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Robert Elias Najemy
Holistic Harmony Publishers

isbn - 0-9770813-6-2 25

This book is purposely set up in a simple format so that you will economize pages and ink when printing it.
Open up the bookmarks on the left in order to go directly to the chapters.


We live in exciting times. They are simultaneously difficult and yet inspiring and challenging. Famine,
suffering, injustice, pain, anger and hate abound and the world might be on the brink of ecological
failure. At the same time, we are experiencing a spiritual renaissance that may be our only hope for
healing humanity and the planet. Spirituality is no longer a luxury but a necessity for our survival.

Traditionally, spirituality has been identified with self-denial and poverty and thus did not offer many
solutions to the social and political problems at hand. We are now being asked to explore the next stage
in our spiritual process as co-creators of our personal and collective reality. This does not negate the
importance of being free from attachment to material possessions or pleasures. The key word here is
attachment. We can have abundance without being attached to it. We can have nothing and be very
attached to having. It is the attachment that weakens and traps us.

Happiness is

Happiness can be defined by having what we want and need. Thus, if we do not have all that we need to
be happy, there are two solutions: one is to learn to be happy without what we, until now, believed we
needed to be happy. The second is to learn how to more effectively create or attract what we need for
ourselves and others.

Obviously, both are equally important. On the one hand, in order to experience our true spiritual self, we
need to realize that there is really nothing outside ourselves that is essential for our happiness. All that
we need in order to be happy is within us. On the other hand, we are incarnated in this material world to
create and manifest realities similar to our spiritual state, which is one of no lack whatsoever, which is
why heaven is usually described as a state of abundance in which nothing that we could possibly need is

We need to now find that balance between being self-sufficient and unattached to external sources of
self-worth, security and fulfillment, and at the same time exercise our ability to create heaven on earth,
along with all of the material, emotional, mental and spiritual manifestations of abundance that
comprise our personal and collective “heaven.”

Generally, most need to first free themselves from attachment in order to then become effortless co-
creators of abundance. Those who have not first learned that lesson may need to learn it after they have
already created abundance – which may be a more difficult experience.

The key is to be happy with what we already have while we simultaneously work on creating an ever
more ideal reality. In my previous books I have given emphasis to getting free from attachments and
other forms of suffering. I still stand by that concept as essential not only for our spiritual growth, but
even more so for our everyday happiness.

In this book I shall give importance to learning how to more creatively and powerfully manifest our
“ideal life” with all that we need to be happy and to fulfill our life purpose.
Your ideal reality

Your ideal life is the one that brings you happiness, fulfillment, love, peace, meaning and everything else
you need and desire. It is the life you incarnated to live and create. It is your destiny and your life
purpose. It is the one unique life style that will give you happiness. It is also your challenge – the life you
have come to learn to create, just as a painter is challenged to manifest on the canvas the image he has in
his mind.

We have encoded within us at birth the image of our personal ideal life that is uniquely different from
anyone else’s ideal life. It is the life we have come to create for ourselves, others and perhaps even for
society. Manifesting these specific life conditions that we feel motivated from within to create is our
personal path to happiness, peace, fulfillment, meaning and evolution.

We are co-creators with the divine

The Divine is expressing itself through us and seeking to manifest through each of us, in our own special
way, its unlimited harmony and beauty. We are rays of divine consciousness temporarily expressing
ourselves through unique bodies and minds. Our challenge and purpose is to express our divine beauty
as creativity, love, peace, abundance, unity and a myriad of other higher values and qualities.

Thus, creating abundance, health, loving relationships and all other aspects of a happy life is not only our
right, but is also our duty and destiny. We are here to create beautifully happy lives including all that we
need in order to be happy and to fulfill our life purpose – which in all cases also beautifies life for those
around us.

We are cells in the body of one universal being. Whatever is good for us as cells is also good for the body
of humanity as a whole. Learning to manifest our ideal life is a process, which in addition to increasing
our happiness also benefits the whole and enhances our evolutionary process personally and collectively.
In other words, it is not only okay to be happy and to have whatever we need, but it is an integral part of
our evolutionary process.

We are here, however, to manifest what we are guided from within to create – and that may or may not
include some of our desires that are based on our mind’s fears, doubts, selfishness, attachments or the
programming we have received from a society which has seriously lost contact with the true values and
purpose of life.

The importance of using our power consciously

As you read through and seek to employ these principles for manifesting your ideal life, do not forget that
you are an important part of a whole and that, even if you are satisfied with your life as it is and are not
motivated to manifest more for yourself, you are free to use these same principles for manifesting an
improved reality for those in need, who at this time might be unable to do much for themselves.

You are learning to exercise your creative powers. You can use them for yourself, for your loved ones or
for society in general. How you use your powers is your choice. Remember that, as with all other forms of
power, it is essential that we use them responsibly and correctly.

If you have doubts as to whether you are supposed to use your powers of creation, you might want to
remember that Christ taught his followers that they all had the power to do whatever he did. When his
crucifixion was pending, he explained that it was imperative that he leave so that the “Helper” (the Holy
Spirit) could come and fill them and give them many of powers he had, which actually occurred fifty days

We are all expressions of the Divine here on the earth. God is not some separate being who will come and
save humanity. We are the mind, hands and feet of God in the material world. It is up to us and not God
to create peace, harmony and abundance for all. Either we will do it or it will not be done.

Learning to create more powerfully and specifically that which we are consciously guided to manifest is a
major step in that process. Doing so in cooperation with others is an equally important step, but first of
all you need to create a personal reality in which you feel secure, satisfied, fulfilled, happy and at peace.
Then we can move on to contribute to world peace and abundance, each in his or her own unique way.

About the book

I am presenting you with perhaps the most encompassing list of concepts and actions you can now take
in order to manifest your ideal life. It is comprised of the essence taught by the following sources:

1. The book and movie The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (Beyond Words Publishing)
2. The book Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra (Amber-Allen Publishing, Inc)
3. The book Manifest your Destiny by Wayne Dyer (HarperCollins Publishers)
4. Myself, Robert Najemy, after 40 years of spiritual searching, writing and teaching.

If you have not already read the above-mentioned books, you will want to at some point.

Some of these sources give greater importance than others to the various specific steps that will be
presented here. All four sources, however, agree on all of the matters to be presented below.

Although I have been studying, teaching and writing about human harmony for forty years, and have
written 26 books before this one, I had not read any books by Deepak Chopra or Wayne Dyer until a year
ago, at which point I was amazed and deeply pleased by how much our journeys and perceptions are so
much in agreement. We have come to the same conclusions with totally different backgrounds and

I have purposely tried to keep this book as short as possible so that more people are likely to benefit from
it. On the other hand, I have also intentionally repeated some of the more important and yet unfamiliar
concepts numerous times so that they can more easily be absorbed.

About the exercises

I suggest that you dedicate a separate notebook for the exercises that you will find in each section. You
will gain much by employing each exercise before moving on to the next section. If you are more
interested in the concepts presented and less in actually employing them, then you might prefer to read
through the whole book and then return and work on each section at your own pace, answering the
questions and employing the exercises. Choose the way that suits you.

Also, we have uploaded more detailed versions of the questionnaires and exercises as well as some audio
and video aids for your use at for English speakers and for Greek speakers.

In some situations it is suggested that you employ methods of energy psychology such as EFT, TAT,
BSFF, The Sedona Method, Freeze Frame and Ho’oponopono for getting free from unpleasant emotions.
In case you are unfamiliar with these methods you can find much guidance in English at and in Greek at

If you would like help in applying these methods, we have a wide variety of DVD’s and CD’s for learning
and employing them. In addition, a seminar (in Greek) based on this book, in which you are guided step
by step, employing all of the methods mentioned, is available on DVD.

Also, many of my other books will help those who have questions about some of the premises taken for
granted in this book. Especially the books Universal Philosophy, The Art of Meditation, Free to
be Happy with Energy Psychology and Love is The Choice.

Now let us begin to discuss the specific attitudes, beliefs, actions and behaviors that are suggested by
these four sources.

I will present you first with a brief overview of all the methods so that you can have a general idea of the
approach as you work on each step.
A List of the 25 Ways To Manifest Your Ideal Life
Method No 1: Be Grateful

Think of, and make a list of, all that already exists in your life for which you can or would like to feel
grateful. Read this list daily for at least 90 days. Add to the list each time you think of something else for
which you can feel grateful.

Method No 2: Specify Goals

Make a list of your goals; the things that you would like to accomplish, create, manifest, improve or
obtain. Include all aspects of your life – physical, material, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, familial,
relationships, professional etc. Consider what you want to manifest for yourself, for your family, for
others, for society and for humanity.

Method No 3: Get Free from Limiting Beliefs

Discover, and then free yourself from, all limiting beliefs (social and personal) concerning what you can
and cannot manifest and what can or cannot be done, especially in relationship to your specific goals.

Method No 4: Write a Description of Your Ideal Reality

Using your imagination, now write a detailed description of your new reality in which your ideal life and
ideal self are already manifested. Write in the present tense as if all of your goals have already been
achieved. Describe how you feel, think, behave and live now that all is as you want it to be. Read this
description daily or even rewrite as many times as you like for 90 days.

Method No 5. Act Now as You Imagine You Would Then

Behave now as if your goals have already become manifest. Do now that which you imagine you would do
if your ideal life was already a reality.

Method No 6: Experience the Source of Creation Within

Learn to let go of thoughts and experience the silence or peace between the thoughts. Here, in this silent
space, exists the field of unlimited possibilities from which all beings, forms, objects and interactions
flow forth. Begin to identify less with your body and mind and experience yourself as formless
consciousness. As consciousness or energy you are actually one and the same with the consciousness that
is the source of all that you seek to manifest.

Method No 7: Introduce your Conscious Intentions into the Field of Unlimited Potential

While in your concentrated state of relative silence – in the space between the thoughts – while
connected to the field of unlimited potential, you can now release your intentions, needs and desires as
ideas, images, thoughts and feelings. As you visualize and feel that your ideal reality has already become
manifest, feel gratitude and happiness for that fact. Visualize only the completed results that you wish to
manifest and not the way in which they will become reality.

Method No 8: Give to Others and Yourself Daily

Give gifts from the heart regularly to those around you. Also give to yourself. Focus also on giving to
others, and yourself, that which you seek to attract or create. Wish for others to be well and to also have
what you are seeking to create. Offer happiness to others in various ways that come naturally.

Method No 9: Let go of Anxiety and Attachment to the Results

Let go of any anxiety about, and the attachment to, the results of your efforts. Have faith that, as long as
you do what you can and live your life as you are guided from within, all that you need for your happiness
and life purpose will manifest in abundance at the most opportune moment and for your highest good.
Method No 10: Experience your Inner Self-worth, Security and Fulfillment

Realize that you are fully able to experience self-worth, security and inner fulfillment regardless of when
or whether what you are seeking to attract or create manifests or not. Cultivate inner feelings of security,
self-worth, fulfillment and strength so that you are able to feel well and happy regardless of whether or
when your goals are achieved.

Method No 11: Welcome all of Life’s Lessons as Opportunities for Greater Self-Realization

Welcome each and every event, situation and change in your life as an opportunity to discover even
greater inner strength and wisdom. Believe in the wisdom of the universe, which brings to you only what
is the highest possible good for your happiness and life purpose.

Method No 12: Perceive the Past as Perfect and Forgive Others and Yourself for all.

Perceive the past as perfect and exactly what you yourself had created and chosen for your
evolutionary process. Forgive everyone, including yourself, for all and everything that has occurred until
this present moment.

Method No 13: Perform Ho’oponopono for all Possible Obstacles towards Manifesting
your Ideal Life

Perform the ancient Hawaiian method of “Ho’oponopono” for the removal of all obstacles and for every
situation that does not please you or does not seem correct.

Method No 14: Remove all Resistance to Success

Discover and remove all forms of ”psychological reversal” or resistance towards success, happiness or
change for the better.

Method No 15: Develop a System for Inner Guidance

Develop an inner guidance mechanism. Refine your mental clarity, objectivity, logic and intuition so you
can make choices that most effectively support your goals and do not obstruct them. Make wise choices,
decisions and actions that further your goals.

Method No 16: Recognize your Successes and Remember to Feel Grateful Continuously

Discover ways to remember to feel gratitude frequently throughout the day, both for what you already
have, but also for each new “miracle” or manifestation. Acknowledge every new creation and “miracle”
feeling thankful for how it in enriches your life.

Method No 17: Create and Maintain a Vision Board or Vision Book

Create and keep up a vision board and/or vision book in which you can place photos, drawings, texts,
and objects that connect you energetically and emotionally to that which you want to manifest.

Method No 18: Remember - That Which You Want To Manifest Is Already A Part of who
You Are.

Remember that you are divine consciousness-energy; a divine, all-powerful soul who, in cooperation
with the divine source of all, has the ability to form this universal energy into material realities. Your true
nature is formless consciousness, which is manifesting as your body, mind and life situation. That which
you want to manifest is in fact simply an extension of your own self.

Method No 19: Think, Speak and Express Yourself Positively

Think, speak and in general express yourself positively, emphasizing all that you appreciate and find
beautiful. Especially focus on the good in people. Avoid complaining, criticizing, judging, rejecting or
otherwise expressing negative perceptions.
Method No 20: Discover and Live your Life Purpose

Discover your life purpose, the reason for which you have incarnated, and joyfully dedicate your life to
manifesting it.

Method No 21: Be Assured that You Deserve your Ideal Reality

Experience your self-worth from within as an expression of your divine nature temporarily projected into
this material dimension. Know that you are totally worthy of attracting and creating all that you are
guided from within to manifest.

Method No 22: Experience Your Inseparable Connection with Divine Love

Feel your continuous inseparable connection with the divine within and around you. Experience every
event, situation and development (pleasant or unpleasant) as an expression of divine love for you and
your loved ones.

Method No 23: Perceive Yourself and Your Environment As Extensions of Each Other.

Perceive your environment as an extension of yourself, and yourself as an extension of it. You are a part
of every environment you find yourself in. It is a part of you. All that you seek to create is also a part of

Method No 24: Use the Power of the “Word”

Use the power of sound, prayer and the “Word” to enhance your manifestations.

Method No 25: Be Happy

Make the choice, practice and habit of being happy. Organize your life and your day in ways that are
conducive to your happiness. Use “mood shifters” when you are not feeling well so as to let go of negative
feelings, so that your basic state becomes one of happiness and contentment.


Method No 1: Be Grateful
Think of, and make a list of, all that already exists in your life for which you can feel grateful. Read
this list daily for at least 90 days. Add to the list each time you think of something else for which you
can feel grateful.

Gratitude and love initiate the law of attraction, bringing to us even more of whatever makes us feel these
positive emotions. When we feel grateful for what we already have, we are recognizing how blessed and
how loved we are by the universe. We are acknowledging that we have already been given so much and
that it is very natural to receive even more.

When we do not recognize how much we already have to feel grateful for, then we are declaring that we
do not feel blessed or loved by the universe and the natural result would be to not attract what we need.
Look at it this way: if you do not recognize what others have given you, then you do not expect them to
give you anything in the future; when you feel that they have given you much, then you fully expect that
they will continue to do so. The same is true for the universe and the Divine.

We are truly blessed

So many of our fellow beings on this planet do not have what we take granted. In fact, 80% of the planet
lives on less than 400 dollars a month, and 60% of our brothers and sisters live on less than 60 dollars a
month. It has been stated that only 8% of the people on the planet have bank accounts. Many millions do
not have running clean water, something we take for granted. Millions do not have education or freedom
of movement or speech.
When we recognize that we are blessed and loved by the Divine and the universe and that we have been
given so much, then we develop the psychology of deserving and naturally receiving more of all this

Attention augments

We attract in general whatever we allow our attention to focus on. Our attention is very much intensified
by our emotions and our emotions are a basic force in our creative power. We attract more of what we
complain about, reject, criticize and hate. We attract more of whatever we allow to annoy us. We also
attract more of what we love, appreciate and feel grateful about. Every time we remember to feel grateful
for what we already have, we attract more of what we want and need.

In order to realize how blessed we really are, we might need to expand our perception of abundance.
Most people measure their abundance exclusively by how much money and possessions they have. These
may, to some degree, contribute to our abundance. Equally important, however, are health, loving
relationships, friendships, knowledge, meaningful work, human values, vitality, techniques for changing
our inner states, a clean conscience, freedom of belief and expression, nature, the sun, flowers, music,
dance, the ability to walk, listen and see, and so many other aspects of our lives that make it abundant,
meaningful and fulfilling.

Recognizing our power

Recognizing all that we already have empowers us in an additional way. In comprising a list of all that we
have already for which we can feel grateful, we are in reality making a list of what we have actually
created. All that we have is the result of our cooperation with the universe. Recognizing that we have
already created a reality that is so much more abundant than the majority of the human race allows us to
recognize our power.

Think about it: around five billion fellow souls are not yet manifesting the economic security that you
have that allows you to buy this book and have the time to read it. One billion people are not yet creating
access to clean running water. Six hundred million are not yet able to create proper shelter for their
children. Ninety percent are not yet creating the ability to have a computer. You are already a powerful
creator, manifesting a long list of people, things, services and comforts you can feel grateful for.

Our gratitude list opens us up to ever more abundant realities as we feel blessed, loved, lucky and also
powerful enough to create even more. I encourage you to make that list now, before you continue.

It is important to acknowledge your family members (and if you cannot, then analyze why not), home,
work, body, senses, freedoms, knowledge, abilities, techniques, values, nature, shelter, food, services,
appliances, computers, this book, the ability to read it, and anything else you can think of.

You would also benefit from feeling grateful for difficulties that you have passed through, or are passing
through, that can make you a more thoughtful, more spiritual, more sensitive or better person.

Exercise no. 1 – Make your gratitude list. Be sure to add to it daily and to read it daily for at least 90
days, preferably when you wake in the morning and/or before sleeping.

Exercise no. 2 - You can also strengthen your feelings of gratitude and appreciation by sharing your
feelings with others. You can take turns sharing how you feel blessed and lucky to have what you have.
Many people are stuck in the habit of complaining and even competing with each other as to who has the
more difficult life. We have become programmed to seek attention and self-worth through suffering and
complaining. Some wear their suffering and problems like “war medals” on their chest for others to see.
Share with someone all that you have for which you feel grateful. If you feel grateful for specific persons
in your lives, share that fact with them.

Exercise no. 3 - If, for some reason, you cannot do this with others, share such feelings with yourself
while looking in a mirror. There is an added benefit to verbally expressing these positive emotions.

Method No 2: Specify Goals

Make a list of your goals; the things that you would like to accomplish, create, manifest, improve
or obtain. Include all aspects of your life – physical, material, emotional, mental, spiritual, social,
familial, relationships, professional etc. Consider what you want to manifest for yourself, for your
family, for others, for society and for humanity.

Create your own unique list

Creating such a list allows you to consciously decide what you need and want in order to be happy and
to fulfill your life purpose. Be sure that your goals are yours and not social or parental programmings.
What you want and need in order to be happy and fulfilled may or may not coincide with what others
want, believe or admire.

We are not suggesting that you reject anyone or their beliefs, but simply that you ask yourself what you
really want and what is really important for you. It is easy to become sidetracked by society’s superficial
values and what others admire or consider important or worthy – which may or may not be what we
really need for our unique ideal life.

Let go of limitations

As you create your list, be free from limitations such as whether or not you believe that you can actually
manifest that goal. Also do not limit yourself by trying to figure out how what you want can manifest.
Just write all that you really want from within and leave the how and when to the universe. Let go of
what others or you yourself think can and cannot be achieved.

By specifying what you want to manifest, you are setting in motion the powers of the universe towards
that specific creation. Our attention augments whatever we focus on. By focusing on what you want (and
especially with positive emotions) you are bringing them into materialization. Many people know what
they do not want, but are not very clear about what they do want. This exercise will help.

Giving form to consciousness

When we do this, we are actually consciously giving form to the unlimited universal consciousness. This
is similar to the white, formless light of the movie projector obtaining form as it passes through the
images on the film. Our thoughts are the film that forms the one universal consciousness that is passing
through them.

When we do not consciously focus on what we want, then our reality is created by our limiting,
programmed subconscious beliefs and feelings. We feel victimized when our reality is not what we desire,
because we are unaware of that fact that our reality is a reflection of our subconscious fears, self-doubt,
insecurity and limiting beliefs and feelings.

It is now time to consciously decide what we want and to state it in written form. I suggest that you now
make that list before continuing your reading. I also suggest that you read this list frequently and add to
it, or subtract from it, so that it ever more accurately describes what you want.

It is not suggested that you read this list to others, but you can read it to yourself in a mirror.

Exercise no. 4 - Now make your list of what you would like to accomplish, create, manifest, improve,
cultivate or obtain. This does not need to be limited to material goals. You may choose to develop
qualities and talents or become free from fears or attachments. Write down all that you want.

Method No 3: Get Free from Limiting Beliefs
Discover and then free yourself from all limiting beliefs (social and personal) concerning
what you can and cannot manifest and what can or cannot be done, especially in relationship to your
specific goals.

Our beliefs are the one main limiting factor in our creation or attraction process. We may feel unworthy
of having what we desire. Or we might believe that we cannot have it. We may also actually fear having
what we desire.

Childhood programming

Such limiting beliefs are developed when we are young and tend to assume that others are right and that
we must be wrong. When we do not have something we need as children, such as love, affection,
attention, peace, respect, material objects, abundance, respect, happiness etc, we tend to form two
conclusions: one is that we do not deserve it, and the second is that we will not or cannot have it in
our lives.

Later on in our lives, we might employ a program like this one in which we learn to consciously project
what we now want, but if we have not recognized and removed the limiting subconscious belief that “I do
not deserve it and cannot have it” then it is unlikely that we will subconsciously allow our needs to

Sympathetic Vibration

Even if we ourselves do not accept these limiting beliefs consciously, they tend to affect us through our
collective subconscious and united morphogenetic field in which we all share beliefs, feelings and

We are affected by what others think to the degree that those specific beliefs still exist within us. This is
called sympathetic vibration. We are affected by others to the extent that they awaken within us our own
beliefs, doubts or fears. We need to free ourselves from even the slightest doubt about what we seek to

For example, participants in fire walking seminars are able to discard the belief that they will be burned
when walking over the coals. To the extent that they free themselves, they are able to actually walk over
the coals without burning their bare feet. Although the society around them continues to believe that the
fire will burn their feet, they have removed that belief and create a new reality free from social
perception. Dr. Wayne Dyer calls this getting free from the tribal belief system.

