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A Practical Handbook for Functional English Course


Intermediate English Telecommunication Network Engineering Students

Preface ..................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter One: Parts of Speech .................................................................................. 5

Nouns ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Verbs ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Adjectives ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Pronouns ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Prepositions ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Conjunctions ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Adverbs .....................................................................................................................................................................7
The Noun Phrase ......................................................................................................................................................7
Practice .................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter Two: Sentence Structure .......................................................................... 11

Subjects & Predicates ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Simple Subject And Simple Predicate .................................................................................................................... 12
Compound And Complex Sentence ......................................................... ..............................................................14
Exercise .................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Reconstructing Sentences ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Practice Of Reconstructing Sentences ................................................................................................................... 21

This textbook is intended to provide a complete and comprehensive guide for you when starting your study
of accounting. It is meant to serve as an introduction to intermediate English for digital network
engineering students of State Polytechnic of Malang.

While using this textbook, we would recommend that you always stick to the following guidelines:

 Always read the instructions as you begin to study a new chapter. These instructions give you clear
information for each task so you can do each task well.

 Make sure that you try to do all the questions in the tasks of each chapter. The questions in the
tasks are provided to be completed as your comprehension checking related to a relevant section
that you are studying.

 There is no answer key in this textbook. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you discuss with
your partners or ask your lecturer if you are unsure on how to complete the

 Questions or if you find difficulties in doing every single task of each chapter in this textbook.

You should see clear enhancement as you persistently learn through each chapter of this textbook even
though ELECTRICAL can seem a bit complicated while studying of the subject for the first time. Regular
practice through the questions of the tasks in each chapter will help you to associate your knowledge and
understanding of the subject. In conclusion, we wish you the best luck with your studies. ELECTRICAL is not
the easiest subject to get to hold with, but we are sure that you will be successful with this textbook.

The Writers


Why Learn Parts of Speech?
They are the building blocks of English grammar. Understanding and applying a process is learning to
learn. It is a foundation to improve your writing. The Eight Parts of Speech:
• Nouns • Verbs • Adverbs •
• Adjectives • Conjunctions
• Pronouns • Prepositions Interjections
u Names of persons, places, things, feelings, or ideas.

Example: John has a new car, and he parks on the street under a big tree in Filer. u
Names of persons, places, things, feelings, or ideas.

u Often indicated by “noun markers” -- a, an, and the.

Example: The boy on the red bike hit a bird with a rock at the end of the long road.

u Names of persons, places, things, feelings, or ideas.

u Noun endings: -ness, -ment, -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency, -ity, -ion, -ure.


Happiness is the preference of every action and is the tendency toward kindness and
contentment. u Can be made plural with s or es.

The needs of the masses may conflict with expectations of the members of legislative bodies.

u The action or “doing” words in a sentence.

The horse ran, jumped and kicked until it threw the rider. u Most
verbs make sense in the blanks below:

He _________.

They ________.

u The action or “doing” words in a sentence.

u “Linking verbs” show being.

Example: She is a nice person, and we are her friends.

u Memorize the linking verbs: Be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being.

u Change to show time (tense).

 Example:
 Today I am on a bus, and it goes past my house.
 Yesterday I was on a bus, and it went past my house.
u Complete verbs include “helping verbs.” u Always
helping verbs:

 Can Will Shall May Could Would Should Might Must u Always verbs, may be helping:
 Have, has, had, Do, does, did, done
 Be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being

u Describe or modify only nouns.


A big, red dump truck hit a parked little car and the worried driver ran to the other side of the busy
street. u Answer questions, “what kind?” or “how many?” Example:

The three tired teens tried to eat a large pie at two pizza parlors.

How many teens? three

What kind of teens? tired
What kind of pie? large
How many parlors? two
What kind of parlors? pizza u The “noun markers”
a, an, the are always adjectives. Example:
The way to a smile and an appreciative attitude is through the stomach.

u Usually “piled up” before nouns.


The long, shiny black limousine pulled in front of the huge old mansion, and a tall,
welldressed older gentleman got out.

u May follow linking verbs and describe the subject.


The river is deep, wide and cold, but the divers are brave and well-trained.
Note: to test these, try putting them in front of the noun they modify.

u Specialized words to take the place of nouns.


