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Special Section of Leonardo Transactions

Papers from the 3rd Balance-Unbalance

International Conference
Queensland, Australia, 2013
Ricardo Dal Farra, Guest Editor
The Balance-Unbalance project aims to use art as a catalyst to explore intersections between na-
ture, science, technology and society with the intent of engendering a deeper awareness and creat-
ing lasting intellectual working partnerships in solving our global environmental crisis.

The 3rd Balance-Unbalance International Conference took place 31 May–2 June 2013 in
­UNESCO’s designated biosphere reserve in Noosa, Queensland, Australia. We are pleased to pres-
ent this special section featuring selected papers from the 2013 Balance-Unbalance Conference.


Ricardo Dal Farra: Balance-Unbalance: Art and Environmental Crisis 490
Leah Barclay and Susan Davis: A Balanced Approach to Local and Global Action 491
Nina Czegledy: Art as a Catalyst 492
Ricardo Dal Farra and Pablo Suarez: Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre and
Balance-Unbalance: The Art! ⋈ Climate Project 493
Michel van Dartel and Anne Nigten: Towards Ecological Autarky 494
Leah Barclay: Biosphere Soundscapes 496
Krista Caballero and Frank Ekeberg: Birding the Future 498
Mónica Mendes, Pedro Ângelo and Nuno Correia: Hug@ree: An ARTiVIS
Experience for Sustainability 500
Daniela Di Maro, Andrea Bene, Diego Bernini, Simone Bonetti, Giorgio
De Michelis, Francesco Tisato and Gianluca Colombo: Anastatica Sensibile—
Grounding Interactivity on a Natural Process 502
Andrea Polli: A Walk in the Woods: Investigating Ethical Design, Ubiquitous
Computing and Social Media 504
Lisa Chandler, Claudia Baldwin and Megan Marks: Catalysts for Change:
Creative Practice as an Environmental Engagement Tool 506
Julie Arrighi and Grady Walker: Participatory Video and Games for a New Climate 508
Roslyn Taplin: Contemporary Climate Change Art as the Abstract Machine:
Ethico-Aesthetics and Futures Orientation 509
Nicolas J. Bullot: The Functions of Environmental Art 511
Ian Clothier: The Changing Boundaries of Knowledge Between Māori Awareness
and Western Science 513