What are some of those limiting beliefs that might be harboring in our subconscious and thus preventing
our powers of attraction and creation? Here are just a few of myriad possibilities:

1. In relationship to money, wealth and affluence.

A. Some limiting beliefs might be:
1. Money is the root of all evil.
2. Money cannot bring happiness.
3. Money can be made only through hard work.
4. A rich person cannot be a spiritual person.
5. Money is dirty, not spiritual.
6. People who have money are spoiled by it and lose their compassion and love.
7. We cannot create a lot of money and affluence in a moral way.
8. I am not worthy of abundance.
9. It is not spiritual to desire more than I have.
10. Abundance is not for me.

We will need to free ourselves from these or other limiting beliefs and replace them with perceptions that
allow our subconscious to accept wealth and abundance.

B. Some alternative, positive beliefs might be:

1) Money is a form of universal spiritual energy that can be used for selfish or selfless purposes. It is
neither good nor bad. It is a neutral energy that becomes a positive or negative force in the
universe by the way it is used. Money in the hands of the evolved and selfless can do wonderful
good for all.

One of my most important spiritual teachers has created three extremely large and well equipped
hospitals and five universities, as well as a water supply project for over 600 villages – all with donations
that passed through his hands. He himself lives in a small room of 30 square meters and lives only to
serve those who need him. All services, operations, medicines, food and classes in the hospitals and
universities are free. No one pays anything. This is the power of creation and it is being used not for
himself, but for others. An extremely spiritual and selfless person can do wonders with money.

2) Money alone may not bring happiness, but combined with love, peace, and a meaningful life, it
can add to that happiness.

3) Many people have attracted money and abundance in effortless and joyful ways by creatively
doing what they love.

4) We are all worthy of abundance. Christ explains this when he says, in Matthew 7 : "Ask, and it will
be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. If you… know how to
give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is
good to those who ask Him!”

As children of God, expressions of the Divine, as the divine consciousness itself projecting into the
physical dimension, we are all worthy of receiving the best of what this material world has to offer.

C. Letting go of attachment

The key here is not to be attached to what we want or have. Enjoying abundance and being attached to it
for our feelings of self-worth, security or fulfillment are not the same. One person can be without
abundance and be totally attached to it and unhappy because he does not have it. Another can have much
but not be dependent on what he or she has in order to experience inner self-worth, security and

The problem with money and affluence is not in having them, but living in the illusion that our self-
worth or security is dependent on them. This is equally true for those who have and for those who do not

2. Another area in which we have limiting beliefs is relationships.

A. Some limiting beliefs might be:
1. Real love does not exist.
2. I am not loveable.
3. Relationships are painful and end in hurt.
4. Relationships are suppressing – I will lose my freedom.
5. I cannot be myself in a relationship.
6. The other will leave me and I will feel hurt and abandoned.
7. Relationships are always conflict-ridden.
8. Many others ......................

If we have such beliefs, then obviously we will sabotage any effort to manifest a relationship. People with
such beliefs often create relationships that cannot really happen, such as with persons already married or
living in another city or people who are obviously not willing to commit. In this way they create the
illusion of a relationship without the dangers of a real one.

B. Some alternative positive beliefs might be:

1. We are all capable of love.
2. I deserve to be loved and respected as I am.
3. Relationships are a magnificent growth opportunity.
4. I am able to lovingly create my boundaries in relationships.
5. I am able to be happy in and out of relationships.
6. I create relationships out of love, not out dependency.
7. If the other leaves, I will be fine.
8. Relationships are an opportunity to overcome our egos and love others as they are.

C. Co-dependency or Co-commitment?

The key here is to create relationships of co-commitment rather than co-dependency. Love never creates
pain. Attachment and dependency are the causes of pain. We do not suffer because we love someone, but
rather because we lose them or do not get what we want from the other. When we enter into
relationships and choose to love without dependency or fear, we will create the type of loving
relationship we are really seeking.

3. Another area in which we might have limiting beliefs is in relation to health and well-being.
A. Some limiting beliefs might be:
1. I do not deserve health (because I caused others to not be well... because my parents were
not well).
2. I am weak and vulnerable to illness.
3. I will be dependent on others if I become ill.
4. I am not a good person and I will be punished with illness and death.
5. As we age, we naturally become weak, frail and ill.
6. I am in danger from bacteria, the cold, drafts, the sun, heat, insects, dust, pollen, mold etc.
7. It is natural to become ill as we become older.

Such beliefs will naturally undermine our health and vitality regardless of how much we focus on being
healthy or do all the right things (health food, exercise etc. ) to be healthy. We need to believe that we
deserve to be, and can be, happy until we leave this physical body.

B. Some alternative positive beliefs might be:

1. I deserve perfect health until the day I leave this body.
2. My body has an extremely powerful defense system that protects me from all forms of
microbes, inflammations and cancerous cells.
3. The cells in my body are replenishing daily. No cells in my body are older than seven years
old. I have a new and healthy body regardless of the number of years my body has existed
on this physical plane.
4. I am a good and pure person and deserve health and well-being.
5. I am an all-powerful spirit and can create the body I choose to have at any age.

It is essential to discover and free ourselves from any beliefs that may be limiting our creative process.

We deserve and can have all that we are guided from within to manifest. Anything that is essential to
our happiness and/or our life purpose is readily available for us to learn to create. We live in a universe
of unlimited love. We are born to manifest happiness, abundance and whatever we need to fulfill our life
purpose. There is no reason for the Divine or the universe to deny us something that is essential for our
happiness or life purpose. If we are not attracting it, the reason can only be in our own limiting beliefs
and/or our own soul choices. (We will discuss “soul choices” later on in the book)

Exercise no. 5 - Make a list of all the limiting beliefs you have heard from others, or actually believe,
concerning abundance, relationships, health and especially those that concern the specific goals you
would like to manifest at the present time. In relationship to each belief ask yourself:
1. Do I consciously believe that is true?
2. Can I be totally sure that it is true?
3. What would I, and my life, be like if I didn’t believe that?
4. What are some alternative positive beliefs about that?

Method No 4: Write a Description of Your Ideal Reality
Using your imagination, now write a detailed description of your new reality in which your
ideal life and ideal self are already manifested. Write in the present tense as if all of your goals have
already been achieved. Describe how you feel, think, behave and live, now that all is as you want it to
be. Read this description daily or even rewrite as many times as you like for 90 days.

This is a wonderful exercise in which you describe your ideal reality already manifested in your life.
Imagine as many details as you like. Do not, however, allow the details to limit how or where your reality
will be manifest. This written description should focus on how you are feeling, living and enjoying your
new reality, without limiting it to specific people or events. Give preference to describing your inner
states such as feelings, gratitude and happiness now that all is ideal for you.

Let others be as they will

Avoid describing what others will or will not be doing, as we do not have the right to interfere in their
free will and personal destiny. Imagine the others in contact with their inner divine light, their true self,
which supplies them with unlimited power, guidance and healing energy. Do not imagine specific
realities for others, but allow their inner light and higher self to use the energy you are projecting for
them in ways that are most appropriate for their well being and evolutionary process.

We are creating and strengthening new “thought-forms” that will become energy forms and, eventually,
physical realities. This is the process of manifestation through the human mind. The law here is that
thought controls or attracts energy, which in turn attracts or controls matter. Our thoughts gather
energy and eventually become physical realities.

Ideas become realties

All human creations start out as ideas or perceptions in the human mind. Then, with or without physical
action, these ideas become reality. Look around you, noticing the buildings, roads, bridges, homes,
tables, stoves, dishes, desks, computers, paintings, books, carpets, glasses, radios, TVs, cell phones and
whatever might come into your vision. All of these were first an idea in a human mind which eventually
became manifest in this physical dimension. All that exists starts as an idea in the conscious,
subconscious or higher mind.

There are some highly evolved individuals who can manifest without external action. They have the
power to create what to many seem to be miracles. The spiritual guide I mentioned earlier has this
power. He is able to materialize instantaneously whatever he thinks of. That could be a fruit, or a ring, a
watch or a healing, or, as previously mentioned, in an extraordinarily small amount of time and with very
little energy, a hospital or university.

We are essentially doing the same on a smaller level. We are co-creators with the Divine. Our ideas,
desires and goals gradually take form as we focus on them and give energy to them. As we exercise our
ability to consciously create what we really want, we too will eventually become master creators here on
the physical plane, co-operating with the divine source to manifest harmony, health, and abundance for
ourselves and others.

This written exercise is one of the ways in which we begin to consciously create:

You can do this in two ways.

One is to write over and over the phrase

“Now that I have (manifested) _______, I have the following feelings ________.”
“Now that I have (manifested) _______, I think in the following ways ________.”
“Now that I have (manifested) _______, I have added the following to my life ________.”
“Now that I have (manifested) _______, I have let go of the following ________.”
“Now that I have (manifested) _______, I behave in the following ways ________.”

You can do this a number of times, for each goal separately or all together.
The second way is best done after completing the previous exercise. Write a general description of your
new reality and all of the new emotions, thoughts, behaviors and ways of life. All of this should be written
in the present tense.

Then you can read or even rewrite this description daily for 90 days.

Exercise no. 6 - If you like, you can now complete the above mentioned phrases in your notebook for
this purpose.

Exercise no. 7 - If you feel you will enjoy it, you can also enter your description of your new ideal reality
in your notebook.


Method No 5: Act now as You Imagine You Would Then

Behave now as if your goals have already become manifest. Do now that which you imagine
you would do if your ideal life was already a reality.

Until now, we have learned to align ourselves with our ideal reality by:

1. Realizing how much we already have and feeling grateful.

2. Making a list of what we want to manifest.
3. Removing limiting beliefs.
4. Writing a description of our ideal reality.

The next step is to begin to act as we would if our goals were already achieved. This aligns us perhaps
more than any other technique. When we behave as if our ideal life is already manifest, we directly
attract it and bring it into our physical reality.

Ask yourself, “what would I be doing different if I had already achieve my goal, made the change, or
manifested what I wanted?” This might include new activities, or perhaps letting go of past activities that
you do not need anymore in your ideal reality.

Consider completing some of the following sentences in your notebook:

“Now that I have the relationship I wanted, I .....”

“Now that I have the health I wanted, I .....”
“Now that I have the abundance I wanted, I...”
“Now that I have the ________ I wanted, I...”
“Now that I feel financially secure, I...”
“Now that I am free from what others think about me, I...”
“Now that I have made this change in my life, I ....”
“Now that I have overcome this problem, I...”
“Now that I feel self-acceptance and self respect, I...”
“Now that I feel self-confident in all endeavors, I...”
“Now that I have forgiven _____, I ...”
“Now that I have forgiven myself, I...”
“Now that I have stopped smoking, I...”
“Now that I have lost weight, I...”
“Now that I feel secure within myself, I...”
“Now that I am free from the fear of _______, I...”
“Now that I am free from anxiety about ________, I...”
“Now that I am free from my guilt about ________, I...”
“Now that I am free from my attachment to________, I...”
“Now that I am free from my anxiety about my appearance, I...”
“Now that I am free from the illusion that I am this body and mind, I...”
When you have answered these questions regarding your specific goals, begin to employ some of those
behaviors now to the degree that you can. Act as if you already have the relationship, health, abundance,
security, self-worth, freedom that you have set as goals.

This is perhaps the one most important step towards manifesting your goals.

Exercise no. 8 - Take time, if you like, to complete the phrases presented above. Look through your
answers and see if you can find some actions that you can take now in order to attract your ideal reality.


Method No 6: Experience the Source of Creation Within

Learn to let go of thoughts and experience the silence or peace between the thoughts.
Here in this silent space exists the field of unlimited possibilities from which all beings, forms,
objects and interactions flow forth. Begin to identify less with your body and mind and experience
yourself as formless consciousness. As consciousness or energy you are actually one and the same
with the consciousness that is the source of all that you seek to manifest.

One consciousness, energy and matter.

All beings, objects and events are manifestations of the unmanifest, where all exists as latent potential.
This is described by some scientists as the “field of possibilities”, the “zero point” or according to David
Bohm, the “implicate order,”in which all is one, undifferentiated and “touching in time and space.” Some
scientists believe that this entire physical world is a temporary manifestation of this unmanifest state of
energy and consciousness. Science tells us that our perceptions of time, space and separate beings and
objects are actually illusions and that in reality there is one energy, one consciousness and one matter
that none of them can be cut or segmented (a scientific fact very contradictory to what our senses are
presenting us).

Spiritual teachers for thousands of years have taught that there is one universal consciousness, which
most relate to as God, that is manifesting as all that is – including all humans, animals, birds, insects,
plants, mountains, seas, planets, suns, and galaxies. This would be very similar to the projector light that
is creating absolutely everything on the movie screen, including all the people (regardless of their actions
or roles), the earth beneath them, the sky above, the animals and insects, trees, the weather, the rivers,
the seas, mountains and clouds. All of these are manifestations on the screen of one white formless light
that, when passing through the film, appears as all of the above. Christian theologians might call this the
«aktisto fos» or the unformed (not yet built) light, from which all comes forth.

We are the God of our dreams

Another example is our dream world in which all the beings, objects, interactions and events are all
solely products of our own consciousness and there is nothing there that is not a manifestation of our
own consciousness being formed by our subconscious thoughts, needs and feelings.

Our material world is very similar to the examples above. Although it appears to be separate from us and
created by forces over which we have no control, the truth being brought to the surface by both scientific
and spiritual leaders is that our world is very much a projection of our own consciousness and the
subconscious and conscious beliefs that form that consciousness.

Thus, when we experience ourselves as the consciousness behind and beyond our thoughts, we are
actually then in touch with the pure consciousness, which is the source, the basic reality behind anything
that we are seeking to manifest. Whatever it is that we seek to create has its origin in this state of pure

Deepak Chopra considers this to be the first spiritual law of success. He suggests four means of becoming
aware of this state of pure consciousness, which is not yet limited or restricted by specific thoughts.
He suggests non-judgment, the practice of silence, quality time spent in nature and meditation.
Let us look briefly at these methods of calming the mind so that with less mental activity, we can become
aware of the essence within us.

Acceptance of what is

Non-judgment means the acceptance of all as it is. Acceptance of ourselves as we are, others as they are,
our life situation as it is as well as society and governments as they are. This is a starting point for peace.
Acceptance of all this does not preclude making conscious efforts to improve what is. It means accepting
that all is as it can be at this point in our evolutionary process as a step towards developing into a more
evolved version of what exists.

Non-acceptance or rejection of ourselves, others, or of what exists puts us in a state of conflict or

antagonism with reality. Such a mental state prevents us from letting go and experiencing that state of
pure consciousness, which is the source from which we want to manifest is flowing forth. When we reject
the “created”, we are alienating us from the source of creation.

Only by accepting and cultivating a friendly relationship with the “created” or “what is” can we then
proceed to manifest a higher version of it. You can understand this from children’s’ behavior. When we
reject them, they become more entrenched in the behaviors that we are rejecting. When they feel
accepted, they are more willing to change. The same is true concerning our personal habits or traits such
as smoking, over eating or our appearance. We need to first accept ourselves as we are before we can

Acceptance of what is, allows our minds to let go of a large percentage of mental disturbance, enabling us
to more easily let go and flow into the state of pure consciousness, which is the source of all creation. As
will be explained in the next step, intentions are much more powerful when released in a state of pure
consciousness than in a mind inundated with thoughts.

An example of this is a totally still pond into which we throw a pebble. The ripples of that pebble are
clearly apparent on the water. If the water is already disturbed by waves, then the waves created by the
pebble will have little noticeable result upon the water. When we project our desired realities in a state of
pure consciousness, these thoughts have a much clearer affect on the field of consciousness, than when
our intentions are hidden by an unceasing flow of random thoughts.

The practice of silence

The practice of silence is Deepak Chopra’s second suggestion as a means to develop a contact with the
field of pure potential. You can choose to be silent verbally and, if possible, mentally a few hours a week
or a day. This means that you will choose to not talk to anyone during those hours (unless they sincerely
need something from you), neither will you read, watch TV, nor listen to the radio. You might even
choose not to listen to music. Just be silent with yourself. This can easily be combined with the next two
suggestions, which are contact with nature and meditation. The simplest way to practice silence would be
to meditate daily or take a nature walk for a few hours each week.

These are not meant to be unsocial activities, but simply ways in which we let go of our attachment to
communication or external stimulus and allow our minds to experience inner peace.

Being in nature

Contact with nature allows our minds to let go of the need to control and think. The beings in nature, the
trees, flowers, insects, animals, rivers, seas etc, do not have an ego that we feel the need to protect
ourselves from or prove ourselves to. In nature our ego relaxes and lets go of the need to be something
other than we are. This simplicity leads us to the field of pure potential.

Daily meditation

Meditation is an ancient and yet always contemporary method of transcendence from the field of
thoughts and access to the field of pure consciousness and of pure potential. There are many forms of
meditation and although each may guide you through a different process and varied objects of
concentration, they universally lead to a state of transcendence of the mind and thoughts. If you are
interested in this subject, I suggest you read my book The Art of Meditation.

Here I am presenting you with a simplified type of meditation based on an observation of the mind:

a. Sit comfortably with the spine straight and all the body in a relaxed state.
b. Breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes, relaxing as you breathe.
c. Allow your awareness to pass through your body and let each part of your body relax. You might
want to imagine a sense of light filling each part of the body and then surrounding the body.
d. Once you are relaxed, begin to observe your thoughts. Do not try to control them, but simply
observe what your thoughts are about and what your mind does.
e. As you are observing, you may notice the patterns and tendencies of the mind, such as that
the mind tends to dwell on what has happened, creating pain or bitterness, or that the mind tends
to focus on the future with anxiety. You may notice that the mind spends a lot of time in “control
thoughts”, as it seeks to find ways to control people and events so that it can feel “safe”. Noticing
the tendencies of the mind can often lessen the grip these thoughts have on you, for you now see
them for what they are: attachment, fear, doubt and habit. Do not try to force your thoughts to
stop. Simply observe them and they will gradually lose their power, just as darkness disappears
when the light is turned on. There is no conflict between darkness and light. Darkness simply
recedes in the light. In the same way thoughts recede in the presence of the all-accepting witness.
f. Now begin to observe the space between the thoughts. The space that exists after one thought
ends and before the next appears. Most people have never experienced that state (except
unconsciously in sleep). As the thoughts slow down, you will begin to witness that space between
the thoughts and cultivate the ability to relax in that space.
g. Spend as much time as you can enjoying the peace in this space between the thoughts. You may
experience energy, light, silence, the loss of time and space, or none of these.
h. When your mind wanders to thoughts do not fight with it. Do not make this a contest or a
conflict of some type. Simply return to focusing on the space with unending patience and
i. In the next section we will discuss the ways in which you can release your intentions while in
that state. It is important, however, to emphasize that, regardless as to whether we release
intentions, the experience of this state of pure consciousness is perhaps the one most important
act that we can perform in our lives, because it connects us to our source of peace, power, clarity,
guidance, truth, happiness, love and fulfillment. There is no other act that can offer us so much.

Old programming

Remember that these random thoughts, generated by old programming, needs, doubts and fears, as well
as various negative feelings about the past and future, are actually molding our unlimited consciousness
into the specific reality that we are experiencing. We are attracting and creating realities based on these
unenlightened thoughts and feelings that pass endlessly through the mind. In the absence of conscious
intention, our reality is created by this endless stream of predominantly meaningless and often negative

If we want to create a new, more fulfilling reality, we will need to move beyond these thoughts and
experience our real self as pure consciousness behind the programmed mind. These four suggestions
made by Deepak Chopra, with which I totally agree, are a few of the ways we can do this.

There are many other forms of meditation that can facilitate your connection to pure consciousness and
higher aspects of our being, such as meditating on the light, sound, mantra, energy centers and images of
one’s chosen ideal, such as Christ or the Divine without form. You can meditate at any time, but the best
time is early morning and always on an empty stomach. Remember to let it be a natural and enjoyable
experience and not something you have to do, but want to do.

During the remaining waking hours, observe your mind and its habits. Become the neutral accepting
witness of all that your mind does. Do not reject or feel guilty or angry with your mind. Simply observe it
and understand it as a beloved child who does not know better. In this way you will develop freedom
from many useless and sometimes destructive mental activities.
Exercise no. 9 - Decide to enjoy meditation daily at approximately the same time. If you prefer there
are CDs available for guidance at

Exercise no. 10 - Observe the mind and its activities throughout the day. Become the witness to your
mind and thoughts.


Method No 7. Introduce your Conscious Intentions

into the Field of Unlimited Potential

While in your concentrated state of relative silence – in the space between the thoughts – while
connected to the field of unlimited potential, you can now release your intentions, needs and
desires as ideas, images, thoughts and feelings. As you visualize and feel that your ideal reality has
already become manifest, feel gratitude and happiness for that fact. Visualize only the completed
results that you wish to manifest and not the way in which they will become reality.

We are now ready to release our intentions into the field of unlimited potential. Remember the example
of the pebble in the calm pond. Our visualized intentions introduce information and energy into the
field of pure potential. We are giving form to pure consciousness. This, again, is similar to the film giving
information to the light passing through it, so that the light takes the form of the images on the film and
manifests on the screen.

Writing on a clean slate

Why is it better to release our intentions into the state where thoughts are absent? Imagine a white board
on which you want to draw something. When there is nothing at all drawn on the board, you have
absolute freedom to draw anything that you choose. If, however, there is even one small mark on the
board, you are limited to including that mark into what you draw. If there are many marks on the board,
then you are limited even more, because your creation must include them. Old beliefs are like marks on
the board that limit what we can draw. They need to be erased.

In the same way, when you are seeking to manifest a new reality and there are many thoughts about the
old one still there, you are limiting the possibilities of what you can create. This does not mean that one
should not introduce intentions into a mind that is not yet completely still, but just that it is more
effective to calm the mind before projecting our ideal reality.

Obviously when we begin to visualize, with gratitude, our ideal reality, we will have left the field of pure
potential and be in our thinking mind. Thus, we will be alternating between three states; random
thoughts, silence and consciously visualizing our ideal reality. Be patient and do not fight with your
mind. Observe it until you rest in the space between the thoughts. Enjoy that space for as long as you
comfortably can and then introduce your intended reality by feeling grateful that it already exists.

We have already discussed the quantum field, the zero point or the implicate order from which all
becomes manifest. Our intentions, desires and visualizations are supplying these fields with information
that guide them to manifest in ways that we consciously prefer.

Let go of the how

Remember to visualize and focus only on the end result and not on how it will happen. When we try to
think of how what we want will happen, we create obstructions. Firstly, we may not be able to think of a
way that what we want can become reality. Such a difficulty may prevent it from manifesting. Secondly,
the way in which this particular reality can become manifest may be totally different from what we have
in mind. In such a case we will not cooperate with the universe and allow events to flow in the magical
and unique way that will bring our desired reality. Trust and allow the universe to know the best way to
manifest for us our ideal reality.
When visualizing or thinking of your new ideal reality, do so with positive emotions such as gratitude and
happiness. These emotions will energize your thoughts and propel them into physical reality.