Paul gave Emily stationery because he wanted her to write to him when she
could. u Often refer to people and have several forms.

u Memorize:

I he we she they
me him us her them

Other common pronouns:

you, it, this, that, who, what, someone, everything, anyone, and many other similar words.
u May be possessive, showing ownership and working like an adjective.


Her red car is faster than my old Ford, but their new Honda cost more than ours.

Note the form:

I he we she they
me him us her them
my his our hers theirs
Others: yours, its,


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Specialized words to start prepositional phrases. A prepositional phrase is a group of words
describing things which starts with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. u
Most prepositions are small, common words indicating time, place or position.
u Memory clue: The
rabbit went _____ the
hollow log. u Memorize:
at, from, to, on, in, into, onto, between, under, over, against, around, through

u Some prepositions simply must be memorized.


The problem with him is that he sleeps during the day and spends most of the night with his

u Memorize: of, with, for, during

u Words which “hook” words, phrases, or sentences.

Memory clue: FAN BOYS.

For But

And Or

Nor Yet So


She and I left, but they stayed, for Joe or Ted was coming on the bus, yet not on time.
u Some conjunctions only hook clauses.

They include: when, as, if, since, because, while, after,

although, before Example:
I ran when I saw her because I was happy since she was home. u
Memory clue:

She is cute _____ she smiles.

u Describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

She quickly ran to her extremely tired friend and gave him a very big hug.

u Answer the adverb questions: How? When? Where? Why? Under what conditions? Soon
the very able pilot confidently flew west, and thus he almost crashed.

When? soon

Where? west

How? very, confidently

Why? thus

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What conditions? almost
u Often end in -ly Example:
The extremely hungry animal howled eerily in the especially dark night. u
Always adverbs: not very, often, here, almost, always, never, there
We do not very often want them here, for they are always late and almost never want to go there
with us.

The Noun Phrase

For too long now the verb phrase has been the dominant focus of attention in course books,
syllabuses, and teacher training programmes.

Author: Paul Bress

Retrieved from:

Any teacher worth his/her salt will be able to tell you everything there is to know about base verbs,
infinitives, progressives, perfectives, passives, and modals. But, please, let's not forget the noun
phrase! Why? Because the noun phrase is a quintessential part of every sentence (even if it doesn't
appear in the surface structure of a sentence as in "stop!"), it is potentially infinite in length, and it
can include any number of other phrases (e.g. noun, adjective, adverb) within its structure.
• What is a noun phrase?
• The structure of noun phrases
• Noun phrases in class
• Conclusion

What is a noun phrase?

Before we go any further, let's remind ourselves of what a noun phrase is. My definition is:

A noun phrase is either a pronoun or any group of words that can be replaced by a
pronoun. For example, 'they', 'cars', and 'the cars' are noun phrases, but 'car' is just a noun,
as you can see in these sentences (in which the noun phrases are all in bold)

Q: Do you like cars?

A: Yes, I like them.

Q: Do you like the cars over there?

A: Yes, they are nice.

Q: Do you like the car I bought last week?

A: Yes, I like it. (Note: 'It' refers to 'the car', not 'car')

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If you are a little puzzled at this point, try and think of some further examples of noun phrases
using the definition above, and compare your examples with simple nouns.

The Structure of Noun Phrases

As I said, noun phrases can be infinite in length, but they would sound absurd if they got too
long. So, let's take the following noun phrase as our working model:
• "The very tall education consultant with the roving eye"
The structure of this noun phrase contains three sections:
• Pre-modification o The =determiner o very =adverb (intensifying) o tall =
o education = pre-modifying noun
• Head noun o consultant
• Post-modification o with the roving eye = preposition phrase

Of course, each and every part of the noun phrase can be changed, but here is a summary of some
fundamental changes in which it could change:
• A relative clause could replace the preposition phrase. 'The man with the hat' becomes 'The
man who is wearing the hat'.
• There could be a string of adjectives (and pre-modifying nouns) instead of just one. Both of
these systems have their own structural rules. 'The big brown wooden box.' Or 'The world
cup football competition.'
• A numeral or cardinal could be inserted after the determiner. 'Do you remember the time I
bumped into you in the park?' can become 'Do you remember the first time I bumped into you
in the park?'
• There can be 'embedding' (e.g. 'the roving eye' is also a noun phrase and can be made more
complex in the same way as 'the…consultant'!) 'The roving eye which he had cultivated for so
many years'.
• Any part of the noun phrase can simply be stripped away (apart from the word 'The' here, as
'consultant' is not a noun phrase in itself). So 'The very tall education consultant with the
roving eye' can become 'The tall education consultant with the roving eye' (here 'very' has
been deleted).
To sum up, noun phrases are very simple ideas in themselves, but they can be extremely complex in
how they manifest themselves in actual language.


