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1 45 ò 1 4 Ï g Ä z Æ Vol. 45, No.

2019 4  ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA April, 2019

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Á ‡ 2ÀL§´|^¶ÔŠY½Õí5Ÿ½²†J?nŠY½Õí5Ÿ?1¶Ô©lÔnL§. ©Ï
Lïᱶó— Ú¶ó6þǑÑ\, ±2ÀL§°¶¬ †—¶¬ ǑÑÑõCþ!rÍÜ!š‚5!žC$1L§
., |^™ïÄ ˜ûŒÿA:, JÑ
)¶Ô¬ $1L§››ì°Ä.!PID ››ì!‡")͛›ì!™
ïÄրìêâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր PID )͛›{, ¢y
žØ­Ø !·)͆™ïÄ
ր, ÏL2ÀL§$1‡"››•ý¢y
'… êâ°Ä, 2ÀL§, $1››, )Í
Ú^‚ª ñ², ‰[å, _, ÆUn. êâ°Ä2ÀL§$1‡")͛›{. gÄzÆ, 2019, 45(4): 759−770
DOI 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170552

Data-driven Flotation Process Operational Feedback Decoupling Control

JIANG Yi1 FAN Jia-Lu1 JIA Yao1 CHAI Tian-You1

Abstract The flotation process is a mineral separating physical process by taking advantage of the hydrophilic or
hydrophobic properties of the mineral or the hydrophilic or hydrophobic properties obtained by treatment. In this
paper, firstly, a multivariable, strong coupling, nonlinear and time-varying operational process model is established with
the input and output of the pulp level and feed flow as its inputs and the concentrate grade and tailing grade as its
outputs. Secondly, by taking the advantage that the unmodeled dynamics at last sampling point can be measured,
a scheme of one-step optimal unmodeled dynamic compensation PID decoupling control is proposed including the ore
grade operational process controller driven model, PID controller, feedback decoupling controller and unmodeled dynamic
compensator, to guarantee zero steady-state error, static decoupling, and unmodeled dynamics compensation. Finally, a
simulation experiment on the operational feedback control in an industrial flotation process is conducted to demonstrate
the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words Data-driven, flotation processes, operational control, decoupling
Citation Jiang Yi, Fan Jia-Lu, Jia Yao, Chai Tian-You. Data-driven flotation process operational feedback decoupling
control. Acta Automatica Sinica, 2019, 45(4): 759−770

‘X››nØu, ²;››nØ®²3¢ X, ´~~LyǑõCþ!rÍÜ!š‚5!žC

ûA^. 3››n؍ E,A5, ~5››{J±¢yó²I$
e, L§››ìŒ±››Xz€!"L§, 1››.
L§CþX6þ­½/‹l8I½Š,  éu2ÀL§ , ٛ›8I´Ø=2ÀL

´éuŒÜ©ó’)L§5`, ó’L§nÜg §¶ó— Ú¶ó6þ‹l— Ú6þ½Š,

Äz8IØ=´ò›Cþ››38I‰ŒS, …ò2ÀL§°¶¬ †—¶¬ ››38I
…‡òLƇó’L§$15U¬Ÿþ! ‰ŒS. DÚ2ÀL§››dó²ó§“‰Ñ°
)Ç!UэI››38Ió²I‰Œ ¶¬ †—¶¬ 8I‰Œ, öŠ<
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6þ†— ½Š. ´¶óßÝÚâÝ)
ÂvFÏ 2017-09-27 ¹^FÏ 2017-10-20 >.^‡ª„Czž, <ó››ØU9žO(/
Manuscript received September 27, 2017; accepted October 20,
N2ÀL§¶ó6þ†— ½Š, Ï J±
ò°¶¬ †—¶¬ ››38I‰ŒS, $–¬
I[g,‰ÆÄ7 (61333012, 61533015, 61304028), ¥
‰ï;‘℄7 (N160804001) ℄Ï E¤É~ó¹.
¢ž`z (Real time optimization, RTO)
Supported by National Natural Science Foundations of China
(61333012, 61533015, 61304028) and the Fundamental Research [7−8]
Funds for the Central Universities (N160804001)
©I??” û§) ±L§²L Ǒ$1I, æ^L§š‚5
Recommended by Associate Editor HOU Zhong-Sheng
1. ÀŒÆ6§ó’nÜgÄzI[­:¢¿ ! 110819
·.m‚`z$1I, (½L§Cþ½
1. State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Š, ÏLL§›››Ñыl½Š, ? y
Industries, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819
760 g Ä z Æ  45 ò
L§$138I²LI. éuŒÜ©E,ó’L  , ÏLUC‰¶¶ó"=„†—¶z€mÝ
§5`, $1L§Ï~LyǑõCþ!rÍÜ!š‚ 5UC‰¶6þÚYópÝ, þ Ǒ$1 , ÏLU
5!žCE,ÄA5, RTO ùaÄu­ C‰¶6þÚYópÝ5››°¶¬ Ú—¶¬ .
.$1`z››{, Ñ
E,ó’L§ 2ÀL§É‘Å6Ğ, DÚ<ó››ØU
ÄA5, ¤± 3˜½››ò´. 9žO(/N2ÀL§¶ó6þ†— ½Š,
éó’L§ÄA5, ©z [9] JÑ
Ä J±ò°¶¬ †—¶¬ ››38I‰ŒS.
‚¸e$1I¢ž`z{; ©z [10] ò­
©z [11] é2ÀL§, JќU`z{5Jp
2ÀL§°¶¬ †7á£ÂÇ; ©z [12] é
» ¶2ÀL§, ò
ƒ(Ü, Jј«œU$1››{; ©z [13−14]
é2ÀL§Jј«ÄurzÆS .››
{. ´éu2ÀL§5`, du)>.^‡C
zª„, ~XÏíþÅÄ!2À†JÅÄ!¶¬ 
ÅÄ, Ï þãÄ`zڜU$1‡"››
š‚5!žCE,ÄA5, |^™ïÄ
˜ûŒÿA:, Jѝ)¶Ô¬ ››ì°Ä
.!PID ››ì!‡")͛›ì!™ïÄր
ìêâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր PID )Í
››{, ¿±ü2ÀøǑé–?1
•ý¢. ã 1 ü2Àønã
1 ››¯K£ã Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of single flotation cell