According to the teachings of “Seth”, our thoughts, and especially our feelings, actually cause
infinitesimally small electromagnetic units to form into matter. We are, in cooperation with all other
forms of consciousness, actually creating the matter around us. This may be difficult to believe, but
scientists tell us that matter is actually 99.9% empty and basically comprised of energy, which seems to
have taken form. What gives this energy the form it takes such as atoms, molecules, bodies, tables,
mountains, seas and all that exists? The answer is “information”. Our intentions are supplying this
information, but so is our unconscious programming.

This is similar to the information on the blue print of a building that gives the unique form to that
structure. The body’s DNA contains information that determines the composition of the body and the
mind. Seth is telling us that our thoughts and feelings are actually creating our physical reality.

Releasing intentions

In closing, I would like to comment on the use of the phrase “release your intentions.” The word “release”
has two meanings here. One is to allow something to flow out, such as releasing birds or animals into the
wild. In such a case we are introducing something into a field where it was not. Thus we are introducing
the idea of our desired reality into the field of pure potentiality.

The second meaning is that we let go of something and do not need to control it any more. Both
meanings are essential here. We affect the field with information about our chosen reality and then we let
go of all thoughts and anxiety about that.

Exercise no. 11 - Perform this intention meditation daily. Alternate between the peace and fulfillment
of pure consciousness without thoughts, and the deliberate release of your intentions. Do this especially
upon waking and before sleeping.


Method No 8. Give to Others and Yourself Daily

Give gifts from the heart regularly to those around you. Also give to yourself. Focus also on
giving to others and yourself that which you seek to attract or create. Wish for others to be well and to
also have what you are seeking to create. Offer happiness to others in various ways that come

This is one of the most pleasant aspects of manifesting what we want. Giving is an integral and
complementary aspect of receiving. The universe relies on flow. In order to remain alive we must let go of
the air we take in and then take in new air again. If we want to receive from the universe, we need to give
to the universe. Wishing for and creating happiness for others in various natural ways is one of the most
effective ways to align with the flow of the universe.

Giving aligns us with the source

When we give to others and also to ourselves, we create a vacuum that draws in more of what we are
giving. The Divine, which is the consciousness manifesting as all beings, is obviously interested in the
well-being, happiness and fulfillment of each and every being. When we are interested in, help and give
to others, we become partners with the divine source. We are then in alignment with the source and our
intentions are supported by the universal power of goodness.

We can become instruments of creation, increasing abundance, health, love and happiness for all. When
we care for others as much as we do for ourselves, we become more universal beings, rather than limited
egos interested only in self-gratification.

Give simply – without ego

Make it a point to give some thing to one or more persons every day. It does not need to be something
material. It could be a kind word or even a silent prayer or wish for that person. You could hand someone
a flower, an inspired photocopied page, a piece of fruit, a smile, a simple good morning. Be aware of the
people, animals, birds, insects and plants around you. Give them your attention. Wish for them to be well
and do something kind for them. This will connect you to a much greater source than you can imagine.

You should not, however, do this with the motive of getting more from the universe, perhaps like a deal
with God or the universe. Giving must be done without any sense of self or keeping of accounts, how
much you gave and how much others gave to you or others. There should be no second thoughts – only
the joy and magic of giving. Neither should you feel more worthy or more spiritual because you are
giving. This would only increase ego and ego can only disconnect us from the source.

Give here and receive from there

Let go of the belief that you should receive from where you give. This is a trap many fall into. We feel
disappointed and angry when those we have helped are not there for us when we need them, or do not
treat us with the respect and love we would expect considering all that we have done for them.

We need to perceive life as an unlimited bank with over six billion branches at which we can make
deposits and withdrawals. Each person (and perhaps many animals) is a branch of this universal bank.
We tend to believe that we have the right to make withdrawals from the same branch we have been
investing it, but the universe does not always work that way. When we focus on receiving from those we
have helped or given to, then we do not allow the universe to give us back from someone else that
we may not even know at this time.

Have faith in universal justice

So simply give and do not focus on what is going to come back and from where. Trust that the “cosmic
accountant,” makes no mistakes and we are always getting what we are giving, creating and needing for
our happiness, evolution and life purpose.

Laws are all encompassing and dispassionate and work the same for all, just as gravity and death do not
make exceptions for anyone. In the same way, we are all subject to the same law and we receive what we
give. The more we give, the more we receive. Some reasons this may not seem true in our lives are:

1. We might have taken much more than we gave in the past (or perhaps in previous lives, if you
believe in such).
2. We may be giving with the motive of receiving love and acceptance from others (which is not
giving at all).
3. We might be giving in order to oblige others to give back to us.
4. We might have subconscious obstacles to receiving.
5. We may believe that we are not worthy of receiving.
6. We may identify giving with strength and receiving with weakness or becoming obliged and thus
subconsciously may not want to receive.
7. We may identify giving with self-worth and subconsciously need to give more than we receive.
8. We may have made a “soul choice,” for the purpose of our evolution, not to receive something
until we are free from our attachment to it.
9. We might identify receiving with selfishness and a lack of spirituality and believe that we are
more selfless and spiritual when we do not receive and thus subconsciously obstruct receiving.

When we are under the influence of such beliefs, we tend to obstruct the flow of goodness on all levels
from others and the universe. Also we cannot see what we are being given, although it is there. Thus we
cannot feel grateful for all that we receive. In both cases we stop the flow.

Learning to receive

As you can see, we not only need to learn to give but also to receive. Feeling comfortable with receiving
from others, God and the universe, and being free from any subconscious obstacles to such, are as
important as giving freely.
One way to learn both is, in addition to giving to others, to give to yourself. Among the gifts you give
daily, make at least one gift to yourself. Wish good things for yourself. Give yourself time, pleasure,
compliments, affirmations, gifts that you like. The universe treats us as we treat others but also as we
treat ourselves. When we treat others well and also treat ourselves well, we attract loving treatment from
the universe.

A balance of giving and receiving

Remember that money, love, kindness, well wishes, prayer and service are all forms of energy and the
more we share them, the more they come back to us. Consider giving and receiving like the two peddles
of a bicycle. When you push on one, the other comes up and when you push on that, the first comes up.

We can choose to become channels for materialization; helping those in need with our power of creation.
The more we help them, the more that is given to us in order to help even more. This of course must be
done with clarity. Doing for others what they can do for themselves does not help them. Teaching others
to fish helps them much more than giving them a fish. Spiritual discrimination is required when giving
or lending money. It should be done only in cases where the other will not be harmed by this.

Exercise no. 12 - Give daily to yourself and others. Give especially what you want to attract from the


Method No 9. Let go of Anxiety and Attachment to the Results

Let go of any anxiety about, and attachment to, the results of your efforts. Have faith
that, as long as you do what you can and live your life as you are guided from within, all that you need
for your happiness and life purpose will manifest in abundance at the most opportune moment and
for your highest good.

Detachment from the result of our efforts is strongly emphasized by Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and
myself. Attachment and anxiety are based on fear and doubt. If we were totally sure that something was
going to happen, we would not have anxiety about it nor impatience as to when it will occur. Take for
example something you are sure of, say whether the sun is going to come up tomorrow. You do not have
an attachment to that. You do not have anxiety or impatience as to when the sun is going to come up. You
know it is going to come up.

Attachment is based on fear and doubt

When we experience attachment to something happening it might be because:

1. We are not sure whether it will happen or not, and thus we need to see it happen in order to relax.
2. We believe that we cannot experience self-worth, security, happiness, freedom or fulfillment until
that happens. We are unaware of our true inner nature.
3. We do not trust in the wisdom of the universe, that it knows exactly what we need and when is
best for our happiness and life purpose.
4. We doubt we are worthy of the good life we want.

When we harbor anxiety about, and attachment to, our goals, we are sending out a second message to the
universe. We are introducing conflicting information into the field of unlimited potential. Negative
feelings about not getting what we want only serve to create a reality in which we do not get what we

Sending out clear information

We need to be able to send out information about what we want without negative feelings about not
getting it. We need to realize that whether or not we get what we want, we are still able to feel worthy,
secure, free and happy. These are inner states. We have mistakenly identified them with external
factors, wrongly believing that we cannot be well and happy without them. When we fear not having, the
energy of the fear causes the universe to create a condition of not having.
Soul decisions

Also there is the matter of “soul decisions.” As souls, before incarnating, we may have chosen to
experience certain situations or learn certain lessons that would facilitate our realization of our true
spiritual nature. Imagine life on Earth as a school to which we have come in order to remember our all
powerful divine nature here in the physical dimension. Upon birth we are programmed by parents,
school and society to identify with our body and mind and feel fearful and weak and thus dependent on
many external factors for our self-worth and security.

This illusion that our self-worth, security and happiness depend on external factors such as people’s
opinions, money, material possessions, appearance, how we compare to others or social position not only
prevents us from realizing our true divine, invincible, powerful and self-sufficient self, but also obstructs
us from finding happiness on a material level.

Every attachment is based on an imagined lack within ourselves that causes us to feel empty, fearful and
unable to manifest what we need. This causes us to then become dependent on others or objects for our
happiness. This in turn creates a fear of not being able to create the external factors we need. We then
feel the need to control others and events. As we are unable to control them, we experience even greater
fear, anxiety and attachment.

This often places us in a position where we need to compromise our values, needs and happiness in order
to be able to get what we want from others. In extreme situations, out of fear of not having what we are
attached to, we might even resort to immoral means, such as lying or cheating. In such cases, we then
feel guilt and perhaps subconsciously prevent ourselves from receiving what we want.

Possible soul choices

We may have made the “soul choice” to learn to be equally happy without our attachment, so as to
experience our true divine nature. For example, if we have chosen to learn self-acceptance regardless of
what others think, then we may have made a “soul agreement” with a fellow soul, who has agreed to play
the role of our parent, spouse or child, to reject us until we let go of the need for their acceptance in order
to be happy.

Or we may have made a “soul contract” with a fellow soul to be unjust to us, so that we can learn to
experience enough inner security to forgive and love him, but also to assertively insist on the justice and
respect we deserve. Or we may have made an agreement to not receive support from loved ones until we
experience enough inner security and are free from the illusion that we need external support. We may
have chosen in this life to feel secure and happy without money, or to feel happy and worthy without a

All of these “soul choices” might prevent our manifesting certain external situations until we have let go
of our attachment to them. Thus, the need to let go of all attachments and the fear and anxiety that they
create, in order to manifest our desires.

On the other hand, we can also change some of these decisions. We can employ certain spiritual
techniques in order to request the removal from our subconscious of any aspects that may be interfering
with the manifestation of our desired reality. One of those methods is Ho’oponopono, which we will
discuss later.

We cannot enjoy what we are attached to

Attachments not only obstruct our creative process, but also prevent us from being able to enjoy what we
have. When we are attached to someone or something we live in continuous fear of losing it and cannot
enjoy it. Strangely enough, we can really enjoy only what we know we can be well without.

Exercise no. 13 - Make a list of those goals concerning which you are attached to the result and have
difficulty feeling well regardless of the outcome. The outcome may be for you personally or for someone
who is important to you or for everyone. Next to each goal, note the emotions you believe you will feel if
what you want does not happen or does not happen when you want it to.
Exercise no. 14 - Perform some method for freeing yourself from these emotions such as EFT, TAT,
BSFF, the “Sedona Method,” Freeze Frame or Ho’oponopono. You can find general introductory
information about these methods at in English and in Greek.

The following mental “Sphere of Light exercise” will help you find the necessary balance between
energetically introducing your desired reality into the field of pure potential and being detached from the

Exercise no. 15 - The Sphere of Light exercise

a. Sit or lie on your back with the spine straight.

b. Breathe slowly and deeply for about five minutes.
c. Allow all the parts of your body to relax.
d. Focus on a light in your forehead (you might see it or simply imagine or feel it).
e. Allow the light to expand throughout your brain, face, nervous system and body.
f. Now bring to mind one of the issues that concerns you and does not allow you to be at peace
because you are attached to a specific result in relationship to it.
g. Now imagine your desired outcome – that which would make you most happy.
h. Now visualize a sphere of light before you and place the issue and the desired result into the
i. Let go of the sphere containing your issue and desired result, allowing it to flow upwards, offering
it to the Divine or the universe, with the inner peace that whatever is for the highest possible good
for you and others will occur at the most opportune time.
j. Continue your meditation having let go of this issue and trusting in the love and wisdom of the

In this exercise we on the one hand project our wish – our preferred result - into the universe, while at
the same time letting go of our attachment to that specific result, trusting in the higher wisdom of the
Divine. We have stated our preference and, at the same time, indicated “may your will be done.”


Method No 10. Experience your

Inner Self-Worth, Security and Fulfillment

Realize that you are fully able to experience self-worth, security and inner fulfillment,
regardless of when or whether what you are seeking to attract or create manifests or not. Cultivate
inner feelings of security, self-worth, fulfillment and strength so that you are able to feel well and
happy regardless of whether or when your goals are achieved.

We have explained much about this step in the previous section and this now is the answer as to how we
can succeed in becoming relaxed and detached.

Our essential purpose for incarnating is to experience our true, divine nature and manifest it here in the
material dimension. We are engaged in all of these material creations and situations such as work,
money, material possessions, relationships, family etc. for the sole purpose of learning and discovering
that who we are is wonderfully divine, worthy, blessed, complete and, of course, always safe. Everything
that we accumulate and create on this level will eventually decay and dissolve in time.

We are not the body and mind

We will be able to experience this when we realize that we are not these temporary bodies and minds, but
rather an eternal, formless, divine consciousness that can actually never be born or die. As divine
consciousness, we temporarily project our consciousness into the material dimension, gathering energy
and matter to create a mortal body and mind. These are our vehicles of expression, learning and creation
on the physical plane. Although we are perfect and angelic on the spiritual level, we are in the process of
learning to remember and express that divinity here in the material world.
In order to fulfill our purpose and become effective creators, we need to experience our self-worth,
security and happiness as totally independent of what we want to create. We need to create from a state
of power and security and not out of need, anxiety and fear of what will happen if our creation does not
happen in the time we “need” it to.

We are divine beings, angels who have accepted the temporary loss of awareness of our true divine
nature and the challenge of remembering who we really are and behaving accordingly and, thus, through
free will, creating a material reality as harmonious as our spiritual one.

We cannot increase nor decrease our self-worth or security

The key to this process of creating abundance and harmony for all is to remember who we really are.
Only then can we call upon our unlimited divine power of creation. Only then can we let go of fear and
attachment. It is essential to know that we cannot in any way increase or decrease our self-worth or
security. It is important that these not be the motives forming our goals. It is equally important to
manifest what we are guided from within to desire and not what we believe will make us more
acceptable, important or loveable to others.

We need to realize that whatever we might achieve or have will not make us more worthy of love and
acceptance than we are now at this moment. Nor as formless consciousness can we ever be safer than we
are now. Letting go of the illusions and motives of self-worth and security allows us to manifest without
fear, anxiety or attachment in the regal way that suits our true nature. The Divine is within us and we
need to behave accordingly.

We are searching for ourselves

The reason we are preoccupied with the issues of self-worth, security, fulfillment, peace, truth and
beauty, as well as other ideals, is that these are all aspects of our true identity, our true spiritual self. We
are actually seeking our true self, but outside rather than within where we actually are.

It is similar to the ancient Indian parable where God called a meeting of his “counselors” in order to
decide where to hide the truth so that men and women would not find it. After suggesting and rejecting
the highest mountains, the moon, outer space and the bottom of the sea, because God foresaw that we
would arrive at all these places, they decided that the safest place to hide the truth, where men and
women would never think to look, was within each of us.

We are divine consciousness. We are love, beauty, light, health, happiness and fullness. We are all that
we are seeking. We are our own ultimate destination. It is of utmost importance to remember this when
creating our ideal life. We need to create from a sense of power and beauty and not out of the need to feel
worthy or safe.

Meditation – again

Meditation is an excellent means of gradually experiencing those inner states that will free us from the
doubt and emptiness that often distort our desires, needs and ideals, and create self-defeating anxiety
and attachment. Meditating twice daily for 20 to 30 minutes will seriously increase our creative power.

The following exercise is designed to strengthen your remembrance of the truth of who you are. As you
perform it, observe positive feelings and insights. Also, be aware of inner resistance to accepting the
truth of your divinity, so that you can then consciously free yourself from those illusions.

Exercise no. 16 - Please write each of the following phrases as many times as you like (at least three is
recommended), finishing each phrase each time with whatever comes to you mind. You might write the
same answers or different ones each time you write out the same phrase. It is important to write out the
whole phrase each time and not just your answer.

As you write, endeavor to feel and believe what you are writing. Take time to feel your emotions as you
write and complete the phrases. Allow yourself the freedom to express these phrases differently and
allow them to evolve in a way that suits your particular needs at this time.
1. Now that I realize that I am (experience myself as) an expression of the Divine, I am free from the
following needs ________________________ and I feel ____________.
2. Now that I realize that I am (experience myself as) God’s child, I am free from the following needs
________________________ and I feel ____________.
3. Now that I realize that I am (experience myself as) divine consciousness, I am free from the
following needs ________________________ and I feel ____________.
4. Because I am a divine being in a temporary body and mind, I am ______________.
5. Because I am a divine being in a temporary body and mind, I can ______________.
6. Because I am a divine being in a temporary body and mind, I am able to __________.
7. Because I am a divine being in a temporary body and mind, I am worthy of ________.
8. Because I am a divine being in a temporary body and mind, I am free from ________.
9. Because I am a divine being in a temporary body and mind, I behave in the flowing ways:____.
10. Because I am immortally secure and safe, I ________________________.
11. Because I am undoubtedly and immutably worthy of love and acceptance just as I am, I ______.
12. Because I am peace, I ________________________________.
13. Because I am love, I__________________________________.
14. Because all that I need is within me, I ________________________.
15. Because all other beings are equally expressions of divine consciousness, I
16. Because _____ (name of person) is also an expression of the divine, I __________.

Exercise no. 17 – If you have a friend or family member who is open to such concepts and experiences,
you can sit across from each other and repeat these phrases, 3 to 7 times, spontaneously completing
them while looking into each other’s eyes. There is greater power when you declare these truths to
others. Take a deep breath between each expression of each phrase and observe how to feel with each
truth and declaration. Take turns do declaring these truths.

Exercise no. 18 – If you cannot find anyone to share this exercise with, then you can do it alone in the
same manner while looking into a mirror.


Method No 11. Welcome all of Life’s Lessons

as Opportunities for Greater Self-Realization

Welcome each and every event, situation and change in your life as an opportunity to
discover even greater inner strength and wisdom. Believe in the wisdom of the universe,
which brings to you only what is the highest possible good for your happiness and life purpose.

Life gives us, in every moment, exactly what we have created and chosen to experience in our
evolutionary process. We benefit greatly when we can remember that and accept the past and present as
it is, without bitterness, hurt, fear, anger or guilt. When we do not accept something that has happened
or is occurring, we are literally saying “I do not trust in the wisdom, love and justice of the divine or the
universe. I believe that a mistake has been made and that I am the victim of injustice (or that I am

Life is a mirror

We are also negating another important spiritual truth, which is that each of us is solely responsible for
all that happens to him or her personally. Others cannot create our reality and we cannot create theirs.
Our feelings of bitterness, injustice, anger and hate are based on the illusion that others could cause
something to happen to us, which we ourselves have not subconsciously created by our previous
thoughts, words, actions and choices, or through our “soul choices.”

This is another way of expressing the law of Karma or, as Christ said, “as you sow, so shall you reap.” The
universe indifferently reflects back to each of us the same energies we are broadcasting. Our reality
reflects our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, expectations, fears and guilt of the past and present with
mathematical accuracy just as any other law of the universe. As we have mentioned earlier, we may also
be attracting realities that have to do with our “soul choices” in order to learn lessons.
Just as others cannot be the cause of our reality, but only the means (which we have chosen); we too
cannot be the cause of others’ realities, but only the means. We are responsible not for what happens to
others, but only for our motives and acts, regardless of their effect on others. Others are responsible only
for their motives and actions and never for what actually happens to us.

How we create our own realities

In order to welcome each event and situation as an opportunity for growth, we need to understand the
forces creating our reality. As the Divine itself encased in temporary bodies, we are creating and forming
our reality. We do so in various ways.

a. The past. Our previous thoughts, actions, choices, feelings and words all have a causal impact on
our present reality. This concept is accepted by all religions and spiritual philosophies. Not all believe in
reincarnation but all do believe in cause and effect. Our choices to care for ourselves or not, to
communicate sincerely and honestly or not, to help and love others or not, to free ourselves from fears or
not, all have their effect on our present reality.

b. The present. Our present thoughts, beliefs, expectations, fears, guilt and other emotions and
behaviors all create our present reality through the "laws of reflection and attraction." Others and life
itself reflect back to us the content of our mind and behavior on all levels. If we reject ourselves, fear or
expect rejection, or reject others, we attract rejection. If we think, speak or act antagonistically or
egotistically, we attract the same. Basically, we attract whatever we fear, love, desire and hate, as well as
what we expect and what we do.

Life wisely mirrors back to us our own thoughts, emotions, beliefs, roles and behaviors, offering us an
opportunity to look inward and let go of those aspects of ourselves that are attracting what is unpleasant
for us. In such a case, our lesson is to discover what is being reflected and transform it. Otherwise we will
continue to attract our present reality. This fact is basic to Ho’oponopono. This is what we need to clean
in order to heal what we are co-creating.

It is important to understand that the power and opportunity for positive change is in the
present and nowhere else. We cannot change the past - but we can change our perception of the past -
and thus its effect upon us in the present. We do not know the future, but can form it by our choices in
the now moment.

Some people accept negative realities believing that it is some "karma" that they have to suffer. There is
no benefit from suffering or being punished if we do not learn something from the experience and if it
does not initiate change. The concept that we must suffer for past mistakes has no value if that pain does
not become an opportunity for growth.

c. Our soul choices. The third factor that determines the nature of the events occurring in our lives is
the "soul choices" we have mentioned earlier. We remind you of a few possibilities. If we have chosen to
learn self-acceptance, we will naturally "make a contract" with those close to us to test our ability to feel
our self-worth even in the face of disapproval or rejection. If we have decided to learn unconditional love
or forgiveness, we will logically choose close contact with persons who will be difficult for us to love. In
this way we have the opportunity to overcome our fears and love even those persons. If we would like to
learn self-dependency, we will set up a life drama in which we will not easily find support from others.
We also have the free will to resist learning any of those lessons.

