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Client Counseling Problem Scenario II

LC-I/Final Year

Alok has been staying opposite Suman in the same building. The two had
been on friendly terms when they first became neighbours. However, the
cordial relationship between them began to sour from about five years
before. Suman had tried to persuade Alok to sell his property to her, which
he refused. Alok feels that Suman has been insisting on matter at the behest
of her realtor husband.

Alok claims ever since the denial, Suman has been harassing him and his
family by snapping photos and stalking them for no obvious reason. Suman
also often cursed at his family whenever they opened their door. Sometimes,
she would intentionally burn something at the corridor and the fumes given
out had made him sick by
giving him headaches.

Alok maintans that Suman had even threatened to kill him, warning him that
his life would be shortened if he did not move away. She has also threatened
to make sexual harassment accusations against Alok. She does not allow
him and his family to use the common corridoor area by creating one
obstruction or the other. Suman’s husband is a burly man with suspected
nefarious activities. Alok is scared for his life and family.

Alok further maintains that Suman even called up her past and present
employers, making false accusations to smear his reputation. He reveals
that once, Suman hit Alok’s younger child with an umbrella while in the lift of
the apartment building. Going to the police has not helped Alok as the police
inspector is hand in glove with Suman’s husband.

Fed up and cornered, Alok wants to take legal action against this
harassment and nuisance by Suman. Suman seems to be mentally
unsound to Alok.

Directions: The client should play the role of Alok. The client is allowed
to add to the story for interview purposes, without disturbing the main
theme and the legal issues involved.

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