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A pretty flower for a pretty boy

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Character: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, Robin Buckley
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Wooing, Romancing your boy with flowers, flowers
are steves love language, 5+1 Things, Getting Together, Established
Relationship, a peek over time, steve is a gardener, black thumb writer,
POV Eddie Munson, Steve knows what he's doing, They're Both Flirts,
can be read as a standalone
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of A Gardener's Devotion
Stats: Published: 2022-10-10 Words: 3237

A pretty flower for a pretty boy

by PaperBackRibs


Join Steve as he woos an Eddie who is oblivious, until he's not.

Or 5 times Steve surprises Eddie with flowers and 1 time he's expecting it.


It starts with a daisy.

They're lying down in the backyard of his and Wayne's new, government-apology house. It's that
time of night where you don't know if it's still today or if it's tomorrow, crickets loud and leaves
singing in the gentle wind.

Steve's hair is woven in amongst his own, the crown of his head a steadying presence against him,
as they pass the joint between them. It's in Eddie's fingers when he hears the rustle of Steve turning
over on his side, right hand propping him up with the left twirling a delicate white and yellow

Eddie's breath is already caught in his throat with Steve hovering over him, the smoke waiting to
be exhaled. The other boy is perched as if he's ready to lean down and kiss Eddie like he's one of
his regular Friday night dates.

And then Steve moves in further and Eddie imagines for a moment that he conjured the motion
with his thoughts. Slipping into his space, using that left hand to brush back Eddie's curls and
secure the flower behind his ear.

"There," Steve smiles. "A pretty flower for a pretty boy."

The smoke catches in a sharp inhalation that he didn't have room for, the fragrant air expelled
roughly and without his usual elegance. Steve had compared him to a dragon once, Eddie had been
so proud of him for the reference.

"Jesus Steve," he coughs out, eyes watering. "you old flirt, give a girl a warning before you pull out
the moves."

Steve's eyes are bright in the night, a contender against the stars. "I thought it was a good one."

Eddie's got his heart back under control now, having wrestled it into a stranglehold as soon as it
started to peek up in interest. "8 out of 10 for execution, but a five for originality."

Steve laughs, falling back to his position against Eddie on the cool grass. "I'll take it."


It's rosemary, parsley and mint next.

It's a Sunday, which means that Eddie has spent a long morning and most of the day leading his
lambs through the dark and terrible land of Everbright.

He's pretty sure that the boys' stink has imprinted in the Wheeler's dank basement like a skunk
infestation, but it's the biggest space they have to play D&D at this point. Erica puts up with it, but
the other girls apparently agree with Eddie's assessment, refusing to subject their noses to the burn.
Lucas and Mike have been making noises about roping Steve in for his big-ass house instead.

Dustin was enthusiastic and he's betting that the kid reckons he'll get Steve playing through sheer
proximity. Eddie's not opposed and he'd like to see Steve with his own character. The man has
surprised him enough in life, he'd love to see what he'd do in a campaign.

So, as Eddie saunters into his new home, keys rotating around his fingers, he may be musing a little
about his next twist for Everbright, a little about Steve playing, and a little about Steve dressed as a
barbarian in leathers and fur when he slips into an unexpected scene in the kitchen.

Steve, holding Wayne's hand, is pressing the older man's thumb into a pot positioned by the
windows. The afternoon sun is still bright enough to create a halo around Steve's locks, the
brilliancy of it against the gentleness of the scene has Eddie rubbing at his eyes. Convinced he's
conjured some sort of homoerotic, Renaissance painting.

"You see," Steve murmurs -- not helping Eddie's pinging thoughts from leather and fur to soft
embraces. "It's just that side of dry, which is when you know it needs to be watered."

"Uncle Wayne," Eddie whines with purpose, making Steve jump and twirl to face him. "I can't
believe you've seduced another one. Can't you leave any for me?"

Wayne's expression is unimpressed as he pulls his hand out of the pot. Eddie has long lost the
ability to get a rise out of his uncle, which actually makes him feel comfortably warm at the
thought of being known so well for so long.
Steve though is a little flushed, looking like he's been caught out. But he recovers quickly to lean
over the kitchen island, propping his forearms down and craning towards Eddie.

