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History of the King

United Monarchy (Hebrew: ‫ ) הַ ַמ ְמלָ כָה הַ ְמאֻ חֶ ֶדת‬in the Hebrew Bible refers to Israel and
Judah under the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon.[7][8][9] It is traditionally dated to
have lasted between c. 1047 BCE and c. 930 BCE. According to the biblical account,
on the succession of Solomon’s son Rehoboam, the United Monarchy would have split
into two separate kingdoms: the Kingdom of Israel in the north, containing the cities
of Shechem and Samaria; and the Kingdom of Judah in the south, containing the city
of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. However, whether the United Monarchy actually
existed is a matter of ongoing academic debate.[10][11][12]

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