1. Change the underlined nouns from singular to plural in the following passage.
Their live were being made unbearable by black swarms of mosquito from the grove of mango – not
to mention the pack of gaunt wolf and the gang of elf that attacked through the roof of the derelict
buildings. The pack brought with it terrible strains of bacteria that came from several inland zoo. Still,
throughout these crise, the survivors clung to hope.

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__________________ ________________________________________________________________

2. Identify and underline the uncountable nouns in the following paragraph.

The principal was a woman given to deep meditation followed by bouts of intense activity. She
looked through the glass of her office window past the slate of the roof atop the building at the
emptiness of the autumn sky. It was late in the day and silence hung heavy over the township school.
A quiet satisfaction took possession of her. With Mr Brotsky gone, her reign could begin.

3. Write the nouns from the list under the correct headings.
adulthood flour glue lava patience tofu
autism gravel margarine power
cynicism dust intelligence mould mud salt sand

Abstract concepts Masses of substances Masses of substances made up

of parts too numerous
to count

4. Divide the list of complex nouns into their component words. Indicate the part of speech of each
a. grand (____________) + mother (__________)
b. data (____________) + base (____________)
c. fore (____________) + front (____________)
d. after (_________) + thought (_________) down (_________) + town (__________)
e. sell (____________) + out (____________)
f. look (____________) + alike (____________)
g. swear (____________) + word (____________)
h. under (____________) + world (____________)
i. flash (____________) + back (____________)
5. There are compound and complex nouns in the following passage that have been written
incorrectly. Rewrite them correctly.

She was a poor driver. She often tried to reverse her taxi by putting it into first gear. When the
passengers roared with laughter, she would furiously seek out the makers mischief in the mirror
and glare them into silence. Her father had been one of three sergeant-majors in the family and
she had inherited his voice, which she used to terrify standers by at the rank taxi in Germiston.
This year old 60 was very conservative, a real in stick mud the. She would borrow a bakkie from
the last of her three in law fathers and drive around town until she came upon any young man

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with long hair, whom she would hoot at and berate as a headblock. Her one weakness was pearl
mother of, which was easily sourced from the abundance of perlemoen shells in Germiston. This
proud wifehouse had spectacular earring made from it.


_________________ __________________________________________

6. Write the sentences, using suffixes to form abstract nouns from the words in brackets.

a. Surviving the cold Atlantic for a week said much about his powers of endure.
b. Her alien was a direct consequence of her egotism.
c. Their conceal of the truth led to their being jailed.
d. The fool hard of attempting to climb Mount Everest in a storm is obvious.
e. The sheer ignoble of his excuse for deserting his family left many speechless.
f. On the day the verdict was delivered, the accused’s edge was apparent.
g. My patriot can be defined as a critical love of my country.
h. Her member of the Bar was a source of great pride to her parents.

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Subjects & Predicates

This is the
Please look concrete
at this image how
picture. sentences

Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject is what (or
whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate tells something about the subject.

Look at these examples.

Example 1

Brian and his dog run on the beach every morning.

• From the example above, we can find the subject of the sentence by making a question using
“who”. The question would be “Who runs on the beach every morning?” The answer is
Brian and his dog.
• Then, we can find the predicate (verb) of the sentence by making a question using “what”.
The question would be “What do Judy and her dog do on the beach every morning?” The
answer is run.
Example 2
We spilled popcorn on the floor.

• From the example above, we can find the subject of the
sentence by making a question using “who”. The
question would be “Who spilled popcorn on the floor?”
The answer is we.
• Then, we can find the predicate (verb) of the sentence by making a question using “what”.
The question would be “What did we do?” The answer is spilled popcorn.

