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21:56:27 Starting Duck Game (Windows 10)...

21:56:27 DuckFile.Initialize()..

21:56:27 Enumerating display modes (15 found...)

21:56:27 Default adapter size is (1280x720)

21:56:27 Registered adapter size is (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1280x720x0): Windowed resolution must not equal

adapter size (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1024x768x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1152x864x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1280x720x0): Windowed resolution must not equal

adapter size (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1280x768x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1280x800x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1280x960x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1280x1024x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1360x768x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1366x768x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1600x900x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1280x720x0): Windowed resolution must not equal

adapter size (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (1920x1080x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (2560x1440x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Invalid resolution (2880x1620x0): Larger than adapter (1280x720)

21:56:27 Finished enumerating display modes (F(6) W(5) B(8))

21:56:27 Finished sorting display modes (F(6) W(5) B(8))

21:56:28 Applying resolution (960x540x0)

21:56:28 CONNECT @disconnect Reset called on local(76561198144597517,

NetworkConnection constructor)

21:56:28 Welcome to the Grid, goldberg.

21:56:28 You are running Duck Game Steam Build 10.

21:56:28 DGSave.Initialize(Steam, Has User Directory):

21:56:28 C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/DuckGame/76561198144597517/
21:56:29 Initializing Input...

21:56:29 Starting DInput Async Init...

21:56:29 SetDefaultMapping() Found existing map for (KEYBOARD P1)...

21:56:29 SetDefaultMapping() Found existing map for (KEYBOARD P2)...

21:56:29 SetDefaultMapping() Found existing map for (XBOX GAMEPAD)...

21:56:29 SetDefaultMapping() Found existing map for (GENERIC GAMEPAD)...

21:56:31 Error creating accessibility menu: at


21:56:31 at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.get_VoiceSynthesizer()

21:56:31 at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputToNull()

21:56:31 at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputStream(Stream
stream, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo, Boolean headerInfo, Boolean

21:56:31 at DuckGame.Speech.Initialize() in C:\gamedev\duckgame_current_steam\

duckgame\DuckGame\src\MonoTime\Sound\SFX.cs:line 21

21:56:31 at DuckGame.SFX.get_speech() in C:\gamedev\duckgame_current_steam\

duckgame\DuckGame\src\MonoTime\Sound\SFX.cs:line 125

21:56:31 at DuckGame.SFX.get_hasTTS() in C:\gamedev\duckgame_current_steam\

duckgame\DuckGame\src\MonoTime\Sound\SFX.cs:line 137

21:56:31 at DuckGame.Options.CreateAccessibilityMenu(UIMenu pOptionsMenu) in


21:56:31 GHOSTMAN Clearing all ghost data.

21:56:32 Loading profiles from


21:56:32 Found (9) profiles.

21:56:32 ResetMatchStuff()

21:56:32 Level Switch (null -> BIOSScreen)

21:56:32 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

21:56:36 Level Switch (BIOSScreen -> CorptronLogo)

21:56:36 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

21:56:40 Level Switch (CorptronLogo -> AdultSwimLogo)

21:56:40 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

21:56:41 Level Switch (AdultSwimLogo -> TitleScreen)

21:56:41 SFX.GetSayVoices failed:No voice installed on the system or none

available with the current security setting.

21:56:41 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

21:57:04 Applying resolution (1280x720x2)

21:57:07 Applying resolution (1280x720x1)

22:05:55 Level Switch (TitleScreen -> ArcadeLevel)

22:05:55 GHOSTMAN Clearing all ghost data.

22:05:55 Level Initialized(Content/levels/arcade.lev)

22:05:55 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

22:05:55 Level Switch (ArcadeLevel -> TitleScreen)

22:05:56 SFX.GetSayVoices failed:No voice installed on the system or none

available with the current security setting.

22:05:56 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

22:05:58 Level Switch (TitleScreen -> ArcadeLevel)

22:05:58 GHOSTMAN Clearing all ghost data.

22:05:58 Level Initialized(Content/levels/arcade.lev)

22:05:58 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

22:07:13 Level Switch (ArcadeLevel -> TitleScreen)

22:07:13 SFX.GetSayVoices failed:No voice installed on the system or none

available with the current security setting.

22:07:13 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

22:08:55 Level Switch (TitleScreen -> TeamSelect2)

22:08:55 ResetMatchStuff()

22:08:55 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

22:09:18 Level Switch (TeamSelect2 -> TitleScreen)

22:09:18 SFX.GetSayVoices failed:No voice installed on the system or none

available with the current security setting.

22:09:18 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

22:10:16 Level Switch (TitleScreen -> TeamSelect2)

22:10:16 ResetMatchStuff()

22:10:16 GHOSTMAN Initializing level (255)

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