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Aids in finding suitable career

Skill development
A sense of belonging

Social placement serves as a means of identifying our strengths and weaknesses in schools, as this
aids us in finding a suitable career for us in the future. As we gain an understanding of where we excel
and where we lack, that leads to enhancing and developing our skills. Furthermore, knowing that
there is a greater possibility of success one day motivates us.
Social placement helps us in selecting a career path that is suited for us in the future by allowing us to
recognize our qualities and flaws in academic. We may improve and grow our skills as we become
more aware of where we excel and where we lose track.

As you gain understanding on what you enjoy doing, as you see yourself in your future that your
determined to achieve your goal then that’s when you feel you belong. Social placement help you
gain a sense of belonging

In other words, the sense of belonging is to feel part of a work community, to identify yourself with
the values and principles of a particular company, to respect and preserve them.

Knowing where to stand amidst the crowd, it assure us that we belong

Knowing our social placement can be could be amazing when we’re at a top but otherwise
disheartening when placed lower than our expectation, but it’s an excellent opportunity to reconsider
our behavior and attitudes. It will, again serves us as a motivation to become a better student.

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