Read these sentences. Could you find the subject and predicate in each sentence below?
No Sentences Subject Predicate
1. My little brother broke his finger.
2. His Uncle Bob asked for directions.
3. Those soldiers carried guns.
4. Our babysitter arrived late.

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Simple Subject and Simple Predicate
Every subject is built around one noun or pronoun (or more). When all other words are removed, the
simple subject is left.

Simple Subject Look

at the example.

A piece of chocolate candy would taste great.

The main word in the subject is the noun “piece,” with the other words of the
subject – “a” and “of pepperoni pizza” – tell about the noun. The word “piece”
is the simple subject.

Simple Predicate simple predicate is always the verb or verbs that

links up with the subject.

Look at the example.

A piece of chocolate candy would taste great.

The simple predicate is “would taste” -- in other words, the verb of the sentence.

Read these sentences. Could you find the simple subject and simple predicate in each sentence
No. Sentences Simple Subject Simple Predicate
1. My little brother broke his finger.
2. His Uncle Bob asked for directions.
3. Those soldiers carried guns.
4. Our babysitter arrived late.

Compound Subject
A sentence may have a compound subject, which is a simple subject made up of more than one
noun or pronoun.

Look at the picture below.

Can you find the compound subject in this sentence?

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Underline them.

Team pennants, rock posters and family

photographs covered the boy's bedroom walls.

Look at the picture below.

Can you find the compound subject in this

sentence? Underline it.

My uncle and I
walked slowly
through the
art gallery and admired the beautiful pictures exhibited there.

Compound Predicate
A compound predicate is more than one verb relating to the
same subject.

Look at the picture below.

No. Sentences Compound Subject Compound

1. My little brother broke his finger.
2. His Uncle Bob asked for directions.
3. Those soldiers and agents carried guns.
4. Our babysitter and her friend arrived
Can you find the compound predicate in this sentence? Underline it.

Mother mopped and scrubbed the kitchen floor.

Find the compound subject and compound predicate in each sentence below?

Now that you know all about subjects and predicates, try to identify the subject and predicate of
the following sentences.

1. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.

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Subject Simple Subject Predicate Form Tense Voice (active/

2. When I was just a little girl.

Subject Simple Subject Predicate Form Tense Voice (active/

3. I asked my mother.
Subject Simple Subject Predicate Form Tense Voice (active/

4. I will be pretty.
Subject Simple Subject Predicate Form Tense Voice (active/

5. Here's what she said to me.

Subject Simple Subject Predicate Form Tense Voice (active/

6. Que sera sera. Whatever will be, will be.

Subject Simple Subject Predicate Form Tense Voice (active/

7. The future's not ours to see.

Subject Simple Subject Predicate Form Tense Voice (active/

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Compound and Complex Sentence

Please look at this illustration.

How compound and complex sentence is constructed.

When the music began.

Everyone started to dance.

When the music began, everyone started to dance.

Dependent Clause

A dependent clause is a group of words which has a subject and verb but does not show a complete
thought. Indeed, a dependent clause cannot be a sentence. A dependent clause is frequently
connected with a dependent marker word in which it is added to the beginning of an independent
clause that makes it into dependent clause.

Here are some common dependent marker words:

Here, the dependent clause is illustrated as a basket. There are some more examples of

As soon Because When we

as it I need a
stopped registere quiet
raining d early place to
dependent clauses:

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To make a complex sentence, we can place the dependent clause on the front. So, we put the
basket on the front of a bike. Here are the examples:

Because I When we need a registered early, I quiet

place to


got the classes I study, we go to the


As soon as it A bycicle with the stopped raining, basket

on the
we saw a double front (A complex
rainbow. sentence)

In another way, we can also put the dependent clause on the back to make a complex sentence.
So, we place the basket on the back of a bike.

We saw a double We go to the


rainbow as soon as it stopped library when we

need a quiet
place to study.

I got the classes I A bycicle with the wanted because I basket

on the registered early. back (A complex

There are more dependent clauses (using who, which, and that).

Another kind of dependent clause begins with the relative pronouns who, which, and that.