When we are passing through difficult times, it may not be because we have made wrong choices in the
past, but because we have chosen to learn specific lessons.

d. Our interpretations of what is happening are the fourth factor creating our reality. We create our
subjective reality by the way in which we interpret behaviors, situations and events. Unfortunately, most
often we are not perceiving what is there, but actually perceiving what we have been programmed to
believe is there. Our belief system works as a filter that subjectively and selectively interprets whatever
is perceived in ways that corroborate what we already believe and ignore what we do not.
For example, if we believe that others will reject us and do not love us, we will interpret their suggestions
or other actions as a form of rejection and lack of love even when that is simply not true. We have all
been surprised to discover that others have misinterpreted our actions, believing that we had motives
and feelings that we never had.

We do the same. We project onto persons and situations motives and dangers that simply are not there.
When we do so, we experience fear, pain and bitterness, creating unnecessary unhappiness for ourselves
and others.

We also tend to ignore what is there (such as love, caring, goodness and acceptance) when it does not
coincide with our belief system. We project our programmings and preconceptions onto others and our
“reality” in general. Our reality is not what is happening “out there,” but what we are creating within
ourselves through our interpretations of that.

Thus, we and all others create our personal and collective reality through our:

1. Past beliefs, words, choices, actions and behaviors.

2. Present beliefs, words, expectations, choices, actions and behaviors.

3. Our soul decisions to learn certain lessons.

4. How our presently programmed belief systems interpret what is happening.

We have free will

This method suggests that we perceive every behavior, situation or event as the perfect opportunity to
fine-tune our perceptions of ourselves, others and life. It declares that as souls in the evolutionary
process, our minds are not yet perfected and we have much we can learn from the realities we are
attracting and interpreting. It also states that the universe is benign and loving and reflects to us only the
experiences that are useful to our growth process, and that only through evolution can true and lasting
happiness, satisfaction and peace be found.

Every event, every outcome, is an expression of love from the universe giving us an opportunity to use it
to realize the truth or not. We have free will. We can use these experiences for their ultimate purpose –
discovering greater inner worth, security, freedom and fulfillment. Or we can sink into fear,
discouragement, pain, bitterness, resentment, anger, guilt, hate or helplessness. This is our free will. The
events have been created by our previous and present thoughts, words, acts in conjunction with the
lessons we have chosen personally and communally to learn at this point in our evolutionary process. But
how we use and react to these events and situations is our free choice.

Strengthening our spiritual muscles

Our opportunities for growth and evolution come in doses that may stretch our “spiritual muscles” but
not so much that they will damage them, unless we ourselves chose to ignore our inner power. When we
want to increase the weight we can lift, there is no sense in lifting the same weights we have been lifting
for years. We need to increase the weight, but not so much that we will break our backs trying. In the
same way, we “choose” opportunities for growth that test our spiritual muscles, but always in doses that
we have the power to deal with. We will never be given a growth opportunity that is beyond our ability to
deal with. We, however, have free will to access our inner power or to ignore it and feel weak and thus
allow the event or situation to drag us into pain, fear, despair, depression and helplessness. Some people
after suffering or fearing at first, recoup and reconnect to their inner power and others do not. It is our

Trusting in the universe and ourselves

By welcoming and trusting in the wisdom of all that has happened or is happening, we become
reconciled with our past and present and let go of resistance, rejection, bitterness, anger and hate, all of
which estrange us from life and the one creative power with which we all manifest our realities. Believing
and trusting in the wisdom of the powers of creation allows us to align ourselves with them and thus
manifest our ideal reality. Resistance and rejection of what has occurred or is occurring disengages us
from that source.

This attitude of trust and acceptance also enables our feelings of inner power as it indicates that not only
do we believe in the justice and wisdom of the universe, but also that we have faith in our own inner
power and ability to deal with whatever may come.

In this way, the energy we would ordinarily lose in fearing, resisting, complaining and rejecting what is
happening becomes allocated to discovering inner powers and resources that we did not realized that we
had, and probably would not have realized, without these opportunities.

Learning through pleasant experiences

Avoid the misconception that we grow and learn only through difficult experiences or tests. We also can
learn much by positive and pleasant events. We can learn that we deserve and can attract such positive
realities. We do not need to suffer in order to grow spiritually. Welcoming each moment as a growth
opportunity means also enjoying and increasing the happiness in our lives. Ultimately it means learning
to be happy in all situations, pleasant or not.

If you like, take time to work on the following exercises before moving on.

Exercise no. 19 – Make a list of those aspects of your past or present that you have difficulty accepting.
List also the emotions you feel when you think of, or are confronted by, those thoughts or situations.
Seek to welcome those experiences as opportunities for growth and inner development. Endeavor to
understand what you can gain from those situations. Learn to let go of all fear, resentment, anger or guilt
regarding them.

Exercise no. 20 – Learn and employ methods such as EFT, TAT, BSFF, the Sedona Method and
Ho’oponopono for altering your emotional reactions towards these stimuli (You can find guidance on
these methods in my books Energy Psychology, Dealing with Difficult Times and The Freedom to be


Method No 12. Perceive the Past as Perfect

and Forgive Others and Yourself for All.

Perceive the past as perfect and exactly what you yourself had created and chosen for your
evolutionary process. Forgive everyone, including yourself, for all and everything that has occurred
until this present moment.

The basis for this method has been, to a large degree, explained earlier. We have established how our
past was created and how all that has ever happened to us and others has always been the perfect result
of our actions, thoughts, emotions, behaviors, interpretations, programmings and soul choices. We have
also learned to trust in the wisdom and love of the universe behind each and every event and situation.
We have also understood that we have the inner power and resources to deal with whatever happens, but
also that we have free will to gratefully use the past as a learning process or to react with feelings of
bitterness, hurt, betrayal, disappointment, disillusionment, discouragement, anger, hate or shame and

Here I would like to focus on the importance of letting go of the past and its affect on our present
psychology. Any residual feelings or assumptions based on past events will be like the various markings
on the board upon which we want to now paint our new ideal reality. They will necessarily be a part of
our present reality unless we erase them and all the feelings and beliefs that have resulted from them.

A new perception of the past

This does not mean forgetting what has happened, but rather interpreting and perceiving it in the light of
objective and spiritual truths. It means letting go of the mistaken belief that we or others are weak,
unworthy, in danger, and without the inner wisdom or power to live our lives. We need to let go of all
mistaken childhood assumptions that weaken our sense of self-worth, power, security, love, peace,
happiness and clarity.

A large part of this process has to do with, and will lead to, forgiving others and ourselves for all that has
happened. Forgiveness is like a sword that cuts all ties to the illusory past. The past does not exist except
as a memory that we subjectively cultivate in our minds. It does not exist anywhere. Our present state of
mind and reactions to the world as well as our ability to create our ideal reality are all being controlled by
something that simply does not exist – the past.

We have the ability to let go of this baggage that we are dragging and which is impeding the creation of
the happiness we seek. It simply means accepting all that has happened as part of a wise universal drama
acted out for our evolutionary process, and to forgive others and ourselves for all participation in that

When we do not forgive we attract more of the same

When we do not let go and forgive, then we simply attract more of what we cannot forgive in
others or ourselves. We cannot then create our ideal reality. In order for our ideal reality be better than
the past, we need to clean the slate on which the past is written.

Many of us hold on to the hurt, anger or shame and guilt of the past because we have become identified
with them. These emotions may have even established their own identity in our mind similar to the “pain
body” described by Eckart Tolle in his book The Power of Now.

There are various reasons why we resist letting go of the pain, injustice, anger and guilt about the past.
We cannot go into detail about them here, but you can find much about this subject in my books Energy
Psychology, The Freedom to Be Ourselves and Love is the Choice.

Until we let go of the past and reconcile ourselves with what has occurred, we will never able to enjoy the
present as it actually is and will be obstructed in manifesting our ideal reality. When we hold on to the
past, we do not learn its lessons and we contribute to the original karmic energies that created the need
for those events. Thus we create the need for them to occur over and over until we “get the message” and
let go of the role of the victim or the guilty one.

The most effective method for forgiving I have encountered until now is TAT (Tapas Acupressure
Technique). Detailed explanations of that method can be found in my books Love is the Choice and The
Freedom to be Ourselves. Here I am presenting you with a brief description of the process.

The method - TAT for forgiveness

Having established the person and event you would like to work with and why you would like to get free
from your negative feelings, you can now begin to employ the method.

Find a comfortable position with the spine straight, lying or sitting. In order to facilitate the flow of
energy while we go through this process you can place your hands on your body. This resolves the
negative energy field while you focus on it. Traditionally TAT suggests the thumb of the right hand be
placed on the right side of the bridge of the nose and the middle finger of the right hand be placed on the
left side of the bridge of the nose. The left hand is placed at the back of the neck where it joins the head.
This creates a circular flow of energy in very important acupuncture meridians, altering the energy fields
of the negative emotions.

We have also experimented with placing the palms of the hands on the chest, and/or abdomen,
generating an energy flow there, and find this equally effective. This has the advantage of being easier
and less straining on the arms. Allow the arms to be as relaxed as possible by supporting them in some
way - perhaps pillows. Choose the method you prefer.

1. With your hands in your preferred position, take a few deep breaths and relax. Now bring to mind
the person and event. Think about what happened. Remember details of what happened. Who was there?
What did they do? What really bothered you about what happened? Remember how you felt then. See
how you feel now. Do this for around 4 minutes.

2. Now you bring the event to mind again, but also bring to mind alternative perceptions of that
reality, which free you from the negative feelings. We want to combine the experience with a new way of
seeing it - creating new associations and synapses in the brain and mind. Do this for about 4 minutes.

Some examples of alternative perceptions might be:

a. The other was/is the victim of his/her own programming, fears, needs, attachments and
childhood years.
b. My self-worth is immutable as an expression of divine consciousness. No matter what the other
says or does, I am worthy of love and respect as I am.
c. I am safe – it does not matter what the other does.
d. It is the past and does not exist anymore. I have survived.
e. I have chosen as a soul to learn through this experience.
f. Life gives me only what I need for my evolutionary process.
g. I have the strength to deal with and overcome whatever life presents me.
h. This experience has made me stronger and wiser, better in the following ways…
i. The other was once 5 years old and was programmed by his/her childhood experiences.
j. The universe (God) has allowed this for some reason.
k. I am now able to protect myself. I am not a child.

3. Now you can accept healing light and energy from the universe or God, allowing it to flow into the
depths of your being, healing the causes of this experience and all tendencies to repeat or attract it.

We have already understood that the causes of our reality are within us as past choices, present beliefs,
emotions and behaviors, soul lessons that we have chosen and our unique way of interpreting what
happens. We can now allow that light and healing energy to heal and dissolve all aspects of our being that
attracted this in the past or the present. Allow all need to re-experience this to dissolve. Accept being free
from it - totally. Being free means not having emotions about it anymore. Do this for at least 3 minutes,
allowing the healing light energy to flow into your emotional body and your belief system dissolving your
beliefs, emotions and behaviors.

4. Now accept that same healing light or energy into your body and mind allowing it to heal and dissolve
all effects this experience has had upon you. Start with your body and move on to your emotions, your
relationship with yourself, relationships with family and friends, your work, your economic and
professional situations, your sexual life, your spiritual life, your home and anything else that might have
been affected by that experience. Allow the light to heal and dissolve for a total of at least 3 minutes.

5. Now it is time to identify with the perpetrator. That could be the other person, or a government,
or group, or nature, or even God in the case of an earthquake, flood or other event for which we assume
God is responsible. In the case where we are working with guilt, then we are the perpetrator. Imagine
that you are the perpetrator and experience what he or she was feeling, believing or needing at the
moment of the event. What was the actual driving force (in the case of guilt, seek to understand what you
were feeling or needing that led you to that action or lack of action)? Get a sense of the other’s reality that
caused him or her to function in that way. Do this for about 2 minutes.

6. Now we cultivate understanding and compassion for the perpetrator (or for ourselves in the
case of guilt). We experiment with feeling understanding and reconciliation. Eventually we play with the
idea of forgiving the other and then, if possible, loving him or her as a being, even if we are at odds with
his or her behavior. By separating others from their behavior, we can feel safer in forgiving and loving

If we feel resistance, we can notice what we feel and accept it. Welcome the resistance, allow it to expand
throughout your energy body. Discover its cause, the need creating the resistance, and accept it and allow
it to expand. Now experiment with letting it go, or dissolve in the light or simply experience inner self-
worth, security and freedom and let go of anything you were needing from the other.
You can repeat this process over and over until you come to a state of inner security that allows you to
forgive and love. If you still cannot, accept that and let go of feeling badly about not being able. Come
back to it another day.

In the end you might want to use, as a frame of reference, being able to mentally embrace the other with
love regardless of what he or she has done. Then work with any resistance or fear that comes up.

7. In the last stage we focus on accepting and loving ourselves exactly as we are. Although the
other may have been wrong and unjust, we may feel or discover that we also played our role in this
situation and feel the need to forgive and reconcile with ourselves (in the case of guilt, we now work of
forgiving the other for his or her part in this event). If you feel any resistance to accepting and loving
yourself exactly as you are, then allow yourself to feel that resistance and welcome it, allowing it to
expand throughout your body and mind. Discover the need or fear that creates that resistance, accept it
and let go of it in the ways we have already mentioned. Use this feeling of self-love as a reference point
over and over until you are able to feel unconditional love and acceptance for all parts of yourself.

If you feel that there is still some residue of negativity towards the other or yourself, you can continue the
process or repeat it or employ EFT for the remaining emotions. For details on how to employ EFT for
forgiveness go to: or read it in the book Free to
Be Happy with Energy Psychology.

As you have noticed, the same technique with minor alterations can be used to forgive yourself for past

You may want to take time now to work on accepting and reconciling with the past.

Exercise no. 21 –
a. Make a list of persons and events you would like to accept and forgive, including your own
unenlightened behaviors.
b. In each case, make a list of the emotions you felt then and now in relationship to those events.
c. Now make a list of reasons you would like to let go of those negative feelings such as hurt,
bitterness, anger or guilt.
d. How will your life be happier and more enjoyable when you are free from those emotions?
e. Now make a list of alternative perceptions that will help you accept and forgive others and
f. Now perform the method TAT until you are free and are able to embrace others and yourself


Method No 13. Perform Ho’oponopono for all Possible Obstacles

towards Manifesting Your Ideal Life.

Perform the ancient Hawaiian method of “Ho’oponopono” for the removal of all obstacles
and for every situation that does please you or does not seem correct.

Dr. Joe Vitale, one of the major players in the book and movie The Secret and author of the book The
Law of Attraction, has become a major advocate for this ancient mystical method, which he discovered
after the book and movie. You can read his interesting story on the internet. I was personally introduced
to Ho’oponopono in 1988 by Dr. Hew Len, but almost twenty years later have come to understand and
experience its true value.

This method complements the process of projecting our ideal reality by removing whatever may be
residing in our subconscious, or other levels of our being that might be obstructing the manifestation of
what we are seeking to create.

You can read details about this subject in my book The Freedom to be Yourself or at
Here I am including a few practical directions.

What is Ho’oponopono?

This ancient Hawaiian healing technique asks us to take 100% responsibility for whatever appears in our
reality - for whatever we perceive or comes to our attention. In this process we cleanse ourselves and our
personal input into what we call “our reality,” which is personal, communal and planetary. We change
the world by changing ourselves. It is simultaneously a method for removing obstacles towards goals,
solving problems, for healing ourselves and others as well as situations. It is also a means for spiritual
development and enlightenment.

The process is simple:

1. We realize or remember that whatever we are observing, or is affecting us in any way, is there
because it is reflecting something within ourselves - mainly our personal memories, beliefs, emotions
and programming.

We are attracting the present reality (which probably does not satisfy us) because it is time to cleanse a
certain part of ourselves that is contributing to it and actually co-creating it in some way. The specific
reality might be situations or persons that are not as we would like them to be. Or it could be something
that bothers us personally – such as someone’s behavior or a world situation.

2. Having taken responsibility for the reality before us, we now we ask that situation, person or personal
attribute for forgiveness for our participation in that specific reality (instead of asking for forgiveness
we can simply acknowledge that we are participants in creating this reality).

Another option would be to thank the present situation or person for the opportunity for self-knowledge
and growth that it has offered us until now.

Note: It is highly unlikely that we will understand what our “contribution” to this is. It could be from our
deep subconscious or even deeper dimensions of ourselves that we are not aware of. The “cause within
us” may be as simple as the fact that we are unable to perceive the Divine in ourselves or others, or in
what is happening, and thus we are allowing whatever it is to annoy us.

3. We then feel and express our love to “that” (the reality, situation, person or attribute as it is).
When doing so, we seek to feel acceptance, love, and unity with the present reality.

4. We then need to feel love and acceptance towards ourselves as we are and let go of any guilt or
self-condemnation with regards to the present situation.

5. Then we release the reality, situation, event or person – whatever we would like to change or
improve – from the need to remain as it is any longer for our evolutionary process. We give it permission
to change.

6. Then we thank the Divine for dissolving any unenlightened memories, tendencies, fears and
beliefs that might be contributing to the old reality or obstructing the creation of our ideal reality. We ask
that these be dissolved into the light of pure divine consciousness – which is their origin.

If possible, we can then remain some time in a state of emptiness or inner light as we allow the Divine to
cleanse us of anything that might be attracting this undesired reality.

Our inner content

Our inner and outer content reflects back to us through the results of our efforts, life’s situations, events
and others’ behaviors. Following is a list of some aspects of ourselves that might be affecting the realities
we are manifesting.

Note: Ho’oponopono does not require that we know what it is within us that needs to be cleansed.
The presence of any of the below can easily attract corresponding behaviors and situations and obstruct
manifesting our ideal reality:

1. When we feel negative emotions about what is happening – we attract more of the same so that
we can become free within ourselves.

2. When we have specific limiting beliefs about others and what is happening, or when we perceive
someone or something as bad, wrong, unjust etc., we attract more of that so that we can work on it.

3. Our own behaviors until now towards others reflect back to us in the present so that we can learn
from them.

4. Our fears attract what we fear. Especially our fears concerning our self-worth, security, freedom,
pleasure or control.

5. We also attract what we have come to expect from others and life.

6. Our doubts about what we deserve limit our reality to what we believe we deserve.

7. How we behave towards ourselves causes others to behave towards us in similar ways.

8. Unresolved childhood experiences tend to replay repeatedly in our lives until we manage to heal

9. The roles we identify with for our meaning, self-worth and security can attract life situations and
corresponding behaviors from others – so that we can free ourselves from the illusions and limitations of
those roles. We might be playing some of the following roles: A. the victim B. the intimidator C. the
teacher D. the parent E. the child F. the intelligent one G. the righteous one H. the rebel I. the strong
one - without needs J. the just (correct) one K. the good person L. the one responsible for all M. the
server N. the weak one O. the spiritual person P. the judge Q. the aloof one R. the critic or interrogator
Q. Some other role?

10. The needs and attachments that are limiting our peace, happiness, love or evolution may obstruct
the creation of our desired reality so that we can have an opportunity to free ourselves from them.

11. Our tendency to feel guilty attracts behaviors and situations that stimulate that programming so that
we can free ourselves from it.

12. We bring into our lives whatever we criticize, judge, reject or have prejudiced perceptions

13. We attract whatever causes us to feel jealousy, pain, anger, bitterness, injustice or any other
negative emotion so that we can have an opportunity to get free from the illusions that create those

14. We attract whatever we cannot forgive in others or in ourselves.

15. When we compare ourselves to others, we bring them into our reality.

16. Our own inner conflicts and self-doubt attract specific behaviors from others that bring those
feelings to the surface.

17. When we fail to communicate clearly and assertively, but without criticism or condemnation – we
create realities in which we do not get what we need.

18. If we have become accustomed to a reality we tend to stay in it because of our fear of change.

19. If we fear happiness, abundance, health, being loved etc, we will obstruct positive realities.
These and other aspects of our inner world can very easily be contributing factors in the realities we are


A possible phrasing for Ho’oponopono would be:

Dear ____________ (a reality, state, situation, person, attribute, animal, society, group of persons that
are not yet as we would like them to be etc).

I realize that I am a co-contributor to this reality.

I ask forgiveness for anything in me that might be contributing to this situation.

Thank you for all the opportunities for growth that you have given me until now.

I love you.

I love myself.

I release you from the need to be this way any more for my evolution. I give you permission to evolve
and self-improve.

I thank the Divine for removing from me anything that might be contributing to this reality or
obstructing the manifestation of my ideal reality.

Exercise no. 22 – Practice Ho’oponopono daily for those life situations that are not yet as you would
like them to be. Include all goals you would like to manifest as well as your relationships, health,
economic situation and also any persons or groups of persons you would like to help.
You can find more details at


Method No 14. Remove all Resistance to Success

Discover and remove all forms of “psychological reversal” or resistance towards success, happiness or
change for the better.

We have explained how to use Ho’oponopono for removing emotions, beliefs and other inner obstacles
towards manifesting what we want. We have mentioned that we might have limiting beliefs that will
undermine our attracting what we want, because we either believe that we are unworthy of, or cannot
have, what we want, or because we have identified obtaining what we want with losing something else

Here we will discuss another form of resistance, which we will call self-sabotage, or fear of success, or
fear of happiness. It is possible at times that our subconscious might choose to sabotage our success and
happiness. In such a case, we will again be sending conflicting messages to the universe – one which says
“I want this” and the other declaring “I do not want or deserve this.”

Examples of resistance to happiness

1. We might have been programmed to think that we are unworthy of abundance, love, happiness,
health or other good things. Such a belief will obviously undermine any attempt to create a happier
reality. Imagine that you have exactly what you want and see if you feel totally comfortable with it, or
whether some part of you feels strange now that you have exactly what you want.

2. We might have identified with a role such as the victim or the unlucky one and would now lose our
identity if we had exactly what we want. Some of us tend to find our self-worth in such roles. The idea
is that the victims or underdogs are the “good” people and the others and the rich are not good. We
get attached to such roles and conditions in order to feel that we are “good.” In such a case we will not
want things to change. We are thus comfortable with our unhappiness.

3. Others may believe that it is not spiritual to ask for anything material and thus would fear creating
a more affluent material reality because they believe they would lose their spirituality.

4. Some are seeking to control others by not being well and happy. They connect with those who are
playing the role of “savior” or “responsible for others” and can control them in this way. They are able
to get attention, “love”, help, service, and sacrifices from the others as long as they are not well or
happy. Creating their ideal reality and being totally happy would cause them to lose too many
benefits, one of which is that no one asks anything from them.

