoke. In 1930, there were shops, a post office,
and a primary school. The village of a large house and garden near the post office. There is a bridge
on the River Stoke in the northeast direction.

In the year 2010, the whole scenario changed. The farmland has been removed and replaced with
houses, and the number of homes increased. The River Side farmland was also replaced by the
house. Another change happened with the park, which has been replaced by a retirement home.
Within a period, some things that have not been changed are bridges and post offices.

From 1930-2010. We can see immediately that the most change occurred in the number of houses,
while the post office and bridge remained steady.

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