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who works part-time These clauses are not sentences.
which includes a swimming
pool Th lik b k h d b
that is parked in my

The dependent clause (using who, which, and that) could be placed in the middle of the sentence. In
other words, the dependent clauses go after the word they describe. So, the basket is in the

middle of the bike. The car that is

parked in my
Frank, who driveway is
works Henry’s.


parttime,will be

The new fitness A bycicle with center,

which the basket in includes a the middle (A
swimming complex pool, will open sentence)
in February. dependent clause
In addition, the
which, and that) are sometimes on the back of the bike.
(using who,
We are making
pasta for the Karen likes
Richardsons, who books that have a

not eat meat. happy ending.

I have tickets to A bycicle with

Sentence Support

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the jazz festival, the basket on
which begins at the back (A
noon. complex
Regardless of what kind of basket we add, we need a basic sentence to support it.

Example: The new fitness center, which includes a swimming pool, will open in April.

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Basic sentence: The new fitness center will open in April.
Basket: which includes a swimming pool

Summary of Sentence Structure

Form Tense Voice Example

Be (V1) Simple Present Neutral He is an accountant.
Be (V2) Simple Past Tense Neutral He was an accountant.
V1 Simple Present Active He studies accounting.
V2 Simple Past Tense Active He studied accounting.
Be (V1) + V3 Simple Present Passive Accounting is studied by him.
Be (V2) + V3 Simple Past Tense Passive Accounting was studied by him.
Be (V1) + Ving Present Continuous Active He is studying accounting.
Be (V1) + being + V3 Present Continuous Passive Accounting is being studied by
Tense him.
Has/ have + V3 Present Perfect Active He has studied accounting since
Tense 2019.
Has/ have + been + V3 Present Perfect Passive Accounting has been studied by
Tense him since 2019.
Had + V3 Past Perfect Tense Active He had studied Accounting since
Had + been + V3 Past Perfect Tense Passive Accounting had been studied by
him since 2019.
Will + V1 Future Tense Active He will study accounting.
Will + be + V3 Future Tense Passive Accounting will be studied by him.

Modal (V1) + V1 Simple Present Active He can study accounting.

Modal (V2) + V1 Simple Past Tense Active He could study accounting.
Modal (V1) + be + V3 Simple Present Passive Accounting can be studied by him.
Modal (V2) + be + V3 Simple Past Tense Passive Accounting could be studied by

Common Sentence Patterns in English

1. S + P + O + Additional Information
2. Additional Information, S P O K

3. S , Additional information about Subject , Predicate

+ Object

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4. S + P , Conjunction + S + P
5. Conjunction + S + P , S + P

Analyse the subject and predicate of the following sentences.

1. Global warming is the increase of the average temperature on earth.
2. The causes of global warming are both from nature and human activities.
3. Emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities increase.
4. Many natural disaster can be caused by global warming.
5. Floods and droughts are becoming increasingly frequent in all over the world.
6. A rise in sea levels has been led by global warming.
7. Higher sea levels would force people who live in low areas to leave their homes and
8. Low-lying islands could be submerged completely.
9. In 1945, nuclear weapons were exploded for the first time over cities.
10. On August 6th at 8.15 a.m. Japanese time, a USA bomber dropped the first atom bomb
over Hiroshima.
11. Late in the morning of August 9th, a second atomic bomb was dropped on the people
of Nagasaki.
12. In Hiroshima, almost everything was destroyed within a mile from the explosion 13. A
small number of very strong concrete buildings were not collapsed by the blast
14. Windows were smashed.
15. In Nagasaki, everything within half a mile from the explosion was destroyed, including
heavy structures.
16. In Hiroshima, about 66,000 people were killed instantly.
17. Many more people died from radiation poisoning after the bomb was dropped.
18. By 1950, about 200,000 people had died as a result of the bomb.
19. Between 1950 and 1980, a further 97,000 people died from cancers related to the
20. In Nagasaki, out of a population of 174,000, about 39,000 were killed on the first day.
21. By the end of 1945, about 70,000 people had died because of the explosion.
22. The final number of deaths was probably also over 200,000.

Sentence Analysis
Subject (active sentence)/ Main Noun Predicate
No. Object (passive sentence) in subject (Verb, Aux, Forms Tenses
(Noun/s or Noun group) column Modal etc)

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Reconstructing Sentences

How do you find the two different?

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Which one do you prefer to read?

