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Junior Secondary Supplementary Exercises Jeremy Walenn SaraWalenn Raine Kwong SECOND EDITION Language Consultant: Judith Malmsbury 2» Comprehensive training on reading, Answer Key writing listening and speaking skills & Language Arts elements B TSA and DSE Exam question types ® Learning English across the curriculum '® Full answer key @ontents Unit 1 Listen to the music pl Unit 2 Charity starts at home p.5 Unit 3 Timely help p.9 Unit 4 What a beautiful place! p.13 Unit 5 Our pets p.17 Unit 6 Do you know this sport? p.23 Unit 7 A fruitful holiday p.29 Unit 8 Lets’ read magazines p.35 SBA p.41 Progressive English 3 (Second Eaftion} (p-5) 9 marks Her father was a drug addict. She lived in the Barbados. Evan Rogers . Dance-pop music, He was sentenced to five years’ probation and told to stay at least 50 metres away from Rihanna, She plays Petty Officer Cora Raikes. She sang Whitney Houston's version of ‘For the Love of You" . She also supports AIDS / HIV and Cancer charities. no 2 9. She helps promote tourism on the island. C. (p.5) 1 marks 1. upbringing (line 5) 2. addict (line 7) 3. previous (line 22) 4. album (line 20) 5, celebrities (line 25) 6. assaulting (line 29) 7. setback (line 32) 8._tragic (line 47) 9, secure (line 46) 10, commitment (line 49) 11. resentment (line 63) D. (p.6) 5 marks 4. Not given 2. Tue 3. Tue 4, False 5. False E. (p.6) 8 marks 1. released 2. hit 3. setback, 4. assaulted 5. publicity 6. actress 7. idols 8. campaign A. (p.8) 6 marks 1 3. 5. B 1 2, 3, don’t 2. to not 4. had teally 6. not (p.8) 6 marks You should rest and drink plenty of water. She should ask her teacher to explain it again. She ought to tell her parents why she is friends with them. She ought to practise harder, Why don’t you / Why doesn’t he make friends with English-speaking peaple and practise speaking Engtish more? oe 6. He'd better explain to his dad why he wants to watch them C. (p.9) 10 marks 1. Bad advice 2. Bad advice 3. Good advice 4. Good advice 5, Good advice 6. Good advice 7, Bad advice 8. Good advice 9. Bad advice 10. Good advice D. (p.9) 8 marks Le 2¢ 3G 44H 5A 6. F 7.0 BB E, (p.10) 4 marks 4. You should go to the dentist. 2. Why don't you invite Peter to the party? 3. You shouldnt ride your bike at night without lights. . You ought to finish your homework before going out. You must wear a seatbelt when you get in car. (p.10) 4 marks must be really . Ought Not to report . correct why don’t you 5 wes wy ow Progressive English 3 (Second éaftcn) unit 1 AN ee eee en nnn ESE SESS B. (p13) 16 marks 4. London 2. 6pm. 3. Brighton 4, HaHa Club 5, 9.00 p.m. 6. 12 midnight 7. Multimedia light show 8. London, 9, Marquee Club 10.10.30 pm, 14.12.30 am 12, The Rowxies 13. Glasgow 14, Barrovilands Club 15.945 pm. 16. Sarah Macbeth ©. (p.14) 19 marks 1. Manchester 2: Kooi Club 3. 14.00 p.m 4. The Desert 5. the 1990s 6. 7 May 7. Uverpool 8. 7:85 pm, 9, The Neutrons 10:8 May 11, Bath 12. Austen Park 13.830 p.m. 14 Della 15.10 May 16. Magié Circle 17.630 pm 18.10.30 p.m. 19. Robert Bush D, (p14) 6 marks wc 2A 3E 4.0 5. F 68 Tapescript Om Narrator: Karl King, the manager of thé.band, Danny boys, is talking to Daniel Chong about the tour he is artariging for the band io promote their new album. Listen to the conversation between Karl and Dan. Complete their notes using the information from the conversation and the Data File. Dan: Hey, Karl. ! hear you have got some great shows lined up for Danny Boys in April and May. What's it? Karl: Hi, Dan. Your album is coming out next month, so | am arranging a tour so that {ots of your fans can see you. Dan: — What are the dates of the tour? Karl: We are starting in Brighton at a great Progressive English 3 Second Edition} Unit 1 Kari: Dan: Karl. Dan: Karl: Dan: Karl: Kart: Dan: Karl: place called the Ha Ha Club. There is a big screen where we can show the multimedia light show by digital artist Helen James. Ha Ha Club. Yes, I've heard that. 'H-A’ for Ha, right? A very interesting name. So, when is the Brighton event? 1s on the nineteenth, and the show will start at nine p.m. We have to be out of the club by twelve. After we finish in Brighton, we will travel up to London for our next show. You're going to play at the Marquee Club an the twenty-first. As it is London, we start a lot later, at ten-thirty and you can play for at least two hours. That is brilliant! We have also got a support band playing with you. They are the Roxxies, ve never heard of them. Their name is spelt R-O-X-X1-£-S. | think you'll really ike their sound, They're a duo who beth play the electric violin. Anyway, your next concert is at Barrowlands Club in Glasgow in Scotland on the twenty- second. It is 2 really long drive, so as soon as we finish at the Marquee in London, we have to go North into Scotland, That's OK. We are used to driving long distances, We can just catch up on some sleep. So, what time are we playing in Glasgow? Oh, sorry, | forgot to say, at a quarter past nine. Glasgow is home to some great stand-up comedy acts. We have got Sarah Macbeth to open the show. She is incredibly funny and well get the audience to laugh. She has agreed to come on at half past eight ‘OK. What next? Ihave arranged for you fo have a break after Glasgow. The second part of the tour starts on the fifth of May. Alright ... So everything starts on the nineteenth. Correct? The performances? Yes. But we are meeting the day before to take the coach to Brighton. We are meeting at 6 p.m. at the Centrat Bus Station in London. That will be on the 18 Apri... Hang on, Dan. I've got a call it call you back in five minutes .. (fade) Tapescript Ore Narrator: Listen to the second part of the conversation between Karl and Dan and complete their notes below. Karl: Sorry about that. OK. So you have a rest and then on the fifth of May, we travel south to Manchester, where we play at the Kool Club. That's spelt with ak, nota C! The performance starts really late, at 11 p.m., so you will have plenty of time to get ready. Dan: Have you got anyone else playing with us? Karl: Yes. Manchester was famous for music in the 1990s. One of the old bands from that decade has agreed to play. They are called "The Desert’. Do you remember them? Dan: Wow! The Desert! They were really famous in the nineties and are still playing a lot on the radio. They have got a fantastic drummer called Kevin Venus, right? Karl; Yes, that is him. Kevin Venus. i think he got an award a few years ago for playing the drurns. Dan; — OK. What else do we have in May? Kar: On the seventh, we go to the legendary Cavern Club in Liverpool. it should be a great night. You are on at seven forty five , after a group who live in Liverpool, called "The Neutrons’. They have got a lot of Liverpool fans mainly because of their amazing keyboard player Jessie Jones. She is fantastic. Then on the eighth, we play in front of the biggest audience at an open air festival in Bath. Dan: in Bath on the eighth ... No problem. | love that place. Where are we playing in Bath? Kar: At Austen Park. Dan: Austen Park ... Right. Who is the main act? Karl; tis none other than the hottest name in music at the moment: the wonderful Della She won the award for the best singer fast year, so there will be a huge crowd. Dan; — What time are we playing? Karl; You go on at eight-thirty. Dan: |s Bath our final concert? Karl; No. The last one is in the South West of England, in a town called Totnes. That is on the tenth of May. We are playing ata dub called The Magic Circle, Dan; — Why are we playing in Totnes? it's a very small place. Karl: know, but a lot of rock stars have bought houses in the area, and it is now very fashionable. | reckon some very famous names will come to see you when you play there, In fact, the amazing guitarist Robert Bush is going to come along Dan: Excellent. 1am really looking forward to it Karl: The only problem is that Totnes is a quiet place and most of the bars and restaurants close at around half past ten in the evening, so we have agreed that the concert will start at six-thirty ... (fade) A. (p.16) 6 marks 4. who fooks great and not geeky 2. let's go with the positives 3. a different top with 4. with a lighter colour 5. spend a lot of money 6 cool and the prices B A. ¢ E (p.17) 7 marks 3 5 . 6 G4 C. (p.18) Suggested answer Dear Bonny, {am really glad you want to do something to protect the environment. | absolutely agree that young people should do everything they can to cut down poilution, We often think that we can't make a difference because everything is decided by older people who have the power, but we are wrong. Yes, we can make a difference. Why don’t you start by trying to encourage people to recycle more of the things they usually throw Progressive English 3 Secand faltion) Unit 1 3 Ow mM away, for example, paper, plastic bottles and tin cans? | also think we ought to make sure we switch off lights when we are not using them and not ask for plastic bags when we go shopping, We must also tell people to make fewer car trips and use public transport instead. This might help improve the air quality. Young people should also set an example by not dropping litter. Why don't you start by joining organizations such as Friends of the Earth? !hope my suggests are useful Youts sincerely, Chris A. (p.20) 12 marks wt 2A 3. £ 4k 5. F 6D 7.8 ac 9G 10.H Vb 125 B. (p.19) 7 marks 1 @ 2 3B. of 4 5. 8} or8-) 6 729 C. (p21) 12 marks 1. fs there anything | can help with? 2. I want to see how it works, 3. Jet's forget the easy ones. 4, Sa! fave to read it sideways, 5. Let me guess. 6. its quite the opposite. 7. Very dever! 8. Not really. 9. What do you think? 10, A good guess! 11. it really beats me. 12. 1'm sure it would. D. (p.83) 10 marks 1. What do you think is the most important invention of alt 4 Progress Enalish 3 (Seca Eaton) Unit 2. think the intemet is probably the greatest invention in the history of civilization 3. or make new friends on the internet 4, watch videos and listen to the radio on it 5. pay bills without even leaving home 6. I can find anything | want 7. Everything you want to know is just one click away 8. the information you get from the Internet is often updated 9, Last, but not least 10. | surely think the Internet is a real blessing to mankind A (p24) Free writing Be (p.25) 2 marks 1D 2A C. (p.26) 6 marks . a difficult situation in life passion of danger ageing . gentleness . loyalty . eternity ».. (p.26) 2 marks »AorD 2A Ors ep opens B. (p.28) 6 marks 1.2 21 3.3 4.6 5. 4 6.5 so eA Charity begins at home A. (p.32) 7 marks 1.8 2.0 3D 4.0 5.8 6. 8B 7A B. (p.83) 20 marks 1, He wanted to help soldiers who had been badly wounded in a war. injured / hurt / harmed 3. The International Federation of the Red Cross / the Red Cross 4, The aim of the Society is to organize volunteers to look after people who are in danger or poor health. the Hong Kong Red Cross Originally (ine 20) Junior units are for primary school students and youth units are for secondary school students. 8. the objective of protecting life and health 9. It achieves the objective by encouraging members to do voluntary service to help people in need. 10. tis Henry Dunant’ birthday. 11.(@) support (tine 59) (b) better (line 56) (©) remember (line 58) (d) present (ine 57) 12. The examples mentioned are earthquakes, typhoons and landslides. One more example is floods / famine / droughts / volcanic eruptions / tsunamis. w Nw 43.{a) 1859 {b) 1919 (9 1991 (@ 1950 (©) 1956 C. (2.38) 7 marks 1. True 2. False 3. Not given 4. False 5. Not given 6. True 7. Not given D. (p.35) 5 marks The Hong Kong Red Cross started as part of the British Red Cross Society, Since 1997, it has been a branch of the Red Cross Society of China. The aim of the Society is to organize volunteers to look after people who are in danger or in poor health. The Red Cross has seven basic principles and voluntary service is one of them. There are now over 17,000 ‘volunteers in Hong Kong. A. (p.37) 6 marks 1. 1 don’t go to fast food restaurants since | don't like junk food, wore my gloves and hat because the weather was really cold The black rainstorm signal was issued, so school was cancelled today. 4. Ast was playing my NDS, my friend sent a very strange message to me. 5. My parents didn't watch TY last night as the programmes were baring. 6. He doesn't volunteer to participate in the Red Cross Fiag Day since he is studying for an important exam. B. (p.38) 8 marks ‘Suggested answers 1. My grandmother had lived in this city for 10 years. Nevertheless, she still lost her way in the streets, 2. The fireman pushed the deor hard. However, he couldn’t open it, 3. The restaurant provides healthy food. in addition, the prices are low. 4. It was raining very hard. Therefore, they had to cancel the match. 