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Urbanization patterns

in the Third World

How to create a basis for efficient growth Andrew Hamer

During the final two decades of this cen- network of small- and medium-sized cities ing city size. As outlined below, large cities
tury, an estimated 1.1 billion persons will whose size depends on the country's pop- grow because it is advantageous to operate
be added to the urban population of the ulation. These centers, each growing at many businesses in such an environment.
developing world. In virtually all these similar "moderate" rates, would, according This is true even when such location de-
regions, urban population growth between to this view, collectively produce at least cisions are evaluated using price signals
1980 and 2000 will match or exceed the as much output as would a pattern of corrected to eliminate distortions such as
existing levels. Urban growth is rather an urbanization dominated by large cities. The subsidies. The decisions of many native
abstract concept, but the concentration of purported advantage of the optimal pattern and immigrant workers to locate in such
more people in larger cities is very visible. would be that the rural sector could evolve cities can be justified, as well. In particular,
There are already 125 cities in the devel- without the need to shift large groups of migrants tend to move from places per-
oping world with more than one million workers to large cities. According to this ceived to have limited economic opportu-
inhabitants each; these centers have a total scenario all areas, urban and rural, could nity to areas where options are broader.
population of 355 million. United Nations be upgraded simultaneously, and public These individuals are usually well-equipped
forecasts for the developing world predict services provided faster and more cheaply to start anew. Once settled, migrants tend
that by the year 2000 the number of cities than if urbanization were concentrated in to fare as well as their nonmigrant coun-
with more than one million residents will large centers. terparts in the city. Furthermore, their places
approach 300, and have a combined pop- In the name of this vision of "balanced" of origin also benefit, through reduced
ulation of almost one billion. urban growth, some economic policymak- population pressure and the inflow of re-
Third World urbanization is taking place ers advocate regulations and licenses to mittances.
at much lower per capita income levels limit immigration and employment growth None of this is meant to deny that rapid
than those of developed countries in pe- in large centers. But the full implementation city growth is difficult to accommodate. In
riods when their urban growth was com- of this strategy is usually frustrated by larger cities, the unit costs of additional
parably fast. Thus, even in the best of competing interest groups within the gov- infrastructure may be relatively high.
circumstances, planners and policymakers ernment, who see in the concentration of Nevertheless, even in such cities/services
in developing nations face more difficult urban population and production a pow- can be provided, at affordable standards,
trade-offs than their earlier counterparts in erful potential for cost savings. By increas- without drawing on subsidies paid by the
the industrial world in dealing with urban ing production costs, the redirection of nation as a whole.
management issues. These problems are activity to smaller centers would, they be- This does not mean that only large cities
compounded by the weak analytical frame- lieve, impede economic growth. are socially efficient in accommodating
work within which decisions on urban Urban economists maintain that both nonagricultural economic and demo-
management are taken. positions have faulty analytical founda- graphic growth. Concentrationists assume
Most of the anxiety concerning urban tions. The optimum geography school, they that the clustering of nonagricultural eco-
settlement patterns in developing countries argue, misunderstands the determinants nomic activity in a few large cities, which
is based on the belief that these do not and consequences of migration to large occurs when import-substituting indus-
conform to some "optimal" geographic dis- cities. By extension, it also ignores the trialization is imposed on an economy with
tribution of population. This is generally crucial role played by the location decisions few suitable locations, would remain the
defined as a landscape covered with a of producers of goods and services in shap- norm even under less distorted macro-