The main purpose of reconstructing sentence is to help you understand the sentences by
identifying every idea and message contained in the sentence and how the ideas are
combined to form a complex sentence.

Analyse the reconstruction of the following sentences.

Most American newspapers publish an enlarged Sunday edition containing about the news of
the day and of the week, plus number of entertainment and advertising supplements.
• Most American newspapers publish an enlarged Sunday edition.
• This Sunday Edition contains the news of the day and of the week.
• This Sunday Edition contains several entertainment and advertising supplements.

The origins of this holiday are uncertain, but according to one legend it gets its name from
Christian priest named Valentino who lived in Rome during the third century after Christ.
• The origins of this holiday are uncertain.
• According to one legend, this holiday gets its name from Christian priest.
• The Christian priest named Valentino.
• Valentino lived in Rome.
• Valentino lived in Rome during the third century after Christ.

The system of bookkeeping that Luca Pacioli described first introduced the practice and theory
that had developed in commercial cities in Italy, particularly in Venice.
• Luca Pacioli described the system of bookkeeping.
• The system of bookkeeping that Luca Pacioli described introduced the practice and
theory of bookkeeping.
• The practice and theory of bookkeeping had developed in commercial cities in Italy.
• The practice and theory had developed particularly in Venice.

A system which makes parents put themselves in serious debt just for purchasing a house near a
highly ranked primary school is clearly absurd.
• Parents put themselves in serious debt.
• The debts are in order to purchase a house.
• The house is near a highly ranked primary school.
• The system by which parents put themselves in serious debt is clearly absurd.

Transaction of purchasing equipment for cash results in an equal increase and decrease in
total assets though the composition of asset changes: cash decreases while the asset
equipment increases.
• Transaction of purchasing equipment for cash results in an equal increase and
decrease in total assets.
• Transaction of purchasing equipment for cash results in changes in the composition of
• cash decreases.
• the asset equipment increases.

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Government may adopt the concept of liberalized flows of capital, but a lack of political
stability means that many countries are not in position to attract the foreign investment
necessary to achieve growth.
• Government may adopt the concept of liberalized flows of capital.
• Liberalized flows of capital means flows of capital which are liberalized.
• A lack of political stability means that many countries are not in position to attract the
foreign investment.
• The foreign investment is necessary to achieve growth.

In the short term, a freer market approach may raise the number of unemployment, as do the
prices of essential products and the provision of public services will fail.
• In the short term, a freer market approach may raise the number of unemployment.
• In the short term, a freer market approach may raise the prices of essential products.
• the provision of public services will fail.

Practice of Reconstructing Sentences

1. Research shows that smart phones has been developing rapidly for several years and has
greatly helped people of all ages.
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________
____ 3)

2. Universities do research in all academic subject areas, such as medicine, and companies
carry out research into a wide range of products and services, from new models of cars to
what people buy in supermarkets.
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________________________

3. In the short term, a more free market approach may raise the number of unemployment, as
do the prices of essential products and the provision of public services will fail.
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________________

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3) _______________________________________________________________________

4. In a planned economy, sometimes called a centrally planned economy or command

economy, decisions are about what to produce, how to produce, and who to produce for,
are made by a central body, the government.
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) A planned economy means

3) A centrally planned economy means

4) _______________________________________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________________________________
6) _______________________________________________________________________

5. Research can lead the development of new medicines, and agricultural companies also
research new varieties of vegetables and grains to provide better quality foods for people
to eat.
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________
6. Marla Matzer Rose, author of Accounting and Auditing History, writes that the earliest
known writing discovered by archeologists has been found to be records of tax accounting.
1) ________________________________________________________________________
___ 3) The earliest known writing means


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4) The earliest known writing discovered by archeologists means

7. Such writings have been found on clay tablets from Egypt and Mesopotamia from as early
as 2000 to 3300 B.C., as humans formed governments, accounting became a necessity.
1) _______________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________________________

8. Pacioli wrote Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita in 1494,

which included a twenty seven page treatise on bookkeeping, Particularis de Computis et
Scripturis (Details of Calculation and Recording) on the subjects of record keeping and
double-entry accounting, that became the reference text and teaching tools on those
subjects for the next several hundred years.
1) _________________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________________________

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