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Lipid Chemistry

5 Marks
1. Classify compound lipids and derived lipids with example.
2. List the biomedical important of Lipids
3. Mention the nutritionally essential fatty acids and write its functions and
deficiency manifestations associated with it.
4. Mention the functions of Triacyglycerol.
5. List the function of Phospholipids.
6. What are eicosonids and write biomedical importance or functions.
7. List the function of eiocosonids
8. What are trans fatty acids? Name the dietary sources of trans fatty acids. Can
we consume lipids with high amount of trans fatty acids? Substantiate your
answers with suitable explanation.
9. What areLiposomes? How they are synthesized? Mention any two application
of Liposomes in modern medicine.
10. Mention the function of Omega fatty acids
11. Mention the difference between the Micelles and Liposomes and its
12. List the function of PUFA.


10 Marks

1. Explain how fatty acid are activated and transported into mitochondria with
suitable illustrations. B) list the steps involved in the conversion of fatty acids
to acetyl CoA with suitable enzymes and coenzymes (3+7 = 10)
2. List the various types of oxidation of fatty acids taking place in our body.
Discuss the role of carnitine in oxidation of fatty acids and explain the
biochemical consequences of carnitine deficiency.
3. List the steps involved in the biosynthesis of fatty acid. Explain how fatty acid
synthesis is regulated in our body (6+4 = 10)
4. List the steps involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and add a note on its
regulation (7 + 3 = 10)

5 Marks

5. What is steathorrea? Mention the difference between split and unsplit fats.
6. Explain how dietary lipids are digested and absorbed in the body with suitable
7. What is " Ketosis" ? Mention any three causes for it.
8. Explain the role of carnitine in transport of fatty acids In to the mitochondria.
9. Explain how the synthesis of palmitic acid is regulated in our body.
10. Enumerate the steps involved in the synthesis of ketone bodies. And Mention
ANY TWO causes of ketosis
11. Explain the role of hormones in biosynthesis of fatty acid.
12. Explain the rate limiting steps in A] Beta oxidation of fatty acids B] Palmitate
13. Describe regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis and name any TWO inhibitors
of this step.
14. Explain the process of "Reverse cholesterol transport" with suitable
biochemical reactions and illustrations
15. Discuss the Metabolism of chylomicrons with suitable illustrations.
16. Discuss the Metabolism of VLDL briefly with suitable illustrations.
17. Discuss the Metabolism of HDL with suitable illustrations
18. Discuss the Metabolism of LDL with suitable illustrations
19. What is fatty liver? List any FOUR biochemical causes for "fatty liver" and the
mechanism by which they cause it.
20. Write the Fredrickson Classification of Hyperlipoproteinemias
21. Classify lipoproteins according to their lipid/protein proportion and mention
any one major function of each
22. What are Lipotropic factors? What is their role in our body? Give two
23. Mention biochemical defect and laboratory findings in "Tangier disease"
24. Mention biochemical defects in a] Zelwager's syndrome, b] Refsum's disease,
c) Jamaican vomiting sickness, d) sudden infant death syndrome
25. Mention the biochemical basis of night blindness in obstructive jaundice
26. Mention the rate limiting steps in the following biochemical pathways A]
Cholesterol biosynthesis B] Beta oxidation C] Palmitate biosynthesis D] bile
acid biosynthesis.
27. A 10 year old boy was admitted to the hosital emergency with severe
abdominal pain. He had suffered the pain throughout the night. In the past, he
suffered from diffuse abdominal pain very frequently. On examination,
numerous yellow patched (xanthomas) were seen on his trunk and limbs.
Blood smaple was obtained for biochemical investigations. the blood was
noted to be pink, the serum was milky and after centrifugaion a thick band of
'cream' collected at the top Laboratory Investigation
Blood glucose 82 mg /dl (< 100 mg/dl)
Serum Cholesterol 272 mg/dl (150-250mg/dl)
Serum TG 598 mg/dl (80-140 mg/dl)
Electrophoresis of plasma lipoproteins suggested that chylomicron level were
highly elevated. However, there was deficiency of apolipoprotein C-II, as
detected by the monoclonal antibodies specific for this apolipoprotein. A
tentaive diagnosis was made and for diagnostic confirmation free fatty acid
levels were measured in plasma, 10 minutes and 20 minutes following
intravenous administration of heparin. In contrast to normal response of a
control subject, little fatty acids appeared in the patients's plasma.
a. What is the most probable diagnosis in the case?
b. What will be the effect of this condition on the other lipoprotein fractions?
c. Interpret results of the heparin test.
d. Will this child benefit from a diet containing short and medium chain fattly
e. In another child of the same age group, plasma chylomicron level was low.
Give that this condition is also relatd to abnormality of apolipoprotein,
metabolism of which apolipoprotein fraction would most likely be deficients in
this child?
f. If the apoB-48 were found elevated in intestinal cells of child, what is the
most likely biochemical defect?

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