"What can I say? I like an older man." He winks at Eddie and Eddie refuses to think about how he's
three months older than Steve. Which Steve knows. But he does take the opportunity to get into
his space, leaning down and mirroring his friend's posture.

"There's old, Stevie, and then there's punching above your weight. You'd never keep up with a real
man like Wayne."

Steve hums, smiling into Eddie's face like he's a flower facing the sun. "I'll just have to see what
other fella will take me on board then."

"Uh huh, and soil is your seduction of choice?"

"Steve here brought a few herbs for us."

The boys both jolt at Wayne's voice. Eddie, for one, had forgotten they were not alone. Steve's
body and smile and that hint of spicy cologne filling all his senses. Steve stays where he is though,
grinning back at him, but Eddie takes pity on his poor gay heart and reels dramatically away from
his tragically heterosexual flirt of a friend.

He spins and flutters over to Wayne, who's leaning against the counter with amused eyes as he
watches his nephew make a fool of himself. Eddie has a running tally on all the ways he has been a
fool lately.

Behind the man are three pots with some type of shrubbery in them, Eddie takes one look before
turning back to the rest of them. Palms to the sky in mock surrender.

Steve crowds in on Eddie's other side, chest lightly pressing into his upper arm. It's a belated
house-warming present, Steve explains.

Wayne had mentioned he'd like to try cooking more since they have a decent kitchen now and
rosemary's great for roasting, parsley for pasta sauce, and mint just because it smells great. It'll
also help keep bugs away, Steve assures with a happy smile.

Eddie just lets him talk, leaning away slightly to rest his back against the island. Watching as Steve
explains to his uncle how best to care for his new herbs, when they need to be shaded, and how to
cut for when he wants to use them.

Eddie's not convinced on the cooking--Wayne's signature for any dish is the slight whiff of burnt
food--but he sure is enamoured with the boy taking time to explain this to his uncle. Who had
probably heard a throwaway line from either Wayne or Eddie and carefully brought a gift to
support the new endeavour.

Yeah, Eddie thinks, Steve keeps on surprising him.


"It's called butterweed," Steve proclaims to the delight of the group.

Mike because the kid uses the opportunity to call Steve a butt-head, Eddie because where does this
man keep random knowledge about invasive Indiana weeds, and El because Steve has promised to
show her how to make a flower crown out of the cheerful yellow flowers.

They're at the lake. Not Lovers Lake, the older members had vetoed that trip down memory lane,
but a secluded one about an hour's drive out of Hawkins. Mike throws his ice-cream stick towards
the rubbish bag--missing--before rushing back to the water. Towards the miscreants splashing and
hollering already.

Lucas holds Max up on his shoulders about to face off to Nancy on Jonathon's. Dustin is referee.
Usually Eddie would bet on the older, more experienced members but as ruthless as Nancy is with
a shotgun Max is just as vicious. Eddie figures it'll make for an even fight.

Robin's head is in his lap, her eyes closed to bask in the sun along with the feeling of Eddie running
his fingers through her hair. He's pretending to watch the figures in the water, but it's Steve who
has his attention. Steve always has his attention.

He'd held Eddie's hand in his lap just two nights ago, on the couch as they watched the latest
Freddie movie, plucking at his fingers.

He'd seemed almost fascinated and Eddie couldn't resist. "What is it?" He'd asked.

Steve had looked up at him under his eyelashes, seemingly bashful. "Nothing, it's just they're nice."

"Nice," Eddie scrunched up his face. He doesn't think he or any part of him as ever been called
nice before.

"Yeah, nice," Steve grinned. "You've got these long fingers, man. Like exactly what you'd expect
from a musician and then these rings --" He tugs on the heavy silver one on his middle finger, the
new one with the engraving of a bat on it.

"They sort of make it impossible to look away. Like every time you try, they're glittering in the sun
or on the stage. It's… nice." And it's probably Eddie's imagination, but he thought Steve maybe
substituted a word there at the end.

And Satan help him, but he thinks he understands the fascination with hands because he can't look
away from Steve's fingers deftly weaving green and yellow to make a pretty wreath.

