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Jane Austen “Sense and Sensibility” Unit 2

Read the chapters 29 and 50 or Volume 2 Chapter 7; Volume 3 Chapter 14

(in a three-volume version of the novel) from “Sense and sensibility” by Jane Austen.

The suggested vocabulary.

Make sure you are able to explain the meaning of the words in English.
approval or agreement, often given by an official group:
//that plan has the approbation of the school board
to flatter/ лестити
1 : to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest
//He flattered her with comments about her youthful appearance.
to bestow/дарувати
to convey as a gift —usually used with on or upon
//The university bestowed an honorary degree upon her.
Indignation обурення

anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean //He adopted a tone of moral indignation.
/imprudent необачний
not prudent : lacking discretion, wisdom, or good judgment //a very sweet girl, but so imprudent
that no one trusts her with a secret
something that makes someone who is sad or disappointed feel better:
His kind words were a consolation to me.
deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed in body or mind or 3a : being or appearing mean, miserable,
or contemptible
What a wretched performance that was.
insolent нахабний
rude and not showing respect:

Insolent behavior will not be tolerated.

/barbarously по варварськи
mercilessly harsh or cruel
// // barbaric crimes were widespread in South America
/civility цивілізований
a polite act or expression
//lacked the little civilities and hypocrisies of political society
/exquisite вишуканий
1a : marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution
//an exquisite vase
/to abound in/рясніти
1 : to be present in large numbers or in great quantity : to be prevalent
//a business in which opportunities abound
//errors and inconsistencies abound


the situation in which a person or animal is kept somewhere, usually by force

//The dog was kept in confinement until it was determined to be healthy.
: to tempt спокушати
to make someone want to have or do something, especially something that is unnecessary or wrong:
//that chocolate dessert sure tempts me, but I should stick with my diet

Use the words listed above to make 10 sentences.

Find the letter written to Marianne by John Willoughby in the Chapter 29/ or Vol.2 Chapter 7.
Translate it into Ukrainian in written form. Rewrite his letter in neutral style so as to reveal its
meaning (change formal style into neutral).
"Бонд-стріт, січень.
Шановна панно!
Я щойно мав честь отримати Вашого листа і прошу прийняти мою найщирішу за нього подяку.
Мені було дуже прикро, коли я дізнався, що моя поведінка вчора ввечері не була Вами
схвалена, і хоч я не міг збагнути, чим я завдав Вам прикрості, однак благаю пробачити мені те,
що, запевняю Вас, анітрохи не було з мого боку навмисним. Я завжди згадуватиму моє
колишнє знайомство з Вашим сімейством в Девонширі з великим задоволенням і сподіваюся,
що воно не буде затьмарене якоюсь помилкою чи невірним тлумаченням моїх вчинків. Я
почуваю найщирішу пошану до всієї Вашої родини, і якщо з нещасливої випадковості я і дав
підставу припустити більше, ніж я почував або мав намір виявити ці почуття, то можу лише
гірко дорікнути собі за те, що не був більш стриманим у виявленні своєї пошани. І ви
погодитеся, що я аж ніяк не міг мати на увазі більшого, коли довідаєтеся, що серце моє вже
давно було віддано іншій персоні і що в недалекому майбутньому найдорожчі мої надії
справдяться. З великим жалем я, як ви того зажадали, повертаю листи, які мав честь отримати
від Вас, а також локон, яким ви так послужливо мене удостоїли.
З глибокою пошаною, Ваш вірний і покірний слуга,
Джон Віллоубі"

"Bond Street, January.

Dear Marinette!
I have just received your letter, I am grateful to have received it. I was sorry when I found out that
you didn't like my behavior last night, and although I couldn't understand why I offended you?
however, I apologize for the fact that, of course, it was not intentional on my part. I will always
remember meeting your family in Devonshire, and I very much hope that this will not spoil any
mistake or misunderstanding of my actions. I respect your whole family, and if, by a bad
coincidence, I have given reason to suppose more than I felt or intended to express, I can only
bitterly reproach myself for not being restrained in showing my respect. And you will agree that I
could not mean more when you find out that I liked another woman and that in the near future my
most cherished hopes will come true. With great regret, I, as you requested, return the letters
received from you, as well as the curl with which you awarded me.
John Willoughby »
Answer the following questions:

1.Who said the following words? Who is s/he referring to? In what circumstances? “Indeed, you are
doing a very unkind thing in spreading the report, and you will find that you have, though you will
not believe me now.”

2. Do you agree with the statement made by J. Austen in her novel? “Marianne Dashwood was born
to an extraordinary fate. She was born to discover the falsehood of her own opinions, and to
counteract by her conduct, her most favourite maxims.” I think so because despite the feelings for
Willoughby both Marinette marries another man

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