2ÀL§£ã 2ÀL§Ä.©Û
‰¶6þÚYópÝ´±—¶z€mÝ u (t)
2ÀL§´|^¶ÔŠY½Õí5Ÿ½ †‰¶¶ó"=„ u (t) ǑÑ\, YópÝ y (t) †

²†J?nŠY½Õí5Ÿ?1¶Ô©l ‰¶6þ y (t) ǑÑÑ., ÙÅn.Xe:

2 1

ÔnL§. ©±‘Ô¶ü2Àø2ÀL§Ǒ~,

TL§Ì‡døN!‰¶z€!°¶z€!—¶z y2 (t) k1 p
ẏ1 (t) = − u1 (t) 2gy1 (t) (1)
€!Ïí86ì|¤, Xã 1. A A

d¶L§)¶â, †YÚ2À†J y2 (t) k0

·Ü¤Ǒ2Àø‰¶¶ó, ²‰¶"?\2Àø
ẏ2 (t) = − + u2 (t) (2)
τ τ
øN, 32À†JŠ^e, À¶Ô)˜½Š Ù¥, τ Ǒžm~ê, k † k Ǒ†"Úz€ƒ'
Y5, 3˜í86ìŠ^e, 2ÀøS)Œþí ð½~ê, g Ǒ­å\„Ý.
0 1

, ílø.ܕþ2, òÀ¶Ô‘\2Àø Šâ©z [15−18], b: 1) 2Àø¥k&

& , ˆ© ©lŠ^. À¶Ô3& ¥ †Yó ; 2) & †Yó ¥¶Ô†óœˆ
²d°¶z€6Ñ, Ǒ°¶¶ó; ,Ÿ3¶ó¥² â¿©·Ü; 3) & †Yó ¥¶Ô†óœþ
d—¶z€6Ñ, Ǒ—¶¶ó, l ˆ©lÀ¶ 2!eœ„ÇCzð½. ÷v±þbž, ŒY
Ԇ,ŸJ. ó †& ¥¶Ô†óœÔƲï'X. Yó
2ÀL§¥, °¶¬ †—¶¬ ››äk ¥¶Ô†óœÔƲï'X)Yó †&
­‡¿Â. °¶¬ ´2ÀL§ª¬°¶¥ ƒmÔÆ=£!‰¶z€Ï\!—¶z€6Ñ
¤¹7áþÓ°¶þz©', ´‡N°¶Ÿþ nÜ©; & ¥¶Ô†óœÔƲï'X)
Iƒ˜. —¶¬ ´2ÀL§ª¬—¶¥ Yó †& ƒmÔÆ=£!°¶z€6Ñü
¤¹7áþӗ¶þz©', ‡N
·ÜÀO) Ü©. d±þ'XŒ±2ÀL§Ån..
L§¥7ᛔ3—¶¥œ¹. 2ÀL§$1.Œ±£ãǑXeš‚5Ä
2ÀL§$1››(Ǒü (, . Ǒ åÆ.:
4 Ï ñ²: êâ°Ä2ÀL§$1‡")͛›{ 761

x(t) = F (x
ẋ x(t), y (t)) ÅÄ Ñ¬E¤2Àø¥ÔÆp„ÇX IQ (t) ,
ê )Cz Ӟ, duTÔnCz kp1 , kp2 , ke1 , ke2 ,
E, ¶âŒ†2Àø?í86ì>6 I (t) éÔ
x (t))
r (t) = G(x (3)
Ù¥, G x(t) = [x (t), x (t), x (t), x (t)] , ǑY Æp„ÇXê )KǑJ±^ê
kp1 , kp2 , ke1 , ke2
ó¥¶ÔŸþ!óœŸþ†& ¥¶ÔŸþ! Æ.£ã … du2À óSߗL§É
1 2 3 4
, ,
óœŸþ; ››Ñ\ y (t) = [y (t), y (t)] , Ǒ2Àø À¶‚¶ó£66ÄŒ Ӟ¶¶Ô¬ ÅÄ, T
‰¶6þ†YópÝ; ÑÑ r (t) = [r (t), r (t)] 7,—‘Ô¶óßÝ †óœ¶óßÝ X 
1 2
Xa1 2