5. Our neighbours’ party was very noisy. As a result, we couldn't sleep. 6. The report is well written. Moreover, it is accurate. 7. She was caught in a terrible traffic jam. ‘Therefore, she missed her appointment. 8. The plane was an hour late. Nevertheless, he managed to get to the meeting in time. Progressive English 3 (Second Edition} Unit 2 5 C. (p.39) § marks * Pauk Mmm... Why don’t we have a more : harmoniaus sort of colour, you know, ike blue or green? it'd reflect the spirit of our scheme better, don't you think? OK, fet’s have it in light blue then, like the colour of the sky. Paul: Good. It should look really fresh and Tommy has worked in the office for over three years. However, he still is not able to remember the names of all his colleagues. He cannot remember them all because /.as/ since there are over 100 2 Kitty: people in his company. in addition / Furthermore : L Moreover, he seldom talks with them. As he is a web page designer, he spends most of hisdayson beautiful his computer. When / While As he is working, he > ‘Kitty: Now, lets start from the top. Should we puts his earphones on. Asa result, nobody comes | just put down the name of the scheme and our schoo! name? Paul Look, it's going to be posted in our school only, so let's leave out the schoo! name. Kitty: And the year? Paul: | think we don't need that either. Miss. and talks to him while he works. B. (p41) 12 marks 1B ac : Jenkins says the poster should have as iittle 3. The Social Services Club text as possible . 428 5D Kitty: What about the logo then? i think it a : should be a simple hand to signify ‘a : helping hand’ 7. Kitty Lo, killylo@abc.comm and Paul Yeung, © Paul: The hand sounds like a good idea, but a : single one looks a bit lonely to me. It looks aC 2 8B : more like someone's waving for help, How 10. A : about a couple of hands, or even a few 12 : hands. You know, that gives a sense of Tapescript Ooms : team spirit. Narrator: The Social Services Club of Progressive 2 Kitty: OK, the more hands, the better, But | College is going to launch an ‘Outstanding: think we need to make sure they're held Student Volunteers Award Scheme’ : together somehow, to encourage more students to join * Paul: OK. lagree with that, What's next? Yes, volunteering, Kitty Lo and Paul Yeung, . the organizer ... of course it’s our club ... are the committee members of the Social + Mmm ... What about the objective and Services Club. They are now designing : criteria? the promotional poster for the scherne. © Kitty: That's easy, Miss Jenkins told us what to Read the information in the Data File : ‘out down in her email. We just have to and listen to the conversation between, Kitty and Paul. Complete the poster and answer the questions that follow using the decide the deadline for the application. : Paul Ithas to be a Friday in November, Uh, have you got a calendar? information from the conversation and the = kitty: Yes, here. The first Friday ... the seventh Data file : isa holiday. What about the following Kitty: Now, fet's decide the colour scheme of the one. the fearteenth? i oul ee eee oh sobeinuse | 22k Rsourschoo! pene dat : au ure. | think it will be cheaper to be in just + ‘All right t day after th : Dicck and white Kitty: right then, the Friday after that seems best. Paul: OK, let me write it down first Kitty: Well then, what's next? Should we put down Miss Jenkins for enquities? Kitty: Uh, 'm not so sure, isn’t it a bit boring? Anyway, we'll just need about 10, soit shouldn't be too expensive. Let’s have it in red. It going to be really eye-catching. Progressive English 3 Second fdltion) Unit 2 i Paul: Why don’t we handle them first? She's really too busy with her Secondary 5 students these first few months. Kitty: OK, let's put down both our names and email addresses. Paul: OK ... Good, is that all? Kitty: Don’t forget our sponsor. Mr Ying would be really disappointed if we dig. Paul: Ah yes, Inearly forgot. There is no need to put down his name as well, | think. Kitty: Simply his logo would do. Paul: OK, that’s it. Kitty: Great. Hope Miss Jenkins likes it too. A. (p.44) 6 marks 1. money 2, want 3. part 4. teams 5. to 6. It B. (p.48) Suggested answer Hi Sophia, | am sorry to hear that you didn’t feel well. | hope you are feeling better now. Thanks so much for helping me with the poster. |am really sorry you couldn't come. | had a great time and raised lots of money for children in need. Our class did a sponsored silence during the lunchtime. We didn't speak for a whole hour | know! it was really hard, especially for me, but it \was a really good feeling when it wes over! in the afternoon, we went out into the streets in Causeway Bay and collected money, Most people were friendly, but some of thern just tock no notice and walked past. In the evening, we went to a brilliant concert. We got seats near the front so we could see the stage really easily. | took some photos and can show you when you are well enough Regards, Chris C. (p46) Suggested answer Volunteering means that you give up some of your free time to help other people. It is very important to society. ‘There are a many advantages and benefits. Firstly, you get to meet different people and you can make @ lot of new friends. Secondly, you can learn new skills and do things that you have probably not done before. For example, you can lean how to paint a room or mend furniture. Thirdly, you find ‘out about haw people less fortunate than yourself live. Finally and most importantly, you can do many things to help these people and work to improve their fives, ‘The main disadvantage of volunteering is that you have to give up a lot of your free time, so you cannot go out with your own friends and do things you really enjoy You also have less time to do your homework and other school activities, In conclusion, | think there are many more advantages than disadvantages and | think it is a very useful and important way for young people to spend some of their free time. A, (p48) 7 marks A,B, E Cc D aN on (p.48) 7 marks iknow .. You know what, Really? Wow, good for you! Go on, Tell me. ‘Ohl You didn’t That's not the end of it. * (p.49) 10 marks ‘You won't believe what happened to me, elt really sorry for him ft wasn't much, He could have done it on purpose. But that's not the end of it. PrograsveEngish 3 Second Elton} Unit 2 7 Nab wwe PRUN=Q awAw 6. {didn't think anything more about it 7. ‘hope you hadn't fost it, 8. but anyway it’s not my ticket 9. You know what, 10. guess one good turn deserves another. A, (p.52) 10 marks 1. story 2. cast 3. setting 4. dialogue 5. stage 6. stage directions 7. scene 8. act 9, setting description 10. beginning B. (p.52) Oms C. (p.53) 10 marks 1. cast 2. setting 3. left 4. fine 5. (a) brackets (6) capital 6. present 7. quotation 8. pausing 9. emphasized D. (p.54) Shop assistant: May {help you? Woman: Yes, | bought this mobile phone ‘two days ago. And I'm afraid I'm not happy with it Shop assistant: What's wrong with it? Woman: The camera doesn’t work. I'd like my money back! Shop assistant: Do you have the receipt, madam? Woman: Here itis Shop assistant: Hmm ... perhaps you would like to choose something else for the same price? ‘Woman: But I reatly want my money back. May | see the manager? Shop assistant: _1'm very sorry, but he’s not here at the moment. Woman: When will he be back? Shop assistant: Well, I'll tell you what. Woman: Yes? Shop assistant: Let me make an exception and give you your money back Woman’ Good. Thank you Progressive Engish 3 (Second Eaton) Unit 2 E. (p.55) Suggested answer Cast Shop assistant A customer Scene 5 A mobile phone sales counter in 3 department store Shop assistant: (smiles) Good morning, May | help you? Customer: (frowns, takes out a mobile phone from her bag) Yes ... | bought this mabile phone two days ago and I'm afraid I’m net happy with it Shop assistant: (concerned & with sympathy) What seems to be the problem? Customer: The camera is no good. Yesterday J was going to take some pictures with my friend in the airport, but the pictures came out all biack, (irritated) | can’t believe it. | just bought it the day before yesterday and it the first time I've ever used it Shop assistant: Could | have a look, please? Customer: (hands over the phonelYou can try it... you'll see how dark the pictures come out. Shop assistant: (tries it) Oh, dear. (apologetic and nods) There are surely some problems with it Customer: I'm afraid I'd like my money back Shop assistant: Do you have the receipt, madam? Customer: (takes out the receipt from her purse) Here itis. Shop assistant: (read) Mmm... {'m afraid its not our policy to give refunds Perhaps you would like to choose something else for the same price. Customer: (shakes her head) But | really want my money back. (impatient) May | see the manager? Shop assistant: (epologetic) 'm very sorry, but he's not here at the moment. Customer: (disappointed) How long do | have to wait then? Shop assistant: Well Customer: Shop assistant: (suspicious) Yes? softly) Let me make an exception and give you your money back Customer: (Felfeved) Good. Thank you. Its very kind of you. Thank you. Shop assistant: (smifes) Well, we'll always try our B. i 3. 5. 7. best to please our customers. 2. (p.57) 8 marks False 2. Tue True 4. False False 6. True True 8. False (p.60) 7 marks A 2 Cc 4.8 DB 6.0 D . (p.61) 7 marks The town of Yinxlu in Sichuan province in China Many people think itis not appropriate to build a high dass tourist attraction in what was a disaster area. It was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage fst, Died Students from many Asian countries were studying at an English language school in the building. The decision of whether to keep the Christchurch Cathedral or to demolish it She announced that the cathedral would be demolished because the insurance could not afford the cost of repairing it thinking) Vil tell you what. C. (p.62) 8 marks Opinion Opinion Fact Opinion (p.63) 8 marks Fact Fact Fact . Opinion SP ORK True Not given False Not given True False Not given True 1 3. 5. 7. D 1 3. 5. 7. E. (p.63) 1] marks i 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, OP OAN China Thousands of Jess well constructed Sichuan China February 2011 Christchurch Nearly 200 9. historic buildings 10. Christchurch Cathedral 11. Canterbury Television Building eae A, (p.65) § marks 14 2. you 3. you 4. your 5. You B. (p.66) 6 marks Suggested answers 1. "Why don’t you get some work experience in the fashion industry?" Jane said 2. ‘Get out of the car immechately!' the police officer said to the dangerous driver. 3. ’Please sit down and open your books,’ our teacher said “Welt done! Your designs are excellent,” Alexander said to the students, . ‘I'm sorry I'm late,’ Peter said. 6. ‘Iwish | hadn't bought that pair of bright pink boots,’ Jane said. Progressive English 2 Second Eeltion) Unit 3 oe 3 s : (p.66) 10 marks Suggested answer First, Debby asked Jenny where she worked. Jenny replied that she worked in a studio in Central. Debby then asked Jenny what she did. She said she was a fashion designer. Debby asked her where she had studied fashion. Jenny answered that she had graduated from St Martin’s College in London. Next, Debby asked Jenny what her plans were for the following year. She said that she was going to design a new menswear collection. Finally, Debby asked Jenny what kinds of clothes she was going to design, She told her that she was going to design smart casual clothes. A, (p.67) 20 marks 4. Dilerama, 2. 63 3, Christchurch 4. February 5. architects 6. demolish 7. without a cathedral for many years & Jenny 9. information office 10. transitional cathedral 11. wood 12. steel 13. Japan 14,25 metres 15. 700 16. offices 17.5 million 18 nine/9months 19, December 2012 20. 20 years B, (p.69) 22 marks 1. Christchurch Cathedral Choir 2. Art 3. 10,000 4. 2/ Two 5. organ pipes 6. central 7. church candles 8. 