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CT121-3-2-Interprise Internet of Things


CLO2 Identify IR 4.0 technologies in Enterprises (A4, PLO6)

CLO3 Adopt IoT issues including acceptance, security, privacy, and ethics in enterprise
level (A3, PLO11)


Module Code: CT121-3-2

Module Title: Enterprise Internet of Things
Module Lecturer: Dr. Intan Farahana Kamsin
i. Assignment (Part 1): 20%
Weighting: ii. Assignment (Part 2): 30%

Assessment Type: Individual work


Preparing a literature review report is a very useful way to become up to date on the state of
knowledge and the research that has been done in a particular area (Kamariah 2020)

Preparing a literature review report is a very useful way to become up to date on the state of
knowledge and the research that has been done in a particular area. Writing a review report is good
practice for synthesizing and organizing a lot of information into a concise product (a short written
document). In this assignment you are required to prepare a report based on the reviews and
synthesizes on the recent literatures of Enterprise IoT topics.
The topics should be included in your report is as follows:
1. Industry 4.0 enabling technologies.
2. Enterprise IoT Security and Privacy with ethics & technology acceptance.
Students often misinterpret the term literature review report to mean a collection of source
summaries, similar to annotations or article abstracts. While summarizing is an element of a
literature review, you will want to approach this assignment as a comprehensive representation of
your understanding of a topic or field, such as what has already been done or what has been found.
You must do library research to collect journal and conference articles (and books) to write
your report. Information from the Internet will not be accepted, unless it is from a journal,
conference, or book that is published or available on the web. You should write your report for an
audience that is relatively familiar with your topic (such as a peer in this class; i.e., you do not have
to define very elementary concepts). However, you should not assume that the reader has read the

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 202108

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CT121-3-2-Interprise Internet of Things
papers that you have read. In addition, you should define any new terms or jargon that is necessary
to understand content of the report.


1. Discus FIVE (5) Industry 4.0 enabling technologies implemented in industries.

2. Choose an industry and discuss how the enabling technologies identified in question (1) are
being implemented to make the industry run smoothly during the Covid 19 pandemic
situation and follow standard operating procedures (SOPs) set out by the government.

PART (2)
1. Discuss the security and privacy aspects of IoT along with the ethics and acceptance of
technology at the enterprise level. The discussion should reflect the situation reported on the
current research being conducted.


a) This is an individual assignment.

b) This assignment consists of two (2) parts, it should be submitted in two (2) reports:
i. Part 1
 Submission: Week 7
 Must refer at least 10 different articles, not older than 2017.
 Maximum of 2500 words
ii. Part 2
 Submission: Week 12
 Must refer at least 3 different articles for each section, not older than 2017.
 Maximum of 3500 words
c) Line spacing: 1.5 lines
d) Font Size: 12 (except titles and headings)
e) Font Type: Times New Roman

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CT121-3-2-Interprise Internet of Things

Copying or paraphrasing someone's work (code included) or permitting your own work to be copied
or paraphrased, even if only in part, is not allowed, and will result in disciplinary action. Your grade
should reflect your own work.

Basically, 'plagiarism' means representing someone else's work as if it is your own. This is a very
serious academic offence for all students within the University regulations and is particularly
reprehensible for a researcher. Please do not even consider it. Remember that accidental plagiarism
(or the appearance of it) may be avoided by referencing your work properly. This gains you credit,
not loses it! The simple rule is that you must not represent the ideas of other people (whether they
are published works or the work of other students) as your own.
The golden rule on plagiarism is DO NOT DO IT!

Please take note that Plagiarism is a serious offence and will be treated strictly as per rules and
regulations of APU.

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CT121-3-2-Interprise Internet of Things

RMCT Marking Sheet

First Marker
Criteria Weight

Five IR 4.0 Enabling Technologies 10
C3 /20
Part 1 = %
C4 (20%) Industry Scenario 10

C6 Assignment Security and Privacy 15

C7 Part 2 Ethics 8 /30
C8 (30%) Technology Acceptance 7 = %
Total Mark of this assignment * 50

Comments: _______________________________

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CT121-3-2-Interprise Internet of Things
EIOT Assessment Criteria and Marking Scheme
Part 1 (20%) Distinction Merit Pass Fail
80 - 100 70 - 79 60 - 69 50 - 59 40 - 49 0 - 39
Provide very clear Provide very clear Good explanation General explanation Poor explanation on No explanation on
enabling technology enabling technology on enabling on enabling enabling technology enabling technology
available and very available and well technology technology available available
Enabling Tech well extensively extensively available available
discussed discussed
explanation of how explanation of how
the the
technology applied technology applied
in IoT in IoT
Provide very clear Provide very clear Good explanation General explanation Poor explanation on No explanation on
explanation on the explanation on the on the chosen on the chosen the chosen enabling the chosen enabling
Industry Scenario chosen enabling chosen enabling enabling technology enabling technology technology which technology which
technology which technology which which reflect to the which reflect to the reflect to the real reflect to the real
reflect to the real reflect to the real real industry real industry industry available industry available
industry available industry available available nowadays. available nowadays nowadays nowadays
nowadays. nowadays.

Part 2 (30%) Distinction Merit Pass Fail

80 - 100 70 - 79 60 - 69 50 - 59 40 - 49 0 - 39
Very clear Very clear Good explanation General explanation Poor explanation on No explanation on
explanation on explanation on on privacy aspect on privacy aspect privacy aspect and privacy aspect and
privacy aspect and privacy aspect and and reflect IoT and reflect IoT reflect IoT reflect IoT
Security & Privacy reflect IoT reflect IoT environment environment environment environment
(15%) environment very environment and
well extensively well extensively
discussed on its discussed on its
implementation implementation
Ethics (8%) Very clear Very clear Good explanation General explanation Poor explanation on No explanation on
explanation on ethics explanation on ethics on ethics aspect and on ethics aspect and ethics aspect and ethics aspect and
aspect and reflect aspect and reflect reflect IoT reflect IoT reflect IoT reflect IoT
IoT environment IoT environment and environment environment environment environment
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CT121-3-2-Interprise Internet of Things
Part 2 (30%) Distinction Merit Pass Fail
80 - 100 70 - 79 60 - 69 50 - 59 40 - 49 0 - 39
very well well extensively
extensively discussed on its
discussed on its implementation
Very clear Very clear Good explanation General explanation Poor explanation on No explanation on
explanation on explanation on on technology on technology technology technology
technology technology acceptance aspect acceptance aspect acceptance aspect acceptance aspect
Tech. Acceptance acceptance aspect acceptance aspect and reflect IoT and reflect IoT and reflect IoT and reflect IoT
and reflect IoT and reflect IoT environment environment environment environment
environment very environment and
well extensively well extensively
discussed on its discussed on its
implementation implementation

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 202108

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