Ǒ°¶¬ †—¶¬ . ª (3) ¥, )Cz Éþã‘Å™Z6ž, E¤2ÀL

1 2 a
§ÄA5u)™‘ÅCz, Ǒ
 A5Cz^™ïÄ5£ã, |^2ÀL§$1
x(t), y (t)) =
F (x

 − k + Ay (t) x (t) + k x (t) + X y (t)  5z, =
3óŠ:NCA:, òª (3) ∼ (5) 3óŠ:?‚
e 3
a 2
  1 

 − k 2 + qT
 
p x2 (t) + ke2 x4 (t) + Xa2 y2 (t)  x(t) = Āx
ẋ x(t), y (t))
x(t) + Byy (t) + o 1 (x

 Ay1 (t) 

  x (t) + o 2 (x
r (t) = Cx x(t)) (6)
 − ke1 + x3 (t) + kp1 x1 (t) 
 

 A(H − y1 (t)) 

 qc 
− ke2 + x4 (t) + kp2 x2 (t) ∂F ∂F ∂G
A(H − y1 (t)) Ā = , B= , C=
x x eq ,yy
∂x ∂yy x eq ,yy eq x xeq ,rr eq
(4) eq

x eq , y eq , r eq
x3 gcp 2
+ x4 gcp
 
››Ñ\!ÑÑŠ. o (·) Ú o (·) Ǒš‚5‚5z
p ¡†þã‘ÅCz)™ïÄ.
1 2
 x3 + x4 cu 
x(t)) = 
G(x (5)
éAæžǑǑ T (æ±ÏǑ T = mT ,

 x1 g1 + x2 g2 
T Ǒ æ±Ï, m Ǒê) lÑ.Ǒ
cp cp o d
x1 + x2 d

ª (4) ¥, X = (g − g )/(g − g )X .
2 1 2 1
x(T ), y (T ))
x (T + 1) = Adx (T ) + Bdy (T ) + o 3 (x
. (4) †. (5) ¥ëê¹ÂXL 1 ¤«.
a cp a a cp a

x(T ) + o 2 (x
r (T ) = Cx x (T )) (7)
L 1 2ÀL§ÎÒL Ù¥ ǑlÑ^ RT
, Ad = eĀTo , Bd = 0 o eĀt dtB. o 3 (·)
Table 1 Flotation process symbol table ‡e™ïÄ .
ÎÒ Ôn¹Â ÎÒ Ôn¹Â K¶ÔL§Ñ\ÑÑ›é–.Ǒ
kp1 ‘Ô¶2ÀÇ kp2 óœ2ÀÇ A(z −1 )rr (T + 1) = B(z −1 )yy (T ) + v (T ) (8)
ke1 ‘Ô¶ü˜Ç ke2 óœü˜Ç Ù¥,
ga ¶ó‘Ô¶¬  Xa1 ‘Ô¶óßÝ
A(z −1 ) = diag{A1 (z −1 ), A2 (z −1 )}
Xa2 óœ¶óßÝ A 2Àø.¡È " #
2ÀøpÝ —¶6þ B (z ) B (z )
−1 −1
H qT 11 12
B(z −1 ) =
Lcu ‘Ô¶¶Ô¬  qc °¶6þ B21 (z −1 ) B22 (z −1 )
‘Ô¶ó óœ¶ó
" #
v11 (T )
1 2
v (T ) =
‘Ô¶¬  ‘Ô¶¬ 
gcp gcp
v12 (T )

d$1L§ÄåÆ. (3) ∼ (5) Œ, 2À A−1 (z −1 )B(z −1 ) = C(zI − Ad )−1 Bd

L§´±2ÀøYópÝ y (t) †‰¶6þ y (t) A1 (z −1 ) = 1 + a11 z −1 + a12 z −2
ǑÑ\, °¶¬  r (t) †—¶¬  r (t) ǑÑÑ
1 2
A2 (z −1 ) = 1 + a21 z −1 + a22 z −2
rš‚5rÍÜL§. YópÝ y (t) †‰¶6
1 2

B11 (z −1 ) = b11 11 −1

þ y (t) ŠǑŒ›Ñ\, ÑUé2ÀL§ÑÑ°¶ 0 + b1 z


¬  r (t) †—¶¬  r (t) )KǑ. Ӟ, ¶

B12 (z −1 ) = b12 12 −1
0 + b1 z

1 2
B21 (z −1 ) = b21 21 −1
0 + b1 z
762 g Ä z Æ  45 ò
B22 (z −1 ) = b22 22 −1
0 + b1 z 2 $1‡")͛›ìO
v (T )
éu¢S2ÀL§, du$1‰Œ÷v˜ d‰¶6þÄåÆ.Œ, ‰¶6þL§Ǒ
½Ônå, ‰¶6þ÷v‰¶"óŠÇ ˜‚5L§, Œ±ÏL PI ››ì¢y­½››,
Ônå, ¶ópÝ÷v2ÀøpÝå. Ó dYópÝÄåÆ.Œ, YópÝL§´±‰
ž, °¶¬ †—¶¬ ÷v˜½‰Œ, = 0 % ∼ ¶6þǑŒÿ6Ę‚5L§, Œ±ÏL "
100 % ƒm, 3(½
XÚÑ\ÑÑëê A(z ) Ú
† PI ››ì¢y››, ©b2ÀL§. ›
›´­½, ‰¶6þ†Yóp݌±­½/‹l

