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Unit 3 Study Guide

1. What were the goals of the progressive movement?

2. How did Florence Kelley help to protect social welfare?

3. What was prohibition? What did people think that this would accomplish?

4. Who were the muckrakers?

5. What were the effects of the assembly line?

6. How did initiatives, referendums, and recalls change elections?

7. How did the Seventeenth Amendment benefit ordinary people?

8. Who was Susan B. Anthony?

9. What is suffrage?

10. What three strategies did suffragettes use to gain the right to vote?
11. Who was Alice Paul?

12. What was the 19th amendment?

13. What was the bully pulpit?

14. What was Roosevelt’s Square Deal?

15. Why was Roosevelt known as a trustbuster? Is this an accurate view of him?

16. What were the effects of Roosevelt intervening in a 1902 coal strike?

17. How did Roosevelt regulate the railroads?

18. Who wrote the book The Jungle? What was the book about?

19. How did Roosevelt regulate food and drug companies?

20. What was Roosevelt’s view toward land conservation?

21. How did Roosevelt progress civil rights?

22. How did Roosevelt help get Woodrow Wilson elected president?

23. What were the factors that stimulated U.S. imperialism?

24. How did the United States gain control of Hawaii?

25. Why did the United States help Cuba in their revolution against Spain?

26. What was significant about the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine?

27. Who were William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer?

28. What was yellow journalism?

29. What role did it play in the Spanish American war?

30. What was the indirect effect of yellow journalism?

31. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris?

32. What was the Open-Door Policy? How did it benefit the United States?

33. How did The United States gain control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal?

34. Why did Roosevelt win the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize?

35. What was the Roosevelt Corollary?

36. What was meant by the proverb “Speak softly and carry a big stick”?

37. What was missionary diplomacy? What were its effects?

38. Who was Francisco ‘Pancho’ Villa?

39. Who was Emiliano Zapata?

40. What is imperialism? How did it lead to World War I?

41. What is militarism? How did it lead to World War I?

42. What is nationalism? How did it lead to World War I?

43. How did Gavrilo Princip cause World War I?

44. What are alliances? How did they lead to World War I?

45. How did a conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia turn into a global conflict?

46. What was the goal of the Schlieffen Plan?

47. What was “Live and Let Live”?

48. What is trench warfare? How did it lead to a stalemate?

49. What policy kept the United States out of the war for three years?

50. What caused widespread starvation in Germany?

51. What were the main reasons the United States entered the war?

52. Why were American supporters of the war able to claim that their country was fighting a moral war?

53. What was the result of the Selective Service Act?

54. What did the United States use to overcome the threat of German U-boats?

55. Which weapons of mechanized warfare were introduced in World War I?

56. What is a conscientious objector?

57. What happened in the countries of the Central Powers as morale collapsed?

58. What is an armistice?

59. Which country suffered the fewest casualties?

60. How did the War Industries Board affect the economy?
61. How did the U.S. Government pay for the war?

62. What was the committee on public information?

63. How did the Espionage and Sedition Acts affect freedom of speech?

64. Why were Labor leaders targeted by the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

65. Why did some African Americans not support the war?

66. What was the Great Migration?

67. What gains were made by American women during World War I?

68. What were Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

69. Which nations were members of the “Big Four”?

70. Who rejected Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” peace plan?

71. What treaty finally ended the war

72. What are reparations?

73. How did the Treaty of Versailles limit Germany’s military?

74. What was the main problem with the treaty?

75. What reason did Senators give for opposing U.S. membership in the League of Nations?

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