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economic policies. But in the general econ- port to other areas, as well as the demand costs. Local entrepreneurs in these same
omists' view, the problem lies in condoning generated for purely local goods and serv- emerging, but still dependent, communi-
policies that indiscriminately pour huge ices. The development process that in- ties will expand their activities, responding
subsidies into import substitutes that are creases overall urbanization also changes to the new opportunities offered by im-
otherwise unprofitable over the foreseeable the composition of tradables produced in proved accessibility, better public services-,
future. Since the cheapest places to man- urban centers. This has implications for the and the selective cost savings available
ufacture these products tend to be large types of urban centers that are likely to outside the major centers.
cities, where infrastructure, skilled labor, grow relatively rapidly at each stage. But the process of growth in self-standing
government favors, and markets are most Assuming a country is well endowed secondary centers will be slower, and de-
accessible, forced industrialization ends up with natural resources and manpower, its pend primarily on local entrepreneurs and
promoting the premature growth of large urban evolution typically follows a pre- investors. Secondary centers will only be-
urban centers and retarding potential urban dictable pattern. Early urbanization will be gin to emerge as the production and mar-
growth elsewhere. Such an approach leads closely linked to servicing agriculture, pro- keting processes of an increasing number
to inefficiency because it discriminates cessing natural resources for regional or of activities become more standardized; as
against the rural sector, and thus against international markets, and producing sim- transport and communications become eas-
smaller regional cities, in favor of an in- ple manufactures that are competitive with ier; and as local investments in public
dustrial development that is often inappro- potential imports. Such activities might services and trained manpower are in-
priate over the short and medium term, include mining and agroprocessing, the creased. There will then no longer be an
given the resource endowment of even the production of construction materials, bev- automatic link between lower production
most advanced regions of developing erages, textiles and handicrafts, and the costs and greater city size.
countries. repair and production of simple structures As development proceeds, a variety of
Urban economists advocate a different and machines. industrial firms find that they can be most
approach. For them the key questions are At this stage, many of the constraints efficient if they locate themselves with firms
whether cities, regardless of size, are ef- associated with such an underdeveloped producing similar products, in smaller ur-
fectively managed; whether local authori- economy are indeed best overcome in the ban centers, where land is inexpensive and
ties can raise resources and tailor expend- larger centers. They have a relatively large labor available at relatively low wages.
itures to foster economic development, and diversified pool of labor; information Improved roads and communications allow
building on past growth; and whether the is available about new markets or technol- these "peripheral" producers to reach ever-
macroeconomic environment biases the lo- ogies; and more infrastructure is in place wider domestic and international markets.
cation of economic 'activity. In the final than in the less visible, smaller centers. The stage is thus set for secondary centers
analysis, the spatial distribution and con- Large centers also generally combine siza- to specialize in particular types of relatively
centration of population and production is ble local markets with access to the outside routine activity, reap the benefits of lower
an outcome of the organization of the world. Major ports, for example, can gen- costs associated with the concentration of
economy, as well as of geographic con- erate income from shipments of exports, production within an industry, and trade
straints. City sizes and urban settlement while making imports available to local extensively. Large centers then find new
patterns cannot be "willed" into being; they producers without exacting a high sur- sources of comparative advantage by at-
are dependent on the economic system. charge for domestic land transportation. tracting selected high-growth activities, in
These factors suggest that the leading many of which production is still cheaper
Stages of urbanization productive activities of early industrial de- in major cities. These activities involve the
velopment will be located in large centers. production of unstandardized, advanced
In most countries, during the early stages The exceptions include (1) plants using technology items; sophisticated business
of development, the degree of urbanization inputs that are perishable or undergo large services; and goods subject to rapid changes
appears to be closely associated with the weight losses in processing; (2) establish- in input or output characteristics. Metro-
rate of economic activity. Rapidly growing ments processing resources shipped di- politan markets also continue to attract a
economies urbanize more quickly than rectly to export markets; (3) enterprises variety of small firms producing consumer
slowly growing ones; and urbanization re- marketing products at prices competitive goods.
sponds more immediately to economic with those of products shipped over great
growth at low levels of per capita income Role for public policy
distances; and (4) agribusiness and local
than at higher levels. In the course of administrative services. As long as indus- During the earlier stage of development,
development, there is a systematic shift tries can produce substantially more cheaply when decentralized industrialization is lim-
from natural resource-based activities to by being concentrated in a few large cen- ited by the fact that most economic activity
secondary (industrial) and tertiary (service- ters, the basis for extensive trade between has to be concentrated, it is quite useless
based) ones. These locate in cities and many cities is limited, and the development to try to force it away from large cities. But
towns for a straightforward reason: pro- of rapidly growing, specialized secondary as more infrastructure is installed, and
ductivity is enhanced by the concentration centers postponed. experience with industrial processes in-
of people and capital. Such "agglomeration Assuming moderate competence in the creases, the encouragement of secondary
economies" that flow from proximity to a public sector, development constraints centers becomes consistent with maximiz-
source of production are enhanced by tech- should ease in the periods that follow. ing national economic growth. To foster
nologies that permit increased output per Production will become more diversified; the expansion of tradable goods and serv-
unit of land in secondary and tertiary engineering, metallurgy, and other modern ices in secondary cities—and local activities
production. subsectors will appear; and the centers will that respond to that growth—public serv-
The size, number, and distribution of expand. Metropolitan establishments will ices must be improved and regional and
cities are also affected by national or re- create branch plants or transfer their op- interregional access enhanced. At one level,
gional production patterns, namely, by the erations to these nearby areas, taking ad- this may appear intuitively obvious; better
tradable goods and services that cities ex- vantage of lower land, labor, and transport infrastructure reduces the overall costs of

