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THESIS TOPIC: YOUTH CENTER The Youth Centre, also known as Peaceful City, behind the

Town Hall. It is a place where youth of all ages and back-

LITERATURE CASE STUDY: PEACEFUL CITY YOUTH grounds can collectively and constructively come together to
CENTER. relax, work, learn practical life skills and play. We welcome
people who want to spontaneously take initiative and build
up the community. Whether it is with helping and maintain-
ing, managing the kitchen and cooking for the people work-
ing there or with building sustainable community spaces or
sharing whatever skills people main have.

Location: Auroville, pondicheery

The Youth Centre, also known as Peaceful City, is
located within the city area adjacent to Mahakali
Park comprising many indigenous Tropical Dry
Evergreen Forest species.
STRUCTURE ANS SPACES Nature of Participation: Self A place where youth of all ages and back-
The Youth Centre has its own infrastructure with motivated building for the com- grounds can collectively and constructively
connections for electricity, telephone and water; munity, managing, maintaining come together to relax, work, learn and play in
with a 160 meter deep well and 7,500 litre water the kitchen a safe and nature oriented environment away
tank. Minimum Commitment: As long from the constraints of family, school and
It has a central kitchen with a fire wood oven as it takes to complete the project structured society in general.
baking facility, bathroom facilities, a variety of you initiate. - A focus and coordination point for interac-
living spaces, a central common space/recreatioal Perks: Learning new skills, com- tion and communication between youth in
area, a 16 meter diameter plaza with a tent for munity cooking, sheltering Auroville and youth from other parts of the
community events and a workshop/storeroom possibility. world.
with tools, for mechanics, carpentry, welding, - Forum for social gatherings and communica-
metal work, masonry, gardening and forestry. tions; a place where fairs, plays, concerts,
youth exchanges and meetings take place.
- A terrain where young and old alike can
meet to work for common projects which will
improve the relationship between youth and
the adult population of Auroville.


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