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Ronor Angela L.

Albeto April 3, 2020

BSED – Mathematics 1 Ms. Angelie Naquila

Reflection on the Portrait

of Myself
When God started to make a world, He made the lightness and darkness of the
universe, He made the nature, He made animals, He made the air, He made the water,
He made the mountains and lastly He made the human who will live in the world He
made and who will take care of the nature He made.

As a human, made by our Creator, I know that God has a plan why He made me
like what I am today. Sometimes, I am nice person but I become impatient also on other
things. There are times that I am serious but I make jokes also. There are things that I
am good at and there are things that I am poor also. I can appreciate positive things big
or small incidents that happen to me. I get sad to negative things that happened in me
also. I gave advices to my friends but I cannot easily answer my own questions
sometimes also. I loved but I want someone who will cherish me also. These are some
things that describe me.

In the portrait of myself, I know I am not that good in arts but I did my best to
make a portrait of myself. It is one of the happy days in my life. In this, I made a
beautiful smile that shows how thankful I am of all the things that happened to me
whether it’s good or not so good for me. I know that all the things happened in my life
are made by God with good reason and I will appreciate all the things that He wants me
to do.

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