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1.1 Introduction
A poultry farm information management system is a database software system
that Is capable of keeping the daily Activities (Routine) records as they are needed
or relevant important information’s pertaining a poultry farm Production. The
system is needed because of the importance (Significances) associated with
adequately monitoring of the activities in a poultry farm Production.
Poultry production is a very important source of livelihoods for most of the rural
communities & Urban (Cities), because it provides ready cash for emergency needs,
supplies the fast-growing human population with high quality protein (Eggs &
Fresh Chicken), contributes significantly to food security, poverty alleviation and
ecologically sound management of natural resources.
Since there is a continuing rise in the cost of production of cattle, sheep and goat
meat, many consumer preferences have shifted now for poultry meat (white meat)
by given the ecological, economic, social, health advantages & substitute over the
other types of meat (Red meat) as their source of Proteins for a healthy Living
The poultry Production is the most commercialized (capitalized) of all the Nigerian
livestock agriculture. The main types of poultry that are commonly reared in
Nigeria are chickens, ducks, guinea fowls, turkeys, pigeons and more recently
ostriches & Peacocks. Those that are of commercial or economic importance are
chicken, guinea fowls and turkeys, amongst which the chickens predominate, which
is either Broilers for Fresh Meat & Layers for Fresh Eggs.
Poultry production in the past was not counted as an important occupation. Poultry
management system in Nigeria is of three types, which are -
1. Intensive,
2. Extensive and
3. Semi-intensive
They are differentiated on the basis of their flock size, input and output relationship.
Flock size in intensive production are in thousands, (1,000s), whereas semi-
intensive production system flock size range from 50-200 birds and keeping of big
flock size in as a result of research development in artificial incubation, nutritional
requirement and disease control (Advanced Poultry Farming System).
Poultry birds mature earlier than most breeds of livestock, they bring economic
return within relatively short period of time interval which is about 10-12 weeks,
poultry eggs and meat play a very important vital role in bridging the protein gap in
Nigeria and they are generally accepted as a source of protein consumption. (1)
A detailed set of records is essential to making sound farm management decisions.
This Project Documentation discusses: -
1. The importance of Poultry farm information record-keeping (Data).
2. It explains the basics & Details of bookkeeping (Records) Ledgers.
3. Stock Inventory Information Management (Cashiering).
In Addition, the system is capable of accepting other major record keeping
components and concepts including asset depreciation, profit and loss, enterprise
accounting, and cash flow in Advanced approaches.
Computer based record systems are widely available and should be considered
when setting up an information record system. Software capability to support
Poultry farm records has grown dramatically in recent years. Different software
packages differ in complexity, Size, price Features & Functionality.
However, the output—balance sheets, cash flow, income statements and enterprise
accounts—provide the information necessary for Poultry farm business planning
and management. Computerized Management Information System can be used to
generate these documents (2).
1.2 Theoretical Background
The need for, uses and benefits of information (Data) on Poultry farm for decision
making has engaged the attention of Poultry farmers, researchers and policymakers
over the years. Information is data that has been Processed & transformed into a
form that is meaningful and useful for decision-making & Future Forecast
(Prediction) with the Unprocessed data are distinguished as raw facts, figures,
objects etc.
“ The ‘system’ about information relates to the connection or integration of
components of collection, processing, storage, and distribution of information to
support decision-making (3) ” By extension of this non-farm definition, farm
information systems (FIS), then, can be appreciated as a tool to assist farms in

forward planning, risk management, and by the use of information (4) ”. Poultry Farm
Production Enterprises require good information systems to ensure success &
development in the Farming Industry.
1.3 Statement of Problem
Many Small & Medium poultry farmers are still making use of the manual approach
when keeping their Poultry Farm Transaction records as a Book-keeping
(Traditional Method). The result & Consequence effects of this approach are: -
1. It is time consuming.
2. The Needed information may easily be misplaced
3. Un-organized and Unstable Poultry Farm Management.
4. Inefficient & Insufficient of Information (Data).
Moreover, the needed reports concerning different aspects of the Poultry farm (Data
& Information) cannot be easily retrieved when needed. This situation makes it very
hard to monitor the state of the Birds & Eggs in the poultry Farm, Income, expenses
and other relevant information. To overcome these problems there is the need of an
information management system for proper management of the poultry farm
Productions & Managements activities.
1.4 Aims and Objectives of the Study
The aim of the study is to develop a systematic & modern way of keeping records
(Data & Information) from traditional method to a Computerized poultry
information Management system. The following are the objectives of the study: -

1. To automate the manual means of recording poultry farm information records

(Transactions & Reports) daily Activities (Routine).
2. To develop a database/Desktop application that can be used to maintain and
provide Access to information about the livestock and financial information
aspect of the poultry farm Production.
3. To provide a system that can facilitate the update of poultry farm information
(records & Report).
4. To develop a system that will aid the presentation of Statistical reports
pertaining the poultry farm Productions.

