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Assignment for ETSREP Finals

What I’ve observed on the difference between the National Code of Ethics for Realty Service Practice
from the DTI and the National Code of Ethics and, responsibilities for Real Estate Service under the
Philippine Board of Real Estate Service (PBRES), is that generally speaking context wise they are almost
similar, the PBRES adopted the latter national code and made some minor reconstruction of its
guidelines making it clearer and more concise. The PBRES code of ethics also is more formal to me as it
does not just address real estate practitioner as “he” having the impression of third person point of

In responsibility to government the main difference is the government agency they are under and will be
registered to PRBES and no longer DTI, many added credentials for the new code compared to DTI which
the practitioner shall indicate his/ her license number, PIC, PTR number, AIPO receipt number, and the
date of issuance and the duration of validity as indicated in the COR, issued by the commission a proof
of the real estate entering the professional scene in the country. There is also an additional section in
the new code, Juridical persons must adhere to the code of Corporate Governance promulgated by the
SEC or other government agency directly or indirectly involved in the practice of real estate profession.

In responsibility to the public the roles and capacity of a real estate is more defined and equipped to
what the public should expect from them. The practitioners shall be equipped through continuous
professional education, study and training with the ability to contribute in positive way, advocacy in
public affairs, concerns or issues in areas of real estate economics, finance, laws, taxation, land use, city
planning and other programs of the government for the development of the society and the nation.

In responsibility to clients the new code added seven more sub sections to protect the clients’ interest

In responsibility to fellow practitioners and its organization the new code follows the accredited &
integrated professional Organization (AIPO) and are now bound to its guidelines together with fellow
real estate practitioners.

Overall, the new code is much clearer & well defined. It sets up more guidelines and standard for real
estate practitioners. With that intervention not everyone can just be a real estate practitioner there is a
certain level that should be met before becoming one, ensuring that every licensed real estate
practitioner knows and understands everything that is needed in the practice of real estate. Having their
very own separate organization means that they can specialize and improve more on their craft. All of
these are a testament that the real estate practitioner is a true profession and acknowledged by the
country thanks to the PBRES.

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