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Sher Singh Public School, Gohana

Winter Vacation Homework Jan(2022-23)

Class- 5th

Subject- Hindi


1.पाठ ओणम ,हमारा भारत, गांव के दिन, पानी , विकास की डायरी,

इन सब पाठों के प्रश्न उत्तर व शब्दार्थ एक अलग कॉपी में लिखें।

2.दोहे स्क्रैपबुक में लिखें।

3.कदं ब का पेड़ कविता स्क्रैपबक

ु में लिखें साथ में चित्र भी बनाए।


1.शब्द भंडार पर एक चार्ट बनाएं।

2.मुहावरे स्क्रैपबुक में लिखें

3.क्रिया, काल, क्रिया विशेषण पर स्क्रैपबुक में लिखें।

कॉपी में लिखवाए गए पत्र में प्रस्ताव सभी याद करें ।

1.Learn all the essays, applications, letters and stories whatever you have done in the class.

2. Find out 10 adjectives from your reader book and write in notebook.

3. Find out 10 adverbs from your reader book and write in notebook.

4. Write 2 stories out of your own head with pictures.

5. Make chart on the topic of tenses.

Writing Work

★ Do and revise Unit – 8 to 11 in a separate notebook.

★ Write and learn tables – 2 to 25 (5 times).

Project Work

★ Make a bill selecting at least 5 items that you wish to purchase from his bakery. Decorate the bill
with decorative articles.

★ Write 10 lines about a famous mathematician and paste a picture on an A-4 size sheet.

★ Draw different types of angles with the help of a protractor on a scrapbook.


1. Learn and practice ch.14 to 18

2 Write+Learn Difficult words of lesson 10 to 13.

3. Write our fundamentals Rights and Duties on a chart .

4. Make a project file on Great people of India.

5. Take a physical map of India and mark any two areas prone to-

Earthquake. With Red

Flood. With Blue

Cyclone. With Yellow

Drought. With Brown.


1. Learn Ch 5 to 9 complete with exercise.

2. Make an assignment on MS- PowerPoint 2010.

3. Make a chart on Internet.


1. Revise full syllabus.

2. Make a chart on Republic Day.

3. Make New year greeting cards for your parents.

4. Read newspaper and write or paste 2 news headlines daily in your scrapbook.

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