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Automatic control lab

Digital Pendulum Control Experiment

Submitted by:
Karter khela shahat
ID: 120190067

To :
Dr. Ahabdelfatah Mohamed
Eng. Ahmed Gamal
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3
2. Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 3
3. Magnetic Levitation set ..................................................................................................... 3
4. Magnetic Levitation model............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. The model in the pc of experiment ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6. The results ......................................................................................................................... 6
7. The Simulation .................................................................................................................. 7
a. The linear model ............................................................................................................ 7
i. Square wave ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
j. Sine wave ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
b. Nonlinear ....................................................................................................................... 9

List of figures
Figure1 Maglev mechanical unit ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure2 Maglev control system ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure3 Maglev phenomenological model .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure4 Maglev model for position control............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure5 Simulation models menu ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure6 Simulink model menu ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure7 the block diagram ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Introduction
The pendulum workshop can be divided into two separate control
problems. Initially Crane control problem where the goal is to
move the carriage to the desired location The position where the
vibration of the load is as low as possible (pendulum arm ) The
other is Stabilizes the inverted pendulum in an upright position.
Crane control problem Very commonly found in industrial
applications where load transfer occurs Built-in. When the crane is
on the ship, and The effects of waves are taken into account. The
task of an inverted pendulum can be seen as a self-healing control
problem. Present in missile launch and guidance applications. Also,
the pendulum The application includes aspects of swing-up control
when the pendulum is first freed Vertical position. These two
control problems (inverted pendulum and crane control ) are very
An important difference: stability. The pendulum that functions as
a crane is stable No working controller. Due to energy loss due to
friction and air resistance, it is It always ends at the equilibrium
point. The inverted pendulum is inherently unstable. Leave without
a stabilization controller You can't stay upright when disturbed.
2. Objectives
• Make the cart balance the pendulum through the feedback
control system
• Studying feedback control system
• Solving a linear and nonlinear systems by Matlab
3. Pendulum set description
The description of the pendulum setup on this segment refers in
particular to the control problems. For connection, interface, and
proof of ways the indicators are measured and transferred to the
PC, seek advice from the `Installation & Commissioning manual.
As proven in Figure 1 the pendulum setup includes a cart shifting
alongside the 1-meter period track. The cart has a shaft to which
pendulums are connected and are able to rotate freely. The cart can
flow backward and forward inflicting the pendulums to swing.
Digital Pendulum mechanical unit1 Figure

Carriage movement is triggered by the DC pulling the belt in two directions. A motor
mounted on the end of the rail. It is controlled by applying a voltage to the motor The
force that pulls the car. The value of force depends on the value of Control voltage.
Voltage is our control signal. Two variables to be read There is a pendulum that
vibrates from the pendulum to ( using an optical encoder) and the position of the
pendulum (angle ) and the cart position on the rail. The controller’s task will be to
change the DC motor voltage depending on these two variables, in such a way that the
desired control task is fulfilled (stabilizing in an upright position, swinging or crane
control). Figure 2 presents how the control system is organised. To design a control

Figure2 Pendulum control system

algorithm, you need to understand the physical ones Conduct process
background and identification experiments. next The section describes
the pendulum modeling process

4. Pendulum model
Every manipulate mission begins offevolved with plant modelling, in
order tons statistics as possible is given approximately the manner itself.
The mechanical version of the pendulum is presented in Figure 3. Figure

The phenomenological model of the

pendulum is nonlinear, meaning that at least
of the states (x and its derivative or _ and its
derivative) is an argument of a nonlinear
function. For such a model to be presented as
a transfer function (a form of linear
plant dynamics representation used in control
engineering), it has to be linearised

5. Equations of motion Pendulum phenomenological model3 Figure

Figure 4 Pendulum parameters

6. The results
7. The Simulation
a. The nonlinear model
i. The equations .

The diagram
ii. The output response
a. Linear
i. The equations

ii. The diagram

iii. The output response

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