5. Another version of this is that some are hoping to punish others, who feel responsible for them, by
not being well or happy, or not moving forward or succeeding in their lives. Some children do this to
their parents. Later on, parents may do the same to their children. We choose to remain unhappy and
complain because this is a way of controlling and punishing the other. In such a case we will not want

6. There are those who fear others’ jealousy. In such a case we will not actually want to succeed,
because we fear that others will become jealous and cultivate negative feelings towards us. We prefer
being unhappy to inciting their jealousy. In some Middle Eastern countries this is associated with the
“evil eye” that might curse us when things go well for us.

7. Many are simply afraid of happiness because they are afraid that happiness will turn into pain.
They prefer to avoid happiness so that they do not feel worse later. Such fears are increased when this
has happened in the past. For example, if we are very happy playing as children and then we are
suddenly punished for what we were doing or an upset parent (perhaps alcoholic or emotionally
unstable) rejects or hurts us emotionally or physically, then our neural synapses will have now
identified happiness with pain. We, thus, prefer not to have happiness and thus not manifest what
we want.

8. We also prefer to avoid happiness because of the general social belief that after every happy event
something painful will have to happen. This is why in some countries they say “knock on wood”
when things go well. The idea is that surely something “bad” is going to happen now. We have not
yet learned to believe in continuous happiness or an uninterrupted flow of pleasant events. This is
something we need to cultivate.

9. We might also subconsciously avoid success because we do not want to worry or hurt others.
We might prefer a different profession or life style, but are afraid of hurting others' feelings if we do.
We might prefer to be less successful than others so that they do not feel inferior. We may also fear
succeeding because we believe that such a change in our lives may bring us into conflict with others
who want something different for or from us.

10. In many cases we prefer to avoid success because we have simultaneously identified that desired state
with some danger. Some examples might be:

a. If as a woman I lose the weight I want to lose, I will attract men – something that I fear.
b. If I actually create the love relationship I am seeking, it might end, the other might leave, I
might be hurt, I will lose my freedom, he or she might cheat on me, he or she will lose interest
in me. In such cases, although we are apparently seeking to create a relationship, we are
secretly fearing it and pushing it away.
c. If I am totally well and happy, no one will pay any attention to me.
d. If I am totally well and happy, I will have to take responsibility for my life and cease
depending on others.
e. If I succeed here I will be doing exactly what my parents (spouse) want me to do, and I will
lose my freedom (even though it is what I want). They will think they were right and that I was

You can obviously see here that any of the above forms of resistance will preclude our success, because
subconsciously we simply do not want what we are apparently trying to manifest.
Obsessing about failures and mistakes

Another major obstacle towards directing our energy and allowing success is spending large amounts of
mental and emotional energy worrying about the fact that we have not yet succeeded at our goal. We
might feel shame, self-rejection, unworthy, guilty or simply weak, or that it is useless to try any more. We
may have created a negative image of ourselves that prevents our even trying to succeed any more.

I have seen people waste all their energy worrying about mistakes and missed chances of the past, so that
they have no time or energy to make an effort to make necessary changes in the present. For some, this
acts as an excuse to not make any effort. They remain preoccupied with what they did not do in the past
and do nothing in the present.

Let go of the past. Live in the present. You have heard it before, but it is true, “today is the first day in the
rest of your life.” There is only the ever-present flowing moment. This is the only point of power that you
have. Make movements today towards manifesting your ideal reality. You deserve it and owe it to

Taking those simple small steps

Another obstacle is the tendency to look far into the future to the goal we want to manifest and perceive
it as much too distant, like an extremely steep mountain, and thus we take no steps at all. We waste our
time worrying about how far our goal is and do not realize that if we spent a fraction of that time just
taking those first small steps, we would be there by now.

Let go of how far the result may be. Live in the present and do what you can each day as movements
towards your ideal reality. Let go of the questions: “will I succeed?” or “when will I succeed?” Ask only
“what can I do at this moment to align myself with my ideal reality.”

Overcoming the fear of effort

A major obstacle for some of us is the inertia we feel about making the efforts towards manifesting our
goals. Manifesting goals often (not always) requires that we make certain decisions and efforts. Perhaps
we need to cultivate disciplines or let go of some activities. We have identified the required changes of
adding something or removing something from our lives with pain. Although we want the result, we
perceive the process of getting there as unpleasant (such as getting up early, studying, meditating,
exercising, eating less, working, studying, behaving differently, stopping smoking etc.).

In such a case we need to change our perception and make the pleasure of having changed greater than
the pain of making the effort and staying where we are. We need to imagine how we will be in ten years if
we do not make the effort and how we will feel in ten years if we make the effort and succeed. We need to
realize that the joy of manifesting our ideal reality is much greater than the discomfort of any effort
needed to get there.

We must also consider that because we live in a quantum and miraculous universe, many of our goals
can be achieved with much less effort then we imagine. The perception “no pain, no gain” may simply
not be applicable to many of your goals.

Additionally, any act may be experienced as an effort that “must” be made or as a joyful and creative step
towards our ideal life. We ourselves create these inner interpretations and states. Many enjoy immensely
what others abhor. We always have the choice to enjoy whatever we are doing.

The following exercises will help us discover and remove any of the above-mentioned obstacles. Consider
employing them before reading on.

Exercise no. 23 - One way to discover whether or not we have some degree of inner resistance towards
success or happiness is to imagine or declare that we do not, thus challenging our subconscious to either
accept or react towards the following declarations of freedom.
Please write each of the following phrases as many times as you like (at least five is recommended). In a
few cases you will need to finish the phrase with whatever comes to your mind. In those cases, you might
write the same answers or different ones each time you write out the same phrase. It is important to
write out the whole phrase each time and not just your answer.

As you write, endeavor to feel and believe what you are writing. Take time to feel your emotions as you
write and complete the phrases. Allow yourself the freedom to express these phrases differently and
allow them to evolve in a way that suits your particular needs at this time.

In some cases you will find in addition to the general version of the affirmation, a personalized one where
you can apply that truth to your specific situations. Use the general version a few times and then apply it
to specific goals as many times as you like.

1. “I deserve to have (manifest, create) __________________ (complete the phrase with something
that is important for you to manifest).”

2. “I can (am able to) have (manifest, create) __________________ (complete the phrase with
something that is important for you to manifest).”

3. “All parts of my being totally agree to have (manifest, create) _______________ (complete the
phrase with something that is important for you to manifest).”

4. “I have the power to have (manifest, create) __________________(complete the phrase with
something that is important for you to manifest).”

5. “I deserve complete happiness and abundance on all levels.”

6. “I am ready to do whatever is necessary (sacrifices, efforts, disciplines) in order to have (manifest,

create) ____________________________ (complete the phrase with something that is
important for you to manifest).”

7. ”I deserve love and respect exactly as I am at this stage of my evolutionary process. I deserve love and
respect from ______________ exactly as I am at this stage of my evolutionary process.”

8. “I deserve the best that life has to offer.”

9. “I can be (have the choice of being) well and happy even if __________________ does not turn
out the way I have desired until now.”

10. “I trust in divine wisdom and justice and am willing to accept every possible outcome as the highest
possible good for my evolution and ultimate happiness.”

11. “Life gives to me in every moment exactly what I need in order to be happy and fulfill my life

12. “I have all that I need within me.”

13. “I am an expression of the Divine.

Because I am an expression of the Divine, _____________.”

14. “I have the inner power and resources to positively deal with whatever happens.”

15. “Acceptance of and gratitude for what exists is the first step towards manifesting my ideal reality. “

16. “Accepting myself as I am is the first step towards becoming my ideal self.”

17. “Everyone and all events and situations are my teachers.

In fact __________ is my teacher.”

18. “It is my benefit to love ________________ as he, she, it is.”

19. “I accept and love ___________ as he/she/it is.”

20. “I accept all as it is while I create what I prefer.

I accept ________ as he/she/it is as I create my ideal reality.”

21. “I perceive the Divine in everyone.

I perceive the Divine in _____________.”

22. “I use all situations as opportunities for self-discovery and self actualization.
I use _________ as an opportunity for self-discovery and self actualization.”

23. “As we are all evolving it is natural that we are not perfect.
As we are all evolving it is natural that _____________ am/is/are not perfect.”

Exercise no. 24 - If you know someone open to such experiences, you can make these declarations, as
you look into the others eyes, seeking to feel and believe what you are saying. Take a deep breath between
each declaration. Repeat each declaration around seven times, noticing how you feel. Take time to write
down your observations afterwards. Take turns doing this.

Exercise no. 25 - You can do the same looking into a mirror, letting a deep breath between each
declaration as mentioned earlier.

Exercise no. 26 - You can then employ any form of energy psychology such as EFT, BSFF, TAT, the
Sedona Method or Ho’oponopono on the fear, guilt, shame or other forms of resistance that you have


Method No 15. Develop a System for Inner Guidance

Develop an inner guidance mechanism. Refine your mental clarity, objectivity, logic and
intuition so you can make choices that most effectively support your goals and do not obstruct them.
Make wise choices, decisions and actions that further your goals.

One aspect of the law of karma and the law of attraction is that we are now experiencing the results of all
of our previous choices, behaviors, actions and reactions. The present, in many ways, is the result of the
past. And the present is also the past of the future. This means that our present choices and reactions are
the building blocks of our future reality.

We need to develop a system of inner or higher guidance that will allow us to make wiser choices more
aligned with our highest goals and ideals. The major obstacle to this is our mental inertia and our
mechanical behavior based on past programmings and mistaken conclusions. In most cases we act and
react unconsciously, repeating old habits that do not serve our highest good or ideals.

We know within

On the other hand, we are an expression of the divine and know very well in the center of our being the
purpose for which we have incarnated and the choices we need to make in order to create a happy,
abundant, loving, meaningful and satisfying life. All of that information is within us, just as it is in every
other being.

No plant or animal gets confused about what it should do with its life. Our dilemma is actually a function
of our free will to make choices that are or are not aligned with our highest good. We are here to learn to
exercise that free will and consciously choose that which is best for all, even though we are not bound to
doing so. Thus, we are learning to consciously choose love, justice, truth, transcendence, peace,
happiness, abundance, selflessness and unity.
We have lost our inner voice because as children we learn at home and in school not to listen to what we
think or feel or need, but to seek answers and guidance from others. We have become convinced that we
do not know what is best for us. We now need to once again come into contact with that inner voice.

Our conscience as a guide

The first method for making correct decisions is to ask our conscience. The rule of the conscience is: “Do
not do anything to anyone that you would not like them to do to you. Do for others what you would like
them to do for you.” This is not a question of good or bad, but simply a realization that we are one
consciousness expressing itself as many forms. What we do to others, we are actually doing to ourselves.
What we do not do for others, we are not doing for ourselves.

In examining our possible actions in a particular situation, our first step will be to ask “will this choice
harm others or me in anyway?” and then “will this choice benefit me and/or others?”

We will obviously want to make choices that do not harm others or ourselves and bring betterment,
happiness or peace to others and ourselves. Such actions will be more effective for creating our ideal life.

What is really good for us is good for all

Do not fall into the illusion that something that might be truly for your own good could actually be “bad”
for others. Or that what is really good for others could actually be “bad” for you. We are all cells living in
one consciousness. This would be like saying that what is good for the cells in your brain is bad for the
cells in your heart or hand. What is truly good for any cell in your body is also good for the rest of the

The false idea that we have to choose between what is good for us and what is good for others is caused
when we are focused on what is pleasant for our ego and what is pleasant for the other’s ego. Need
conflicts can occur only at the level of the ego. At the soul level there can be no conflict of needs.

So, if we are experiencing an inner conflict and fear that what we need may be in conflict with what
another needs, then we are focused on our, or the other’s, ego needs.

Writing down the pro’s and con’s

A good way to get started in any decision making process is to divide a piece of paper into as many
columns as we have choices. Write at the top of each column the name of the choice that it represents.
Below, write pro’s, leave enough space and then half way down the page write con’s. Now begin to fill in
as objectively as you can what you believe are the positive and negative aspects of each choice.

This does not mean that you are bound to select the choice with the most positive or the least negative
attributes. You might find that one positive attribute of one choice is more important than ten of
another. It is your choice, but at least you are now making it consciously.

Meditation – discovering the small voice within

An important method for developing our inner guidance is daily meditation, in which many of the social
and superficial voices begin to recede and we start to hear that small voice within, which knows what we
want and need to do to live our ideal life. Although true meditation is actually a transcendence of all
thoughts and thus even inner guidance, we can use this state to introduce our questions and requests for
guidance and then let go and move into the silence again.

One method is to establish a state of inner peace through breathing, concentration, relaxation and
observing the mind or focusing it on a specific point. Once the mind is relatively calm we can introduce
our question. State it three times clearly. Our “life question” should not be about what will happen or
when something will happen, but should concern only “what we should do” in relationship to specific
concerns that we have.

The sphere of light

Our question is likely to have to do with what would be our highest possible response in relationship to
something we want to create or manifest, or a problem we would like to solve.

Once you ask the question, bring to mind any possible preferred answers that might be floating around
in your mind. You may prefer one answer to another. Imagine that preferred answer.

Then visualize a sphere of light and place both the question and the preferred answer into it and let it
flow upwards into the universe, letting go of the whole issue, with the assurance that the answer will
come and that the highest possible good will result. Release the issue and continue your meditation in
peace with no further thoughts about it.

Be aware of answers showing up in various ways. The answer might come during, or after the meditation,
or a future meditation, or during a dream or upon waking from sleep. Messages appear also through
“coincidences” such as a conversation with someone, a scene in a movie, the words of a song that stick in
your mind, a sign on the street that catches your attention, a book that appears in your life, opening a
book to a certain page, a magazine article and a myriad of unmentioned ways.

Answers also come in the form of events and situations that arise. Sometimes, when we are asking for
guidance, the universe takes the issue out of our hands by removing some choices and making other
choices imperative.

Let go of the issue

If you are confused about what to do, just keep placing your “life question” out there in meditation and
perhaps at other times of the day and then relax. If we are preoccupied with getting an answer
immediately or fearful about what will happen, we will obstruct answers seeking to flow from our higher
self through the subconscious into our conscious mind.

Perhaps you have the experience of trying to release the security button on the locked car door while
someone outside is trying persistently to open it. You cannot release the security until the other stops
pulling on the handle. Letting go of incessant thinking about the answer allows it to flow freely from

Also, psychologists who studied the process of inspiration (inner guidance) in scientists, artists and
entrepreneurs, found that it consists of four stages. The first stage is to specify what exactly their
question or creative goal is. The second is to study the matter intensively and learn whatever they can
about it. The third is to let go of the matter entirely and stop thinking about it. The fourth is to receive the
inspiration usually in a moment of relaxation when they are not thinking about issue at all.

I would suggest employing the four-step process for issues that concern you for which you would like
guidance, such as something you would like to manifest or a problem you would like to solve.

Using our feeling body

Another way of developing an inner guidance system is to notice the feelings in your body, especially the
solar plexus and heart area when you think about possible actions. The body has a way of knowing what
is best for us. If we pay attention to how our body feels about taking one action or another, we will notice
that at times the body will become tense and at other times it will relax.

Tension would normally be a message that our body does not like that particular path of action.
Relaxation or pleasant feelings would be a positive indication to move forward. Obviously our
attachments, fears and programmings can play a role in creating bodily reactions based on those and not
on inner guidance. With time, however, we can learn to understand when our body is reacting out of
programming or inner knowing.

These feelings will be clearer when we mentally present our various options in a state of relaxation. So
relax the body and mind before presenting your body with your choices.

The three doors technique

You can employ the following technique that includes some aspects of the previous one. This is best done
in a state of relaxation. Sit or lie down with the spine straight and relax all the body and the mind. Once
relaxed, count from 10 to one slowly as you relax even more deeply with each number.

Now mentally move to an imaginary river in nature, which is clean, refreshing and the perfect
temperature for you to bathe in. Step into the river and allow the flowing water to cleanse you physically
and emotionally. Then step out of the water at the opposite bank and begin walking along a path flowing
through green lush nature on both sides.

Eventually you arrive at place on the path where there are three doors. Each door represents a possible
course of action in relationship to your dilemma. Decide which choice the first door represents. Open the
door and take that path imagining that you have actually made your decision to do whatever that door
represents. Observe how your body feels with that decision. Now mentally allow 5 years to pass having
made that decision and imagine how your life will be and how you feel about it. Then let 10 years pass
and imagine how your life will be having made that particular decision and how you feel about it.

Now return to the area of the three doors and close the first door and open the second one and perform
the same process; noticing how your body feels having made that choice and then allowing 5 and 10 years
to pass, noticing always how you imagine that choice developing and how you feel about it.

Then return to the entrance place for the three doors and direct your attention to the third door. If you
have a specific third choice in mind, then allow the door to represent that choice. If not, allow the door to
be a surprise or perhaps a combination of choices. Enter and do the same exercise; noticing how you feel,
letting 5 and 10 years to pass while noticing how you feel.

Then come back and stand before the three doors and notice which of the three is brighter or more
attractive to you. This process will very likely give you many inner clues as to what you really want to do.

Contacting your higher self.

In continuation of this exercise or at another time (once you have relaxed deeply) you can mentally
continue along the imaginary pathway moving upwards towards the top of a high mountain. Keep
moving upwards until you pass the tree line and approach the top of the mountain where there are only
rocks, very small flowers and crystal clear light. As you approach the top of the mountain, you discover a
plateau where there is a being of light, your higher self, or guardian angel, waiting for you.

This being knows your every thought, word and deed and accepts and loves you as you are. Sit with the
being of light and accept unconditional love. Now present your questions and then just let go and receive

In such mental exercises some people are visual, others acoustic and others sensory. If you are not a
visual type, you may not actually see anyone but you may at this stage receive answers from within. Just
rest in this state and allow messages and feelings to flow into your mind.

Employ your messages and intuition

One reason that we cease to receive inner guidance is that we hesitate to act on what we feel. So the
process simply stops. The more we use our intuition and follow our feelings, the more we will experience
inner guidance.

One reason we do not act on what we feel is because we fear that it might not be the right choice, or
perhaps we fear that our needs and desires are affecting our motives. There is no reason to reject an
action because it also satisfies our needs or desires. Often we are instilled with desires exactly because
they will guide us to changes and actions that will further our creative and evolutionary process.

There is no reason to reject choices because they are desirable to us. This would be a problem if we were
making the same choices we have made in the past and have found that it does us harm or leads
nowhere. If it is a new choice and not a repeated mistake, we may want to try it out.
Also, if that choice turns out eventually to bring us pain or failure at some endeavor, that does not mean
that it was a wrong choice. We are often guided to make choices simply for the purpose of discovering
that our happiness is not to be found there, or in some cases to learn some lesson from that choice and
move on.

Some, who fear making choices, remain stagnant and without action, change or growth. Perhaps even a
“wrong” decision is better than no decision at all. Also, remember that failures are simply learning
experiences on the way to success.

We need to understand that the purpose of life is to realize our true spiritual nature and create harmony
and peace in the material realm. These goals can be achieved through both failure and success as well as
through pleasant and unpleasant experiences.

Letters to and from God

Many of you will have read Neale Donald Walsch’s books Conversations with God in which he poses
questions to God or his higher self and then answers them on behalf of the Divine. We all have this
ability. This in no way means that his or your answers will be unaffected by your common mind, but
surely your answers will be flowing from a higher aspect of your self.

Try it. Write a letter to God or your higher self with specific questions about your life purpose and then
let it sit for a day or two. Then after a meditation or when in a peaceful state, imagine that you are God
and read the questions and then write the answers to the questions that have been posed to you by one of
your beloved expressions in the physical dimension.

Believe in yourself

You are divine consciousness and you know why you have projected your awareness into the physical
plane and what you need to do in order to manifest the ideal life you have come to create for yourself and
others. No one knows better than you the choices you need to make. Believe in yourself. Listen to others,
but follow yourself.

In this section we have offered you a number of methods for developing inner guidance. Consider
employing them when in need.

Exercise no. 27 - Choose an issue for which you would like inner guidance and try out the following
methods on that:
a. Ask your conscience.
b. Write down the pros and cons.
c. Pose your question in meditation.
d. Place your question and preference in the sphere of light.
e. Use your feeling body.
f. The three doors technique.
g. Contact your higher self.
h. Letters to and from God.


Method No 16. Recognize your Successes

and Remember to Feel Grateful Continuously

Discover ways of remembering to feel gratitude frequently throughout the day, both for what you
already have and also for each new “miracle” or manifestation. Acknowledge every new creation and
“miracle,” feeling thankful for how it enriches your life.

We have already explained the importance of cultivating an “attitude of gratitude.” In this section we
would like to emphasize the importance of making that a habit throughout the day, so that you are in this
state as much as possible.
Invent ways to remember

Eventually, feeling gratitude, happiness and peace will become a habit as natural as breathing. Until
then, we may need to discover ways to remember as often as possible. Here are a few possibilities to
which you can inventively add many:

1. Most of you will have heard of the gratitude stone mentioned in the book and movie The Secret.
This could be any small object that you can have on you wherever you are, so that every time you
become aware of it, you remember to think of all that you have to feel grateful for.

2. You can set your watch or mobile to vibrate or make a sound as often as you like. This sound or
vibration will interrupt your mental process and bring you back to gratitude.

3. You can decide to remember to feel grateful before or after certain standard activities such eating,
waking, sleeping, bathing or brushing your teeth.

4. You can program your computer to bring up gratitude messages on the screen.

5. You might pair up with someone else and agree to call each other once a day to remind each other
or ask the other what he or she feels grateful for today.

6. Leave messages around your home and office (mirrors, refrigerator, bed post, car, office,
computer) reminding yourself.

Make a list of your own ways of remembering. Apply them to what others might take for granted, such as
the air you are breathing, whoever may have printed this book, the tree that gave its life for it, the money
to buy it, the chair you might be sitting on, the roof over your head, the light that allows you to see, and of
course your eyes and mental clarity that allow you to read and understand, not to mention the education
that taught you to read. None of these are available by default to everyone.

Acknowledging your successes

This section has another message, and that is to recognize your gifts and success and your questions and
requests that have been answered. Do not take them for granted. Acknowledge them and express your
gratitude for them.

Do this for even the smallest requests, such as finding a parking space or anything else that you have
asked to attract or create. The more we recognize that the law of attraction is working, the more faith and
confidence we have in it and the more it becomes a natural part of our functioning.

Acknowledging and feeling grateful for what we are receiving increases the flow of giving and receiving.
We are more in the flow or “on a roll” as some might say. Take time daily to acknowledge all that has
come to you that day, all of the questions that were answered and the requests that became reality.

Exercise no. 28 - Employ some of the above-mentioned ways to remember to feel grateful for the
small things daily.

Exercise no. 29 - Create a page in your notebook for a list of your successes; of what you have created
and attracted.


