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C: There is a lot of tourist potential in VIETNAM.

T: Are you sure?HUE, DA NANG,anything else?

C: Don’t you know DA LAT, HA LONG BAY, QUANG NAM,..?

T: what tourist potential of VietNAm you like most?

C: I like DA LAT most.

T: wwhy you like DA LAT most, because of IT nature and climate?

C: right, I like its cool weather,there are many trees.

T: I think another reason is the diverse food of datlat. KEM FLAN, YoGURT, .etc…

C: But I think the wonder is seriously harmed.

Because of the unwareness of human.

T: They still waste the trash to the jungle.

C: So, the question is. WHAT SHOULD WE DO?

T: to protect DA LAT?

C:not only DALAT, I mean THE wonders of VN.

T: I think the government should give the high tax for street vendor.

C: I think, we should educate the student about the awareness about the vital of nature.

T: I think we could

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