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Group Assighnement

Name:Chalachew Amsalu
Id No:UU87944R
Group Members
1.Etsegenet Tadesse
2.Eleni Yeshidagna
3.Hermela Denknes
4.Meron Meala
5.Haymanot Abebe
6.Adem Hussen
7.Chalachew Amsalu
8.Eyuel shimels
THE Front Of The Build-

The Pantheon(Paris)
Character: ing Consists Of aboldly
projecting centeral porti-
co of six corinthian col-
umns on aplatform, to
which is an ascent by five
steps, and supporting
ahighly enriched cornice
surmounted by a triangu-
lar pediment, having on
the apex a statue of
moses, and at the ends
Concept: the enlightenment
included a range of
those of justice and
ideas mercy.
centerd on the
value of human hap-
piness,the pursute
of knowledge
obtained by means
of reason and the
evidence of the
sences,and the
ideals such as liber-
ty progress,tolera-
government,and sep-
arations of church
and state

Character: Made primarily from bricks and concrete, the pantheon with
granite columns, a massive domed rotunda and a rectangular

Four courts
area conecting the other two section.
measuring 142 feet diameter, the domed ciling was the largest
of its kind when it was built

lesson drawn:
i learn from this lesson about light and space

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