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Stay at Home if Unwell Policy

If children are unwell, they must be kept at home to prevent the spread of illness in the nursery and to allow
them the opportunity to rest and recover. With this in mind, children should not be sent to the nursery with
any of the following conditions:

• Fever greater than 37.5 C

• Rash (with or without fever)
• Diarrhoea / Vomiting
• Breathing difficulties or persistent cough
• Conjunctivitis or eye infection
• Prescribed Antibiotics

Any child suffering from a contagious condition that warrants the prescription of antibiotics should be kept at
home after starting the course of antibiotics and will not be admitted to the Nursery during this period.

If the child is absent from school for any of the following conditions, a medical clearance certificate will be
required for the doctor to confirm that your child is now able to return to the nursery.

Chickenpox Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

Conjunctivitis Polio
Diptheria Roseola
Gastroenteritis / Food Poisoning / Salmonellosis RSV / Bronchitis / Pneumonia
Hand, foot & mouth disease Scabies / Impetigo
Hep A / Hep B / Influenza A Steptococcal infection of the throat
Measles / Mumps / Rubella Tuberculosis
Meningococcal Infection Typhoid fever

The school nurse takes temperatures of children at arrival, during the day and at the time of departure.. In
accordance with Ministry guidelines, any child found with a temperature over the 37.5 normal ranges will be
sent home, no exceptions to this will be made.

This school policy is in place to prevent the spread of infection and to ensure the well-being of both the child
who is ill and to prevent other children and staff from suffering with the same symptoms and therefore unable
to attend the Nursery. It is our intention to ensure the well-being of all of the children in our care at all times.

Written By: Anam Fatima Approved By: Roshi Tandon

Date Created: 14th September 2021 Next Review Date: 14th September 2023

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