40 Finance & Development I March 1985

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doing business. Less apparent is the im- Clearly, a shift in the emphasis of public cities, all but the very largest firms are
portant role these improvements play in policy away from a protectionist trade re- frozen out of the market for long-term
attracting and retaining highly skilled gime would benefit secondary cities. The funds, even when their real returns are
workers, managers, and entrepreneurs, full effects of a change in policies would high.
whose absence can be a critical constraint take time to be felt, especially if the overall These examples illustrate one point: if
on the growth of productive activities in level of economic development is low. Even any individual sectoral policy is ill-advised
secondary centers. if trade protectionism were reduced, for on macroeconomic grounds, and hampers
Studies in both developed and devel- instance, diversified industrialization out- the development of most urban centers,
oping countries have demonstrated that side a handful of cities would be con- the latter is one more reason to consider
highly skilled and unskilled labor are rather strained by poor access to national or in- reform. Ignoring the implicit impact of such
poor substitutes for each other. This means ternational markets, limited availability of policies on urban centers means encour-
that the additional production of tradables local infrastructure, and a persistently un- aging the selective reinforcement of partic-
requires fairly rigid combinations of skills; even distribution of skilled workers. Never- ular cities at the expense of others, even
it is thus constrained by factors in short theless, reductions in market distortions, when there is no efficiency rationale for
supply, typically skilled labor. Skilled implemented primarily to enhance macro- doing so.
workers base their decisions, at least partly, economic performance, would also help to Effective interventions
on the amenities offered by different work disperse production geographically over
centers. Spontaneous, decentralized growth the long run. With reasonably uniform, At any given time, only a few public
therefore depends on overcoming the "dis- and relatively low, protection for all sectors, initiatives will be possible, and unfortu-
amenities" of secondary centers, often by for example, industrial activities would nately, the very conditions that call for
extending and improving public services. emerge that could provide the basis for the remedial action limit the funds and the
As these improve, local businesses can efficient growth of smaller centers. Simul- competent personnel available to imple-
reduce the wage packages they offer to taneously, careful management of the de- ment it. In addition, urban growth is the
skilled workers. At some stage, the result- velopment process would allow for invest- outcome of decisions by millions of indi-
ing savings may not only allow greater ments that would gradually ease locational vidual households and businesses concern-
scope for expansion for individual firms, constraints. In the long run, more cities ing location; these processes are so complex
but may even determine the viability of would be able to accommodate more pro- and so interdependent that policies can do
many lines of activity in any given urban ducers, and modernization would no longer little more than set the broad parameters
center. coincide with growth in one or two centers. for such decision making.
Public policies have important effects on Similar comments could be made about For these reasons, the temptation to as-
the development of particular cities—even the organization of financial institutions sign an optimal size to each city as a ^oal
where they are not designed to—through making long-term loans in developing of public policy, and to back that up with
attracting scarce skills. Such implicit effects countries. Both cities and the establish- city-specific licenses, prohibitions, and sub-
are difficult to measure with precision, ments within them must be able to match sidies, should be resisted. Experience has
since the eventual impact of these policies self-generated resources with loans, to fi- shown that the implementation costs of
depends on the even more indirect ways nance long-term growth. Cities are rarely such "direct" approaches are prohibitively
in which factors of production (labor, cap- encouraged to compete with one another high, while the benefits would be small
ital, and land) adjust to them. Some general for access to loans, and most investments compared with those that would emerge
conclusions can be reached, however, on are paid for by handouts from the central from improved macroeconomic and sec-
the most effective policies. government, which tends to discriminate toral policies.
The first is that any measure promoting in favor of large cities, especially the capital. In fact, the relative attractiveness of cities
a given activity will benefit the urban area Business finds that public development depends most on policies that have little
in which it is located. The requirements of banks discriminate in favor of enterprises of the gloss and glamor of traditional "spa-
different production processes vary widely capable of establishing and maintaining tial" policies. Although there is no quan-
across industrial subsectors, as do the sup- face-to-face contact in the principal financial titative model that can be used to predict
plies of particular inputs across cities. At centers. Because of various institutional the changes in relative city sizes that would
one extreme, some inputs—such as easy restrictions, commercial banks in secondary be caused by particular policy reforms, the
access to an international port or to central centers do not fill this void by providing net effect of more efficient macroeconomic
government officials—may be available at long-term capital. As a result, in secondary and sectoral policies is to encourage more
only a few locations. Policies promoting decentralized urban development in the
firms dependent upon such inputs may long run. This decentralized development
result in long-term advantages for those will occur not because it is politically de-
urban areas. sirable but because it allows the actual
As already mentioned, experience in a Andrew Hamer growth of national output to approach its
range of developing countries suggests that a U.S. national, holds a potential.
most heavily protected activities tend to be PhD from Harvard Some recommendations are possible on
located in large urban centers, where they University and is at present the basis of an analysis of the potential of
can satisfy their exceptional need for im- an Economist in the and limitations to effective public policy.
ports, sophisticated factors of production, Operations Support and • Large dividends can be reaped by
and access to officials who grant discre- Research Unit of the Bank's gradually improving the access of second-
Water Supply and Urban
tionary favors. This effect implies that the ary centers to domestic and international
Development Department.
greater the bias in favor of import substi- markets. These will reduce the importance
tution, the greater the incentive to concen- of physical proximity to the main consumer
trate production and population in a major markets, which otherwise largely dictates
metropolis. location.