B(z ) ž, ¶Ô¬ L§™ïÄ v (T ) k.,


= kvv (T )k < M , |v (T )| < M , |v (T )| < M .

dÄåÆ.ª (3) ∼ (5) Œ, 2ÀL§¶
Ïd, 2ÀL§››8I´32ÀL§É
1 1 2 2

¶âŒ!?í86ì>6 I (t)!¶¶Ô¬  g ÔL§´˜‡rš‚5rÍÜ, …ëê3‘ÅC

‘Å™Z6ž, ››°¶¬ †—¶¬ 3
zL§, Ïd, ©ò¶ÔL§¥pš‚5†

˜½‰ŒS: ëê‘ÅCzσ^™ïÄL«, =zǑX

ª (8) ¤«¹k‚5õCþ†™ïÄ.,
é›é–Cq‚5ªO‡" PID )Í
L ≤ r (t) ≤ L
cg min 1 (9) ››ì, |^™ïÄ ˜ûŒÿA:, O
cg max

‡" PID )͛›ì, Oêâ°Ä˜Ú`™

L ≤ r (t) ≤ L
tg min 2 (10) ïÄր PID )͛›ì, ››µãXã 2 ¤
tg max

«. T››ì)¶Ô¬ ››ì°Ä.!PID
Ù¥, L Ú L ©O´°¶¬ 8I‰Œ ››ì!‡")͛›ì!™ïÄրì. ½
þe, L Ú L ©O´—¶¬ 8I‰Œ ŠǑ8I«m¥Š, r = (L + L )/2, r
cg min cg max
* *

tg min tg max 1 cg max cg min 2
= (Ltg max + Ltg min )/2.

ã 2 êâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր PID )͛›(ã

Fig. 2 Structure diagram of data driven one-step optimal unmodeled dynamic compensation PID decoupling control
4 Ï ñ²: êâ°Ä2ÀL§$1‡")͛›{ 763

2.2 êâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր¶Ô¬ B̄(z )K̄(z ), B̄(z ¯ )G(z ) Ǒ'u z éÆ −1 −1 −1 −1 −1

  PID )͛›Ž{ õ‘ªÝ

, H(z )B̄(z ) − B̄(z )H̄(z ) Ǒ' −1 −1 −1 −1

dª (8) Œ, T −1 žǑ™ïÄ v (T −1) uŒ±¢yÑÑ z éÆǑ"õ‘ªÝ

, ·ÀJ G(z )
r (T ) é r (T ) ‹l; ·ÀJ
−1 −1

Ǒ H̄(z ) Œ±ŒU/žØÍܑ H(z )B̄ ¯ (z ) −1

−1 −1

v (T − 1) = r (T ) + A (z )rr (T ) − − B̄(z )H̄(z ) é4‚XÚKǑ; ·ÀJ

∗ −1 −1 −1

B(z )yy (T − 1) = r (T ) − r̄r (T ) (11)

−1 K̄(z ) Œ±ŒU/žØ™ïÄ [H(z ) − −1 −1

)K̄(z )]vv (T − 1) é4‚XÚKǑ.

Ù¥, A (z ) = A(z ) − I, r̄r(T ) Ǒ¬ ››ì° B̄(z Ǒ
−1 −1

(14), Ú\Xe5UI.
∗ −1 −1

J = P (z −1 )rr (T + 1) − R(z −1 )rr ∗ (T ) +
r̄r (T ) = −A (z ∗ −1
)rr (T ) + B(z −1
)yy (T − 1) (12)
Q(z −1 )yy (T ) + S(z −1 )yy (T ) +
du v (T − 1) Œ±dª (12) ¼, æ^Xã 2
¤«êâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր PID )
(16) K(z −1 )vv (T − 1)
͛›(é v (T − 1) ?1Äր PID )Í Ù¥, P (z ), Q(z ), R(z ), K(z ) Ǒ'u z
››Æ, =
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1

, S(z ) Ǒ'u z éÆǑ" −1 −1

y (T ) = y (T − 1) + K [ee(T ) − e (T − 1)] +
K e (T ) + K [ee(T ) −
Ú\2ÂÑÑ φ(T + 1) Ǒ

2ee(T − 1) + e (T − 2)] − φ (T + 1) = P (z −1 )rr (T + 1) (17)

H̄(z )yy (T ) − K̄(z )vv (T − 1)
½Â2ÂnŽÑÑ φ (T + 1) Ǒ
−1 −1
(13) ∗

þªŒzǑXe/ª: φ ∗ (T + 1) = R(z −1 )rr ∗ (T ) − Q(z −1 )yy (T ) −

H(z −1
)yy (T ) = G(z −1
)ee(T ) − H̄(z −1
)yy (T ) − S(z −1 )yy (T ) − K(z −1 )vv (T − 1) (18)
K̄(z )vv (T − 1)
2ÂÑÑØ e (T + 1) Ǒ
Ù¥, e(T ) = r (T ) − r (T ) Ǒ½Š†Ñуm