1.5 Scope of the Study
This research work covers Design and Implementation of a poultry Farm
Management Information Management System. It is restricted to recording &
keeping of information concerning the Hatched eggs, birds reared, Eggs laid and the
financial aspect of income and expenses of the poultry farm Production.

Poultry Farm Information Management System project will help in collecting

the perfect farming data in detail. The collection will be apparent, straightforward,
and sensible in a short time. It will help the user know the disease trend, which will
help them save their poultry’s life, otherwise getting victims of sudden diseases like
bird flu. It will also help manage the current works of the farmer, contractual or
hired staff, etc.

It will help manage, track, and collect feedback from the farm, like the health of
their stock, if they are eating well, if they are getting good nutrients, etc. Feedback
is the leading block that aids in course correction and provides a better

The project’s main scope is to provide a fully automatic environment for

performing day-to-day activities. Some of the aspects of automation are: -
1. Filling up various forms and the number of copies needed to be filled is reduced
and streamlined.
2. Creating the manifest is no longer necessary; instead, it can be printed, saving
more time.
3. It helps in efficiently utilizing resources by increasing productivity.
4. It made it easier to recall any data that had been entered.
5. Feedback and any action taken can be tracked in a perfectly streamlined manner.
6. The system is expandable
7. User-friendly UI.
8. Easy to operate.
9. Security, this system is secure from all types of tempering.
10. Can recommend solutions to the framer via previous encounters.
1.6 Significance of the Study
1. One of the significance of the study is that, it will provide useful information
and means to enable the management of the poultry farm by automating their
record keeping process (Book-keeping) for better updating and presentation of
Statistical reports for future forecast & Prediction.
2. It will also serve as a useful reference material to other researchers that need
related information that will serve as a source of prominent data in the Poultry
Farming Industry.
3. Poultry meat and eggs are among the animal-source foods most widely eaten at
global level, across greatly diverse cultures, traditions and religions.
Consumption of poultry meat and eggs – and of animal-source foods in general
– has increased rapidly in past decades. Growing demand has mostly been
driven by population growth, urbanization and rising incomes in developing
countries. Chicken dominates meat consumption as it is generally affordable,
low in fat and faces few religious and cultural barriers.
4. Demand for poultry meat and eggs is expected to continue increasing due to
population growth and rising individual consumption. The market for poultry
meat is projected to increase regardless of region or income level, with per
capita growth slightly higher in developing than in developed regions.
5. Poultry meat and eggs contribute to human nutrition by providing high-quality
protein and low levels of fat, with a desirable fatty acid profile. Urban and peri-
urban dwellers generally eat poultry raised in intensive systems, either locally
produced or imported, but niche markets exist for indigenous poultry and
poultry products. In rural areas of developing counties, most households
consume meat and eggs from their own, usually small, flocks of indigenous
6. Meat and eggs are not the only important poultry products. A significant by-
product is manure, which has robust economic value, whether sold or directly
applied to crops by farmers. Down and feathers can also be sold. In mixed
farming systems, other products such as egg shells can be fed to other farm
animals (e.g. pigs).
1.7 Project Platform (desktop app) Description

