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Thus, it’s evident that consumer rights play a vital role in safeguarding the wellbeing and interest
of people as it aids consumers to be well informed on the choices they’re about to make and have
access to effective redress mechanisms. The consumer rights thoroughly discussed above,
undoubtedly enable the consumers to have accurate and unbiased information on the products
they wish to purchase. Hence, this prevents consumers from being abused or misled by the
corporates. Moreover, besides protecting consumers’ welfare, consumer rights also ensure that
the relevant businesses in the industry aren’t careless in providing the best for its consumers and
encourages them to market products and services of good quality. Hence, in instances where a
customer’s right has been infringed, these rights enables them to hold the particular businesses

Nevertheless, an effective functional consumer protection system, is only possible with the
cooperation of government. Hence, relevant higher government authorities such as Consumer
Complaint Management Centre (CCMC) and Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
(MDTCA) need to make certain that adequate policies, laws and regulations are always in
practice to protect consumers from detrimental business practices. The government also plays an
essential role in raising awareness and ensuring that the people are well informed of the
availability of consumer protection rights. On the other hand, consumer associations shall make
sure an easy access is made available to the consumers in events where one wishes to lodge a
complaint or contact the relevant responsible authorities.

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