BALANCE-UNBALANCE: ART are still not paying attention to the envi- and one in the San Martin Cultural Cen-
AND ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS ronmental crisis. tre, Buenos Aires, during the Electronic
Ricardo Dal Farra, Hexagram, Concordia Less than one year later, a second November international festival [3]. All
University, Canada, and CEIArtE- Balance-Unbalance (a.k.a. BunB) was these events were organized by CEIArtE.
UNTREF, Argentina. Email: held at Concordia University, in Mont- The decision to organize a third Bal-
<>. real, on November of 2011. The confer- ance-Unbalance conference was taken
ence was possible thanks to the direct when it was seen that the goal of going
See <>
for supplemental files associated with this issue.
involvement of Concordia’s colleagues beyond a conference series was starting
coming from very different fields, such to become a reality. The Associate Di-
Abstract as: communication, political sciences, rector of the Red Cross / Red Crescent
Balance-Unbalance aims to use art as a catalyst to geography, management, music, digital Climate Centre participated in the 2011
explore intersections between nature, science, tech-
nology and society with the intent of engendering a
arts and design. We had a variety of per- conference. As a direct consequence, the
deeper awareness and creating lasting intellectual spectives and background experiences— art! ⋈ climate initiative was launched a
working partnerships in solving our global envi- some people with decades of study and few months after. In its first stage, it is a
ronmental crisis.
work focusing on environmental prob- global contest leading to the creation of
Keywords: art and environment.
lems, with others mostly new—but a sound art miniatures to be used by the
Environmental problems, economic un- common interest was present in every Climate Centre in its activities, such as:
certainty and political complexity have discussion and meeting: “…to bring workshops, simulation/educational
been around for a very long time. Not artists together with scientists, econo- games, lectures and presentations around
one year, one decade or one century. mists, philosophers, politicians, sociolo- the world. The results of this first contest
What was different before was the speed gists, engineers, management and policy have been announced and are being used
and depth of transformations compared experts with the intent of engendering a by the Climate Centre at the time of this
with today’s fast changes. The frequent deeper awareness and creating lasting writing. The next stage will be open to
occurrence that certain events are having intellectual working partnerships in solv- other areas of the new media arts that
around us - such as floods, twisters, etc - ing our global environmental crisis” [2]. could fit the Centre’s goal [4].
is increasing fast, and the effects of hu- The second Balance-Unbalance con- The works were selected by a jury of
man beings on modifying our adjacent ference was organized in less than six internationally recognized composers,
surroundings as well as very distant months. In spite of that, many submis- new media artists and members of the
places have turned into a power capable sions were received from all over the Climate Centre as well, finding that it
of changing the whole planet, improving world to participate. We had paper pres- was possible to have works of art that
or ruining people’s lives and even elimi- entations, artistic installations, posters, could also fulfill the specific needs of an
nating all human life on Earth. two evenings with films and elec- humanitarian organization for its daily
When I started to think about taking a troacoustic music concerts. We also left field actions. The art! ⋈ climate initia-
more active role in looking for ways to ‘the door open’ for a number of flexible tive showed one of many possible posi-
help with climate change and environ- transdisciplinary activities. This allowed tive paths to follow and also helped to
mental related problems through art ac- us to receive projects of up to 90 min- answer the question: Is it worth doing a
tions, I was wondering what the experts utes, fully open to any format as far as third BunB conference? This collabora-
studying and working daily in preventing the goals were clearly aligned with the tion and the consequent contest demon-
and acting upon the consequences of conference expectations. The response strated that a new conference was worth
certain catastrophes will think about it. was amazing. the effort. The third Balance-Unbalance
To my surprise, scientists and engineers Some new lessons were learnt this conference was held in UNESCO’s des-
alike answered positively and with en- time too, among those: People coming ignated biosphere reserve in Noosa, Aus-
thusiasm. And the first Balance- from very different fields were able to tralia in 2013 [5].
Unbalance event (“Equilibrio- talk and understand each other given Among the new projects being started
Desequilibrio” in Spanish) started to take some contextual conditions and a com- by Balance-Unbalance is a public data-
shape. It was a conference gathering mon goal. The results widely surpassed base and virtual meeting point on the
artists, scientists, philosophers, engi- our expectations as organizers of the Internet focusing on connecting organi-
neers, government officials and policy conference. All was developed as part of zations, institutions and individuals, aim-
makers from Argentina, Brazil, Canada a rich and diverse proposal: To use art as ing to empower projects with similar
and the United States organized by the a catalyst to explore intersections be- objectives [6]. We all want to cooperate
Electronic Arts Research Centre – tween nature, science, technology and and contribute in helping “to save the
CEIArtE from the National University of society, providing a platform for reflec- world” [7].
Tres de Febrero and was held in Buenos tion and debate, and for ideas to become
Aires, 2010 [1]. actions. References and Notes
Some lessons were learnt: a) A few 1. <>
local artists were interested in partici- Is a conference series enough?
Balance-Unbalance was not conceived 2. <>
pating, and b) We were reaching people
wishing to collaborate but many of them as a series of conferences but as a pro- 3. <>
were already aware of the threats we are gram. The conference series is one of the 4. <>
facing or were working in minimizing projects being developed. A series of art 5. <>
the negative consequences of, for exam- exhibitions were held in different spaces
6. Eco: art and environmentally responsible actions.
ple, rapid climate changes. It was a good in Argentina during 2011 and 2012 too.
7. R. Dal Farra, “Can the Arts Help to save the
first step but we need to reach those who Two of those were presented at the Na-
tional University of Lomas de Zamora World?” Leonardo Vol. 46, No. 2 (2013) p. 110.

490       Leonardo, Vol. 47, No. 5, p. 490, 2014 doi:10.1162/LEON_a_00815   ©2014 ISAST

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