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Vocabulary Summary

Intermediate English Reading

Final Project: Vocabulary Summary

Name: Justin ID: 1108300042

Submission: Teams + Cloud-Learning


1) Use every word in the vocabulary list and summarize the chapter in a paragraph.

2) You will receive a failing grade if you do not observe ONE of the following:

⚫ Highlight and number the words within the summary.

⚫ The file should be saved as IDname, e.g., 1357WinniePooh_2468Robin

⚫ The summary should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman and 12 points

Chapter: 10B Title: In Search of Longevity

This study focuses on the regions where 1. exceptional longevity is the norm. The first one is

about Tonio Tola, 75, living in Sardinia, Italy. This 2. industrious man, whose life 3. is formed

the foundation by hard work and family, has already completed most of the farming work and

is taking his first break as early as close to noon. In addition, their diet rich in 4. homegrown

food such as, fruits, vegetables, milk, and wine and the stronger 5. genetic traits also revealed

the secret to longevity. The lifestyle and the nutrition are the two factors that make the

number of centenarians here more than twice the Italian average. Next, Marge Jetton, 101, a

6. resident of Loma Linda, California, is a Seven-Day Adventist with many 7. volunteer

commitments. The 8. privilege of longevity God gave her is all tied to the church. For

example, she became a 9. proponent of healthy living and goes to the church every Saturday

to 10. observe a 11. sacred day socializing with other members. This 12. compelling evidence

about Adventists’ habit and diet gives them four to ten years longer than average Californian,

making them one of the most-studied cultures in the U.S. Finally, there is Ushi Okushima,

103, from Okinawa, Japan. Thanks to the environment, climate, and diet in 13. moderation,
Vocabulary Summary

Okinawans have very low rates of cancer and heart disease even in old age without

developing 14. dementia. Besides, “ikigai” is 15. the important core of her life, her two

friends are the meaning of her life.

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