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English solutions qp


II answer the following

11. The poet wants us to do nothing and remain inactive for one
second.The phrase 'not move our arms' implies that no
physical activity should be carried out for one second. Man
has used his arms only to kill and destroy others. Therefore, let
him not move his arms to harm others.

12. The poor peddler got invited to the ironmaster’s house in the
first place because he was mistaken as a Captain. Even though his
true identity was eventually revealed, he was still treated with the
same respect as a Captain by the ironmaster and his daughter.
Considering this, the peddler signed himself as Captain von Stahle.
13. William Douglas' fear of water prevented him from enjoying his fishing
trips. He couldn’t enjoy water sports such as canoeing, boating or swimming. So
his fear of water had started affecting his other experiences too. Thus, he was
determined to get over his fear of water and decided to get an instructor to learn
how to swim.

14. An absolute, rigid terror seized Douglas. It was a terror that knew no
understanding or control and was beyond comprehension of anyone who had
not experienced it. He was paralysed under water-stiff and rigid with fear. His
screams were frozen. The beating of his heart and throbbing of mind made him
feel that he was still alive.

15. Edla pleaded her father not to send the vagabond away
as she became sympathetic seeing the plight of the poor
peddler. She requested her father to allow him to spend one
day with them in peace as a respite from the struggle he had to
endure round the year.


General Takima, being the head of the Japanese army, was
more concerned about himself than the general people of his
country. Dr Sadao was a surgeon. He could be a boon for the
wounded soldiers during the world war. But the General
asked him to stay back for himself only because he may
require an operation any time. Thus, he was a selfish man. It
was said that he used to hit his wife. But he was a kind
man also. Though the General promised to get the POW killed
he desisted from his plan. It is also hoped that he forgot to
send the assassins to wipe out the American soldier or he was
concerned with the security of the doctor and his family as the
public knowledge of POW could harm them. For the General,
it was very important that no harm comes to his surgeon.

Subject: Complaint against the mobile phone bought from your store.
This complaint is with reference to the XYZ mobile phone(model no. 2334)
bought from your store at 19 March 2019 with reciept no. 445.
The mobile is defective as I have encountered the following defects:
1. The image quality is not good.
2. The response of the camera is very late after the button is clicked.
3. All attempts to import image from the mobile fail.
4. Some apps are automatically uninstalled without anyone deliberately
doing it.
To resolve this problem completely, I would like to exchange this mobile
with a new one of the same model that works properly or I would like a
refund of my money. The copies of my guarentee card and reciept have
been attached below.
Looking forward to an early response. Please contact me at the above
mentioned address or at the contact no. 0091345267

Citizens of a country arts well they can contribute a lot towards the
development of a nation if the citizen solitary then this world becomes more
precise and accurate about country planning at the prayer Hall of joining
the Dev lab and Asian but it is not only possible then the at have
completely of our government has launched a variety of plants through the
movie to see but enable all its the role of students in this direction which
may bring a significant change considering that charity begins at home
students can offer to beach the children of their domestic helpers are they
can go to different localities in groups and beach the underprivileged
students can organize educational plans also argue street please to show
the importance of education they can even go to different schools to inspire
others students and encourage them to 'each one teach one' . in this way ,
students can contribute a lot towards eradicating literacy.


A week-long interschool music and dance festival called
"Sangam" was organised by the students of D.B. Senior
Secondary School. In this event, various workshops were
organised along with competitions in which students from
different schools participated. The winners received certificates
and cash prizes. Guest performances were also organised
every day. Artists like Lopamudra, The Yellow Diary, Rekha
Bharadwaj came to grace the attendees with their presence.
The festival was a huge success as it made headlines in the
national newspaper The Times of India. It was highly
appreciated and was considered to be one of the greatest
cultural confluence on the school level.

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