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The key person ensures that within the day to day demands of the setting, each child for whom
they have special responsibility feels individual, cherished and thought about by someone in
particular while they are away from home.

Role of the Key Person

● To carry out ‘Settling In’ process for new children and their families.
● To provide comfort, care and education for individual children
● To monitor their diet, toileting needs, emotional needs, and indoor and outdoor
interests and spend quality time with their Key Child.
● To communicate these needs to other staff who will be caring for the child and in the
case of severe allergies to the whole staff team.
● To help a child to become familiar with the Nursery School setting.
● To protect the child from harm and will help them to stay safe by developing a
meaningful relationship with the child.
● To build a positive and settled relationship with a child and their parent/carer. .
● The key person meets the needs of their key children responding sensitively to their
feelings, ideas and behaviour
● They are primarily responsible for their key child’s care routines.
● To change and check key children’s nappies as required and to assist with potty training
and other toileting or intimate care needs.
● Key persons are responsible for the welfare of the children in their care monitoring
patterns of absence, injury and development referring them on where necessary.
● There should be a secondary key person for each child who takes on responsibility in the
occurrence of staff holidays or prolonged absence.
● To be available for parents/carers to discuss key children’s development, concerns and

Written By: Ankita Ramchandani Approved By: Roshi Tandon

Reviewed By: Sandra Dzenga
Date Created: 1st September 2015 Date Last Reviewed: 1st September 2022
Next Review Date: 31st August 2023

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