Method No 17. Create and Maintain a Vision Board or Vision Book

Create and keep up a vision board and/or vision book in which you can place photos, drawings, texts,
and objects that connect you energetically and emotionally to that which you want to manifest.
Most of you will know of this from the book and movie The Secret. These are ways in which you can
strengthen your energy flow towards your goals in visual and other ways.

The vision board

The idea is that you create a space in your room or office where you can hang photos, cut outs, drawings,
texts and even objects that connect you mentally and emotionally to your desired goals or your ideal life.

The vision book

Some, who would rather not display these perhaps private interests and goals, have chosen to create a
vision book rather than a vision board. This could be a simple binder where you can paste your images
and texts onto pages that you secure into the book. The idea is that you will look through these pages
daily and focus on your goals, adding and subtracting pages and images as you like.

This method creates an environment that is supportive of our goals. When we see them, we are affected
by what we are seeing. We are reminded visually or mentally of what we really want. This process
strengthens our energy field towards that goal. Each time we think of or visualize what we want, we make
that thought-form and energy-form of the pending creation a little more dense, until it gradually
becomes a material reality.

We have learned until now to:

1. Write down our goals.
2. Describe having achieved them.
3. Visualize having achieved them with gratitude and joy.
4. Act as if we already have what we want.
Now we can add to those methods:
5. Focusing daily on images, texts and objects that symbolize those goals.

Some of those images can be ones that you yourself draw or create in some way.

It is simple and pleasant and if you feel uncomfortable letting others see what is important for you, then
create a vision book rather than a vision board.

Exercise no. 30 - Create a vision board or vision book.


Method No 18. Remember –

That which You Want to Manifest Is already a Part of who You Are.

Remember that you are divine consciousness-energy, a divine, all-powerful soul who, in cooperation
with the divine source of all, has the ability to form this universal energy into material realities. Your
true nature is formless consciousness, which is manifesting as your body, mind and life situation.
That which you want to manifest is in fact simply an extension of your own self.

This concept has already been touched on, but will be emphasized here. Let us look briefly at what is
agreed upon by the four sources from which this book has been developed (Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer,
The Secret and, through myself, Universal Philosophy, which is explained in detail in my book with that

1. We are all expressions of one divine, universal consciousness, which is temporarily expressing
itself through our bodies and minds.

2. The degree to which it can express itself purely and powerfully depends on how much our ego can
get out of the way and cease strangling the flow of love, power and wisdom that will ultimately
flow through us.
3. Our true nature, self-worth and security have nothing to do with our bodies and minds, their
appearance or the temporary social or professional roles they might be playing at various stages
of our lives.

4. As expressions of the Divine, there is nothing we can do to increase or decrease our worthiness of
love and respect.

5. As eternal formless consciousness, there is nothing we can do to increase or decrease our security.

6. As divine consciousness, there is nothing we need to be happy or fulfilled.

7. As divine consciousness, there is nothing we cannot manifest, change or improve.

8. Everything that we could ever want to manifest will simply be a manifestation of that same
consciousness that we are. There is no source of creation other than divine consciousness.
Whatever may ever come into existence will always come forth from that consciousness – which
is the field of all possibilities.

9. All that ceases to exist before our eyes will simply dissolve into that one source.

10. Consciousness is what is there before, during and after all of creation. We are that.

11. Consciousness is like the white light on the TV that can become any possible image, pleasant or
unpleasant, harmonious or violent, loving or hateful. That light is never limited to those images,
but simply gives them existence.

12. Images and thoughts cannot exist without the light of consciousness but it can exist without the
images or thoughts that it gives reality to.

13. We exist with or without a body and mind. We are formless consciousness.

14. Whatever we may want to manifest in our ideal reality will simply be another temporary
manifestation of consciousness that we are.

15. Thus, as consciousness, all that we seek to manifest is already within us, a part of our being. The
relationship, health, abundance, professional position, project, solution, freedom, purity and love
that we would like to manifest in our lives are nothing more than aspects of our own being.

16. When we are in touch with the source of our being, we are also in touch with the source of what
we would like to manifest. We have an “inside connection” to whatever we would like to create.

17. We are actually the source of whatever we would like to attract. We are the consciousness from
which it will flow forth.

18. As divine consciousness, creation or co-creation is our natural function and purpose. We are co-
creators with the whole of the Divine of which we are an integral part.

19. What we want to manifest is simply an extension of our own being.

20. We are the consciousness/source of what we want to manifest.

21. We can imagine that we are the ideal reality itself seeking to become manifest.

22. Remembering who we really are allows us to feel:

a. Worthy of the best this world has to offer.
b. The inner fulfillment to be happy with whatever we have or do not have.
c. The power to effortlessly create our ideal reality.

Exercise no. 31 - Find ways to remember these truths. Write them, repeat them, meditate on them, and
make signs of them.
Exercise no. 32 - Imagine that you are actually the object, situation or reality that is seeking to become
manifest (that which you are choosing to create). Imagine that you are “that” in its ideal-energy-form and
are seeking to become manifest. Observe and write down how you feel. Write a letter on behalf of the to-
be-created reality to yourself as the creator, explaining how the creator (you) can facilitate your


Method No 19. Think, Speak and Express Yourself Positively

Think, speak and in general express yourself positively, emphasizing all that you appreciate and find
beautiful. Especially focus on the good in people. Avoid complaining, criticizing, judging, rejecting or
otherwise expressing negative perceptions.

Attention augments

When we pay attention to anything, especially with positive or negative emotions, we increase it and
attract even more of that into our lives. When we complain, criticize, judge, reject or feel or speak
negatively about anyone or anything, we increase what we do not like in our reality. It appears more
often and in stronger doses.

When we are against or contrary to anything, we energize it even more. This applies to persons, events,
situations, social problems, behaviors, animals, insects, social injustices, aspects of our work, and even
our own health conditions, personal problems and personal attributes or habits such as drinking,
smoking or overeating.

Obviously then, speaking negatively about anyone or anything will only bring them more intensely into
our lives. Focus on and speak about what you enjoy, what you appreciate and admire, what makes you
happy and grateful. Sharing these emotions with those around you simultaneously attracts more of what
you like and beatifies the lives of those who are listening.

As angelic beings, we see only beautiful beings

Avoid the illusion of believing that criticism or gossip might increase your self-worth. Many seek to feel
more worthy by commenting on all that is wrong around them. They believe that they gain self-worth
and are superior when they can point out all that is faulty.

All spiritual teachers agree that the path to happiness and to the experience of our true spiritual self lies
in ignoring others’ mistakes and what is wrong, and focusing on what is good and pleasant. Our true
spiritual self has no need to find the others’ faults. As angelic beings we understand that all is as it can be
at this step in our personal and collective evolutionary process. Our angelic self condemns no one, but
rather perceives the Divine in each being, regardless of how far that being has strayed from his or her
real self in his or her life style and actions.

As angelic beings, we are unconditional love and we perceive all of our fellow beings as divine
consciousness, which has temporarily sacrificed its awareness of its divinity and is seeking to survive,
evolve and create without that knowledge. As divine beings we have unlimited understanding, tolerance,
compassion and love.

When we complain, criticize, condemn and reject, we are functioning from our conditioned ego.
Remember Christ’s suggestion that we look at our own faults and forget what the others are doing.

Simply put, whatever distances us from our true self and unity with others and life, weakens our power to
attract and create.

We can still correct ourselves and the world

Accepting and loving all as it is does not mean that we cannot focus on correcting, improving or healing
what is. All, including others, ourselves, and all life situations, are in a process of evolution. When we
accept what is, we are accepting it as a stage in that process. We can use our creative energies to enable
whatever “is” to move to a higher and more harmonious version of itself.

We accept ourselves with all of our faults as we persistently seek to improve ourselves. We accept others
as they are, but are there for them whenever they too might want to change. Until they ask for our help,
we can always perform Ho’oponopono mentally asking forgiveness for anything in ourselves that may be
obstructing their evolutionary process. We then mentally express our love to them and to ourselves. We
release them from any need to remain the way they are for our evolution. We thank the Divine for
removing from us anything that may be contributing to any problems, illusions or weaknesses that might
be limiting the other’s health, happiness or growth.

We can employ the same process for social, political and planetary problems that we would like to correct
or heal. Ho’oponopono is an ideal way to accept all as it is because we realize that it is simply an
extension of our own selves and that whatever is bothering us is actually, to some degree, something we
are creating, no matter how different from us or far away it might be. Nothing out there is separate from
us. All is a reflection of our own being.

Having diffused the tendency to reject, we can then direct our energy towards correcting or healing what
seems disharmonious to us. We do that by taking responsibility for it, loving it as it is, loving ourselves as
we are, releasing it from the need to remain as it is and thanking the Divine for removing from us (and
perhaps others) whatever might be contributing to this disharmony.

We affect others with our thoughts

We must also consider that our thoughts, words and actions have a powerful effect on our environment,
including people, events and physical objects and machines. Our thoughts and words are vibrations or
energies with information that impinge upon and affect others and life.

Do we really want our subjective perceptions and feelings that are so much controlled by our childhood
programming, fears, guilt and illusions to affect those around us? It is a shame to disturb another’s mind
with our subjective perceptions, usually because we want attention or want to verify our self-worth. In
such cases we do damage not only to those we talk about, but also to those with whom we share our
subjective, negative perceptions.

Socrates’ three rules.

Socrates, the great Greek philosopher, suggested that before we share any information with anyone that
we should first see if it fulfills three conditions.
1. That we know that it is absolutely true (that you have verified it with your own senses - this is
most often not the case).
2. That we can say it with love.
3. That it will benefit the other in some way.
If we follow his advice, we will talk much less than we are now.

When others fall into the trap of criticizing or gossiping about others, share with them that you do not
feel comfortable talking about others when they are not present, because you would not like anyone to do
so concerning yourself.

Letting go of the ego

We are neither the ego nor the mind. We are universal consciousness expressing ourselves through them.
Our ego is a major obstacle to our contact with our higher self and the source of all creation and thus our
ability to manifest. It is difficult to be happy when we are enclosed in our ego, because it is a very
insecure being, without its own inner resources. It is consistently looking outwards in order to find
security, self-worth and happiness.

In order to gradually become free from the ego, we can observe it and choose to abstain from many
activities such as:

1. Criticizing, rejecting, judging and condemning.

2. Arguing to prove it is right and the others wrong.
3. Feeling offended and or rejected.
4. Comparing ourselves with others.
5. Fearing and being anxious.
6. Feeling guilty.
7. Living in the past.
8. Living in the future.
9. Feeling angry at others.
10. Being attached to external sources of self-worth, security, love, meaning etc.

These are some of the characteristics of the ego. You will naturally notice that we have described 99.9 %
of all human behavior, because in fact we are basically controlled by our egos. Our freedom to be happy,
peaceful, loving and powerfully creative lies in observing the ego as witnesses, realizing that we are not it,
and in gradually allowing it to attenuate by avoiding the above-mentioned activities.

Who are we to judge?

Have we made no mistakes? Do we have no faults? Have we no weaknesses? Are we perfect? Are we
totally free from the qualities we are criticizing or rejecting in others? I certainly cannot answer “yes” to
any of the above questions, and thus I cannot judge anyone.

If we are truly concerned that someone or some situation is not well, not in harmony, then rather than
criticizing them, we can place them in our prayers and visualize them interpenetrated by an inner light
that connects them to the harmony, truth, wisdom and guidance within them.

Exercise no. 33 - Make a list of the persons, behaviors and situations you tend to criticize, reject,
condemn or feel or speak negatively about. Analyze the beliefs that cause you to do so. Answer the
following questions in regards to it: What is your motive? What are you seeking to accomplish by
thinking or speaking in this way? What would you lose if you did not do so? Does what you share with
others satisfy Socrates’ three conditions of being absolutely true - verified by yourself, that you can share
with love, and that it will benefit someone?


Method No 20. Discover and Live your Life Purpose

Discover your life purpose, the reason for which you have incarnated and joyfully dedicate your life to
manifesting it.

Everyone has heard of the law of karma, which states that every thought, word, act, behavior and choice
creates an analogous reaction from the universe back to us. I remind you that this is solely for the
purpose of learning and evolving and never for punishment or suffering.

But there is a more important concept that few have heard of and that is “dharma” or righteous action.
When we have evolved sufficiently, we naturally feel the desire to do what is best for all, regardless of
whether the results will be pleasant or unpleasant. Pain and pleasure are not so important. We are
motivated by a sense of honorable action. We become interested in the welfare and the needs of others in
addition to ours. We feel strongly about living according to the universal laws of harmony, equality, non-
violence and correct action.

What is dharma?

The Sanskrit word dharma is an extremely important concept, which cannot be interpreted by one word.
Let’s look at a few of the various meanings and inferences of the word Dharma:
Dharma is truth in action.
1. It is correct action.
2. It is any action that is helpful and supportive to human evolution.
3. It is a correct means of earning one's living.
4. It means performing your profession in an honest and fair way.
5. It means doing to others as you would like them to do to you.
6. It means being interested in the welfare of the whole.
7. It means that each will perform his or her work and responsibilities conscientiously and selflessly.
8. One's dharma is also the specific type of work or life activity which each of us has come to
perform. One's dharma might be to raise children, to teach, to build buildings, sing songs, write
music or books, to farm the land, cook food, clean houses, report the news, help the ill, protect
the poor, uphold justice or listen to people's problems. There are as many specific individual
dharmas as there are incarnated souls. Each of us has a slightly different and unique combination
of activities that we have come to fulfill in this incarnation. This will be the perfect combination of
activities to offer each of us spiritual growth and at the same time benefit society.

Kinds of dharma

Although we each have a unique dharma, it often encompasses some of the following:

1. Spiritual dharma is the way of life that facilitates our self-knowledge and spiritual growth.
Included here are disciplines such as prayer, meditation, fasting, self-analysis, etc.

2. Social dharma is what we offer to our family, friends, work environment and the society in
general. Included in this is creating abundance for our family and others in need (in an honest
way, at no one else's expense), performing our professional services in a conscientious way, as
perfectly as we can, and offering selfless service to those in need.

3. Ethical dharma, which means living an ethical life.

4. We have a dharma to our body and mind, which must be in excellent condition if we are to
live our lives effectively. Included in this dharma are proper diet, exercises, breathing techniques,
relaxation techniques and cleansing techniques for the body.

5. Each act, thought and word can be expressed in a dharmic way or in an “adharmic” way,
which means that it is not dharmic. An act, thought or word is dharmic when:
a. It is not done with intention to harm anyone.
b. It betters the quality of the individual and society.
c. It is a movement from separateness towards unity.
d. It is in harmony with the universal laws of equality, nonviolence and correct action.
e. We can honestly say that we would like someone else to perform that act, speak those
words or think those thoughts about us.

6. Thus, there is no specific profession or activity that is more dharmic than another. It’s the state of
mind and motive that make a particular act dharmic or not. One person may work to make a lot
of money because he wants to feed his children. This is dharmic. Another may do “selfless
service” in order to get recognition and approval from others. This is not dharmic.

Christ’s promise

It’s important for each of us to align our life with our personal dharma. Those who live by the dharma
will be protected and supported by the dharma. Christ promised this when He said that all those who live
according to the will of the Father would have all their needs completely taken care of, just as the birds
and the lilies in the fields (Matthew 6:31). Most people have little faith in this promise. This is sad
because it is absolutely true.

When we find the courage to let go of our insecurities and are equally interested in what those around us
need, then with the support of the power of dharma, all that we need for our own survival and life
purpose will come to us at exactly the moment in which we need it.

Dharma is, in general, a movement from a life disconnected from the whole towards a life united with the
whole, through love and service. Each of us may serve, however, in our own way. One may serve by
building houses for the homeless and another may serve by praying in seclusion for people's hearts and
minds to open to the truth. Both are possible dharmas, only each specific individual can know if he or she
is doing it with real love and selflessness.
Our specific chosen role

It’s extremely important for each of us to find our specific dharma in our present incarnation. That is the
role that we’ve come to play on earth. Some of us lose contact with this inner goal because of social,
parental and educational programming that orients us towards material success and social recognition.
It’s a shame for a soul to come into this world, forget why it incarnated and leave; never having really
lived the purpose that brought it here. But it happens.

You are encouraged to think deeply about this point. Are you living as you really want to? Do you respect
everything that you do? Does your life have meaning for you? Are you doing what your inner self really
wants to do? Are you happy with your life? Do you feel that your life is connected in some way with the
whole? If the answer is not ‘yes’ to all of these questions, then perhaps you haven’t yet totally found your
dharma. You may have partially found it but there may be some alterations you would like to make so
that your life represents your true values and interests at this time.

The way in which we will express our dharma is not static and may change from one stage of our lives to
another. It may also remain the same. There are many possibilities. The only guide for all of this is our
own inner self. That’s why it’s so important to get in touch with it.

Traditionally, in India one passes through four stages in life and the dharma is somewhat different in
each. In the first stage we are students and our dharma is to study, learn, respect our elders and prepare
for our lives. In the second stage we create a family and provide in all ways for our children. In the third
stage our children have grown and we dedicate our extra energy, time and perhaps money to members of
society who are in need. In the last stage, we retreat from society and spend our time praying, meditating
and focusing on the Divine.

Finding our role

It is interesting that, although we have more material security and comforts than ever in history, we
simply do not seem happier. The average person today lives with the comfort only kings enjoyed 150
years ago. Yet statistics show that more and more people are disillusioned with the old recipes for
happiness. They have money and material security, but their jobs have no meaning for them.

Initially we may need to choose between money and meaningfulness, between comfort and
creativity, between security and evolution, between satisfying the expectations of others and
following our own inner voice of wisdom, between social success and social responsibility,
between superficial happiness and real inner contentment. In many cases, however, when we
have learned the lessons associated with the above-mentioned choices, we can have it all including
abundance, meaning, comfort, creativity, security and evolution.

Let’s examine what we can do to regain contact with life purpose. This subject is explained in detail in my
book Universal Philosophy. Here we will just give a basic outline:

1. Free ourselves from social conditioning.

2. Overcome fears and limiting beliefs.
3. Let go of attachment to results.
4. Develop greater contact with our inner voice.
5. Develop physical and mental harmony.
6. Surrender to the divine will.
7. Pray daily to become an instrument of the divine.
8. Follow our intuition.
9. Get in touch with and develop talents.

The important questions we need to answer

In conclusion, manifesting our ideal life is dependent on us first understanding our life purpose. Only
then can we really know what we want from the center of our being. When our goals are motivated not by
our life purpose but by desires and needs based on social programming, a sense of lack and fear, no
matter how “successful” we might be we will not find happiness. Happiness can be experienced only
when we are living the life we came to live.
It is essential that we let go of social programming and answer these questions:
1. Regardless of what others want for themselves and perhaps for me, what do I want?
2. What makes me happy?
3. What gives me meaning and fulfillment?
4. What are the abilities and qualities that I want to develop and use in my life?
5. If I could have any additional abilities or talents, what would they be?
6. What was important to me a child?
7. What are my ideals?
8. If I had the power to change myself, what would I change?
9. If I had the power to change the world, what would I change?
10. If I were asked to tell a group of adolescents what is most important in life, what would I say.
11. If my child asked me why we are here and what we are supposed to do with our lives, how would
I answer?
12. If I could help any group of people, whom would I help first?
13. If I did not need to work for money and would be economically secure for the rest of my life,
what would I do with my time and energy?

Exercise no. 34 - Take time to answer these important questions.


Method No 21. Be Assured that You Deserve Your Ideal Reality

Experience your self-worth from within as an expression of your divine nature temporarily projected
into this material dimension. Know that you are totally worthy of attracting and creating all that you
are guided from within to manifest.

We have discussed this in previous sections, but because feelings of guilt and unworthiness are major
obstacles in the creation process, we would like to emphasize here that we are all unquestionably worthy
of our ideal life.

How we measure our worthiness

We have been programmed in our early years, through the examples and messages from parents,
teachers, siblings and peers, to measure our self-worth based on various external and superficial factors.

We may measure our worth by how much money, possessions, houses, land, cars we have, by our social
class, how many people know us, how many degrees or how high a position we have, how many abilities
we have, by our appearance, clothing, car or how successful we are. We might base our self-worth on
whether or not we make mistakes, how clean our house is, how often we go to church, how often we
meditate, how many years we have been vegetarian, whether or not our spiritual teacher shows us
attention or not, how many spiritual books we have read and a wide variety of other factors.

The game of who is better can be played at all levels and in all situations. It is a game that even spiritual
teachers have difficulty getting free from. It is one of the greatest traps on the spiritual path. The cause is
our ignorance of who or what we really are; ignorance of the fact that we are all equally worthy
expressions of the Divine and that nothing we do will make us more lovable or worthy.

Our old programming

Many of us have been programmed with an innate sense of being unworthy, not enough or intrinsically
“not good” as in the case of the Christian concept of “original sin” which makes us basically unworthy of
God’s love and blessings. Such feelings need to be eradicated in order to feel worthy of divine love and
the blessings that are always present waiting for us to open up and receive them.

One spiritual teacher describes it in this way: God’s love and blessings are always there just as the Sun is
during the day. Whether or not we open our windows and shutters to receive that light is our choice. We
can choose to continue living in the illusion that we are not loveable, good, worthy or pure enough, or we
can realize that we are the Divine itself in the temporary body.

Feeling clean and pure

When we feel impure or unworthy, we subconsciously sabotage our goodness and happiness. We are also
much more prone to behave in ways that cause us to continue to feel unworthy. For example, if you and
your clothing are dirty because you have been working in the garden or on the car and someone asks you
to hold something dirty, you do not have a problem, because you already feel dirty. But if you have just
taken a shower and are wearing clean white clothing, you do not want to handle anything that is dirty,
because you feel clean. In the same way, feeling guilty only makes us more prone to doing what makes us
feel guilty. Cultivating the psychology of innocence and purity encourages us remain clean.

Christ’s message

Christ intended to free us from the feelings of sin and alienation from the Divine by offering us the divine
mystery of Holy Communion for erasing ”sins” or feelings of guilt so that we can once again feel pure and
worthy of love and divine blessings. Unfortunately, most have continued to focus on the concept of being
sinful and unworthy rather than on Christ’s message of divine forgiveness. Continuing on, he encourages
us to “ask and you will receive.”

When we feel guilt, shame or self-rejection we are much more likely to:

1. Develop self-destructive habits.

2. Find it difficult to cultivate positive life styles.
3. Fear punishment and rejection.
4. Sabotage our health, relationships and success.
5. Be critical of others and need to find others’ faults and mistakes.
6. Be jealous of others’ success and happiness and enjoy their misfortunes.
7. Be unable to see and accept others’ love and respect for us.
8. Fear being abandoned.
9. Be unable to love others as they are (because we do not love ourselves as we are).
10. Have little patience and understanding for others’ mistakes (we have no compassion for
11. Refuse to forgive others (because we do not forgive ourselves).
12. Cultivate anger towards those who hurt us.
13. Hate those we believe are evil (we do the same to ourselves).
14. Feel separate and alienated from others.
15. Sabotage our happiness and success because we believe we do not deserve them.