He's modelling it slowly for El and Will to follow and before long the kids are crowning each
other, giggling. He doesn't know these two as well as the others yet, but he's glad for any of them
to have that chance of just being kids.

"Will you wear yours, Steve?" El asks.

Eddie's openly watching now because he wants to see Steve with pretty yellow flowers in his hair.
He bets he'll look like some Disney princess about to call the dainty forest creatures to him. He
may be thinking along those lines since Eddie apparently has Bambi eyes, according to Steve. That
had been the cause of at least one restless night.

But Steve turns towards Eddie and Robin, devilment in his own eyes. He shuffles forwards on his
knees and Eddie doesn't know if he desperately wants Steve to put in on him or to leave him out
and put it on Robin. The other man doesn't even spare a glance at his best friend, instead hovering
over Eddie.

Gently he lowers the crown onto Eddie, his fingers sliding down away from the velvet petals to
push his hair back over his ears. It's the second time Steve has pushed Eddie's hair out of his face
and he wants it to mean something. Wants to turn his head and kiss the pads of his fingers, maybe
nip them in warning. Cautioning him to stay back lest Eddie devour him whole.

Eddie swallows the urge though, tilting his head so that the crown slides rakishly down one side.
He preens at the kids, "pretty as a picture, right?"

El giggles and Will turns a bright pink before they turn back to making wreaths as necklaces. Steve
has edged back towards them, but when Eddie looks down he sees Robin eyeballing him. A grin
working its way around her silent laughter.

Eddie pushes his palm against her stupid face, "shut up."


It's the evening after Eddie's gig and his brief bout of jealousy. Steve's at his doorway presenting
Eddie with a bouquet of flowers before their date.

They're as red as Eddie's cheeks and, when he takes them in hand, as soft as the look in Steve's

"They're called amaryllis. They mean 'to sparkle' so I thought they'd suit you."

Eddie cradles the flowers, he's never been given any before. Not been afforded the sweetness of a
first date gift. Never been told that he sparkles.

He knows this is the point that he should respond, with a dramatic swoon or even a simple thank
you, but his heart is in his throat so all he can do is smile and gesture for Steve to follow him in.

Eddie heads to the kitchen to put them in a vase, because that's the proper procedure, right? But as
he stands in the bright room he realises that the Munson's have never owned a vase in their entire
lives. What's he supposed to do now?

"Here," Steve murmurs, taking it from him, reaching into a drawer for a pair of scissors that Eddie
hadn't even known were there.

He cuts the stems close to the petals, only leaving a couple of inches of green, and pulls out one of
Wayne's bigger mugs. It has 'huge fan of space, both outer and personal' on its side. Steve fills it
with water and fusses a little until the flowers fall together in what Eddie will swear, if pressed, is a
lovely arrangement.

It's Steve's proud smile that finally does him in. Pushing the mug into his hands just as sweetly as
he had at the door.

When Eddie places it to the side, the porcelain clinks against the counter in the quiet of the room.
It's a gentle silence that speaks of care yet also anticipation. The prelude to the intensity of a storm.
They haven't kissed yet, saving it for a private moment away from the Hideout. But Eddie just
knows that Steve would have waited until the end of their date. To treat Eddie right. Because that's
how Steve is. The type of considerate man who would bring flowers to a man who has received

Eddie steps closer, into Steve's space. Into his quiet while he watches Eddie, waits on what he
wants next. So Eddie takes what he wants and that's Steve's mouth finally on his own. Chastely, he
presses against Steve's beautiful pink lips.
Eddie wonders what flower Steve would compare them to.

He extends his tongue to softly brush against those pink petals and Steve opens to him, as
welcoming as a spring bloom. The two of them spend some time learning each other, the angles,
the gasps, the little moments that produce a possessive sort of pride.

They miss the first showing of their movie that night, but do catch the next one. At the night's end,
Steve kisses Eddie with all the care of a wooing suitor.


Eddie has figured Steve's secret out.

He's a gardener. There's a small garden at Steve's house, further out from the pool and less
noticeable for it. But it's there and it's where happily sprouting herbs of mint and rosemary and
parsley, along with their other brethren, sprout. Eddie recognises the amaryllis from their date all
those months ago and Steve proudly names the tulips and sweet peas.