Poultry Farm Information Management System is a research project work which

is based on ledgers from a manual entry for each and every transaction taking place
as a source of information is required that could be either: -
1. Production: - Record of eggs, quantity of birds reared, N0. of eggs Hatched,
Bags of Manure etc.
2. Finance: - Sales & Expense Record, Bags of poultry manure sold) are
calculated on a separated ledger.
3. Feeding consumption per day on each Specie
4. Medication & Vaccination.
5. Profit and Loss calculations weekly/monthly are first written and them total
is calculated.
6. Stock Inventory (Warehouse) record as well as Management requirements
are all put into the System Respectively.
1.8 Tools and Requirements
1.8.1 Tools
2:-Connector:- MYSQL Connector
3: -Back end: -MySQL
4: -Local Server: -XAMPP/WAMPP.
1. VB.NET: - Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming
language first released by Microsoft in 1991. The final version of the classic
Visual Basic was Visual Basic 6. Visual Basic v15 is a user-friendly
programming language designed for beginners. Many developers still favor VB6
over its successor VB.NET.
2. MYSQL Connector: - To enable application to communicate to MySQL
databases, MySQL has already provided a connector .DLL that you need to
import to your Visual Basic .NET application which will give all the classes and
methods that you will be using to create an application in visual basic .net that
connects to MySQL database in order process database related requirements of
the application (5).
3. MySQL: - MySQL is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating,
and managing data in databases.
4. Local Web Server: - such as XAMPP/WAMP:- XAMPP is a free and open-
source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache
Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, Maria DB database,
and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming
languages. Since most actual web server deployments use the same components
as XAMPP, it makes transitioning from a local test server to a live server
1.8.2 System Requirements
2.1 Software Requirements
1. Operating system: - Windows 7/8/8.1/10X/11X.
2. Programming Language: -VB.NET v15.
3. Databases: MySQL DATABASE
4. Web Server: XAMPP/WAMPP
5. Software development: - Desktop Application.
2.2 Hardware Requirements
1. RAM: - 128GB
2. Monitor
3. Keyboard
4. Processor: - Pentium III or above.
1.9 Research Methodology
Systems are created to solve specific problems in a specified field of study or
distinct environment in a geographical area and location. One can think of a system
approach as an organized way of dealing with a problem solving (Solutions) in an
organized manner & Steps.
Research Methodology is defined as the study of how to perform a scientific
research in search of relative possible factor that will help you to achieve goals
when solving the idle problems. It is the part of any analysis or research that is used
to find out about the type of data that will be used to maintain or create possible
solutions, how data is found (Collected) and how Data is recorded and presented
(Analyzed) either in a form of report or Statistical (Bar-Chart/Pie-Chart).
To achieve these aims & Objectives, SSADM was used which means structured
system analysis and design methodology which is an internationally accepted
software engineering model mainly used in most result oriented analysis as we are
transforming from traditional system of Record-keeping into an Advanced &
Computerized system of Information Management Approach. Questionnaire &
Face-to-Face Interview were adopted.
1.10 The Concept of Poultry Farm Information (records)
Poultry Farm Information records can be defined as a systematic documentation of
all activities (Daily Routine) taking place in a farm enterprise over a given period of
time. It is an act of writing down every activity engaged in on the Poultry farm in
every production season and at different stages of the production process up to the
final disposal of the goods and services to the ultimate consumer (Vendors).
Poultry Farm Information record keeping is more than just keeping track of what
Bird Species were reared in what field, it is a concept applicable to the entire
Poultry farm operation. A complete Poultry Farm Information record will include
all daily activities and transactions and with a proper accounting system it should be
possible to have a complete estimate of the profit or loss statement at the end of the
By keeping a complete Poultry farm Information Management records on a yearly
basis it is possible to have a comparison, Correlations between years and thereby
determine the rate of growth or deterioration of the Poultry farm Management. (6)
1.11 Organization of the Research
This research work is organized into Six Conservative chapters.
Chapter One is the RESEARCH BASIC
Chapter Two is the LITERATURE REVIEW
Chapter Three is the ANALYSIS
Chapter Four is the SYSTEM DESIGN
1.12 Definition of Terms
1. Automation: This is the use of technology or computers to control and process
data reducing the need for human intervention which prone to errors.
2. Database: - This refers to a large store of related data on a computer that a user
can access and modify (CRUD).
3. Computerization: This is the conversion of a manually operated system to a
controlled, organized and automated system.

4. Information System: A collection of procedures, Users, instructions and
equipment to produce information in a useful & Meaningful form (Manner).
5. Stock/Inventory Control System: A list of orders to be filled, and prompts
workers to pick the necessary items and provides them with packaging and
shipping information.
6. Password: This is a secret code that must be entered into a computer to enable
access to its applications. It is made up of numbers, letters, special characters or
a combination of any of the above categories.
7. Poultry farm: This is the process of raising domesticated birds such as
chickens, ducks and turkey for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food.
8. Processing: This is dealing with something according to an established
9. Research: A careful study of a subject to discover facts, establish a theory or
develop a plan of action based on the facts discovered.
10. Software: A computer program or set of instructions that direct a computer to
perform processing functions.
11. System: A set of computer components functioning together.
12. Technology: The study of techniques of mobilizing resources such as
information for accomplishing objectives that benefit man and his environment.

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