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Final Exam Study Guide US HIST II

Cold War PowerPoint

1. What is the Cold War? A state of political hostility between countries characterized by
threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare, in particular.
2. Who replaced FDR as president? Truman
3. What was his most known accomplishment? Dropping the Atomic Bomb
4. Does he know much about the state of affairs at the time of FDR’s death?Yes
5. Why or why not?
6. How was accomplished at Yalta? The three leaders agreed to demand Germany’s
unconditional surrender and began plans for a post-war world.
7. List 3 critiques of the Yalta Conference. Sold out Poland and Eastern Europe, Gave the
soviets to much of China, and the soviets would have entered the war anyway
8. What happened at the Breton Woods Conference? Currencies were pegged to the price of
gold, and the U.S. dollar was seen as a reserve currency linked to the price of gold.
9. What is the United Nations and how is it different from the League of Nations? The UN
had a security council dominated by the US, USSR, China, Britain, and France
10. Does the US join this time? Yes
11. What is the Truman Doctrine? Influences public policy for the next 40 years
12. What is the Marshall Plan?4an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the
US gave over 12 billion in economic assistance to help rebuild western European
economies after the end of WWII
13. How is Germany divided? Down the middle
14. Do Truman and Stalin work together like FDR and Stalin? No
15. What is the result of the USSR acquiring Atomic technology? Scared most countries
16. How does Byzantine Diplomacy apply to the relations with the USSR and US?
17. What and why the Berlin Airlift. The USSR forced blockades on all Allied controlled
areas of Berlin. The US and Great Britain airlifted food and supplies to support those
areas of Berlin.
18. Why does Truman recognize Israel? Lots of Jewish US voters, sympathy for the
19. What is NATO (not just the letters) and how does it manage US policy concerning
Vietnam? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an intergovernmental military alliance
between 29 North American and European countries.
20. Who is initially in the NATO group with us? 29 North American and European countries.
21. What is the GI Bill? A law that provided a range of benefits for returning WWII veterans
22. What is the Baby Boom? A temporary marked increase in the birth rate, especially the
one following WWII
23. Was the role of women as it appeared in 1950’s media? Why do you think it was or
wasn’t? Explain. Yes, after the war women went back to being viewed as homemakers.
24. As of 1960 _______1______of ____4_____Americans lived in suburbs.
25. Discuss the video “How to spot a Communist”
26. Know the chapter 24 black words.
27. What does Truman do that turn the tides in his favor for the 1948 election? He travels the
country blaming the problems on congress for not doing anything.

Suburbia to the Moon

28. Know the black words from the chapters.
29. Who was the Senator known for the Communist witch hunts? Joe McCarthy
30. What do we learn from Reagan before the HUAC page 781?
31. Be familiar with the cartoon on page 784.
32. Be familiar with the movie poster on 778.
33. What is containment? Having control of something
34. How does it apply to our role in Korea? We can contain them from advancing
35. What separated the border of North and South Korea? A wall
36. _______Joseph McCarthy________ was the first person who was targeted in the
communist witch hunts.
37. Discuss the Rosenberg case. Trials of selling bomb secrets to the Russians
38. Know Elvis.
39. Discuss the links between Jazz and Rock-n-roll.
40. This person really enjoyed Elvis on his show. Ed Sullivan
41. Who was worried about the sexual nature of his performance as to only show him from
the waist up? Ed Sullivan
42. What were parents worry about Rock-n-Roll? There were radios in the cars
43. Who sends the first advisors to Vietnam? Truman
44. What event in 1960 starts to reheat the Cold War? Cuban Missile Crisis
45. Discuss Bay of Pigs- A plan to eliminate the Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro but failed.
46. Discuss Cuban Missile Crisis. Soviet Nuclear Missiles were placed on Cuba
47. Who shot JFK? Lee Harvey Oswald
48. Who shot the assassin? Jack Ruby
49. ____Rosa Parks____ was arrested for not giving up her seat on a ____Montgomery____
50. This led to the __________Montgomery Bus Boycott____________.
51. _______Martin Luther King Jr._______ gave the “I Have a Dream Speech” at the
Washington Monument in 1963.
52. What was Johnson’s Great Society? A set of domestic programs in the US launched by
Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson
53. What was the first manmade item in space? Sputnik the satellite
54. What nation created it? USSR
55. Who was the first man in space? Yuri Gagarin
56. Who was the first American in Space? Alan Shepard
57. List the US space programs in order from earlier to most recent. Project Apollo, Project
Mercury, Project Skylab, Space Shuttle, Gemini, International Space Station, Apollo
58. In __________ we learned to send items to space; in ________________we worked on
EVA and docking with other craft; and with __________________we orbited the moon
then landed on it in _____1969_______.
59. What did The Feminine Mystique do? Betty Friedman publishes this on the Feminists
60. Who increases our presence in Vietnam? Nixon
61. What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? take all necessary measures to repel any armed
attack against the forces of the united states and to prevent further aggression
62. What is Operation Rolling Thunder? A gradual and sustained bombardment campaign
63. ____Ho Chi Minh____ is the leader of a pro-US corrupt government in South Vietnam.
64. List two incidents we talked about in class and on your PowerPoint that changed
American beliefs on Vietnam.
65. What was the Tet Offensive? Launched a coordinated attack against a number of targets
in South Vietnam
66. Who killed MLK? James Earl Ray
67. Who first announced his death? RFK
68. Who is the other Kennedy who ran for president? Bobby Kennedy
69. What happened to him? He was assassinated.
70. Where did my dad say he and his men were when Nixon said they would not go to this
place? Cambodia
71. What led to the passing of the War Powers Act? Bombing of Cambodia and Gulf of
72. When did the embassy in Saigon fall? April 30, 1975
73. When did the last known POW’s come home? 1970
74. What is Woodstock? How does it change the American viewpoint? A large music festival
75. Who was the first person on the lunar surface? Neil Armstrong

The Final Chapter

76. Who is the only president to ever resign? Richard Nixon
77. Why did he resign? The Watergate Scandal
78. Define Watergate Scandal- Republicans broke in to the Democratic headquarters in the
Watergate Hotel
79. What is stagflation? Scandal persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment
and stagnant demand in a country’s economy
80. What is Vietnamization? The US policy of withdrawing its troops and transferring the
responsibility and direction of the war effort to the government of south vietnam
81. _______________said we never went to _________________while soldiers were there
82. Who did Nixon define to be the “Silent Majority”? Was this a true assessment or a
83. Explain the problems protesters had with the draft.
84. What rock song did I say re-enforced these ideas? All along the watchtower
85. What was the Mai Lai massacre? American troops murder innocent civilians
86. Who did the author say was also a victim in this situation?
87. Why?
88. Be familiar with the Life magazine cover that appears on the slide “Nixon and the USSR”
89. Major Supreme Court case of the 1970’s was…. Roe V Wade
90. It covered what hot-button issue?
91. The invasion of ______Cambodia______led to the passing of the ___war powers act___
that limited the President’s power over the military.
92. The actions of what two presidents caused it to be passed. Nixon and Kennedy
93. Who is the only non-elected president in American History? Gerald Ford
94. How many people are killed in Vietnam? (round number from the PowerPoint will be
95. What about Carter? He was too nice
96. Why Reagan over Carter? He believed in peace through strength

Reagan and Beyond

97. What about Reagan? He showed the Russians he wants peace
98. What was SDI? Strategic Defense Initiative
99. How does Blessed John Paul II play into the end of the Cold War? He condemned
communism as a way of thinking

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