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1. Our discussion in practical research becomes fruitful in the minds of us, the students.

The topics we
discussed can help us, especially in the coming school year that will later pass on. One of the most
important topics I learned in this subject is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research.
Qualitative research focuses on process rather than outcomes, while quantitative research focuses more
on collecting and analyzing numerical data. We must understand the differences between these two to
get the best results from these methods in our research. I have also discovered why research is essential
for our society's advancement. Research is necessary because it verifies existing knowledge, acquisition
of knowledge, and advancement of research expertise. These things are essential to know. The students
must know the importance of research so that we can contribute good things to society. I have also
learned how to cite in research. Knowing how to cite is essential in researching because we must give
credit to the authors that have given us more ideas on thorough research.

2. The relevance of the subject on our SHS strand or program like ours is that the research that we are
inquiring about is connected to our specialization subject in ABM (Accountancy, Business, and
Management), which talks about the issue of the pandemic on small businesses on our research. The
importance of the subject, practical research, is that it tackles the current issues businesses face. It is
essential to know the issues businesses currently face because most of us might get involved in the
business industry in the future and by knowing the issues we discussed in our research. We are mentally
prepared for the upcoming problems that our business may currently face. Research is also essential on
our strand because graphs are presented in our research that can be used to solve problems in a

3. The topic that I think is the most deserving of exploration is why the education system of the
Philippines needs to be changed. I think this issue needs to be solved so that we can have the best way
possible for the future of our country. We, the student, have our unique talent that can be honed and
contribute more to our society. There are many types of intellect in a person. It can be linguistic, logical-
mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, musical interpersonal, or even intrapersonal. So why not
create a system that hones their type of intellect more and not just create a system where all students
learn a fixed subject and many unnecessary things are inquired about by the students.

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