Ø , K , K , K ǑéÆ~êÝ
, ©OL« e (T + 1) = φ(T + 1) − φ (T + 1) = ∗ ∗

PID ››ì'~!ȩڇ©XêÝ
. G(z ),
P (z )rr (T + 1) − R(z )rr (T ) + −1 −1 ∗

H(z ), H̄(z ), K̄(z ) ¤êâ°Ä˜Ú`

−1 −1 −1

™ïÄր PID )͛›ì, Ǒ'u z  Q(z )yy (T ) + S(z )yy (T ) + −1 −1


, G(z ), H(z ), K̄(z ) Ǒ'u z K(z )vv (T − 1) −1
−1 −1 −1 −1 (19)
, Ù¥ G(z ) = (1 − z )K + Ú\Xe Diophantine §
−1 −1
K + (1 − 2z + z )K , H(z ) = diag{1 − z ,
−1 −2 −1 −1

1 − z }, H̄(z ) Ǒ'u z éÆǑ"õ‘ª

−1 −1
F (z )A(z ) + z Ḡ(z ) = P (z )
(20) −1 −1 −1 −1 −1

- B(z ) = B̄(z ) +¯ B̄¯ (z ), B̄(z ) Ǒ' Ù¥
−1 −1 , F (z ) † Ḡ(z ) gǑ n = 0, n = 2,
−1 −1
−1 −1

u z éÆõ‘ªÝ
, B̄(z ) Ǒ'u z é Ḡ(z ) = Ḡ + Ḡ z + Ḡ z . −1 −1 −2

. ò››Æ (14) “\›é– kH(zd Diophantine §Œ,  J  (J =
−1 −1 −1 0 1 2


(8), Œ4‚閐§.
)∆v (T )k ) −1

H(z −1 )A(z −1 ) + z −1 B̄(z −1 )G(z −1 ) r (T + 1) =  
B̄(z )G(z )rr (T ) + H(z )∆vv (T ) +
−1 −1 ∗ −1 F (z −1 )B̄(z −1 ) + Q(z −1 ) y (T ) =
h i
¯ (z −1 ) − B̄(z −1 )H̄(z −1 ) y (T ) + R(z −1 )rr ∗ (T ) − Ḡ(z −1 )rr (T ) −
H(z −1 )B̄ h i
  S(z −1 ) + F (z −1 )B̄¯ (z −1 ) y (T ) −
H(z −1 ) − B̄(z −1 )K̄(z −1 ) v (T − 1) (15)
Ù¥, ∆vv(T ) = v (T ) − v (T − 1) Ǒ™ïÄC
F (z −1 ) + K(z −1 ) v (T − 1) (21)

z, H(z )A(z ) + z B̄(z )G(z ), H(z ) −

−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
ò››Æ (21) “\›é– (8), Œ
764 g Ä z Æ  45 ò
P (z −1 )B̄(z −1 ) + Q(z −1 )A(z −1 ) r (T + 1) = 3 ››5U©Û
B̄(z )R(z )rr (T ) +
−1 −1 ∗
h i
¯ (z −1 ) − B̄(z −1 )S(z −1 ) y (T ) + Äր PID )͛›{Œ±4‚XÚäk
­½5ÚÂñ5, Ú\Ún 1.
Q(z −1 )B̄

Ún 1. ››ì (14) Š^u›é– (8) ž,

Q(z −1 ) − B̄(z −1 )K(z −1 ) v (T − 1) +
Q(z −1 ) + F (z −1 )B̄(z −1 ) ∆vv (T ) (22) ›é–Ñ\Ñѐ§Ǒ
P (z −1 )B(z −1 ) + A(z −1 )Q(z −1 ) +

P (z −1 )B(z −1 ) + A(z −1 )Q(z −1 ) + A(z −1 )S(z −1 ) y (T ) =

A(z −1 )S(z −1 ) y (T ) = A(z −1 )R(z −1 )rr ∗ (T ) −
A(z −1 )R(z −1 )rr ∗ (T ) − [P (z −1 ) + A(z −1 )K(z −1 )]vv (T − 1) −
[P (z −1 ) + A(z −1 )K(z −1 )]vv (T − 1) − [P (z −1 ) + A(z −1 )K(z −1 )]∆vv (T ) (28)
[P (z −1 ) + A(z −1 )K(z −1 )]∆vv (T ) (23)
h i
H̃(z −1 )A(z −1 ) + z −1 B̃(z −1 )G(z −1 ) r (T + 1) =
é'››Æ (21) † (14), Ú\éÆ~êÝ