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• Improved transport and communica- developing countries cannot afford to in- force localities to make substantial efforts
tions must be accompanied by a reduction vest to induce firms to move to areas with to mobilize resources, both to match grants
in the role played by discretionary incen- limited potential. At most stages of devel- and to pay off loans.
tives, which depend on access to govern- opment, the areas with potential for in- In the end, spatial patterns of population
ment bureaucrats. These incentives distort dustrial growth are clear; elsewhere, the and employment are the indirect outcome
production, decisions, while encouraging obstacles to growth are such that even of the policies, geographic features, and
business to locate near the centers of gov- radical improvements in infrastructure will stage of development that shape the be-
ernment power. not promote it. havior of households and enterprises. The
• Price incentives that encourage eco- • Public industrial investment should history of explicit spatial policies demon-
nomic activities to become concentrated in not be made to accommodate arbitrary strates conclusively that promoting loca-
large cities, especially those incentives as- regional dispersal objectives. It can be ar- tions to achieve some arbitrary spatial goal
sociated with international trade regula- gued that public enterprises have a special is often counterproductive. Instead, poli-
tion, should be modified to reduce the bias role to play in pioneering the development cies should ensure a macroeconomic en-
against secondary centers. of nontraditional locations. However, if this vironment that supports efficient and broad-
• A reform of macroeconomic and sec- is taken to mean that public ventures should based growth, and back this by a gradual
toral policies must include measures that indefinitely accept sharply lower profits, expansion of interregional investments in
free the rural sector from punitive domestic such a view is debatable, if not unaccept- transportation, communications, local in-
controls, heavy implicit or explicit export able. Public ventures should be sited in frastructure, and education. Most city-
taxes, severe constraints on the use of yield- areas of known development potential, specific investments should be contingent
boosting inputs, and poorly planned sys- except where the inputs used (e.g. min- on substantial local financing; subsidization
tems of credit. A healthy rural sector pro- erals) justify an unusual location. of the urban sector, or any of its component
vides a base for the expansion of firms in • Improved access to public services and parts, should be avoided. This approach
secondary cities, while improving overall education in individual urban areas plays should effectively moderate the growth of
national growth prospects. an important role in increasing the relative cities whose expansion, at the margin, is
• Government should be encouraged to attractiveness of secondary centers over costly, and will minimize the subsidization
develop industrial zones and discrete es- time. To avoid waste, to leverage scarce of city dwellers by rural residents. It is with
tates only in areas of proven growth or central government resources, and to direct such mundane prescriptions, applied con-
well-documented potential. The opportu- investments to growth areas, cities should sistently over time, that the spatial con-
nity cost of underutilized public investment compete with one another for grants and straints on development can be removed
in industrial infrastructure is so high that loans. This process of "self-selection" would without reducing economic growth. ED

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