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English Language III – Lexico-syntactic practice 1

Lexico-Syntactic Practice
A) Match the definitions with the correct word. (Kahoot game)

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B) Match the most suitable collocates to each word. Add one more to each.

1) To erode a) dream, companions, destruction, memory,

repertoire, theme
2) To harbor b) case, deal, dream, endeavor, enquiry,
ideal, lead, mission, vision, strategy
3) Incongruous c) Theories, economy, prices, wages, growth
4) Compelling d) expectations, hype, ideal, promise,
reputation, standard
5) To cherish e) Confidence, benefit, credibility, liberty,
support, trust.
6) To pursue f) evidence, argument, image, justification,
message, picture, reading, reason, vision
7) To elicit g) ability, development, implementation,
progress, recovery
8) To live up to h) a grudge, suspicions, ambitions
9) To hinder i) information, laughter, reaction, response
10) Stagnant j) ambition, belief, dream, hope, memory,
moment, tradition
English Language III – Lexico-syntactic practice 2

C) Write the correct word in each sentence from the words in the box. You might make some
changes in the form.

Haunt – incongruous – lucid dreaming – elicit – cherish – flag up – in tandem – harbor

1) A laboratory test might have ______________ the potential dangers of the treatment at a
much earlier stage.

2) As we look back at her life and her reign that spanned so many decades, Canadians will
always remember and ______________ Her Majesty’s wisdom, compassion, and warmth. Our
thoughts are with the members of the Royal Family during this most difficult time.

3) He's been ______________ a grudge against her ever since his promotion was refused.

4) Dark Nights is a frightfully immersive _______________ experience that spreads its shadows
over the Hersheypark landscape every evening during Hersheypark Halloween seasonal event,
with three scare zones and four spine-tingling haunted houses.

5) Netflix's The Sandman is nothing short of a dream come true for fans of Neil Gaiman's beloved
1989-1996 fantasy comic-book series. It is an ____________ but somehow apt touch, a reminder
that for all his abilities, Morpheus is inextricably tied to the very mortals whose desires and
wishes feed his immense power; that we mortals are the stuff that Dream is made on.

6) Movies such as Inception have popularized _________________. This movie features

impressive dream artisans who are able to control the shape and content of their dreams, as
well as the dreams of others.

7) Adana A.M. Llanos, PhD, MPH, discusses key research on the social and biological factors
that influence disparities in breast cancer, how these factors work ________________ to affect
patient outcomes, and how this knowledge can be deployed in the real world.

8) News of Queen Elizabeth II's death ________________ a wide range of responses and
emotions across Africa, with political leaders of many stripes publicly mourning the passing of
Britain's longest-serving monarch. Meanwhile, critics slammed her post-colonial legacy and much
of the younger generation showed minimal interest.
English Language III – Lexico-syntactic practice 3

D) Key-word transformation sentences.

1. There is a correlation between the occurence of lucid dreaming and the person being self-
reflective, as lucid dreaming is often present in people who rumiate a lot. Use a structure of
incremental repetition.

2. Studies suggest that about half of people may have had at least one lucid dream. But they
don’t happen often, usually only a handful of times in a year. Use an adverbial clause of

3. Daydreaming is not negative for our minds. Instead, it’s another tool to evade stress and
anxiety and generating new ideas. Use “RATHER THAN”.


Use “not only… but also”  To erode

 In tandem
 Stressors

Use a type 2 conditional structure  To flag up

 Daydream
 Bizarre

Use a non-defining relative clause  To harbor

 Utopia
 Wakeful
English Language III – Lexico-syntactic practice 4


1 e / 2 h / 3 a / 4 f / 5 j / 6 b / 7 I / 8 d / 9 g / 10 c

1. flag up
2. cherish
3. harbor
4. haunt
5. incongruous
6. lucid dreaming
7. in tandem
8. elicit

1. The more self-reflective a person is, the higher the occurrence of lucid dreaming, as ludic
dreaming is often present in people who rumiate a lot.

2. Even though/despite the fact that studies suggest that about half of people may have had at
least one lucid dream, they don’t happen often, usually only a handful of times in a year.

3. Rather than being negative for our minds, daydreaming is another tool to evade stress and
anxiety and generating new ideas.

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