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Ian Paolo E.


Exercise #1

Site an example of an instance that is considered unethical in a particular society but not prohibited.

Keeping money that someone dropped is completely legal and not prohibited but it is definitely
unethical if you look at it. Taking something that isn’t completely yours, and by the fact that it wasn’t
handed to you makes it unacceptable by ethical norms.

Is any type of behavior “ethical” as long as it does not violate a law or a rule of one’s profession?

Not all behavior that is legal and that does not violate a law or rule is considered ethical. There can be
some actions that the law sees as a legal action but is still unethical and morally unacceptable. Example
is abortion and death penalty. Abortion and death penalty are legal to some countries but we all know
taking one’s life is a mortal sin and it is looked upon as morally and ethically unacceptable but in some
countries, it is accepted by the law. Therefore, falsifying the statement that any type of behavior is
“ethical” as long as it doesn’t violate any law or rule.

Exercise #2

Site an example where you have shown integrity in your life.

Integrity by definition is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles or moral
uprightness. As far as what I can recall, I have shown integrity during the time when someone was
forcing me to tell someone’s secret, but I refused to do so, because it’s a respect of privacy and

Exercise #3

Site an example where you have shown honesty in your life.

Honesty by definition is the quality of being honest. As far as what I can recall, the where I have
manifested honesty in my life is when I returned something that is not mine.

Exercise #4

Are you trustworthy? Yes/No? Site a personal experience to justify your answer.

Yes, as what I shared on exercise #2, I respect the confidentiality and privacy of secrets you tell me, I will
never spill anything you tell me even if we are in bad terms.

Exercise #5

Is whistleblowing ethical or unethical? Support your answer

Ian Paolo E. Melad BSAIS4A

By definition whistleblowing is the act of reporting wrongdoings at work to protect the public. Judging
by that statement, for me, whistleblowing is an ethical thing to do. It addresses wrongdoing and permits
justice to reach companies that might otherwise go unnoticed. Employees that are honest with one
another help to build a sense of commitment to the company's objective. Transparency fosters clear and
effective commercial communication in the same way. Whistleblowing is critical for protecting a
company's customers as well as directly protecting your firm from fraud and misbehavior.

Exercise #6

Have you ever said, “that’s unfair”? How do you know when something is unfair?

Yes, to me unfairness is when something or someone favors others more than you or when there is lack
of equality or justice in a certain situation, example is when someone doesn’t have to follow the rules
but we have to, if someone is was wrongfully judged without having solid proof, or someone was given a
high something who doesn’t deserve it. That’s what unfair is at least as far as how I see it.

Exercise #7

How do you personally show you care for others?

If you ask me, caring is showing that you are there for them, that you value their existence and you
appreciate their presence, personally I show my care by giving compliments, asking how are they
randomly, listening to them when they need to offload, offering them help when I feel that they need it,
and most importantly, telling them I’m always there for them.

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