Π = diag{Π , Π }, Λ = diag{Λ , Λ }, Γ = B̃(z −1 )R(z −1 )rr ∗ (T ) −

diag{Γ , Γ }, Ӟ, ½Â Ḡ(z ) = Π G(z ),

1 2 1 2 h i
1 2
−1 −1 −1 H̃(z −1 ) − B̃(z −1 )K̄(z −1 ) ×
−1 ¯
H̄(z ) = Π[S(z ) + F (z )B̄ (z )], K̄(z
−1 −1 −1 −1
) =
v (T − 1) + H̃(z −1 )∆vv (T ) (29)
Π[F (z −1 ) + K(z −1 )].
Q(z −1 ), S(z −1 ), K(z −1 ) Ǒ Ù¥, H̃(z ) † B̃(z ) Ǒ–†Ý
, ÷v
−1 −1

Q(z −1 ) = Π−1 H(z −1 ) − F (z −1 )B̄(z −1 ) B̃(z −1 )[H(z −1 ) + H̄(z −1 )] = H̃(z −1 )B(z −1 )

¯ (1) −
S(z −1 ) = Π−1 H(z −1 )ΛB̄ −1 (1)B̄ det{B(z −1 )} = det{B̃(z −1 )}
¯ (z −1 )
F (z −1 )B̄ …k
K(z −1
) = Π H(z
−1 −1
)ΓB̄ −1
(1) − F (z −1
) (24) 
det P (z −1 )B(z −1 ) + Q(z −1 )A(z −1 ) +
Π = diag{Π , Π }, 
S(z −1 )A(z −1 ) =
 |z| > 1 ž, eª¤á.
1 2
n o
det H̃(z −1 )A(z −1 ) + z −1 B̃(z −1 )G(z −1 ) (30)

w,, ›é–Ñ\Ñѐ§ (28) †Ñ\Ñ

det P (z −1 )B(z −1 ) + A(z −1 )Q(z −1 ) +

ѐ§ (23) d, ^ B̃(z ) †››ì (13), “

A(z −1 )S(z −1 ) 6= 0 (25) −1

KXÚ´­½ , é'ª (21), (23) Ú (24), Œ \›é– (8), 2|^–†Ý

, nλ

(29), |^©z [20−22] {, Œ±y²ª (30).

K = −Π(Ḡ + 2Ḡ )
P 1
b 1. ™ïÄ v (T ) k., … T → ∞

K = Π(Ḡ + Ḡ + Ḡ ) ž, (∞) Ǒ~ê.

½n 1. 3b^‡e. ›é–dª (8) L
I 0 1 2

K = ΠḠ
«, æ^››Æ (14), 4‚XÚÑ\ÑÑ&Ҙ—
D 2

k. (Bounded input bounded output, (BIBO) ­

h i
H̄(z ) = Π F (z )B̄
−1 ¯ (z ) + S(z ) −1 −1 −1

K̄(z ) = Π F (z ) + K(z )

(26) ½ ),
= −1

d½Â (24) Œ, ››Æ (14) ÷vXe‡: kyy (T )k < ∞, krr (T )k < ∞ (31)

H(1)A(1) + B̄(1)G(1) = B̄(1)G(1) ¿…›é–ÑÑ r (T ) †ëÑ\ r (T ) ƒm ∗

¯ (1) = B̄(1)S(1)
­Ø uýk½Š ε, =
Q(1) = B̄(1)K(1) (27) lim krr ∗ (T ) − r (T )k ≤ ε (32)
T →∞

žØ­Ø !·)͆™ïÄ y². ÏǑ™ïÄ v (T ) k., ¤±™
ր. ïÄCz ∆vv (T ) = v (T ) − v (T − 1) k
4 Ï ñ²: êâ°Ä2ÀL§$1‡")͛›{ 765

.. dª (24) Úª (30) Œ, Ñ\ÑÑ4‚ ¶ÔL§²ï:Ǒ

§ P (z )B(z ) + A(z )Q(z ) + A(z ) ×
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1

S(z ), H̃(z )A(z ) + z B̃(z )G(z ) ´­½

−1 −1 −1 q = 9.3 m / min
−1 −1 −1 T

, r (T ) † ∆vv(T ) k.. Kk
∗ M = 16.8 t/m , p
1 3
Mp2 = 1 123 t/m3
Me1 = 4.56 t/m3 , Me2 = 0.2 t/m3
k∆vv (T )k = kvv (T ) − v (T − 1)k ≤
y1 (t) = 2.6 m, y2 (t) = 17 m3 / min
kvv (T )k + kvv (T − 1)k ≤ 2M (33)
d v (T ) † r (T ) k.5, K3~ê d , æ±ÏǑ T
∗ o = 30 min, Xe.:
· · · , d . æ^©z [20−22] aq{, Œ±y²
4 A(z ) = −1
kyy (T )k ≤ d1 + d2 M < ∞ (34) 1 − 0.1767z −1 + 0.0038z −2
krr (T )k ≤ d3 + d4 M < ∞ (35) #
=÷v4‚XÚÑ\ÑÑ&Ҙ—k. (BIBO 0