Is there healthy guilt?

Healthy guilt is a momentary feeling (from a few minutes to a few days) that informs us that we have
done to others that which we would not like them to do to us. Our thoughts, words or actions were not in
alignment with our highest ideals. This “healthy guilt” will spark a process of self-analysis and self-
knowledge so that we can:

1. Analyze and discover which beliefs, needs, attachments, addictions, fears or habits caused us
to behave in this unenlightened way.

2. Once we discover the cause of our undesired behavior, we then focus of freeing ourselves from
those beliefs, emotions, needs and attachments. This can be done quite effectively with forms of
energy psychology such as EFT, TAT, BSFF, Freeze Frame, the Sedona Method and

3. Then we can meditate on alternative ways of reacting when in similar situations in the future.

4. We can then ask forgiveness from whomever we feel we might have harmed.

5. If we can correct any of the damage, then we do so.

6. Then we are thankful for this growth experience, let go of the guilt, realizing that we were
never the cause of the other’s reality but that this was a learning situation for us all.

7. We forgive ourselves and move on to feeling our goodness, purity and worthiness of all that
life has to offer. We could employ TAT for self-forgiveness.

Healthy guilt needs to last only as long as is required for the process of self-knowledge and change. After
that it is then useless and detrimental. Guilt was never designed to become a state of being. We can never
fall out of divine love, no matter what we do. Divine love is unconditional. It is a shame to attribute to the
Divine such low human emotions such as anger, hate or jealousy.

We are loved beyond all measure by all divine beings in the universe. We are always and immutably
worthy, loved, blessed and worthy of our ideal life.

Let go of comparing yourself

We are not more or less worthy than any other being. We are all equally expressions of the divine. We
may differ in ability or morality, but those do not alter how worthy we are of love and respect. A person
who is more capable physically or mentally is not more worthy of love and respect than one who is less
capable. A more capable person is more worthy of responsibilities but not more worthy of love and

Take for example a person who has had a serious accident and has been in a coma for three years, unable
to offer anything to anyone. He has no pleasant appearance, no love or help to offer anyone. He is not
capable of doing anything, perhaps not even of breathing on his own. And yet he or she is immeasurably
worthy of our love and respect. We dedicate many thousands of dollars and human work hours to his or
her existence - because conscious existence itself is worth so much to us. In the same way your existence
is that worthy, simply because you exist and not because of your appearance or what you can offer. Your
existence is divine.

Equally, a moral person is more worthy of trust and freedom than an immoral one, but not more worthy
of love and respect. These are all roles that we are temporarily playing, roles in which we appear more or
less able or moral. When we leave our bodies and these roles, we are once again all equally divine

The roles we play

Imagine a theater performance in which some play the role of the “good” and others the “bad,” rich, poor,
educated, uneducated, able, unable, healthy, ill, pleasant and unpleasant, truthful and untruthful, useful
and useless, compassionate and indifferent. They play the roles they have been assigned or chosen
throughout the performance. When the performance is over, they all gather at their party and enjoy
themselves and comment on the way they played their roles, how well they killed and got killed, and yet
none of them are who they seemed to be in the performance. They are all equally actors. The “good” is
not better than the “bad,” the “rich” not more abundant than the “poor,” the “educated” not more
intelligent than the “uneducated,” and perhaps the beautiful not more attractive than those who were
masquerading as unattractive.

They are all equal. In the same way we, as divine consciousness, are all equal regardless of the temporary
roles that we are learning and creating through.

Combining self-acceptance with self-growth

Many believe that they must be dissatisfied with themselves, or that they must reject themselves or feel
guilt or shame in order to have a motive for self-improvement or growth. They wonder, “if I accept and
love myself as I am, what motive will I have for continuing to change, grow or improve?”

Accepting ourselves as we are is not a deterrent to continuing our efforts to learn, grow and improve
ourselves. We can easily accept ourselves and still continue to improve our character and increase our
Perhaps the example of children in grade school will help us to understand this. These children in the
first grades of grade school do not reject themselves because they are not in a higher grade, or because
they do not know as much or are not as capable as those children in the higher grades. They accept
themselves as they are and are happy with themselves with their present level of abilities and knowledge.
Yet no child would accept remaining in the same grade the next year or year after year.

In the same way, there is no conflict between accepting and feeling comfortable with our temporarily
limited abilities and lower level of consciousness and our need to continue growing. It is natural to accept
and love ourselves at this present stage of growth and simultaneously to attend to learning, evolving and
improving ourselves.

Growth is a natural, instinctual need. Scientists have discovered that when a person learns something
new, this creates the excretion of endorphins and other positively reinforcing chemicals in the brain.
Learning brings pleasure when it is natural and not connected to fear of rejection and failure.

But there are yet other motives for action and growth, and these are love and the need for creativity. We
need to love and to create, just as we need to sleep and eat. These are basic needs, even if they are higher
on the need-hierarchy scale. Thus, even if we do not have self-rejection or dissatisfaction as a motivating
force, we will always have love and creativity as motivating forces to grow, create and produce.

The half-finished painting

Another example that might help is that of a painting in the process of being completed. At every stage of
this process it is exactly what it can and needs to be in order to become what it will become. At each and
every moment it is the perfect self that it needs to be in order to arrive at its completed state. It would be
ridiculous to reject it because it is simply in a process and is not finished.

In the same way, we are in a process of evolution, moving towards completion. We are exactly who we
need to be in this moment in order to become what we are destined to become. We are perfect for our
present state of evolution - but not yet perfected.

We do not reject the flower bud because it has not yet evolved into the flower or fruit that it will become.
It is not wrong or bad because it has not completed its maturation process. It is equally worthy of love
and respect as it will be in its advanced stages as a flower and fruit. We are equally lovable as spiritual
buds that are developing into flowers.

Concepts for letting go of guilt and feelings of unworthiness

1. Understand that our real nature is independent of the body and mind. Although our bodies and minds
will never be perfect, we are acceptable and lovable just as we are, since we are in a state of evolution. We
are not perfect and yet acceptable, lovable and secure. We are beyond good and bad.

2. Realize that guilt and feeling inferior are as much a concentration on the ego as pride and feeling
superior. Both cause identification with the body and personality.

3. We are the temples of God. We are divine in nature, children of God, pure in the center of our being.

4. We can realize that the differences we see in people around us are not a matter of basic worth. Each in
the center of his being has the same worth and deserves love and respect from all other beings. The
differences are in the instruments of expression. We are like the electrical current, which can express
itself through a wide variety of electrical appliances. Some are of better quality than others, some light
bulbs shine more powerfully than others, but the current is the same. Some vacuum cleaners do a better
job than others, some stereos give a higher quality sound than others, but the quality of the current,
which flows through all these, is the same.

When we identify with the electrical current which is one and the same in all instruments, then we realize
the truth and are free from this way of thinking. We will accept and love ourselves and others exactly as
we are, knowing that our vehicles (body and mind) are in a state of improving themselves, but that does
not change our inner inherent value. In such a case we will be able to understand that others are also in a
process of evolution and that the mistakes that they make and their negative behaviors are the result of
their lack of spiritual maturity. They are learning from what they are doing. Our understanding and
compassion will help them. We need, however, to cultivate the same compassion towards ourselves.

5. We can let go of focusing on results as a measure of our worthiness. Results are not a function of our
efforts only. There are many other factors. We al know some very capable people who made wonderful,
dedicated efforts that fail, and others make seemingly half hearted efforts and succeed. There are other
forces involved in every result. Thus, we would be better off evaluating ourselves in terms of our
motives and efforts rather than the results. Have we tried the best we can? Are our motives pure?
Those are more important questions.

6. We can repeat phrases that awaken feelings of unity with others and God, such as:
a. I am good, pure and worthy of God's love.
b. I am a pure and innocent child of God.
c. I and all others are equal souls in a process of evolution.
d. I am good and worthy of everyone's love.
e. I love everyone unconditionally - including myself.
f. I am worthy of the ideal life I choose to manifest.

Difference between ego, superiority and worthiness

There is a great difference between feeling superior and acknowledgement of one's innate power and
ability. We can recognize that we are wonderful, beautiful and worthy, without feeling that we are better
than others or that they are not worthy of our company. There is also a difference between humility and
guilt. We can feel humility before the awesome forces of the universe without feeling guilt, or unworthy
of contact with them or others.

Exercise no. 35 - Make a list of reasons, situations or moments in which you tend to doubt your self-
worth and your worthiness of your ideal life and all that you are guided from within to manifest. For
1. Discover the basic belief that causes that doubt.
2. See if you can also remember when and where that belief was created.
3. Ask yourself: “is this belief true?”
4. Search for the alternative positive beliefs that will free you from that perception.
5. Experience your purity, goodness and worthiness of all that is good for you and others.

Exercise no. 36 - Frequently perform the innocence/purity meditation as directed below:

1. Sit or lie comfortably with the spine straight.

2. Focus on your breathing and let go of thoughts.
3. Relax all of your muscles, nervous system and mind.
4. Count slowly from 10 to 1, relaxing more deeply with each number.
5. Now focus on a sense of light in your forehead (you can see it, imagine it or feel it).
6. Identify this light with the feeling of innocence or purity.
7. Allow this feeling of light/innocence/purity to flow throughout your body, moving from the
forehead through the face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, chest, abdomen, genitals, legs and feet.
8. Feel a sense of innocence and purity in each part of your body (especially in the genitals, where
many have learned to feel impure).
9. Allow the feeling of innocence to flow into all parts of the mind.
10. Open to the Divine, accepting divine love, light, energy and blessings.
11. Stay in this feeling of innocence and oneness with the Divine as long as you enjoy it.
12. If you like, you can at some point introduce your conscious intentions and visualize them as
already manifest.

Method No 22.
Experience Your Inseparable Connection With Divine Love
Feel your continuous inseparable connection with the Divine within and around you. Experience
every event, situation and development (pleasant or unpleasant) as an expression of divine love for
you and your loved ones.

The basis for this state of mind has been established in many of the previous sections. Here I would like
to emphasize again:

1. That we are inseparably connected with the Divine. Much as a ray of light is connected with its

2. That everything that has happened, is happening and will ever happen is an expression of divine

Our inseparability

We need to reevaluate our concept of creation. Unfortunately, many of us have grown up with the
concept that we are created (like an object) by a divine being that we call God and that from there on in
we are separate from that being who is now observing us, judging us and rewarding or punishing us.

But we are not objects. We are consciousness. We are extensions of divine consciousness and thus can
never be separate from our source. Creation in this case is more like the creation of images on a screen.
The images are there only because they are continuously connected with the light that is projecting them.
They cannot exist without that light projecting them there from moment to moment. They exist only as
projections of that light that is always directly connected to them.

In the same way, we exist as physical beings only as long as the divine consciousness is projecting itself
as us – unique expressions of it being. Thus, the feeling of being separate from the Divine can only be an
illusion we have created. We are at this moment being created by the Divine. We can never exist as
separate from it, just as no images can exist on the screen unless the light is creating them at that very

At this very moment, and all moments and in all places, wherever we might be, including our home,
bedroom, kitchen, toilet, office, driving in our car, walking in nature, drinking in a bar etc, we are in
direct contact with the Divine. The Divine is creating us anew in each new nanosecond.

It is silly to imagine that we are connected only in our church, mosque, temple or synagogue, or only
when we have pleasant or holy thoughts. We may feel more connected to the Divine in those places and
moments, but that is a product of our programming. It is like saying that some images on the screen are
not being created by the light or are being created by some other light.

There is only one light

There is only one light creating all images on the screen, holy and unholy and in all places and situations,
including wars, hatred, pain, hunger, earthquakes, fires, floods and also in those moments of peace, love
and unity. There is only one omnipresent, omniscient and all-powerful divine consciousness creating all
beings, events and situations.

We simply can never be separate from the Divine wherever we might be and whatever we may do. We are
always co-creators with the Divine in all situations. There will be times when we are creating less
harmonious or unenlightened realities because we are doing so from our ignorance, ego and fear. At
other times we will be free from them and will be empty vessels allowing divine harmony to flow through

There is nothing but love

We tend to perceive pleasant events as “God’s blessings” or evidence that “He” is pleased with us and
loves us. In the same way, many perceive unpleasant events or situations as indications that either “God
does not exist,” or “He is displeased with us or does not love us.” A number of people have told me that
they do not believe that there is a God or are very angry at God, because he did not answer their prayers
when they asked for help with a dying loved one. Such perceptions are based on the perception that we
are these bodies and minds and that the sole purpose of life is to live as long and as pleasantly as possible
with the least possible difficult moments. With the same logic, a child who asks us persistently for
something that in our wisdom we believe it is better not to give him would conclude that either we do not
exist or do not love him. Neither is true. We simply know what is best in the long run for the child.

We would all love to have lives without any difficulties or tests. We, of course, would want the same for
our loved ones and especially for our children. We have associated God’s love with pleasant events and
situations and a lack of love, or even punishment, with unpleasant events. We need to turn this around
and realize that each and every event and situation in all lives are perfect expressions of love from the
universe. They are exactly what we and others need, what we have created and what we have chosen as
souls as most opportune for our life purpose, which is the realization of our true spiritual nature and
unlimited creative power.

Otherwise, it would be like attending a university and wanting to receive our diploma without taking
classes, studying or making any effort. It doesn’t work that way. We simply would not have learned
anything and would not be able to deal with any situations our supposed education would have prepared
us for.

We are divine consciousness who, because of our “spiritual amnesia,” have come to believe that we are
limited to body and mind. In order to manifest our purpose of self-realization we will need to transcend
this false identification and its resulting fear, ego and selfishness.

Difficult experiences are just one of the ways in which we are pushed to learn who we really are and what
we can do. We can also learn from pleasant and enjoyable experiences. But many of us have chosen or
created the necessity (through our previous choices) to learn who we really are and what we can do
through occasional tests.

A religious perception

Although I am not comfortable with beliefs that separate us from the Divine, let us examine this point
from a traditionally religious point of view, which is in general shared by most religions. Reading the
lives of most saints will evince that although one would believe they were “loved by God,” they we tested
more than most humans. There is a humorous story about St. Teresa of Spain. She was traveling late one
stormy night in a horse and carriage to serve some ill people in a neighboring village. At one point her
horse slipped and the carriage turned over and she found herself in lying in the rain, covered with mud.
She looked up into the sky and said: “God why did you do this to me? You know I was going to serve your
children.” The she heard an answer: “This is the way I treat my best friends.” And she answered, “Yes,
that is way you have so few friends.”

The Bible and scriptures of other religions are full of stories of dedicated spiritual aspirants being
subjected to difficult tests that served to strengthen their inner power. Abraham and Job are just two of
them. So it would be a false perception to regard difficult situations as an expression of God’s anger or
disapproval. A clearer perception would be that it is an act of love that serves our true life purpose and
not simply what our ego would like in order to feel worthy and safe.

So if we are displeased with what is happening in our lives we might consider the following generally
established religious beliefs:

1. God is omnipresent and thus present where what I do not like is happening.

2. God is omniscient and thus is aware and has full knowledge of what is happening.

3. God is all powerful and thus is allowing what is happening to happen.

4. God is love and is also totally just and thus what is happening can only be construed as a just
expression of love from an omnipresent, omniscient and all powerful being.
5. Thus it cannot be a mistake or an injustice that should not have happened. To feel or believe that
we are victims of injustice means doubting the omnipresence, omniscience, unlimited power, love
or justice of the Divine.

We are choosing/creating those experiences

Now how do I personally prefer to perceive it? I prefer that we take responsibility for creating our reality
and let go of the idea that some divine being separate from us is creating our reality, or that what
happens in our lives is a product of how much He, She or It is pleased with our behavior, or how loved we
are by that being.

I prefer to perceive that we are all immeasurably and immutably loved by the Divine (a consciousness we
cannot even begin to comprehend) and that we have been given free will to create our reality and find our
way back to the truth. In order to facilitate that, the Divine has set up the law of cause and result, which
naturally reflects back to us whatever we emit. At the same time we are instilled with an innate desire to
learn, to evolve and to create.

A combination of two forces, our need to evolve and arrive at pure love, peace and unity with all, and the
law of cause and effect, create the events of our lives. God as a separate being does not decide. We do. We
decide with our moment to moment behaviors, actions, reactions, beliefs, emotions, habits and soul

Thus, when we are confronting difficult situations, let us realize that this is for our highest good. It is the
perfect reaction to our previous behaviors and choices and our desire to grow. We are seeking to become
more loving, more truthful, fearless, wiser, kinder and more peaceful. One major way we can do that is to
deal with life situations that force us to call up resources from within, or else suffer.

Why would we choose difficult situations?

Remember, we are not saying here that we can grow and learn only through tests. Success, love and
pleasure are equally useful to our growth process. What kind of tests could a soul have chosen to
experience in order to grow? Some examples might be: illness, illness of a loved one, separation, divorce,
loss of job, theft, homelessness, loss of possessions or homeland, rejection from others, loss of loved
ones, loss of limb or sight etc. Having this in mind let us consider why on a soul level we might choose a
test of some type in order to develop our as yet innate spiritual qualities.

1. We might have chosen such a situation in order to develop the compassion that we did not have
until now for those who are experiencing such situations.

2. Perhaps in order to be inspired to do something for others who are dealing with such tests.

3. Simply to realize that we have the power to overcome it and continue with our lives (something
we feared we did not have until we went through it).

4. In order to develop spiritual values such as love, forgiveness, self-forgiveness, inner strength, self-
sufficiency, faith in the universe and ourselves.

5. In order to become examples for others, showing how one can remain positive and overcome
such difficulties.

6. So as to understand what it feels like to experience situations that we have caused for others in
the past.

7. To develop physical and mental skills that we would not have developed otherwise.

8. To become liberated from illusions, addictions and attachments that lead us to those difficult

9. To overcome our fears and wake up to our unlimited inner resources.

10. To develop humility and let go of our ego and feelings of superiority.

11. To learn to accept help and rely on others.

12. To learn to sacrifice personal needs when others need us.

13. To realize mistakes that we are repeatedly making and learn where our happiness is not.

14. To let go of attachments and addictions that are ruining our health or happiness.

15. To learn to take greater responsibility for our reality and make wiser choices.

16. To be forced to make decisions that we have been fearing and delaying.

17. To take time out to reconsider our life style and values.

18. To realize what is really important to us and what we have been taking for granted.

19. To develop inner feelings of self-worth, security and fulfillment.

20. To learn to lovingly create boundaries in our relationships.

21. To discover personality traits that we need to let go of.

22. To learn to believe and trust in our inner guidance.

23. To choose to be ourselves even in the face of rejection from others.

24. To let go of our attachment to, and the excessive importance we have been giving to appearances,
what others think, being strong or perfect in others eyes.

25. To realize that we are not this body and mind and become the witness of both.

There could be many other benefits a soul could gain by going through difficult experiences, which we
seldom identify as positive expressions of love from the universe. Also, we can learn all these same
lessons without necessarily going through such experiences. These are just one possible way of learning.

Experience the love

Remember to experience the love in everything that happens to you. Remember that you are loved
without conditions and that all that happens, even the loss of a loved one, which is undoubtedly the most
difficult human experience, is an act of love from the universe and something you both agreed on as
souls, perhaps even before your entrance in the physical world, because it most suits your mutual
evolution. Your loved one “graduated” from the school of life before you and is waiting for you.

I and millions of others believe that all of this is totally true. But even if it is not, it is certainly much more
effective to look at how we can use an experience for our benefit rather than sulking in feelings of self-
pity, pain, resentment and perhaps even anger towards others or God whom we consider responsible for
our reality. You have free will. You are free to make your own choice as to how you would like to perceive
the events in your life. As chaotic random events, as God’s anger or disapproval, as injustices, or as
expressions of love and exactly what you have created and chosen as growth opportunities.

Your life and your life situation

Another way of dealing with unpleasant situations is to make a distinction, clarified by Eckhart Tolle in
his book The Power of Now, between our life and our life situation. Our life is the consciousness that we
are behind and beyond our body, mind and life situations. Our life is permanent, immortal and
untouchable. As life, we observe our life situations, pleasant and unpleasant, that come and go. As life we
are always fine, regardless of our life situations.
What does all this have to do with manifesting what I want?

The manifestation process has to do with cooperation between the creative powers of the universe. If we
feel separate, disconnected or alienated from, or even distrustful of or angry with that source, we
obviously cannot create a positive co-creative relationship. Believing that what we want will manifest
depends on feeling one with and loved by the creative source of what we are seeking to create. Otherwise
our feelings of separateness and distrust will obstruct our creative process.

Exercise no. 37 - Make a list of past events and situations that were difficult for you. Now endeavor to
discover what you learned or how you could have learned and become stronger and wiser as a result. Can
you feel grateful for them? Can you experience them as expressions of love from the universe for the sake
of your true life purpose? If you have difficulty overcoming residual negative emotions concerning those
events, then try employing EFT, TAT, the Sedona Method, Freeze Frame or Ho’oponopono.

Exercise no. 38 - Having done the exercise above for past events, try applying the same process and
questions concerning any difficult situations going on now in your life.


Method No 23.
Perceive Yourself and Your Environment As Extensions of Each Other.

Perceive your environment as an extension of yourself and yourself as an extension of it. You are a
part of every environment in which you find yourself. It is a part of you. All that you seek to create is
also a part if you.

Wayne Dyer gives special importance to this perception. When we perceive that whatever is around us is
actually a part or extension of our own being, and that we are extensions of it, then we experience a unity
and connection that greatly enhances our power of manifestation.

We have greater control and influence over what is a part of us. Developing the perception that our
environment is a part of us allows us to feel the simplicity and naturalness of having an influence upon it
and whatever we want to create.

We know from science and other sources that:

1. It is impossible to observe something without having some type of influence on it.

2. In reality matter does not have boundaries but actually extends theoretically forever in a less and
less dense form.

3. Our thoughts are a form of energy that extends without limit into the universe. We can affect
beings and objects thousands of miles away with our thoughts.

4. A hologram of an object can be created by passing a laser through any small piece of that object.
That piece contains all of the information necessary to create an image of the whole of which it is
a part.

5. Two particles that have been in contact maintain an invisible, instantaneous communication in
which whatever happens to the one, instantly affects the other.