1/One 9. after 10. bell tower 11 cross 12.3/three 13, stained-glass 14, hope: 15. promise of better things to come 16. anthems 17. psalms 18, Twentieth Century Organ Works 19.5 / Five 20, Earthquake badges 21. Grammar School 10 Progressive English 3 (Second feition} Unit 3 22. Cathedral Rebuild Tapescript Owes Narrator. Ethan is doing a research on natural Host: Jenny Host: jenny. Host: Jenny: Host: Jenny: Host: Jenny: disasters. He is listening to a radio programme ‘Dilemma’ about an earthquake in New Zealand. Complete the note sheet using information from the recording. Good morning and welcome to ‘Dilemma’, the programme where we explore a topical problem and taik about the solutions. in February 2011 the city of Christchurch in New Zealand was hit by an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, One of the most important buildings in the city, the Cathedral was very badly damaged. In the end, the cathedral authorities decided it had to be demolished. However, they also came up with another idea. To tell us alf about it is Jenny Jones, who works for the information office in Christchurch. Jenny, thanks for coming in. Give us a bit more detait about the problem. Well, after the earthquake, engineers and architects assessed the darnage to the cathedral and decided that the building would have to be demolished and rebuilt. But rebuilding takes time, and this would mean that the citizens of Christchurch would be without a cathedral for many years, The trustees of the cathedral then. came up with an amazing idea. What was that? To build a transitional cathedral, a temporary structure, that can be put up quite quickly. How can it be built quickly? ‘The answer may surprise you. It will be mostly made of cardboard tubes around a wood, steel and concrete structure. Cardboard? You mean the same material we use for boxes and packaging? ‘Yes. Cardboard is very strong and can last quite a long time. tam amazed, Tell us more about it. The building has been designed by a Host: Jenny Host: Jenny: Host: Jenny: Host Jenny: Host: Jenny: Host: Jenny Host Jenny Tapescript Japanese architect called Shigeru Ban. He has worked on a number of emergency structures that have been put up after earthquakes. How big will it be? The cathedral itself will be 25 metres high and will be able to seat 700 people. There will also be another building linked to it, which has a cafe, meeting rooms and offices. How much will the cathedral cost te build? The estimated cost is five million New: Zealand dollars, which is about 30 million Hong Kong dollars, Where is this money coming from? ‘Many large companies have contributed to the building. There has also been a fot of fundraising and peaple all over New. Zealand and in other parts of the world have given money to support this exciting and innovative plan. When will the building be completed? tt will take around nine months to build and should be completed in time for Christmas 2012. We are all looking forward to the December opening. ‘That is extremely fast. You said it was a temporary structure, so how long wil it be there? itis planned to be there for about 20 years and wil allow plenty of time for a permanent cathedral to be built Itis a wonderful idea. Yes. The Transitional Cathedral is a symbol cof hope and | arn sure it will attract many visitors to our beautiful city Thank you so much for coming in to tell us about what seems an ideal solution toa difficult problem My pleasure, Om Narrator: Ethan is filling in his cousin hyy's list Ethan : with his sister Eva, Complete the form using information from the conversation between Ethan and Eva and the Data File. Hey, Eva. | am trying to let lvy know what we want from her list, ls there anything you want? Eva: Ethan’ Ethan: Eva: Ethan: Eva: Ethan: Eva: Ethan: Sure. ! showed my friends the list and some of them are interested too. Most of them are interested in the: tea towels. The tea towels? You mean:the towels we usually use to dry up the dishes afier'a meal? There are three designs. | heard that over 10,000 sets have aiready been sold. How many of each should we ask Ivy to help us buy? Eneed two of the design with the: Cathedral before the earthquake. Rachel and [ had a look at it on the internet. it was really beautiful. It has all the important elements of a cathedral: the organ pipes, the nave, which is the central part of the. Cathedral, and the Cathedral choir. And certainly, the church candles. The organ pipes, the nave, the choir and the church candles! It is amazing how a small picture can include all of them. | like the design with the stained-glass rose window of the original cathedral and the. shape of the temporary cathedral as well. | think | will ordes one of these towels. Stained-glass rose windows? Is that S-F A-EN-E-D hyphen G-L-A-S-S, glass with colours? Why don’t we get two more? And | am sure Patrick and Nancy would love those. The picture might help their architecture projects. OK. | will make sure we order enough for Patrick, Nancy, and myself. What about the CD? There are two available, recording the lovely music of the Cathedral. No, thanks. Tam not too keen on church music, although | know that it can be soothing to listen to. My friends and | are actually more interested in the Earthquake badges. Sorry? The Earthquake badges. It is designed to commemorate the earthquake. The Cathedral Grammar School's Board of the Senior Students, the BOSS, started selling them te raise funds for the rebuilding of the Cathedral. They are smal} but lovely. OK. How many of those badges do you need? Progressive Engfsh 3 (Second Ec Ee it twill have four for my friends ... wait a minute, | want one myself too. That will make five. ‘OK. Five Earthquake Badges. What about direct donations? We can donate to the Shigeru Ban's Cardboard Cathedral Donation and the Cathedral Rebuild Donation. ' don’t think we will do that. We don’t have New Zealand dollars. Besides, Uncle Bill has donated to the Cathedral Rebuild Donation already. Right. {will send the form back to Ivy then. Eva: Ethan Eva A. (p.71) 10 marks Arrange Set up Contact Get in touch Obtain Get Postpone, Put off Enquire Ask Repair Fix Possess Have got Reserve Book Assistance Help Information lintos Purchase Buy B. (p.71) 5 marks 1. {a) Formal (b) informat 2. (a) Formal (b) Inforrnal 3. {a) Informal (b) Formal 4. (a) Formal (b) informal 5. (a) Formal (0) Informal C. (p72) Suggested answer Dear Sir/ Madam, tam writing to enquire about the charity sale your organization will hold next month, Our school is holding a ‘Caring for Others" campaign and one of the events is to invite our schoolmates to danate their old clothes and unused Progressive Bnglsh 3 (Second Eton} Unit 3 stationery items. We would appreciate it if you could fet us know how we could participate in your sale Should you require any information regarding our campaign, please do not hesitate to contact our Chairman, Jason Chan, at 2724 0226. ook forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Chris Wong D. (p.72) Suggested answer Natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis are kiting millions of people every year. We are really lucky to be in Hong Kong because we only have the occasional typhoons and landslides. That is especially why we need to care for those who are Jess lucky than we are. There are many things we can do to help the victims of natural disasters. For example, we can donate unwanted clothes. Many of us buy new clothes just to keep up with the fashion. A lot of our clothes are just left in our wardrobes for years without being worn. Why don’t we donate clothes we no longer wear to charities so that they can distribute our unwanted clothes to people who. do not have clothes to keep themselves warm? Charities such as the Salvation Army will gladiy send our clothes to the needy. Another thing we can do is to donate money. Do not fook down on simply acts such as ouying flags ‘on Flag Days, It doesn’t matter how little we have because every cent counts. Charities can use our donation to buy the resources they need to help others ‘Asthe saying goes, ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Let us remember how lucky we are and let us do something to help the less fortunate in ‘the world. A, (p.74) 6 marks 1,4,5,6,9, 11 B, (p.78) 7 marks 1,2,4.5, 6,8, 10 E io c E A F ~ Danny: B b A £ Cc (p.76) 11 marks Tom: D Danny: Tom: Danny: Tom: Alison: Ginny: Alison: Ginny: Alison: B (p.77) 2 marks Oh dear. | know how it feels. . Lam sorry to hear that. | can understand why you feel that way. (p.77) 3 marks 1,3.6 A. (p.80) 4 marks 2,4,7,8 B, (p.80) 4 marks we 2A 3.8 4D C. (p.81) 6 marks 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. Tue 6. False D, {p.81) 7 marks 1. canwina prize 2. iscalled the proposition. 3. will give the first speech of the debate. 4, is called the mation, 5, will give the second speech of the debate. 6, is called the opposition. 7. can refute the argument of the other side B. (p.83) 8 marks 1. False 2. True 3. The 4. Not given 5, False 6. Not given 7. Tue 8. False What a beautiful place! A, (p.86) 6 marks 1a ZA 3.8 4D 5. D 6A B. (p.87) 15 marks 1. Itis on Salsbury Plain in the south of England. 2, Stonehenge 3. (@) cicle (fine 8) ¢b) centuries (ine 11) (©) technique {line 12) {d) analyse (line 13) fe) phases (line 15) 4. Things used to dig the soil 5. Ithas discovered that people at that time believed the site was a magical place where sick peaple could come to get better. 6. (a) difficult (line 47) (b) many (line 46) (©) sure (line 51) {0} largest (line 50) . itis an exciting place for tourists because no ‘one is exactly sure how or why it was built. ~ 8. Open ended ©. (p88) 7 marks 4. False 2. True 3. Not given 4, True 5. Tue 6. Not given 7. False D, (p.89) 7 marks L. of 2. visit/see 3. reasons 4. not 5. technique 6. able 7. three Progressive English 2 (Second éciton) Unit A 1 3. 5. 7. 9, B. 1 a 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. c. 1 we > be Lous L (p.91) 10 marks active 2. passive active 4, passive passive 6. passive passive 8. active passive 10. active (p.91) 7 marks Stephenie Meyer wrote the Twilight books His grandparents won this house. “Wayne Rooney scored the winning goal: Miss Chan is teaching the Maths class. Adele has sung that song. Will Liu Xiang break the world record? Is my cousin looking after the cats? : (p.93) 8 marks The Olympics were watched by people from all over the world. All the food has been eaten by those greedy people. The Chief Executive election was won by C¥ Leung, The ancient ship was being studied by the scientists. Will Jackie Chan be interviewed by Tom tomorrow? (.97) 13 marks Thai 1.35 / one thirty-five / one thirty / 1.30 Queen Mary (NOT Royal because there is a cost for Wii there and itis not close to the tube Though the girs are not using the launderette in Queen Mary, it does not mean they should not stay there.) tube Lucky Travet say (Bitish) Prime Minister Big Ben / the Houses of Parliament _ photos / photographs / pictures Pogressve English 3 (Second Editon) Unit 4 10, Horse Guards Parade 114, Covent Garden 12. entertainers 13. sister Tapescript Ome Narrator: Jane took a trip to London with her friend Jane Pam: Jane: Pam: Jane: Pam! Jane: Par Jane: Parn’ Jane: Pam: Pan, Read the information they had collected before the trip and listen to the conversation between Jane and Pam when they were planning their trip. Complete the emaif that Jane sends to her friend Nancy, telling her about their trip, using the information from the conversation and the Data File. Look at this leaflet | got from Lucky Travel, Pam. | really like this tour. ft seems to cover so much in a single day. Yes, it looks great. Oh, they even go to Covent Garden, My sister told me we can sea lots of street entertainers there. And Peter told us not to miss the street stalls with artists selling their own designs and stuff there, Really? We can surely do some shopping there. Oh, Hove shopping So let's join this day tour so we can have more time to go to other cities or even to Paris. I've always dreamt of going to Paris ‘Well, | don‘t think we'll have time for that, Jane. Don't forget we also have to visit your sister in Cambridge and Uncle Joe in Nottingharn. Yeah, | quess you're right. Let’s just book this day tour first But Peter says we don’t have to book any focal tour until we're in London and he can arrange it for us there. Now, first of all, we have to get our flight tickets. Look, We got this information from Lucky Travel. Which flight do you think we should take? Let's see. Why don’t we take @ morning flight on Tuesday? Ab-huh. That's fine with me. Er, it seems we have two choices here, Thai Airways and Qantas Airways. It’s best if we leave London in the evening when we come back. You know Peter's coming to see us off at the aisport and i'm sure he has class in the daytime. OK, so Qantas is out. Let's take this one then. Now, what about the hotel? Have you got anything from the Internet? Ah-huh, I've just got this downfoaded. You know, accommodation is so expensive in London, These three hotels seem to be the cheapest we can get Jane: So what have we got? Pam: Er... this one looks great, It has got the most attractive facilities. And it's also so close to the brand name shops, so we can buy some beautiful dresses and ... But can we afford it, Pan? We agreed to keep our budget low, remember? OK, then. Er, these two are cheaper Which one do you like? This seems better because there is a launderette, so we can get our clothes washed there, But do we really need to use that? We're just staying for about a week and its really cool now in London. | think the washing can wait until we're back Yeah, you may be right. Should we choose a hotel with a swimming pool, so you can have an early morning swim as usual? That's a good idea. And | believe you want the hotel to have Wi-Fi connection. Yes, but only if its free, Jane. And it has to be close to the tube. Fine, this one seems to have got everything we need. Excellent. Let's take this one, Good, let me make the reservation this evening. And I'll go to Lucky Travel for the flight tickets, Jane: Pam: Jane: Pam: Jane: Par: Jane: Pam Jane: Pam: Jane: A, (p.98) 6 marks 1, become 2. information 3. quite 4. to 5, planets 6. for B. (p.99) Free writing Cc (p:109) Suggested answer "You've got to come with me,’ my best friend Ronny whispered as we left the classroom: ’I've: found a really great place that no one knows about, It's not far. We can go when it gets dark, Don’t tell anyone else, i's our secret.’ When we met, it had just started to rain, Ronny took me toa path that fed up a steep hill. The steps were sliopery and | couldn't see where we were going. We climbed for a long time, Not far, she said! Suddenly, Ronny pointed. 1 couldn't see anything at first but then realized. We were in a garden that was full of strange birds. They were everywhere — in the trees, on the ground. ‘They only come out at night,’ Ronny said. it was magical, | stood still and watched as one of the birds came towards me with its eyes shining in the sain. A. (p.102) 18 marks 1. Tourist: Helper Tourist: Helper: Tourist: Helper: 2. Tourist: Helper: Tourist: Helper: Tourist: Helper: 3. Tourist: Hele: Tourist Helper: Tourist: Helper BABOMTBTOPAMAMOoODPTe Progressive English 3 Second Edition) Unit 4 B. (p.108) 12 marks 1 get the details Asking the way. > 9. just a minute, » Exéusé me. Can you tell me where Nathan Road: ‘10. that’s confirmed, is, please? 2 do f get there? ©: Excuse me, please, Could you tell me the way | ‘12. that comes every 15 minutes. to the nearest MTR station, please? : @ Excuse me. I'm trying to find the Easy Departmnent Store, i Giving directions: : A. (p.106) 8 marks #° Take the second on the left and then ask again 1. thiller 2. action film * Turn round and turn left at the traffic lights. + 3. animated film 4, romance ‘9° Take the third on the right and go straight on. <5, musical 6. comedy ~ ont ms tt 7. drama 8. science fiction ing how far i Checkin lo fecs 2B (p.106) 8 marks Will it take long to get there? 2 1, musical 2. comedy «Should I take a bus? 3. romance 4. animated film Jélliig how far it 25. thriller 6. science fiction © No, its only about five minutes’ walk. 2» 7. drama 8. action film * No, it's no distance at all, < C. (p.107) 8 marks * No, it takes less than 10 minutes to walk there. : 12 25 C. (p.103) 36 at Suggested answer 5 3.3 64 Tourist: Excuse me. How can Iget to Jordan TRS 7 8 87 station, please? 2 De (p.108) 16 marks \ Go down this road, then take the second 4G) cast (0) Oscar street on the bt Mak long thes steel 2 totes until you reach the traffic lights. You wil » see a shopping centre on the right-hand 2 3. @) director (b) script side, Walk across the road and tum right: 4 (@) extra (b) lead after the shopping centre. Keep going 5. stunt straight on and you can’t miss it. + 6 (@)cameraman {b) blockbuster Tourist: Is it far from here? © 7. soundtrack I No, it's not far away. {t's only about 5 8 effects five minutes’ walk. 5% @plot (0) sequel Tourist: Thank you very much. 2 10.(@) climax (b) scene t: You're welcome. Goodbye E. (p.109) 23 marks Dz (p.104) 12 marks 21. (@) amusing {b) watching 4. Can 1 help you? : 2. fa) bored {b} touching 2: How long will that be for? : 3 @ set {b) set 3. Are they both near the airport? 54, (a) amazing {b) amused 4. things like that. * (scary (d) frightened 5: what time is your flight out? £5. (a) thilling {b) exciting 6. in that case, i (c) entertaining (d) romantic 7. “Shall! make you a reservation 1 6. (@) imaginative (©) horrifying 7. (@) delightful (b) depressing Progressive Englit 3 Second Edition) Unit 4 8. (2) starred (6) stars 3. diet 4, own, territories 9. (a) directed (©) masterfully +5. day, active /awake — 6. communicate, hiss 0) success ©. pull) 9 marks 5 1. Cats have probably been around for 12 million years. £2. Domestic cats probably evolved from the B (p111) 12 marks veldeats that Wve n Altea 1. journey 2. business ! 3. Cats were used by the Egyptians to keep down 3, tourism: 4. energy the rats that ate their corn. 5. less 6. carbon dioxide 4. Peapie in the Middle Ages were often 7. high 8. necessary / needed frightened of cats because of their association 9. conservation 10. residents = with witchcraft 11. ecology 12. habitats 5. People lke to have cats as pets because they ate easy to take care of. 6. Cats enjoy being with people but also like to isi es : spend a lot of time playing outdoors. 5 27. Cats usually prefer to drink unning water to milk or cream for @ bow! Our pets 2 8, Ifyou pick up a cat by the back of the neck, it : © will probably hiss at you. 9. It is better not to have a pet cat if you live in a very smal flat, A. (p.114) 8 marks : ne 2 : mee 2A 4c i 5. 6D A. (p.119) 11 marks 720 8B 1. to buy 2. looking after B. (p.115) 6 marks 3. tehave 4, choosing 4. To harm a cat 5. to get 8. ask 2. Seriously / harshly / badly / strictly 7. building 8. to spend 3. They worshipped the cats. / They believed that 9. to meet 10. to keep cats were very special animals 5 1 ctticizing 4, People believed cats were connected with evil |B (120) @ marks such as witches and black magic. Dae De 5. The writer uses these pictures as examples tag a8 to illustrate how people associated cats with : 5G 6A witches and black magic. :36 ae 6. Suggested answer The advantages are that cats are generally easy °C. (p.121) 14 marks to look after. They are friendly and spend a lot 1, tet 2. to put of time sleeping, The main cisadvantage is that 3) teaching 4. doing ‘they need to spend time outside and cannot be 5 todo 6 todo kept in a very small area. Also, itis not usually 7 to praise 8 tosy possible to take them for a walk like dogs. ose rho . (p.116) 9 marks 2 get 12. to lift continents 2. also "43. giving 14.t0 tell Band C. (pp. 123-125) 56 marks a ‘Sale Items Order Form. Giving a one-off * cash donation |. Lwould like to give a donation to SPCA. (Js300* []$500* [71$1,000* [others HK Giving a regular * cash donation 1 would like to give a monthly * donation to the SPCA’s homing animals. ([isa00* []$300* ["]$500* [Jothers: HK$ I would like to give a quarterly * donation to the SPCA’s homing animals [}$190* [[]s300* [(]ss00* [Jothers: HK$ SPCA Sale tems Order Form } would like to purchase: SPCA Socks Dogay Socks Order Qty: pair(s) x HK$ 40 i Kitty Socks Order Qty pair's) KS AO HS, SPCA Shopping Bags Dogay Bag Order Qty: HRS OD KS Kitty Bag Order Qty: 2 x HKS. 150 =HK$___ 300 All purchased items will be posted to donors within * days after the order is received. Limited stock sold on __first_* come _* first * sewed * basis. All donors will receive a free SPCA__Calendar_ +. [ay post * $10 postage surcharge (By courier___senice_* s S0____* postage surcharge for express delivery # Please send in your order by _10 December _* for delivery before Christrnas. ee Name: Chan Wai Wah [iMr [] Ms. HK LD: C765185(6) _ Tebno.: _2345 3399 Email address: _ Delivery ___Adsress_* (Please use BLOCK letters) SA, BLOCK 22, GARDEN ESTATE KOWLOON HONG KONG Payment Method Pay by _Credit_* Card __* (W)Please debit HKS _1,350_ from my credit card account. [Please debit HK$ every month from my credit card account. (CJPlease debit HK$. every 3 months from my credit card account. Civisa [] American Express MasterCard [7] Diners Credit Card No: __ 3409 9641 7304 6581 Expiry —_* Date:_May/2013or__05/ 13 Cardholder's Name: Cardholder’ Signature: [lenclosed is a crossed-cheque made payable to the SPCA, HKS [Transfer payment to SPCA Account: HSBC Account Number: * __100-9-876876_ Please return pay-in slip to the SPCA Fundraising Department. An official receipt will be sent for donations of $100 or more for tax deduction. {7 Please send me a receipt. Receipt made out to _Chan Wai Wah_. Please send the completed form by fax (_3443 7843 _) * or post to the SPCA, 423, Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong* Attn: Fundraising Department __* Donation * Hotline __ 8672 1349 Progressive English 3 (Second Edition) Unit § SS 19. ‘Esther: Gary Tapescript Om Narrator. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is launching a fundraising event. Gary Ho and Esther Wong are drafting the donation and order form for the event. Complete the form using the information from their conversation and the Data File. Esther, I’ve got page one of the promation leaflet ready. Could you draft the donation and order form for me? Of course. I've actually got some ideas for the form but | have to check out a few points with you. Go ahead. You said there're two types of cash donation. A one-off one and a regular one. That's right. What options should | put down for the one-off one? Mmm, I've got it somewhere here. Yes, put down four choices, 309, 500 and 1,000, Leave the last choice open for donors. And the regular ones? Let's see, The options are the same for both the monthly and quarterly donations. Last year, we had 100, 300, 500 and 1,000, But hardly anyone chase the 1,000 one. So we might just skip it this year, And again, leave the last option open. OK. A hundred, 300 and 500. I've got it. Nowy, the shopping bags and the socks? How much are they? ‘The doggy shopping bags are 100 dollars each. The same for the cat ones, | suppose? No, the design is a bit different and it’s actually 3 bigger bag so it's 50 dollars more. The prices for the socks are the same though, both at 40 dollars only. Wow, they were only 30 dollars a pair last year! But for only 10 dollars more, the cotton as weil a8 the design are a lot better this year. tts all worth it. Gary: Esther: Gary: Esther: Gary: Esther: Gary: Esther: Gary: Esther: Gary: Esther: Gary: Srogressive English 3 econd Ealtion) Unit 5 Esther: OK. ! hope they'll sell as well as they did fast year. Gary: Let people know they're sold on a first, come, first served basis. By the way, don’t forget the ‘a! at the end of the word ‘served! tike last year, Esther: Right. First come, first served. I'if be more careful this time. “ Gary: And donors wit! get their goods no more than two weeks after we've received the order. Esther: OK. Do we give out free calendars like last year? Gary: Oh yes. The calendar is also much nicer this year, Esther: And the postage is the same again? $10 by post and $50 by courier service? Gary: Yes. $10 by post and $50 by courier service. Make sure they know the order has to be received before next Friday if ‘ttiey want to get thelr order by Christmas. Esther: OK. By next Friday. Today is the first of December, So next Friday is the .. Gary: Remind denors to write the delivery address in block letters. We had quite a lot of problems last year due to unclear addresses. As for the expiry date of the credit card, don’t spell the word ‘expiry’ wrong again. Esther: [knows It’s E-X-P-R-E, Gary: No, it's E-X-PLRY. Esther: And our HS8C account number is?. Gary: You can find it on the first page of the leaflet | gave you, Together with our address. Esther: Good. Completed forms should be faxed or posted to our Fundraising Department, is that right? Gary: Yes, the Fundraising Department, Be more reader friendly, Esther, put our fax number in brackets after the word “fax’. Esther: OK. In brackets after ‘fax’. { think I've got everything down now. Tapescript Our Narrator: Anna Chan and her parents, Ms Lo Oi Ping and Mr Chan Wai Wah have Anna: Mrs Chan Mr Chan: Mrs Chan: Anna: Nir Chan Anna: Mrs Chan: Mr Chan: Mrs Chan: Mr Chan: Anna’ Mrs Chan: Anna: Mrs Chan Anna: Mr Chan: Anna: Mr Chan: Anna’ Mr Chan: decided to donate some money to the SPCA and also buy some SPCA items. Complete the order form for them using the information from the conversation and the Data File. : Daz, shalt we buy the SPCA bags? i : realty ike the one with a cat. And | want to get one for Auntie Clara for Christmas. Then we have to order it right away. | remember we have to send in the form very soon, We can donate some money to the SPAC as well Where's the form? I've got it here, Mum. Let me get a pen first, How much should we give? How about 500 dollars? We haven't donated to the SPCA for 3 couple of years now. Let's give 1,000 dollars this time. Mum, which bag do you want for : Auntie Clara? : ‘The one with a cat looks like a good shopping bag, Get her that one. {like the one with the