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Swati Banerjee
Spotter 1
Spotter 1

● Identify antiepileptic drug which can cause above adverse

● Can this drug be given IV? lf so for what purpose?

Ans. a)Drugs that cause it: Phenytoin

b) Phenytoin - Status epilepticus

Spotter 2
Spotter 2

a)Mention any one drug used in the above condition.

b)What is the most important side effects?

Ans. a)Drugs Used: NSAIDS (ibuprofen), Colchicine, Steroid

b) Important Side Effects: NSAIDS-Gastric Ulcer
Colchicine- Abdominal Pain, diarrhoea
Spotter 3
Spotter 3

a) Which drug would have produced this side effect?

b) Give one indication for its use in therapy.

Ans. a)Thalidomide
b)It is used in Multiple myeloma and lepra reaction.
Spotter 4-Transdermal disc behind the ear
Spotter 4

a) Name a drug given by the patch shown.

b) Mention the indication for its use.

Ans: a) Scopalamine
b) Indication: Motion Sickness
Spotter 5-This is a picture of an infant whose mother was
on antiepileptic treatment during pregnancy
Spotter 5

a) Identify teratogenic drug causing this side effect.

b) Write its mechanism of action

Ans: a) Sodium Valproate, Carbamazepine

b) Sodium Valproate: Mechanism of action-Blockade of voltage gated
sodium channel,
Enhance release of inhibitory transmitter GABA
Blocks T type calcium channel
Blockade of glutamate Receptor
Spotter 6- Identify the teratogen causing the features
Spotter 6

Q. Identify the teratogen causing the above features.

Ans: Alcohol exposure during pregnancy causing fetal alcohol syndrome.

Spotter 7-Gynaecomastia
Spotter 7

a) Identify the adverse effect.

b) Mention 2 drugs causing the above side effect.
Ans: a) Gynecomastia
b) Spironolactone, Ketaconazole, Cimetidine
Spotter 8-Rauwolfia Surpentina
Spotter 8

a) Name an alkaloid obtained from this plant.

b) Mention one adverse effect of the alkaloid.

Ans. a) Reserpine
b) Depression, Suicidal tendency
Spotter 9- ERGOT PLANT
Spotter 9 -ERGOT PLANT
● Mention the names of two therapeutically used alkaloids from the plant
with one use for each.

Ans:Treatment of Migraine- Ergotamine, dihydroergotamine

To Prevent Postpartum hemorrhage-Ergometrine
Spotter 10
Spotter 10: Mushroom

a)What poisonous alkaloid is obtained from the fungus shown?

b) Name the antidote used for this poisoning

Ans. a)Muscarine
b) Antidote: Atropine
Spotter 11- Photo of A and B taken before and after
giving the drug IV to a Myasthenic
Spotter 11

a)Name the drug used?

b)What is the special purpose of the drug used?

Ans.a) Edrophonium

b) To differentiate between Myesthenia crisis and cholinergic crisis.

Spotter 12
Spotter 12

a) Name an alkaloid obtained from this plant.

b) Give the most important indication for its use

b)Important Indication: Acute Gout
Spotter: 13
Note the cupping of optic disc- an early glaucomatous change
Spotter 13

a)Name one topically instilled drug used for this.

b)Mention special drug delivery system used.

Ans. a) Pilocarpine
Spotter 14- Alopecia
Spotter 14

a) Name one drug used which can produce side effect.

b) Mention one drug used in the treatment for the above condition.

Ans. a) Sodium Valproate, Anticancer drugs

b) Minoxidil
Spotter 15

Spotter 15

Q. Identify the scientist and write his contribution.

Ans. Colonel Ramnath Chopra

He is considered as father of Indian Pharmacology.
He was pioneer in the field of experimental pharmacology of
indigenous drugs of india.
He introduced Reserpine from Rauwolfia serpentina plant.
Spotter 16
Spotter 16

Q. Identify the scientist and write his contribution.

Ans. Henry Hallett Dale

The phenomenon of Vasomotor reversal of Dale was demonstrated
by him.
He introduced Acetylcholine as the agent involved in chemical
transmission of nerve impulses.



- MENTION DRUG ACTING AT SITE 1, 2 3 & 4 ---------------

SITE 1 - Reserpine
SITE 2 - Cocaine , Tricyclic antidepressant
SITE 3 – Guanethidine
SITE 4 – Adrenergic drugs (Adrenaline, NA, Isoprenaline)



- MENTION DRUG ACTING AT SITE ----------------

Site 1 - Botulinum toxin
Site 2 – Anti-cholinergic (atropine)
Site 3 – Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
(Neostigmine, OP)

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