6. Scientists have photographed one particle simultaneously appearing in 3000 places at the same

7. Our perception of time and space as being able to be divided up into smaller parts is an illusion of
the human mind, probably created by our DNA. In fact there is only one matter, one energy and
one consciousness and they cannot be segmented.
When we perceive everything around us, including the earth, sky, nature, buildings, machines and
people, as actually one matter, one energy and one consciousness with us, it will cease to seem
miraculous that we can positively influence our environment in the direction of our intentions.

It is important to note that, as parts of the whole, it is only natural that our intentions will include the
good of the whole and thus will have the full support of the whole.

Exercise no. 39 - Take time throughout the day to look around you and remind yourself as your eyes
focus on various objects and beings: “That is a part of me; that is an extension of my being; I am an
extension of that.”


Method No 24. Use the Power of the ”Word”

Use the power of sound, prayer, and the “Word” to enhance your manifestations.

This, too, is a contribution from Wayne Dyer. He has added this to his manifestation process after
learning it from a spiritual teacher who asked him to try it out. After verifying that it actually works,
Wayne has been sharing this with thousands of his students who also have found much success by
adding this to their manifestation regimen. In addition to Mr. Dyer’s sound meditation, I will be adding a
few more mantras that I have personally been employing and have found extremely effective.

In the beginning was the Word.

The Gospel of St. John starts out with the declaration: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by
him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” This Word is the sound of creation, the
vibration that has no physical cause and which is the process through which the unmanifest becomes

All religions seem to concur on this point and use certain vowels in their ceremonies as vehicles for
alignment with the Divine. For most religions this Word consists basically of the vowel AAA or OOO.
Some examples are AMEN, AMIN or OM. The Greek Orthodox mass includes the continuous repetition
of the «ISO» which is a continuous «OOOOOOOOO» as a back drop behind the chanting. The Indians
use the OM as an object of meditation (verbally or mentally) as a vehicle of alignment with divine.

The use of vowel therapy has been investigated extensively in Switzerland and Germany as a means of
healing certain organs by verbally repeating specific vowels for 15 minute periods. Chanting has been
used for centuries by Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu monks as well as Sufi’s, and American Indians and
other indigenous peoples around the world as a means for transcending the mind, communicating with
the Divine and experiencing ecstasy.

Wayne Dyer’s method uses the sound AAAAAAAAAAA (without any MMM ending). It is considered
that the sound AAAAAAAA is the sound of the unmanifest becoming manifest. The OM sound could be
considered as the path from the manifest back to the unmanifest. Such a correlation is accepted by a
number of Indian sources.

The sound meditation

Wayne Dyer suggests that after we relax and empty our minds, we then spend 20 to 30 minutes making
the sound AAAAAAAA while we imagine our desired (our ideal) reality as already manifest, as we have
learned earlier. Each sounding of the AAAAAA should be followed by a deep inhalation and then on the
next exhalation, allow the AAAAAAA to flow out again, feeling that it is bringing with it from the
unmanifest that which you would like to bring into the manifest.

I do this daily, each time projecting outwards my various intentions into the field of possibilities,
visualizing that they have already become manifest. If you would like guidance at first, you can find an
explanation of the technique by the teacher who taught it to Wayne Dyer at

I would suggest that you overcome any feelings of appearing strange or any other obstacles and give this
a 30 day trial and decided whether or not you feel it is helping you manifest your ideal reality.

The following mantras, which I have added into my daily procedure for creating my ideal life are from
other sources.

Nam - Myo Ho – Renge - Kyo

This mantra is used by Buddhist monks in order to align themselves with, and become vehicles of
expression for the harmony of the universe. The mantra has been used for hundreds of years as a vehicle
for manifesting worthy goals that bring into the physical realm the beauty and perfection of the spiritual
realms, including abundance and happiness for all. In the case that you would like to use it, I am
conveying to you here the general meanings that I have found. I am in no way an expert on Buddhism
nor on this mantra. I have, however, been using it for many years with considerable success. As far as I
can understand (and I welcome a better explanation) these words represent the following:

Nam – A greeting of respect (in this case, towards the power that makes the formless take form.)

Myo Ho – That which is originally potential, innate and unexpressed which then becomes manifest
reality.(“Myo” is the unmanifest, which becomes “Ho” the manifest).

Renge – The Lotus, which is the symbol of perfect beauty in the physical world – especially because its
roots start out in the mud and dirty water.

Κyo – The power of the Word that affects the environment.

The purpose of this mantra is to align ourselves with the highest possible state of perfection so that we
can then manifest here in the physical realm the most harmonious, beautiful and abundant lives for
ourselves, our families, society and humanity. I have found that it works.

This can be chanted continuously as we visualize our various goals and ideals already manifest as we
have learned earlier. You can see one of the ways to chant this at

The Gayatri Mantra

This is considered to be the highest of all Indian prayers. The sole purpose of this prayer is for
enlightenment and alignment with the divine will. It is traditionally chanted 108 times, but can be
sounded at any multiple of 9.

Om Bhur Buwha Swaha

Salutations to the source of the physical, mental and spiritual worlds.
Tat Savitur Varenyam
The spiritual light behind the sun.
Bhargo Dyvasia Dhy Mahi
Enlighten my higher intellect.
Dhyo yo na prachodyat.
So that I might align myself with you.

While chanting this mantra you can imagine or feel your higher intellect being awakened and, along with
the dissolution of ignorance, fear and illusion in the mind, imagine receiving a spiritual light which
enlightens your mind and the minds of others or all.
You can see two of the ways to chant this at:
“Kyrie Eleison” is Greek for “Lord have mercy.”

You can decide for yourself, what you mean by Lord and what mercy you would like. I personally use this
prayer for alignment with what is called the “Aktisto Fos” (as yet unformed light) or the unmanifest light
which I imagine filling my mind and removing ignorance and illusion. I also use this as a prayer for
enlightenment for others who are in need.
You can see one of many ways to chant this at

You can see that, whereas the first two mantras have to do with manifesting your ideal life, the last two
prayers have to do solely with the enlightenment of the mind and freedom from illusion, upon which
your ideal life is guaranteed. These are the two purposes of life, enlightenment and co-creation.

Although this book has been dedicated to increasing our power of manifestation, it is essential that this
be balanced with simultaneous letting go of the ego, illusions, fears, programming and subjectivity so
that our creations are increasingly aligned with our higher nature and for the good of all.

Exercise no. 40 - If you feel inclined, try out enhancing your creative power with these various sounds
and prayers. Determine those that suit your particular needs and character.


Method No 25. Be Happy

Make the choice, practice and habit of being happy. Organize your life and your day in ways that are
conducive to your happiness. Use “mood shifters” when you are not feeling well so as to let go of
negative feelings, so that your basic state becomes one of happiness and contentment.

This might sound strange, but happiness, just like love, peace and other positive feelings, is a choice. We
can choose to be happy in any situation. We are not our minds, nor are we our beliefs or our
programming, just as a video cassette and a computer are not their contents. Their contents can be

Changing the contents of our mind when we are not feeling well is our choice, right and challenge. We
are unhappy when we perceive ourselves, others or life situations through an unenlightened belief
system. If we can remember the truth of who we are, why we are here, who others are and why any
situation or event is occurring, we will be able to realize that all is as it can and should be for the moment
at least.

There is no value or spirituality in pain

Some have the mistaken idea that suffering makes them “good” or spiritual. Would you follow a spiritual
leader who was depressed, unhappy and always complaining? Spirituality should make us happy.

Others have the illusion that being cynical, mistrusting or negative makes them more intelligent,
superior or perhaps safer. This is absolutely not true. There is no value in pain or negativity, except as
stimuli to enhance our wisdom, growth and evolution when we search for and uproot the false
perceptions or choices that are creating them.

Pain can push us to discover solutions to get free from the pain. In such cases we might be lead to
forgive, let go, reevaluate, mature, free ourselves from attachments, overcome fears, accept ourselves and
others in order to become free from such pain. Thus, pain is useful only as a momentary stimulus
towards truth and happiness.

If you are not going to use it, let it go

Some people worship negative emotions with the idea that “at least I am being real and I am not covering
up what I am feeling.” Such an attitude has value only if we are going to actually focus on that emotion
and sink into it in order to discover its source in the present and/or past and learn to let go of the illusion
that has come over us.

If we are not going to use it within the next 24 hours as a stepping stone towards love, peace and
happiness, then it is best to let it go and return to happiness.

Happiness breeds happiness

We are creatures of habit. We develop mental habits and synapses in the brain that create our “default”
state, which is the state we return to when there is nothing else going on. We become addicted to these
states neurologically and chemically through the peptides or hormones that are excreted each time we
experience a particular emotional state.

Each emotion causes its own specific peptides to be excreted and our cells become addicted to them. We
might be chemically and emotionally addicted to fear, pain, resentment, anger, guilt or disappointment.
We can also make it a habit of being happy and loving.

How can we be happy?

We are happy when we have everything we want on all levels, physically, materially, emotionally,
mentally, professionally, socially and spiritually. We can create happiness in two ways:

1. By creating all that we need to be happy.

2. By learning to be happy with whatever we have.

The serenity prayer used by 12 step groups sums up a perfect combination of these two means: “Lord
give me the power to change what I can, the peace to accept what I cannot and the wisdom to discern
between them.”

We have discussed in detail how we can create what we need without attachment or anxiety.

Mood shifters

As unenlightened humans, there will be times when we will naturally feel hurt, fearful, angry or guilty.
We have two choices at such moments:

1. We can use the energy of those emotions for self-knowledge, as described above, and discover the
causes of these emotions in our belief system or energy field, and then free ourselves with
analysis, alternative perceptions and/or the forms of energy psychology that we have repeatedly

2. If we are not going to use this emotion positively, then we can simply apply some method of
“mood shifting.”

Note: There are some emotions that need to be respected and allowed to take their time to dissipate.
One of those is grieving after a loss. Unless we are totally immersed in a totally spiritual perception of
life, it is natural that we will need time to grieve the loss of health, profession, money, possessions and, of
course, most of all, a loved one and perhaps even our pending departure from the physical plane. In such
situations we should allow ourselves time to become accustomed to our new reality. Of course, spiritual
beliefs and creativity can seriously diminish the time needed to let go and move on.

Here is a partial list of possible mood shifters to which you can probably add your own:

1. Remembering someone we love or care for.

2. Remember our gratitude list and all that we have to be thankful for.
3. Listening to music that inspires catharsis or uplifts us.
4. Walking in nature.
5. Speaking with a friend who understands and will help us discover a new perception of what is
bothering us.
6. Taking a nap or sleeping on it.
7. Taking a shower or a bath.
8. Drinking an herbal tea.
9. Watching a comedy or documentary on TV or cinema.
10. Dancing, drawing, painting, singing or any other creative activity.
11. Working in the garden.
12. Playing with children or playful adults.
13. Reading a good book.
14. Listen to enlightening lectures on CD or DVD.
15. Employing a relaxation and/or positive thinking technique.
16. Writing about how we feel until we get clear.
17. Employ techniques of energy psychology such as EFT etc.
18. Speaking or writing to the person with whom we have the problem (if this is applicable).
19. Enjoy some pleasurable activity.
20. Cleaning the house, car or yard, or some other manual activity.
21. Jogging, yoga, Tai Chi or other form of movement.
22. Deep breathing exercises.
23. Meditation, contemplation or prayer.
24. Remembering who we really are.
25. Remembering all of the spiritual truths mentioned in this and other books.
26. Writing and then answering a letter to God.
27. Just decide to give permission to yourself to let it go.
28. Add as many more as you can think of ...............................................

Setting time aside for enjoyment

In addition to shifting moods when necessary, we can also organize our lives to include enjoyable
experiences that stimulate the flow of endorphins in our brain and body. In creating your weekly
schedule do not forget to include enjoyable activities.

Just a few possibilities might be:

1. A massage once a week.

2. Exercising or jogging.
3. Enjoying certain foods.
4. Listening to music.
5. Attending a concert.
6. Dancing alone or with friends.
7. Meeting with and enjoying loved ones.
8. Playing with your children.
9. Some hobby or creative activity.
10. Making love to your life partner.
11. Specific TV programs or DVD’s that you enjoy.
12. Traveling to new places.
13. A book that you are enjoying.
14. Meditation, deep relaxation or prayer.
15. A walk in nature.

Giving yourself permission to let it go

Basically it comes down to allowing ourselves to let go. In addition to many of the forms of resistance
towards happiness we have already presented, let us add just a few more here.

1. I should not/cannot be happy if the others are not.

2. I should not/cannot be happy, because I have lost my loved one.
3. I cannot be happy because I have lost my ____ (job, money, partner, health).
4. I do not deserve to be happy, because ________ (If this applies, then answer why.)
5. If I were to be happy in this situation, then I would be insensitive.
6. If I were to be happy as I am, the others would not feel guilty. I will let them “off the hook.”
7. If I were happy, no one would pay attention to me.
8. Only sinners are happy. Spiritual people are serious.
9. If I am happy, people will not take me seriously.
10. If do not feel guilty, then I will feel guilty for not feeling guilty.

Fill in any other forms of resistance that might apply in your case.

Why be happy?

Perhaps we need to define, here, what we mean by happy. We do not mean the fleeting feeling of
excitement that we feel when we are stimulated by some compliment, success, chemical substance or
other external stimulus.

We are talking about an inner state of peace, contentment, joy, acceptance, love and beauty - a feeling
that all is well and that we are “happy” with our lives, ourselves and others. This may or may not include
laughing out loud or jumping for joy. It certainly includes a smile and positive disposition.

When we are happy, all of our organs and cells are happy and we create health.
When we are happy, we are more attractive and lovable.
When we are happy, we enjoy life, ourselves and others.
When we are happy, we are more open and loving to others.
When we are happy, we are more likely to be happy again.
When we are happy, we attract and create more of what makes us happy.
When we are happy, we are closer to our true self.
Self-actualized and spiritual people are happier than the average person.

Make the choice

We need to give ourselves permission to be happy. Only through happiness can we manifest our ideal
reality and only by allowing ourselves to be happy can we accept and receive our ideal reality.

As you can see now, we have the choice of being happy or not. We have so many actions we can take to
cultivate our happiness and also to let go of negativity when it exists.

I hope you will choose a life of happiness.

Exercise no. 41 - Here is an invaluable exercise that can help us either learn to accept happiness or
discover what may prevent us from doing so. Divide some paper into two equal columns. On the right
hand side write the statement: “I choose to be happy even when, or even though, _____.” Fill in the
blank with the specific issue which is at this moment obstructing your peace, love or happiness. Now take
a few moments to see how you feel with the choice to be happy even though, or even when, that which
bothers you is happening.

Do you accept this idea?

Does it seem right or wrong, correct or insensitive, possible or not, uplifting or vain?
Remember this has nothing to do with whether you are able or not to feel happy in that situation.
It has to do only with whether or not you choose to, whether you feel that it is okay to be happy even in
that situation.
Write all of your feelings, thoughts and reactions about this on the right side of the page.

Now write the same statement on the left hand side again, “I choose to be happy even when, or even
though, _____.” Then write on the right side all of your positive and negative reactions.

After writing this phrase at least ten times along with all of your reactions, you may want to experiment
with other phrases such as:
“I deserve to be happy even when, or even though, _____.”
“It is in my benefit to be happy even when, or even though, _____.”
“I accept being happy even when, or even though, _____.”
“When I remember the truth, I am happy even when, or even though, _____.”
“When remember that ______, I am happy even when, or even though, _____.”
This exercise will either free you from any resistance to being happy in such situations or it will make you
very aware of what the obstacles are so that you can dissolve them.


Consider becoming a Light Worker

Consider using your inner and outer resources for the benefit of all. The planet and mankind are in a
difficult stage of our evolutionary process. We need people who are willing to serve humanity and nature
each in his own unique way.

Now that you have learned to create more effectively, contemplate the idea of using that power for others
in addition to yourself and your family. You will feel deep inner satisfaction and it will mean using your
abilities to help others in the ways you are guided to from within. You will have found your real purpose
for living.

You incarnated to participate in this experiment of evolution. You are here to realize that your real self is
divine and one with all, and that the ego is an illusion based on ignorance and fear. The more you
become interested and active in helping others, the more the power of the whole will flow through you as
inspiration, guidance, well being, abundance, happiness, creativity and fulfillment.

Gaining by giving

Giving to others includes many types and levels of giving. This might include money, clothing, food,
books, furniture or other objects, or time, compassion, ideas, love, friendship, work, energy, prayers,
positive thoughts, joy, a smile or any other type of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual offering. The
recipient of our giving may be an orphan, the poor, the rich, the elderly, the handicapped, the blind, the
deaf or dumb, the seriously ill, the lonely, the distressed or any other person or group which may need
help from others.

So what can we do?

1. Seek out groups or non-profit organizations that are serving those in need. Offer your
services, ask how you can help.

2. Dedicate a few hours a week to those persons or groups you feel more inclined to serve or
help in some way.

3. Remember that each of us has something unique to offer. We all have the ability to
listen and show interest in others. Some have money to share. Others have special skills, such as
medical, legal, carpentry or plumbing skills. Others have the ability to tutor children. Some are
equipped with psychological techniques for helping those in stress or those who have been
traumatized. Others can cook or perhaps shop for those who cannot move about freely. One
could read to those who are sight impaired or too old or too ill to be able to read for themselves.
There are so many ways in which you can participate.

4. You might feel inclined to share the knowledge and techniques you are learning and
employing with those who are interested. In that case, please remember not to pressure those
who are not interested. Also do not teach what you yourself are not employing. An example is the
best teaching.

5. Pray for those you are helping. Imagine that they may come into contact with the divine light
energy within each of them that gives them strength and inner guidance.

6. Perform Ho’oponopono for all who you believe are suffering or causing suffering for
themselves or others.

Consider becoming a Light Worker and share love, wisdom as well as material, emotional, mental and
spiritual support to those in need. Remember, the more we give, the more we receive.
I thought it might be useful to present you a short outline of how a co-creator might use all that is
mentioned above.

Use the first 30 to 60 minutes of your day in this way:

1. Upon waking, take three minutes to look at and/or add to your Gratitude List.

2. Take five to ten minutes to look through your list of goals, Vision Board or Book and read or
write again the description of your ideal life having already been manifest.

3. Meditate – entering into the field of unlimited possibilities in the space between the thoughts
and release there your intentions, feeling grateful and happy that they are already manifest –
that you are surrounded by your ideal reality.

4. Do Ho’oponopono for the release from anything in you or others that may obstruct the
manifestation of your specific goals.

5. Use the manifestation chants if they suit you.

Throughout the day:

6. Give gifts to others and yourself

7. Speak positively, sharing with others your happiness, gratitude, appreciation, love and
admiration. Do this naturally, not as a technique.

8. Use mood shifters when necessary to change your mood.

9. Act as if your ideal reality has already become manifest.

10. Use Ho’oponopono whenever something happens that seems unpleasant for you.

11. Practice acceptance of all that comes to your attention, including family, co-workers, yourself,
events and situations.

12. Observe when your mind thinks negatively about your goals and bring to mind the image of
your ideal reality as you want it.

13. Every time you observe that you have attachment or anxiety about some issue, place it in the
sphere of light along with your preferred outcome and let it go.

14. Remind yourself regularly that you are not the body or mind. That you are divine
consciousness and actually that you are the source of what you want to create.

15. Welcome every event and development as an expression of love from the universe and exactly
the opportunity you need for your next evolutionary step.

When you have time or when it is needed:

16. Use all the exercises and answer the various questionnaires for your self-knowledge
and clarity presented in each section, and the more detailed versions on the internet, at (English) or

17. Use any of the methods of Energy Psychology such as EFT, TAT, BSFF, the Sedona Method,
Freeze Frame or Ho’oponopono. You can find general introductory information about these
methods at in English and in Greek.
18. Clean up the past by forgiving others and yourself for everything. Use TAT.

19. Let go of all forms of resistance to success. Accept happiness.

20. Use your inner guidance system (conscience, meditation, pro’s and con’s, bodily feelings,
three doors, higher self, letters to and from God) whenever you need to make a decision.

21. Discover your life purpose, live it and allow it to be the frame of reference for your every
important life decision.

22. Feel pure, innocent and worthy of love, respect and the blessings of heaven on earth.

23. When you have time, look around you and remind yourself that all that you see is an extension
of yourself and that you are an extension of it.

24. Be happy

In the evening

25. List the answers, successes and inspirations you have had during the day.

26. Meditate again, entering into the ecstasy of the silent mind with or without thoughts.
Optionally, introduce your intentions or not. Enjoy inner fulfillment and peace.

American born, Robert Elias Najemy is presently living in Athens Greece, where he founded and has
been directing the Center for Harmonious Living since 1976 which serves 3500 members with classes
and workshops designed to aid each in the improvement of his or her body, mind, relationships and life
in general.
Robert has 26 books published in Greek, which have sold over 130,000 copies. He is also the author of
over 500 CDs and DVDs on all matters concerning human harmony. You can find his books on and over 200 videos of these lectures on Youtube.
His site contains hundreds of free articles, videos, and lectures and
relaxation techniques on mp3.
He is the author of hundreds of articles published in magazines in England, Australia, India and Greece.
He has developed a program of seminars for self-analysis, self-discovery, self-knowledge, self-
improvement, self-transformation and self-realization. He has trained over 300 life coaches and does so
now over the internet.
This system combines a wide variety of well-tested ancient and modern techniques and concepts.
His teachings come from what he calls "Universal Philosophy" which is the basis of all religions and yet
beyond, and not limited by, religions.
His seminars include a variety of experiences including:
1. Basic psychological and philosophical teachings.
2. Self analysis through specially designed questionnaires.
3. Methods of contacting and releasing the contents of the subconscious in a safe and gentle way.
4. Exercises, breathing, movement, singing, chanting and dance for expression and release.
5. Methods for discovering and releasing through regressions (in relaxation) the events of the past,
which have programmed our minds negatively and, thus, are obstructing our happiness and
effectiveness in the present.
6. Techniques for solving inner conflicts and also for solving conflicts with others.
7. Methods for calming the mind and creating positive mental states.
8. Experiences for feeling greater unity with others and breaking through feelings of separateness.
9. Opportunities to share with others that which one is feeling and experiencing.
10. Emotional release techniques.
11. Methods of meditation and transcendence of the mind for those who are ready.

Books and ebooks in English

by Robert Elias Najemy

1. Universal Philosophy
2. The Art of Meditation
3. Contemporary Parables
4. The Mystical Circle of Life
5. The Miracles of Love and Wisdom
6. Free to be Happy with Energy Psychology by Tapping on Acupuncture Points
7. Saram – The Adventures of a Soul and Insight into the Male Psyche
8. The Psychology of Happiness
9. Love is the Choice
10. Dealing with Testing Times
11. Twenty-five Methods for Manifesting your Ideal Life.
12. The Freedom to by Yourself.

You can view most of them on
and all of them at:

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