dog. Shall we get one too? it's too small. We have lots of bags that size already, OK. ! won't be using it anyway. There's a fifty dollar charge for express delivery. Why don’t we have them sent by post. Its only 10 dollars, But then we may not get it before Christmas, Mum, Oh, yes. | don’t want to risk that. Don't forget to tick the box there. Dad, | need your ID card and credit card, Ah, let me put down the address first. SA, Block 22, Garden Estate, Kowloon, Hong Kong. And telephone number 2345 3399, Here you are. What about the ernail address? Put down Is it one word in small letters? Yes, Anna OK, Chan Wai Web at hotmail « dot com. And we're paying by MasterCard. Mrs Chan: Be sure to put down the correet amount. One thousand dollars and two bags. And don’t forget to include the postage as well, Anna’ Do we need a receipt? Mr Chan: Of course. Ask them to make it out to me. Anna: OK. Your signature here, Dad. . (p.126) § marks > aN n@ (p.127) 12 marks and | arn your next-door neighbour and respond to it todo to concentrate and scratching at the door to stop and seems to calm down to look after to prevent 10. and i think it is important benefit 12. and your dog C (128) Suggested answer CON OMAR YNo= ww Owe Dear Sir, | am writing to complain about the way ado. is controlled at a park. {am a Secondary Three student studying at Belcher’s College and ! live in Kennedy Town. Yesterday afternoon | was in the park with some friends when | saw 2 man take his dog off the lead ang let it run towards the children’s play area: The.» dog got very excited and knocked down astnall child who was playing near the swing, Fortunately, the child was not hurt and was able to. get up. quickly Progressive English 3 Second Edition) Unit ‘We managed to control the dog and took it back to ‘the owner However, when we told him what had happened, he ned interfere.with the way be looked after his dog. We decided to write te you because we want to complain about the we We are also v a he dog is dan and might do the same thing again, Attached lease find some photos of the man and. We would be grateful if you could investigate the owner of this dog and do everything you can to meke sure that in future he keeps his dog under control. Thank you very much for your help. Yours faithfully, Chris Lee 4, (p.129) 9 marks Interrupting © Wait a minute, Asking for clarifications + im sorry | don’t quite follow you + Pardon me. What do you mean by ‘waste’? * Could you give some examples of what you mean? # Are you saying that .. ? + I'matraid | don’t quite see what you mean Clarifying Renbrasing © Well, what I'm trying to say is © That's not quite what | meant * What Iwant to say is thet... B. (p.131) 13. marks Paragraph 1 1B 20 BA ae 5.¢ Paragraph, oe 2¢€ 3.8 4.0 5A "> Paragraph 3 : 2k Progressive Engtish'3 Second! Eaiton). Unit $ we 2.8 3A 4.0 ‘Paragraph 5 wD 2.€ BE 4.8 5A C. (p.132) 5 marks Paragraph 1: introduction Paragraph 2: The body: the situation Paragraph 3: The body: your opinion Paragraph 4: The body: your suggestions Paragraph 5: Conclusion A. (p.133) 12 marks 1. wo 2. proposition 3. opposition 4. judges) 5. motion 6. debaters 7. three 8. equal, short 9, floor 10. last, winner B. (p.134) 1] marks +t. Judgement 2, Judgement 3. Judgement 4. Change 5, Judgement 6. Judgement 2. Change 8. Judgement 9. Change 10. Change 41. should! C. (p.135) 3 marks 1,3,7 ; > (p.135) 9 marks ‘Today, | hope to persuade you to agree that 2 We believe that what is meant by ‘children’ is that 3. We have five strong arguments to present to you. # will cover. 4. lam sure you wil agree that .. Any fair-minded person must agree .. 5. thope the other side won't use the weak argument that Sadly, { must point out the lack of fogic in my opponent's argument. » hom by = SON Ow Do you think your students will love you if you do not fove and care about them? Please follow your hearts and support the motion. (p.137) 9 marks . Today, | hope to persuade you to agree that We have five strong arguments to present to you. | will first cover the health and moral aspects, and our second and third speakers will iook into the economic, environmental and educational aspects, . Any fairminded person must agree ... Surely we all agree .. We should let the facts speak for themselves. . {hope the other side won't use the weak argument that .. . Do animals suffer pain when they are slaughtered? How would we feel if some powerful creatures from another planet came to kill us? Please follow your hearts and support the motion. 3, (p.139) 4 marks Police dogs 2. Police dogs . Guide dogs 4, Hearing dogs Do you know this sport? (p.141) 12 marks 20 a8 60 BC 410. 12.€ aAgoneNA be (p.143) 17 marks Picture 1: Picture 2°¢ Picture 3: F Picture 4: £ Picture 5: B Yearly / once a year / every year The Hong Kong Stadium. There are seven players on each team. The game finishes and the players must stop. ‘They will be able to see the games on TV just as well as if they are in the stadium. . They can go to the Centre Court, ‘The world's greatest players. ). The type of material such as clay or grass that the courts are made from. 10. They have to have extremely good eyesight, fike an eagie, to check whether the ball is in or out. 11. It means to feel proud and confident. 12. Suggested answer (a) i want to watch the Grand Slam tennis tournament because i think itis really exciting, The players get around the court very fast and hit the ball powerfully. The rallies are sometimes long but you are never sure who fs going to win the point. | like watching players who can valley from the net. {b} | don’t want to watch motor racing because | think it is boring. You usually know who is going to win the race from the first few laps and after that it is just a procession with the cars following each other around the circuit, Very few drivers can find a way to overtake the others. These days, races are decided by the type of car you have and not the skill of the driver, < (p.145) 10 marks This year, the winner of the F1 viorld championship will be the driver who wins the most races. 2. FI drivers need to know how to take comers on aif the different circuits around the world 3. The Sevens competition takes place once every year in Hong Kong, 4. Sevens players have to be extremely fitto be able +0 keep running right up to the final whistle Grand Slam tournaments are played on different types of surfaces such as clay and grass ayawn wp ex a Progressive English 3 Second Editon) Unit 6 6. The umpire’s job in a Grand Slam match is to decide whether or not the ball is in or out and to keep the score accurately. 7. Atthe end of the season, the best teams compete in the play-offs and the winners go on to the finals. 8. The WOW TV commentators knaw a lot about the sport and want to keep their viewers very well informed. 9. In this competition, players from the smaller clubs get the chance to compete against the stars from some of the most famous clubs. 10. In a match, the keeper has to work very hard to ty to prevent the other feam from scoring a goal A (R.147) 6 marks there would be less traffic on the roads. more hospitals could be built. they would enjoy the journey more: people would Rave more money to spend. they would get very lazy. they would have more time to do sports. 2. (p.147) 10 marks would ren buy would stopped tusned / switched beat / defeat / thrash . would / might would / might 10. complain / protest ©. (p.148) 8 marks 1. had, would buy 2. had, would write an email 3.“ wouldn't watch / wouldn't buy, were 4, could afford, would learn D. (p:148) 10 marks ‘ef Sam increased her pace on the next lap, she'd overtake the front runner. WRN ADAWN= bw OWAWNe Progressive English 3 (Second Edition) Unit 6 wow p wn by . Chelsea will not qualify for the Champions League if they don’t beat Real Madrid. if any competitors failed a drugs test, they would be disqualified for five years. Rory Mclroy will win the Master golf tournament if he finds the hole with his next, putt : If Wayne Rooney tackles as dangerously as that again, he would receive a red card You won't be fit enough to complete the: marathon, unless you train at least five times a week. If Sebastian Vettle won the Singapore Grand Prix, he would have a very good chance of being this year’s F1 champion. if Jeremy Lin continues to play brilliantly, New: York Knicks will certainly give him lucrative contract, 2. (p.149) 6 marks |. managed, would win fails, will be won, would defeat 3. (p.151) 17 marks {a} Basketball tb) Listening to music (a) Table tennis (b) Poor facilities at schoo! {© Shopping (@) Badminton (©) Schoo! too far away (© Playing video games (2) Footbait (b) Having to go to tutorial classes (©) Watching football matches on 1V {a) Tennis (b) Facilities are always fully-booked (©) Going to a video game centre . (a) Cycling (b) Too little time for PE lessons and school does not teach what students like (c) Chatting {with friends} on the cell phone / mobile phone ©. (p.188) 15 marks fa) 20 bv by 10.x 11a) 18 oy av D. (p.183) 36 marks Cycing Environmentally friendly Tuesday 7am,to9am. Cycling path Peter Fan (former student) |. Most popular with the girs Saturday 9. 4p.m. to 6 p.m. 10. School {covered playground) 11. Ken Chan & May Wong (S7A) 12. Popular with the boys 13. Thursday 14.5 p.m, to6.30 p.m 15. Lucky Road Football Pitch 16. Mr Henry Chan 417 Amportant life-saving skit 18, Friday 19.10 a.m, to 11.30 a.m. 20. Lucky Road Swimming Pool 21. Mr Howard Lam 22. Roller skating 23, Monday = 24.1 p.m. to 3pm. 25. Roller skating sink (youth centre) 26. Never have enough time on skill training in PE lessons SPN AMAwWN 29, Basketball courts (youth centre) 30, Mr Timothy Lo 31. Yoga 32. Helps release students’ stress 33. Thursday 34,9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m, 35, Schoo! (covered playground) 36, Mandy So Tapescript Onan Narrator: Your principal is concerned that the students in your school do not participate in enough sports activities, either at school or during thelr free time. To find out why the students are not interested in sports, the school has conducted a survey with them. Complete the table using the information from the conversation and the Data File. Part of the table has already been filled out for you, Speaker 1: | used to play basketball when { was in primary school. | was actually quite good at it, But now | have to spend at least three to four hours every night on my homework. When it's exam or test time, | can be studying for five to six hours after school. At the weekend, | go to tutorial classes, piano lessons and Putonghua classes. | hardly have time to see my friends. 'm often so tired that | preter listening to music to doing sports Speaker 2: i don’t mind doing sports. Actually, | always enjoy playing table tennis, but there are only two tables at school and they're very old and the room where we play it is too dark. Besides, we are not allowed to use them during the weekends. I'd rather go shopping with my friends when I have time. Speaker 3: There aren't any sports centres where | live, We have badminton courts at school, put it takes me more than an hour to go to school, so t'd rather stay at home at the weekend. { can play video games on my NDS alone for hours and hours. Ws great fun and | don’t have to leave home. Progressive Englsh 2 (Second Editon) Unit 6: Speaker 4. Speaker 5: Speaker 6: Tapescript Narrator: ¥'d love to play on the school football ‘team, but my mum thinks | should spend more time on schoolwork. She makes me go to tutorial classes after class, so | often failed to turn up at practice sessions. Of course, my coach was very unhappy. | can’t blame ‘them, so | decided to quit. So when | have time, | always watch the football matches on TV. The tennis courts are often fully-boaked. ve tried many times and | managed to get 2 court only once. But you know what happened? it was pouring with rain when we started to play. So I've given up trying altogether, Luckily, we have @ really cool video garne centre in the neighbourhood. They have the best games in the world. Everybody goes there. I've made some interesting friends there too. Every week, we have only one PE lesson and there isn't much you can do. There're lots of sports that we like but they are not taught at school, for example, térinis, cycling or ice skating, Hove cycling myself but i only do it a couple of times year. So | really think there isn’t enough time spent on Physical Education, It's a shame, but 'm never bored. I can always chat with my friends on my cell phone. My mum isn’t very happy with that, though. She is always nagging me because | talk on the phone all the time. Omen ‘The principal is tatking with Mrs Alice ‘Au and Mr Timothy Lo about the arrangements for the summer courses. ‘The tables below show the number of students’ responses on what sport courses they would be interested in and what casses will be held this summer. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information using the information from the conversation and the Data File. Progressive Engish 3 Second Eaktion) Unit 6 Principal Alice: Principal Timothy: Principal: Alice: Timothy: Principal: Alice: Principal Alice: Principal: Timothy: Principal: Alice: So have we got the results of the survey? What courses do our students want? Yes, 've got the results here. The most popular activity is basketball. Basketbal? | thought they already have basketball in PE lessons. Yes, but we can have it only once in awhile. | want the students to try different kinds of sports, | know some. of them want more of it. They want to do better and practise more. Then we have a very good reason to have a basketball course. We can have it here at school, 1'm afraid we can’t have it here as they are as many as 65 students who are interested. We'll definitely need two courts for that. We can have it at the youth centre on Friday and Timothy will be the coach. What about ten o'clock in the moming, Tim? No, | have my schoo! team practice in the moming, | can do it in the afternoon, though. Mmm, from two to four, perhaps. 2p.m. then, What else can we have? We can have footbali and hip-hop dancing. Hip-hop? Yes, it's most popular with our girls. They have always wanted to try it in PE lessons, but as | don’t know it myself, 1 just can’t teach ther. Maybe we'll talk to the youth centre. Pm sure they can arrange a hip-hop dance tutor for us. Actually, that won't be necessary. We have two very good hip-hop dancers in ‘our school, Ken Chan and May Wong in S7A, We've talked to them and they've agreed to teach their fellow students in the summer, Wonderful. Have you decided on the venue and time as well? ‘They said we can have it on Saturday in our covered playground. © timothy: “Alice Principal: Alice: ~ Principal Timothy Principal: Alice: Principal Alice: Principal: Alice: Principat: Let me put it down here first, Covered playground. Saturday ... what time? From four to six in the afternoon. ‘Until sic? Can it finish a bit earlier? Or maybe we can have it on a weekday, instead? if possible, | want to close the school a bit earlier on Saturday, But Ken Chan and May Wong are doing a summer job and they can’t make it any other time. Mmm, let's keep it that way then. Did you say we'll have a football class as well? ‘Yes, it’s popular with our boys. Our colleague Mr Henry Chan has agreed to run it for us. Since we don’t have a pitch for football, we've booked the Lucky Road Football Pitch every Thursday from five to six-thirty for that purpose. Thursday's fine. But can’t we have it earlier? Say from three to five? tt would be best if students can go home before it gets dark. We thought about that too but Lucky Road Football Pitch is fully-booked in the morning as well as at the weekend But its really hot in the afternoon, so we think it’s the best time for us. Yes, you're right. It is too hot to be running under the su. And it doesn't get really dark until seven or seven-thirty. Good. It seems that you thought about everything when you did the planning What other courses have you got in mind? We would like to have an ice skating lass as well but when we checked with the Happy Mall, they said their sink is too busy in summer for private booking. So we think we may have roller skating instead. Where can we hold roller skating lessons? We don't have any facilities for that. Timothy Principal: Alice: Timothy Principal Alice: Principat Timothy: Principal Alice: Principal: Timothy Principal: We can do it at the youth: centre, They . say they'll have'a new rooin suitable for roller skating. It should be ready in. two weeks’ time and we've booked: two hours every Monday from 1 for it. Miss Becky Siu has agreed to be the instructor. Good. i'm glad that we have something new for our students. What about cycling? We should have it. it's so environmentally friendly Do our students want cycling? I'm afraid only 18 students have shown an interest in it. But} think if we do a bit of promotion, we should have a better response And the good news is that our former student, Peter Fan, has agreed to be our coach, Peter Fan? Great. I'm sure our students would be thrilled to have a cycling star in Hong Kong as their coach. Have you made arrangements for the class yet? We don’t really need to book the cycling path, And Peter said he's available every Tuesday from seven to nine in the morning Very well. What else? Alice and | also think it would be a good idea for our students to have a swimming class, Very true. I've always wanted them to learn swimming. Its such an important life-saving skill 1’ a shame we don't have a poo! at school t've checked with the Lucky Road Swimrning Pool and the only time available is from ten to eleven-thirty every Friday moming. Let’s take it then, What about the instructor? We've found a very experienced instructor, Mr Howard Lam, for the class. ‘Oh, { know Howard Lam. He's my daughter's swimming instrisctor.[s'that all? Any other courses? | 3 in fact, Alice and | are not sure if there should be a yoga class. | believe we can give it a miss as it's not really 0 popular, Only 20 studenis are interested. But yoga is good. I'm all for it because it helps release our students’ stress. The kids have too much stress. It’s what they need and we can do it in our covered playground. Do we have an instructor? ‘Our former student Mandy So is a professional yoga instructor and she said she’s available from nine to ten- thirty in the morning on Thursday or Friday. It can’t be on Friday. It'll clash with the swimming lesson. You're right. Maybe some of them want to join both: So let's have it on Thursday, Well,| think we have enough for our.students to choose from now, Thank-you both for your hard work, Timothy: Princip Alice: Timothy: Principal A. (p.155) 9 marks FREDPGPOSCHHDIDBBDA B. (p.156) 8 marks 1. Despite all the bad publicity 2. Inmy view 3, Itis much better 4, | think that generally 5. ttis just as much fun 6. 7 Newspapers only seem to print They never write about 8. Iwould be grateful to see C. (p.156) Suggested answer Dear Editor, | am writing in response to the letter from Ted Wan, published in your newspaper. | do not agree with any of his view. | am one of the young people he talks about, Although we all enjoy using our mobiles and 28 i ia Gecond Edition) Unit 6 computers, we do not spend all our free time tooking at screens Most of my friends are very active, play a lot of sports and look after their health. We are certainly * not lazy. In fact, | think we are more concerned 1 about our lifestyle than the older generation think. F think Ted Wan's views do not reflect what is actually happening and | hope this letter will set the record straight. Yours faithfully, : Chris Cheung D4 2.8 [aM 4G DSF 6.N . 7H BL 7 9.0 10. * 17.0 12 5 13K 144 515.6 16.P 2. (p.160) 10 marks * Suggested answers 1. Why do you think ice skating is not so popular in Hong Kong? 2. Are you able to swim non-stop for two hours? 3. Inyour opinion, which sport is more suitable for my sister? 4. Is it necessary te spend a lot of time on a sport in order to excel in it? 5, Do you agree that the schools ate not doing enough to promote sports? What sport do you suggest students do to keep fit? Which do you prefer, watching a footbalt match or playing in one? 2 ~ 8 What are the reasons why football is the most. popular spectator sport in the world? 9. De you think it is a good idea to teach students how to rofler skate at school? 10. Can you tell us who won the Champion Cup jast year? D. (p.161) 10 marks . When did you pick up squash? . Why is ice skating not so popular in Hong Kong? What are the advantages and disadvantages of swimming in the pool? 4, How often do you play tennis? 5. Do you like boxing? 6 7 Ne When do you go jogging? Do you think students should be taught how to cycle at school? 8, Where do you have your fencing lessons? 9. Who(t} do you play basketball with? 10. Can you teach me how to do fencing? A, (p.162) 8 marks 1. boxer 2. gycist 3, skateboarder 4. weight lifter 5. scuba dive 6. fencer 7. baseball player 8. hockey player B. (p.163) 12 marks Le 2.8 3D 43 5, F 6K wa BA oH 10.6 11C 12.G ~ C. (p.164) 14 marks 1 BL 2H 3 A,C 4.D.M 5. GK 6 EN 7. EL D. (p.165) 7 marks ae 2F 3G 4.0 5 E 6A 78 A, (p.169) 11 marks LA 2.0 3A 4B 5A 6 ¢ 70 88 9D 10.4 ne B. (p.171) 1] marks 1. Suggested answer | think the most useful thing would be improving my English. | think it would also be really useful to meet students from other countries and find out about their cultures. It would also be very useful to visit interesting places in the UK 2. They can make new friends, visit new places, learn about other cultures and improve their language skils 3. Enhance / develop / expand / strengthen / sharpen 4. The writer wants to emphasize that learning English is stitl an important activity at the World English Centre, 5, studying English 6. See. Progressive English 3 (Second Ecftion} Uni Wonderful and exciting visits to places of interest. 8. A view of something from a high position looking down 9, A day when the visibility is very good and you can see a long distance. 110. Taking a boat trip down the River Thames. 11, Suggested answer I think some studerits might have difficulty in communicating with native speakers of English; some might get lost when they go on excursions, some might have problems finding food they like and some might feel homesick. * (p.172) 8 marks Opinion Opinion Opinion Opinion Fact Fact Fact . Opinion . (p.173) 8 marks . different (line 12) safe (line 10) . wild (line 24) clear (line 36) huge (tine 35) modern (fine 37) friendly (ine $0) . boring line 53) 1. (p.173) 14 marks «situated / located around . family , provide weekdays chance / opportunity / time range games / contests / competitions. interest 10. tip / tour / ride 1.hand CON AVRYN Hh ON TMA YNH =D Orn anawrag Progressive Engish 3 (Second Edition) Unit 7 42.reputation 43. environment 14, wonderful / fantastic / marvelious / fabulous / great A. (p.175) 5 marks 1. if hadn't taken the taxi 2. if had seen her. 3. if Thad known that she was ill 4, if had been more careful, 5. if hadn't done my homework. B. (p.175) 10 marks 1, have 2. had 3, not 4, only 5, won 6. come 7, listened 8. had 9. not 10.have C. (p.176) 7 marks 1A 2E BC 46 5.8 6. F 70 D. (p.17D) 8 marks 1. ky 2. had 3. would 4. stops 5. have 6. started 7, taken 8. avoid E. (p.177) 8 marks 1, had remembered, would have revised 2. takes, witl get 3. knew, would be 4. had brought, would have dialled (p.179) 15 marks 1.11 August to 20 August 2. London => Oxford => Cambridge -» Manchester ~ Edinburgh > Nottingham > London aC N= Q vor ones COrmannw W 12. 13 14 15. 16 17. 18, 19, 20. 21. 22, Tapescript Thai Airways 04.00 E c Nottingham Manchester * (p.181) 22 marks v They can see all the landmarks in London in 30 minutes, Carol loves Ferris wheels Blank {tis having a redecoration Blank Mr and Mrs Chan have been there many times. v Carol wants to see the place where the Queen lives. There are lots of wildflowers in the gardens there v Mr and Mrs Chan want to see the works by Matisse and Picasso. Mr and Mrs Chan missed it last time, v tis a magnificent royal palace and fortress. v tt has the biggest and rarest animals. v Carol wants to see the waxworks there Blank Carol doesn’t want to visit too many museums. fis too boring, Ones Narrator: The Chans are planning a holiday in Mum: Britain this summer. Listen to Mr and Mrs Chan talking about their trip. Answer the questions that follow using the information from the conversation and the Data File. Have you decided when to take your vacation? | think it’s about time we booked our tickets and hotel rooms. it’s peek season, you know .. Dad: Mum’ Dad: Mum: Dad: Mum: Dad: Mum Dad: Mum: Dad: Mum: Dad: Mum: Dad: Mum: Dad: { know, Everyone in the office wants to ‘take their leave in the summer. I'm lucky ican have my leave from the fifth ta the twenty-fifth. Mmm, Jimmy has a surnmer camp from: the seventh to the ninth, so we can’t leave before the tenth. Let's take a fook ai the calendar, Mmm We can leave on the eleventh and come back on ... the twenty-second or ‘twenty-third ‘Wait, your mum's birthday is on the twenty-first. We mustn't miss her party again this year, Oh, yes. I nearly forget. We have to be back on the twentieth then. Can you do the booking tomarrow? Loak, I'll be too busy tomorrow. | told you £'l| have a long meeting. OK, | can do it then. Should we fly British Airways this time, or Cathay Pacific? Why don’t you check out the cheapest ‘one? Ita lot of money for the whole family. Just make sure it’s a direct flight. 