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1. Scrapbook. Introduce your family using scrapbook. Say something about them.

job, attitude, hobby and other staff.
2. Bible Verse. Search for Ten (10) Bible verse, it could be English or Tagalog. Write in a
long size bond paper. At least 3 to 4 verses every bond paper. It should be in Calligraphy.
3. Drawing. Get a long size bond paper and fold it into 4. In each quarter you should draw:

1st quarter 2nd quarter

What are your goals or dreams How to reach your goals or dreams

3rd quarter 4th quarter

What are the bad habits on reaching Goals or dreams for your parents.
your goals or dreams

1. Choose at least five (5) people from your social networking sites (ei. Facebook, Instagram, or
email) that you would like to appreciate. Send them a short message. Screenshot it ang paste it
in a long size bond paper. Write the name of the people that you’ve sent message, along with a
short description of what you have sent them.
2. Write five (5) haikus in a long size bond paper describing what friends are. A haiku is an old
poem that has three lines. Each has a specific number of syllables. Haiku should be in Tagalog
Line 1: 5 Syllables
Line 2: 7 Syllables
Line 3: 5 Syllables

3. Think for an act of service that you can do for your parents for two (2) days as a way of showing
your gratitude for the things that they have given you. Take a picture of it and paste it in a long
size bond paper and write a short description of what you do.

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