­½). 1 − 0.1767z −1 + 0.0038z −2

dª (22), (24) ∼ (27) Œ,  T → ∞, ¶Ô (38)
¬ ­‹lØ Ǒ B(z −1 ) =
lim krr (T + 1) − r ∗ (T )k = −1.6436 + 0.1049z −1
T →∞
−0.5521 + 0.0709z −1
Q(1) + B̄(1)F (1)
× lim |∆vv (T )| < ∞ #
B̄(1)R(1) T →∞ −0.0012 + 0.00003z −1
(36) −0.00004 + 0.000001z −1
 T → ∞ ž, v (∞) Ǒ~ê, = (39)
lim |∆vv (∞)| = 0
T →∞ )͛›Ž{ëê˜
1) PID
K¶Ô¬ ­‹lØ Ǒ ­Ý
P (z ), Q(z ), R(z ), K(z ) À
−1 −1 −1 −1

lim krr (T + 1) − r ∗ (T )k = 0 < ε (37)

JXe, Ù÷vª (24).
Π = diag{Π1 , Π2 } = diag{−0.35, −25}

Λ = diag{Λ1 , Λ2 } = diag{0.1, −5 × 10−5 }
4 •ý¢ Γ = diag{Γ1 , Γ2 } = diag{0.2, 0.5}
y¶Ô¬ êâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄ
ր PID )͛›{k5, ?1Xeé P (z −1 ) = I2×2

'•ý¢. F (z −1 ) = I2×2

4.1 •ý¢ëêÀJ R(z −1 ) = I2×2

é¶Ô¬ L§ (3) ∼ (5), ÀJëêXe: Ô Q(z −1 ) = Π−1 H(z −1 ) − F (z −1 )B̄(z −1 ) =
Æp„ÇXêǑ "
−1.2136 + 2.7522z −1 0

kp1 = 17.9 min−1 , kp2 = 0.04 min−1 0 −0.04 + 0.04z −1

ke1 = 65.6 min−1 , ke2 = 316 min−1 ¯ (1) −
S(z −1 ) = Π−1 H(z −1 )ΛB̄ −1 (1)B̄
2Àø.¡È†pÝǑ ¯ (z −1 ) =
F (z −1 )B̄
A = 53.2 m2 , H = 3.2 m " #
0 −0.0088 − 0.0107z −1
‰¶¶ó¬ ©OǑ 0.2777 + 0.2032z −1 0
1 2
ga = 0.0234, gcp = 0.417, gcp = 0.0034 K(z −1 ) = Π−1 H(z −1 )ΓB̄ −1 (1) − F (z −1 ) =
766 g Ä z Æ  45 ò
" #
−0.3817 − 0.6183z −1 0 17 ≤ r1 (t) ≤ 17.3 (48)
0 −0.4285 − 0.5715z −1 4.5 ≤ r2 (t) ≤ 5 (49)

) Diophantine §, Œ KÀJ½ŠǑ r = [17.15, 0.475] . ∗ T

4.2 Äu‚5.•ýé'¢
Ḡ(z ) =

é©z [15] ¥‚5zƒ ¶Ô¬ ‚5

. , ^© PID )͛›Ž{†.ýÿ››
" #
0.1767 − 0.0038z 0

0 0.1767 − 0.0038z (Model predictive control, MPC) Ž{?1é'•


(40) ý¢, (JXã 3 ∼ 7 ¤«.

G(z ), H(z ), H̄(z ), K̄(z )  ž, ©¤J{†©z l•ý(JŒ±wÑ, ›é–Ǒ‚5.
[15] ¥.ýÿ››
−1 −1 −1 −1

¤êâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր PID )͛ {ь±››UC‰¶6þ†— pÝ , ¶Ô¬

›ëêǑ  ‹l8I½Š, Ù¥.ýÿ››{ǑA
K = − Π(Ḡ + 2Ḡ ) = „ݍ¯, ´.ýÿ››6uG‡"êâ,
¢Sœ¹e, ¶ÔL§G´J±3‚ÿþ
P 1 2

, ©{I‡ÑÑêâ¢y‡"››.
" #
4.6014 × 10 0 −4
0 2.3477
KI = Π(Ḡ0 + Ḡ1 + Ḡ2 ) =
" #
0.0212 0
0 108.1049
" #
0 0
KD = ΠḠ2 = (43)
0 0

H(z −1 ) = diag{1 − z −1 , 1 − z −1 } (44)

h i
¯ (z −1 ) + S(z −1 ) =
H̄(z −1 ) = Π F (z −1 )B̄
" #
0 −0.0036 + 0.0036z −1
0.0014 − 0.0014z −1 0 ã 3 ‚5.e PID )͛›¶Ô¬ ‹l­‚
(45) Fig. 3 Ore grade tracking curve with PID decoupling
control under linear model
K̄(z ) = Π F (z ) + K(z ) =
−1 −1 −1
" #
−0.3710 + 0.3710z −1 0
0 28.574 − 28.574z −1

2) .ýÿ››Ž{¥5UI
T +Np
J= (rr ∗ − r (i)) Q(rr ∗ − r (i))
i=T +1

s.t. x (i + 1|i) = Adx (i|i) + Bdy (i|i)

r (i|i) = Cx (47)

Ž{¥ýÿÚǑ N = 5 Ú, \Ý
Ǒü Ý
, `z¯K)^ MATLAB ¥
ã 4 ‚5.e PID )͛›››Ñ\
quadprog ¼ê. Fig. 4 Control input curve with PID decoupling control
•ý¢¥½Š8I«mǑ under linear model
4 Ï ñ²: êâ°Ä2ÀL§$1‡")͛›{ 767

4.3 Äuš‚5.•ýé'¢
y©{¢SJ, ^©z [15]
¥š‚5é–?1•ý¢, =2ÀL§.
(3), ^©êâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր
 PID )͛›Ž{†.ýÿ›› (Model pre-
dictive control, MPC) Ž{?1é'•ý¢, Ó
ž, Ä3¶¬ ëê g ‘Å6Ä, ëê
6Ä­‚Xã 8 ∼ 12 ¤«.