1 don’t want to waste lime on a stop-over. OK. I'll book the cheapest direct flight, Now, what about the hotel? Let’s back the one that Anna told us about in her postcard ‘Oh, | see, the Rose inn. Good idea, And try to buy a rail pass for each one of us. Rail pass? It a pass for tourists. With i, you can travel on any train in Britain without having to buy any tickets. It's really convenient and we can save a lot if we use the railway a lot on our trip, OK, I'll check it out with the travel agent tomorrow, So we have about 10 days altogether. How many cities can we go to? Let's look at the map. I've got it here. We'll definitely go to Scotland: We can spend half a day in Edinburgh. And | want to°go to Nottingham with you. | want to show you and the kids where | studied when | was young Progressive English 3 (Second Eeltion)-Usit ? oe Mum: Dad: Mum: Dad: Mum: Dad: Mum; Dad: Mum: Dad: Mum’ Dad: Mum: Dad: Mur: 32 Great! You've talked 8 lot about it. Now we can finally go and see it. Henry, we have to spend a day at Manchester to stay with my brother Of course, we haven't seen him and his family for so fong. We'll definitely go and visit them. Where else should we go? There's so much to see, but we have only about a week oF $0. Should we go to Liverpoot and visit your cousins, Mary andl John? ‘'m not too sure. We probably won't have time for that. Anyway, we just met last surnmer in Tokyo. Yes, l think you're right. | guess they won't rind We'll go to Cambridge, as well as Oxford, though. The kids should love it. I'm sure they would really want to study at Oxford University after they've seen the beautiful campus. Oh, | much prefer the University of Cambridge. It's so classic. No problem, we can go to both as they are Tot so far from London, Is there anywhere else you'd like to go as well? Can we go to the Lake District? | want to go hiking there for a day, if possible. Mmmm, it’s quite @ way from London. Fin afraid we may not have a fot of time left for that, We have to spend a few days in London. It's the kids’ first visit there. OK, you're right. | don’t want our trip to be 100 tiring either. So where do we go first? # think we can spend a few days in London first, before we go to Cambridge and Oxford. Oh, let's go to Oxford before Cambridge, otherwise they'l be disappointed when they go to Oxford. OK, if you say so, After that, we'll head north to Edinburgh Why don't we go to see my brother in Manchester first. Maybe they can go to Edinburgh with us. This way, we can go Progressive English 3 (Second Eultion) Unt 7 from Edinburgh to the Lake District and then Wait, my dear, We're not going to the Lake District, remember? Oh, yes, then we can go to Nottingham from Edinburgh, and then from Nottingham back to London for our flight home. Good, Do you think you can do all the bookings tomorrow? Just give me a callif you have any problem with the bookings. Don't worry I'l be fine. I'l also have to call my brother tomorrow to tell him about our visit, Dad. Mum: Dad: Mum: Tapescript Oman Narrator, Mr and Mrs Chan are talking about their stay in London with their kids, Listen to the conversation and complete the following table. Mum: — Kids, what would you like to see in London? Jimey: The London Eye, of course. Carol: What's the London Eye, Jimmy? Jimmy: tts a very tall observation wheel. On the wheel, you can see al the landmarks in London in about 30 minutes, Dad: It'S a very new attraction in London. Mum: — tts just like your favourite Ferris wheel, but it’s a lot bigger. Carol: Really? Oh, | love Ferris wheels, Shall we go to St Paul's Cathedral? And Westminster Abbey? Betty went there with her family Jast year. Jimmy: i've checked it out on the Internet but it says St Paul's is having a redecoration this summer. There won't be much to see. Dad: That's a sharne. Let's give it a miss then. Carol: What about Westminster Abbey? Dad: Westminster Abbey? But Mum and | have been there many times already. Mum: Carol, | promise we'll see it the next time we go there. Carol: OK. But we must go to Buckingham Palace. | want to see the place where the Queen lives. It must be really beautiful ‘Mum: Jieimy: Dad: Mum: Carol: Mum: Jimmy: Carol: Jimmy: Carol: Jimeny: Dad: Carol Mum: Carol) Mum: There are also lots of wildflowers in the gardens there. OK, let’s go thare. And Dad and t want to see the works by Matisse and Picasso in Tate Modern, What is Tate Modern? it is Britain’s national museum of modern. art. Your mur and | wanted to go there Q ‘the fast time we were in London, out it was closed, so we don’t want to miss it this time. Let's go to the Tower of London. The Tower of London? Remember the drama series, The Tudors? Remember the people who got arrested and finally executed? We can visit the magnificent royal palace and fortress. That's cool, But can we also go to the Natural History Museum? Another museum? Won't you find it boring? Of course not. They have lots of the biggest and rarest animals in the Natural History Museum. We can see the exhibits of Blue Whales, and even the dinosaurs ... OK. But we'll go to Madame Tussauds, : won't we? | want to see the waxworks there. It's so famous. But haven't we been to the Madame ‘Tussauds here in Hong Kong? But it's a lot bigger and better. And since your sister wants to go, we'll go there, Yeah! Shall we go to the British Museurn? There's so much to see. We spent a whole day there last time and stiff missed a great deal of it, Not another museum, please! OK. It's too big anyway. Maybe we'll go there next time, A. 10 3. F 183) 7 marks 5.8 6G E B, (p.184) Suggested answer Dear Ms Poon, | wish to apply for the job of Guest Representative which is advertised on your website, | believe | have both the skills and the right personality to do this job, | am not only friendly and outgoing but also a very responsible person. i am a Cantonese speaker. | have a very good level ‘of conversational English and can speak reasonable Putonghua. tam available to work in the evenings and weekends. Although the job advertisement states that no experience is necessary, | wish to inform you that | work as a Red Cross volunteer, so | am used to dealing with people from different age groups. | have enclosed my CV, which also gives information about my referees. Please do not hesitate to contact me either by phone or at the address above if you need any further information | ook forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely, Chris Wong C. (p.185) Suggested answer Dear Ms Trinian, { am writing to apply for the scholarship you offer to students who want to attend your summer holiday English language courses at the World English Centre. | believe | have all the necessary qualifications and cen also make a very worthwhile contribution to: the school, Ihave loved learning English since Pritiary 1: take ‘every opportunity | can to immerse myself in the lanquage. | watch English language TV programmes : and films. | am also an active member of the Enalish Speaking Union in Hong Kong, 4 wart to study. . English at university and then work a8 @ transator an international charity. i | Progressive English 3 Second Editon if you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Head of the English Panel at my school | ook forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Chris Wong A. (p.186) 11 marks how to get to some of the best shops. Are you sure you don't mind going? {really appreciate it. Well, it's not far from here. You'll see the library. you know you've gone too fa. . Its on the other side of the street, at the corner of Holy and Silence. where you can find all kinds of vegetables and fruits. 10. You won't miss it, 11, opposite the Country Market B. (p.189) 5 marks Lac ws ON om WP ANKRARUWN= 3, 14, 18 2, 2,7,10 1,6 4, 48 6. 9,11 5,16 8. 13,15 . (p.191) 24 marks spousal assault, husband suspected of having an affair, zero tolerance approach 2. layoffs, jobseekers 3. contraception, casual sex 4, pirated discs, customs officers, copyright infringement, intellectual properties 5. API (Air Pollution index), cleaner motor fuel, smog, poor visibility 6. homosexuality, same-sex relationship, discrimination, lesbian 7. medical malpractice, health care system 8. Swine flu, contaminated, tainted food C. (p.192) 33 marks 1. (@) doorways tb) move 4 2. 4a) loudly (b) mobile phones 6 3. (a) behave weil tb) teach (2 4. (3) eat (b) drink 7 5. (a) right (b) escalators. es 6. (a) considerate (b) 10 7. {@) seats (b) need © 12 8. fa) dangerous accidents (b) stop ou 9. (@) reputation (b} Hong Kong © 10.(@) delays (0) 3 41. (a) unhygienic (oe) 5 12. (a) journey (0) pleasant fas or] ve English 3 (Second Edition) Unit 7 D. (p.193) 9 marks 125.7 21,8 3.9 4. . (p.194) 8 marks general public press freedom waste products following years economic conditions public spending life expectancy swine fh Bm Lets’ read magazines OPI AMAWN > A, (p.198) 13 marks LA 2.8 3¢ 4c : 5.¢ 6. 78 8.8 aA 10.8 11.8 12. 13.0 B. (p.200) 8 marks 1. Acinema. 2. King Devo. 3. They never make mistakes and always manage to find a way to prevent something bad from happening. 4. To make the trains go in a backward direction. 5. Reveal / disclose / tell : 6. It means unexpected changes or developments / = surprising changes in the plot. : ~ I don’t know (the answer). 8. Suggested answer My favourite superhero i Batman, | prefer the character in the comics than the way he is shown in films. fike the friendship he has with Robin and | love the fantastic car that he drives. C. (p.201) 6 marks 1, exclusive (title) 2. power (line 11) / strength {line 15} 3. activate (line 18) 4, enerny (line 36) 5. panic (line 50) 6. poisonous (ine 23) D. (p.201) 12 marks 4. activity / work 2. to/with 3. character / role 4. superhero 5. power 6. crashing 7. against 8. control 9. happened /was 10. enjoyment 11.sing 12. world A. (p.203) 10 marks 1. failed 2. been 3. eaten 4. played 5. fallen 6. bought 7. watched 8. stayed 9. scored 10, heard B. (p.204) 10 marks 1. since 2. yet 3. for 4. since 5. yet 6. since 7. for 8. since” 9 for 1O.yet C. (p.204) 5 marks 1. After we had gone on a scary ride at Ocean Park, we had an ice cream. 2. After} had got some money from the ATM, | ought some new shoes in Causeway Bay. 3. After my dad had had breakfast at home, he ‘went to work, 35 Progressive English 3 Second Eeltion) Unit & 36 4> Alter my sister hed worked very hard, she passed all her exams. 5. My uncle got very angry after he had missed the plane to Vancouver. 2 (p.205) 7 marks . Fwish | had worked harder. . Lwish | had watched that film on TV, . i wish | hadn’t gone to bed late fast night. I wish | hadn't spent ail my money, | wish | hadn't missed the train. [wish | had tidied my room properly. | wish | had listened carefully to the teacher, =. (p.205) 8 marks bas lived had seen has waited played had had visited have heard had not been ONOORWNh= mM Nan bunny 2. (p.207) 26 marks A,D,E,6 BF c NOR WN by 2 o> (a) 2 supervisors (b) 2 chief editors (© Zeditors (d) 2 reporters (e) 1 photographer (f) 2 graphic designers (@) 2 advertising representatives 8. fa) Success (b} principal (Q committee / team (6) Miss Fung / Mr Szeto (e) Mr Szeto / Miss Fung Progressive English 3 (Second Eaition) Unit 8 (chief editors (g) interested (h) Terry Law () Good Learners C. (p.209) 13 marks < (@) Editors! Comer ; (0) Opening Speech & Christmas Greeting 2. (@) The 'S' Survey / The S Survey (0) A Longer Lunch Break 3. (2) The interview Room (b) Mr Wong, Our Gate Keeper Contribution Page (2) News from Clubs and Societies (0) Chinese New Year Fundraising Party Teachers! Pick For a Better Schoo! }. Union's Voice . Sponsors’ Messages we pans Ones Aaron and Candy have been invited to launch a new school magazine. ‘They are talking to their teachers, Mr Szeto and Miss Fung, about the magazine. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions that follow using the information from the conversation and the Data File. Miss Fung, how are we going to launch a school magazine? It sounds interesting. Candy and f are both excited about it, but we're also @ bit worried whether we can do it by ourselves. ‘Yes. We have no experience at all in doing magazines. Don’t worry. You won’s be doing it ail alone. Mr Szeto and | will be your supervisors and a lot of other students will be involved too. You'll have a committee of students to share all ‘the work, So it’s going to be a team effort Yes, we'll give you all the help and advice you'll need. And, actually, its our Tapescript Narrator: Aaron: Candy: Miss Fung: Mr Szeto: © Miss Fung: Mr Szeto: Candy: Aaron: Miss Fung Candy Mr Szeto: Miss Fung: Aaron: Mr Szato: Miss Fung Mr Szeto: principal's suggestion. He noticed that since you aft like reading magazines, he thinks it would be nice to have our ‘own school magazine. This would give you a lot of chances to practise your writing skills and also provide some quality reading for ail of you. And since in every issue there would be a little survey and research on an interesting topic related to your school life, teachers and students can understand each other better. And in doing the survey, which is to be done by a different senior form each time, students will learn a let, such as how to prepare a questionnaire, how 10 do interviews, and how to write a simple report. Isee. We can learn a fot from it. 