He knows about daisies and butterweed because they'll take over the garden if he doesn't keep the
area free of weeds, and knows about mint because it keeps mosquitoes away from wet areas like a
yard with a pool.

Steve however also points out that Eddie worked out jack-shit. "I told you," his hands are on his
hips as if Eddie is one of his kids. "So that doesn't count."

"Ah honey, it counts if you let it count." Eddie reels Steve in by those delectable hips and pouts up
at his boyfriend.

Steve sighs, rolling his eyes, and Eddie knows he's won. He figured out Steve's secret, like a boss.

Eddie can feel the grin stretch across his face, tongue caught between his teeth in triumph. There's
something so sweet about Steve when he indulges him, and he knows the other man indulges him a
lot. Seemingly, he likes to.

He must because when given an Eddie in his garden being a wee bit obnoxious, he can admit it--
it's his thing--Steve apparently comes to decision to give him a present.

"Here, this is for your battle vest," he digs a pin out of his jean's pocket to present to Eddie. It sits
in the palm of his hand, the sun shining off of purple metal. It's in the shape of a sprig of lavender.

Eddie knows enough by now to expect the flower to mean something. Steve acts with purpose and
never more than when he gives Eddie a flower. He takes it from the outstretched palm, inspecting
it closely. "What does it mean?"

Steve bites his lip, "it has two meanings, really." His hands rest on Eddie's sides, stroking long-
healed scars. "It can mean healing..."

Eddie thought his heart was as soft as it could be thanks to Steve Harrington in his life, but it turns
that little bit more into mush at Steve thinking of his health. Because he knows Steve means it
more than for his demobat injuries, he's thinking of all those nights of terror in Eddie's dreams, of
echoes of panic from being on the run. Steve wants him to heal in all ways.

"And the second?" Eddie's voice is a little hoarse.

The rise and fall of Steve's chest is as noticeable as the bravery in his eyes, "the second is devotion.
Of mine, to you."

Eddie hadn't realised that he'd started to cry a little so his laugh is a bit more wet than he'd
expected. "Steve, you old flirt. Give a girl a warning before you pull out a move like that."

"Yeah?" Steve's face is hopeful. "How was the execution?"

"10 out of 10, babe." Eddie pulls Steve in and kisses him slow and sweet. Rests their forehead
together to say it. "I love you too, you romantic sap."

Steve's smile is blinding. The boys stand there in the shade of the tree, in the fragrance of the
garden, as they join together in healing devotion.

Five + 1

It's many years later, a little more grey is in Steve's hair than he'd like and they're both in suits.
Eddie had whined when Steve ducked into the room, scolding him that you can't see the bride
before the wedding.

Steve just hushed him before fastening a pink bloom to Eddie's jacket. It's as pink as Steve's lips
and looks like it'd flutter as well as his lashes.

"And what does this mean?" Eddie asks in amusement. Really, he would've been more shocked if
his groom had left him flower-less.

Steve grins, "it's a peony, honestly you should recognise it by now."

"I do, honey, I do." Steve shakes his head at Eddie getting ahead of the ceremony. Though he
really does recognise that it's a peony; Eddie often keeps Steve company in the garden as he potters
about, usually practising new chords or writing ideas down for characters and plot points.

"Well, it's for love, obviously."

"Obviously." Eddie loves this beautiful man.

"But also luck."

"Yeah, we need luck after all this time?"

Steve shakes his head before kissing Eddie on the tip of his nose. "Nah, just as a symbol of how
lucky I've been. Love you, Eds."

Well, Eddie's just going to have to kiss him now, isn't he? And he would have if he weren't blocked
by the sudden appearance of Dustin and Erica. And, despite being a mature-aged man now, the
former still can shriek like the shrill adolescent he once was.

"Steve! Get out! It's bad luck to see your partner before the ceremony!"

Steve steps back with a wink, making the same old disgruntled sounds at Dustin's tone. He turns
back once and Eddie blows a kiss at him. The gorgeous dork grabs it from the air, pocketing
Eddie's affection behind his own symbol of love and luck.
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