µd©››J, Ú\ýéØ È
© (Integral absolute error, IAE) †Ø þ
(Mean square error, MSE) 5µd››J,

ã 5 ‚5.e.ýÿ››››¶Ô¬ ‹l­‚
Fig. 5 Ore grade tracking curve with MPC under
linear model

ã 8 š‚5.eêâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր
PID )͛›¶Ô¬ ‹l­‚
Fig. 8 Ore grade tracking curve with data driven one
step optimal unmolded dynamic compensation PID
decoupling control under nonlinear model

ã 6 ‚5.e.ýÿ››››Ñ\
Fig. 6 Control input curve with MPC under linear model

ã 9 š‚5.eêâ°Ä˜Ú`™ïÄր
PID )͛›››Ñ\
Fig. 9 Control input curve with data driven one step
ã 7 ëê6Ä­‚ optimal unmolded dynamic compensation PID decoupling
Fig. 7 Parameter disturbance curve control under nonlinear model
768 g Ä z Æ  45 ò

IAE = |ri∗ − ri (T )|, i = 1, 2 (50)
T =1

u 1 X T∗
M SE = t |r ∗ − ri (T )| , i = 1, 2 (51)
T ∗ T =1 i

µdIXL 2 ¤«.
L 2 é'¢µdI
Table 2 Performance index of comparison experiment

ã 10 ™ïÄŠ IAE MSE

Fig. 10 Value of unmolded dynamic © r 1 0.2078 3.3073 × 10−5

© r 2 0.1803 2.396 × 10−5

MPC r1 18.1797 0.0601

MPC r2 37.4461 0.2563

l•ý(JŒ±wÑ, ›é–Ǒš‚5
.ž, ©¤J{Œ±››UC‰¶6þ†— 
pÝ, ¶Ô¬ ‹l8I½Š. ©z [15] ¥
.ýÿ››{ {Šâ‡"êâN››Ñ\,
¶Ô¬ ‹l8I½Š. Ӟ§›Ñц8I
Š3˜½{ , ©Jѐ{µd5UI
`u©z [15] ¥.ýÿ››{.
5 (Ø
ã 11 š‚5.e.ýÿ››¶Ô¬ ‹l­‚ ©JÑ2ÀL§êâ°Ä˜Ú`™ï
Fig. 11 Ore grade tracking curve with MPC under Äր PID )͛›{, d¶Ô¬ ››ì
nonlinear model °Ä.!PID ››ì!‡")͛›ì!™ïÄ
րì|¤, ¢y
žØ­Ø !·)͆™
ïÄր, ü2ÀøǑé–•ý¢(J

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_  ÀŒÆ6§ó’nÜgÄz
I[­:¢¿Æ¬ïÄ). ̇ïÄ
Automation for Process Industries, Northeastern Univer-

sity. He received his master degree in control theory and
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search interest covers industrial process operational con- E-mail: jiayao
trol, networked control, adaptive dynamic programming, (JIA Yao Ph. D. candidate at the
and reinforcement learning.) State Key Laboratory of Syntheti-
cal Automation for Process Industries,
Northeastern University. His research
‰[å ÀŒÆ6§ó’nÜgÄz interest covers process control theory and technology for
I[­:¢¿BÇ. 2011 ¼ú complex industry process.)
ŒÆ››‰Æ†ó§XƬƠ (†
{IUI{Zæ²áŒÆéÜ). Ì ÆUn ¥Ió§¬, ÀŒÆ
‡ïЕǑó’L§$1››, ó’ Ç, IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow. 1985
‚Daì䆣Ĭä. © ¼ÀŒÆƬƠ. ̇ïЕ
Ï&Šö. Ǒg·A››, œU)͛›, 6§ó’
E-mail: ngÄznØ!{†Eâ.
(FAN Jia-Lu Associate professor at the State Key Lab- E-mail:
oratory of Synthetical Automation for Process Industries, (CHAI Tian-You Academician of
Northeastern University. She received her Ph. D. degree Chinese Academy of Engineering, pro-
from Zhejiang University in 2011. She was a visiting scholar fessor at Northeastern University, IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fel-
with the Pennsylvania State University during 2009 ∼ 2010. low. He received his Ph. D. degree from Northeastern Uni-
Her research interest covers networked operational control, versity in 1985. His research interest covers adaptive con-
industrial wireless sensor networks, and mobile social net- trol, intelligent decoupling control, and integrated automa-
works. Corresponding author of this paper.) tion theory, method and technology of industrial process.)

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