'm sure that will be a very rewarding experience. Is it. going to be a monthly magazine? We'd love to have a monthly, but it going to be too much work for all of us. So we'll just start as @ quarterly, which comes out every three months. When are we going to have our first issue? Weil, if things go smoothly, our plan is to have it right before Christmas in fact, our principal would like us to give it out as a Christmas present to everyone on the Monday right before Christmas. Wow, we don't have too much time, do we? That's true. So, | think first of all, we'll have to work on the committee members. Mr Szeto and {have already got the {ist of posts in the committee and we ‘would like you two to find out who are suitable and interested in taking up the posts. The idea fs this, we don’t want to force it on anyone and we want to recruit Aaron: Miss Fung Aaron: Candy! Mr Szeto: Candy Mr Szeto: Aaron: Miss Fung Aaron’ Mr Szeto: Candy: Aaron: Candy Aaron: Candy students who're really interested in the job. How many peopie are there in the committee? First of all, Mr Szeto and | are the supervisors, And we need two chief editors. As you're the winners of fast year’s writing competitions, and your language teachers highly recommend you to us, we hope you two can take up the posts, if you're interested Yes, lam. ‘OK. I'd love to try. Then we'll need two more editors, ‘two reporters, a photographer, two graphic designers, and two advertising representatives Wow, that’s quite a team! Who's going to print it for us? ve talked to an old student, Mr Law, who works for a printing company, and he seid he can print it for us at a very reasonable price. By the way, whats it going to be called, our magazine? That’s what | want you two to decide Mr Szeto and | do have a couple of suggestions but you can always use your own ideas if you like, OK? Mmm ... Why don’t we call it ‘The Connection’, as its supposed to bring all of us together? That's interesting because Miss Fung and | were thinking it could be called “The Bridge’ for the same reason. What about ‘The Campus’? It sounds more scholarly and it’s a fitting title for a school magazine. ‘The Campus’? Sorry, but ! think it's a bit pretentious. After all, our school is so small, Let's have something more fun and unique, Mmm... Hey, {have an idea. How about ‘The s? What do you mean? Just thé letter s7 Progressive English 3 (Seon Ecitin)- Unit 8 Aaron: ‘Yes, it stands for our school name, *Success’, and, it can also mean the word ‘school. Caney: "The $'t Hike that. It’s catchy, Miss Fung: Yes, that’s a good idea Mr Szeto: OK, ‘The S’ itis, then. Tapescript Ouse Narrator: n the second conversation, the editors are discussing the contents of the schoo! magazine. Listen to their conversation and complete the following table, Vicky: Candy, what willbe in our magazine? Samuel: | guess we'll have an editor's page, lke most magazines do. Aaron: Yes, we will I's called ‘Editors’ Corner’, And til be giving the Opening Speech and Christmas Greeting on behalf of the committee in the first issue. Candy: Look, Mr Szeto wanits us to give him the topics we suggest for the fist issue. So we freed your opinions now. Vicky: Fine. Let's do it then. | heard there's a survey or research on the school. What's ‘the topic of the first survey? Sarnuel: Why don’t we investigate students’ ‘opinions on the duration of our lunch break? Vicky: ‘agree, A lot of us think we should have a longer break. But extending it will only make our school day longer! ‘Aaron: See? That's why we have to find out what most students think about it. Let's put it in ‘The ‘S’ Survey’, Samuel: Sorry, the what? Candy: The ‘S’ Survey. That’s what the survey section is called. Next, you know we have an interview section with one of the school staff, Yes, that's the section called The Close Encounter’ The close what? The Close Encounter. i's spelt E-N-C-O- U-N-EE-R. It means a close meeting or something like that. Candy and | think this Aaron. Candy: Samuel: Aaron: Samuel: Aaron: Vicky: Samuel: Candy. Vicky: Aaron: Candy Samuel: Candy: Vicky: Samuel: Aaron: Vicky: Aaron: Samuel: Aaron: Vicky Samuel: is a really coot name. | hope Miss Eung'll like it. That's a new word to me. Who should we interview in the first issue? Shali we simply interview the principal? Well, we listen to the principal all the time. Shall we have somebody who doesn’t talk as much instead? You know, someone who's a bit more ‘mysterious’? it should be more interesting, don’t you think? | have an idea. What about Mr Wong, our gate keeper? Who would be interested in what our school gate Keeper has to say? | would. Me too, he's always so cool, He hardly talks to us. But everyone knows he's a very responsible gate keeper. Good. Let's interview Mr Wong then. Do we have some pages for students’ work? Yes, in fact we have two sections for that. ‘One of them is for students’ voluntary submissions whereas the students’ works in the other section are recommended by the language teachers. The teachers simply pick the best essays we do in the writing periods. That's good. We have a chance to appreciate the best works in our school. What are these two sections called? Students can submit their own works to the ‘Contribution Page’ and we put teachers’ recommendations in the “Teachers' Pick’ “Contribution Page’ and ‘Teachers’ Pick’? ‘These names are not bad. Do you like them? Actually, Candy and | worked them out. | also like the name Candy has for the section on students! suggestions for the school. What is it? it's called ‘For a Better Schoo Wait, | didn’t know we have a section on that. ‘For a Better School’? Sorry. What's it for again? Candy: Its for students to give comments or suggestions regarding the schoo! Vicky: Do you think the schoo! will listen to us? Candy: I'm sure they will. In fact, this is a section suggested by our principal. Samuel: Wow, that’s great! Vicky: What else? Candy: We also have a page called “Union's Voice’ for our Student Union, And there're a few pages for the promotion of schoo! activities and the photos taken in these activities, Samuel: It would be nice to share our happy moments, What's the name for this section? Aaron: Yes, that’s a good idea. And its simply called ‘News from Clubs and Societies’. What do you think we should put there in the first issue? Ihave a suggestion. As we're having a fundraising party after the Chinese New Year, let's invite students to join the Chinese New Year fundraising party. Candy: Good. Let me put it down. Chinese New Year Fundraising Party. Samuet: |s that ali? Aaron: {think so. There is another section for advertisements but it can simply be called ‘Advertisements’. Vicky: Walt, that sounds @ bit commercial. They'll MON@>d® pay for their ads, and they are like sponsors t0 our magazine. Mmm ... Why don’t we call it Sponsors’ Messages’? Aaron: Fine. Let's call it ‘Sponsors’ Messages’. Candy: Good. | think we've got everything down now. Thanks a lot. (p.211) 8 marks 8 7 3 4 5 2 6 1 (p.212) 8 marks Miss Acrobat said, "This gas is now in the cockpit — sleep well, boys and girs!" Mr Clown said, ‘Bye-bye everyone. Safe journey —not!!” 3. Pilot said,‘ can’t breathe. Co-pilot said, 'I think I'm going to faint.! 4. Aperson on the waterfront said, ‘Oh no! The plane is going to crash into the IFC building!" Another person on the waterfront said, ‘Ah ... nothing can save it now!" 5. King Devo said, ‘Climb another 1,000 metres and then head west. Keep the nose up." A person on the waterfront said, ‘Devo — you've done it again, The plane is responding to your voice.” 6. Pilot asked, ‘Wow — what happened?" Co-pilot replied, ‘I's all ight now. Look there’s the airport.’ 7. Apperson on the waterfront said, "You have saved the plane — thank you!” Another person on the waterfront said, "Wow, you have saved so many people's livest You'te a real superhero!” 8. Miss Acrobat said, "Vou succeeded this time, King Devo, but just you wait! Mr Clown said, ‘| know you can do it, Miss Acrobat —~ you are my hero.’ © (p.212) Suggested answer King Devo landed a plane — with his voice! On a summer afternoon, Flight VG 212 from Los. Angeles came in to land at Hong Kong. The pilots prepared for the landing as usual in another part of the city, the evil Miss Acrobat was in her laboratory with her assistant Mr Clown. She had worked out a plan to get poisonous gas into the cackpit of this flight. She could see on. her computer screen that her plan had worked. ‘The pilots on the plane started coughing end: spluttering. A minute later they fainted. Progressive English 3 (Second Edit: Unt 8 Ca 39 Re rem ‘The plane went out of control and then almost Crashed into the IFC building. People on the waterfront were shocked when they saw this scene. King Devo, the superhero, knew that the evil Miss Acrobat had put the passengers’ lives in danger. He was on the waterfront to keep an eye on the plane, Using the super power in his voice, he got the plane under contro! and guided it towards the airport. Soon the pilots regained consciousness and took the plane to the airport safely. People on the waterfront congratulated King Devo. ‘on the rescue and thanked him for what he had done to save all the passengers from a terrible crash. Miss Acrobat was furious that her devious plan had failed and she had not been able to crash the plane. Shé told her assistant Mr Clown that next time she would succeed B. (p.215) 8 marks 1. message 2. cell/cellular portable (any two and in any order) 3. lendline phone 4, lat/dead 5. call back 6. dial /call 7. hang up 8. cal display C. (p.215) 14 marks Answering the phone * Doctor’ office in with, one * Is Jackson there, please? * Canthave extension 321? ‘The caller introducing himself / herself © Hi, it's Gerry from the dentist's office here, Connecting someone °° Justa sec. Ill get him. (informal Replying when someone is not available » I'm sorry, he’s talking on another line. * I'm afraid .. is out at the moment. Taking a message for someone * May Lask who's calling, please? © {fet him know you called. Leaving am ith someone * Yes, could you tell hitn (... name ...} called, please? + Thanks. Could you ask him to call Brian when he gets in, please? © Do you have a pen handy? | don’t think he has my number. informal) Finishing a conversation * have another call coming through. I'd better hurry, * [have to let you go now. D. (p.212) 8 marks 1, wrong 2. calling, return, possible, number 3, number 4. by 5. fine, hang 6. from, let, give 7. line, hear 8. It's / This is 9. 1,3,4,5,7 10.2, 6,8 SON AMEYN AG ONY B® sae Wewn nap . (p.218) 14 marks CEE ACD . BAG No, they don't. Memos do not need to be signed, but a writer can put his / her first name at the bottom to be more friendly, or his / her fall name to be more formal Memo 1 Yolanda Pang, the Sales Representative Memo 2 2. (p.220) 9 marks HK 20 G 4e F 6A \ 8B 3 (p.221) 9 marks The heading . The date . The inside address . The greeting The subject line The body The complimentary close The signature line The enclosure 2. (p.823) 5 marks False |. False True True Not given SBA Corner A, (p.225) 8 marks by portrays character turning packed real humorous . recommend 3. (p.225) 16 marks amusing charming entertaining . touching, heart-breaking inspiring uplifting boring, moving, nail-biting hooked |. horrifying, thought-provoking 10. frightening, unexpected, thrilling C. (p.226) 6 marks 1,3, 4,6,8 D. (p.227) 18 marks 4. dying explored ageing touching death . thought-provoking insights inspires 9. written 10. wondered 11 famous 12, difficult 13, fortunate 14, horrifying 15. value PON ORsUnaw BVaueWns ONDA hws Progressive English 3 (Second-fakton) SBA H, (p.231) 15 marks detailed, useful, step-by-step simply, examples, easy entertaining, favourite, screen documentary, impact, thought informative, insight, interviews =. (p.228) 10 marks Pw No oy yawne ae anow DOe%UPNOMEge OAT ET KOTO 229) 20 marks : SON ATRYN = my 3 1A 12.8 13.F 14.0 15.F 16.E 17.8 18.F 19.0 20.4 G. (p.230) 16 marks : D : ORNs sRaAmn a a Progressive English 3 Second Edition) SBA

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