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Has Cake Candle Class


2020 ⓒ HASTABLE all right reserved.

1. Class operation related

Q. If I am approved as a member instructor after the class is over, can I teach

the same class to another person?

A. Yes, you can run the same class as long as you comply with the operating
regulations after membership instructor approval. (* The same conditions
apply to online classes on the website)

Q. Is it possible to take the free online classes provided to member instructors

only if they are taken directly from Hastable?

A. No. If you took a class at a studio that operates Has Cake Candle
membership, a free online class is provided.

Q. I would like to know the fee standards for online and offline classes.

1) In case of taking online courses only on the Hastable website:

* 390,000 won (including membership fee)

2) Take offline/Zoom classes at Hastable or Membership Studio:

* Course fee 400,000 krw / membership fee 50,000 krw  total 450,000 krw

Q. When all classes in the membership studio are completed (Offline or Zoom
Class), how do I apply for the Hastable post-online course?

A. If you go through the ‘Has Cake Candle’ membership process, you will be
registered as a student in the Has Cake Candle paid class on the Hastable
website (

(Class Location: Hastable Homepage > Online Class > Certificate Course >
Has Cake Candle)

* For more detailed membership procedures, please refer to the membership

2. Hastable Online Class Related

Q. Can one person pay and multiple people can watch the video class?

A. In principle, all courses on Hastable Online can be viewed by only one

person per ID. Access IPs and devices by ID are managed in real time.
Please note that illegal distribution or duplication of video classes may
result in membership cancellation and legal sanctions.

Q. When I reconnect to the PC after taking the online class on my mobile phone,
a warning 'Another user is logging in' pops up and I can't log in.

A. By default, the Hastable online website has features such as blocking

simultaneous access and limiting devices used. If you do not completely
log out of the browser you were originally using, you will be blocked from
logging in when accessing from another device or browser.

Always completely log out of your device and log back in on your new

* Even after logout, if the connection is blocked, we can perform a one-time

forced reset. However, in this case, it is recommended that you do not
watch on multiple devices as it takes 24 hours to reset.

Q. The buffering of the video class is severe.

A. Recently, due to the explosion of video content and remote work

environments due to COVID-19, there is an overload of video servers around
the world. This often causes severe buffering at certain times. In this case, if
you set the quality to 'Auto', you can watch at the optimized speed.

Q. I watched all the video classes. How do I view it again?

A. After accessing the Hastable website, you can re-watch it at any time within
30 days from the [ID in the upper right] - [Courses] tab.

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