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Outcomes Beginner Vocabulary Builder  Unit 7


Page 61 you can get half-price tickets before the end of May |
it’s £5 to go into the museum, but children only pay half
basketball  /ˈbɑːskɪtˌbɔːl/ Noun uncount
basketball is a game that you play indoors. Players try to Italian  /ɪˈtæliən/ Adjective
throw the ball through a metal frame at each end of the something or someone that is Italian is from Italy
court (area where they are playing the game) spaghetti is an Italian dish | Italian coffee | her husband
Collocates: play basketball | a basketball match is Italian | he has an Italian passport
do you like playing basketball? | we play basketball
jacket  /ˈʤækɪt/ Noun
every Friday | a basketball match | she’s a good a
a jacket is a piece of clothing like a light coat
basketball player
he’s wearing black trousers and a grey jacket | it’s in my
concert  /ˈkɒnsə(ː)t/ Noun jacket pocket | do you like my jacket? | take your jacket
a concert is a public performance in which people play off
long  /lɒŋ/ Adjective
Collocates: go to a concert
if something is long, there is a big distance between one
my mum is taking me to a concert for my birthday | a lot end of it and the other end
of people are travelling to Wembley for the big concert |
a long dress | Watling Street is a very long road | our
I’m going to a concert on Saturday | the band is giving a
garden is not very wide but it’s very long | a shirt with
concert in London | a rock concert | I’ve got tickets for a
long sleeves
pop concert
magazine  /ˌmægəˈziːn/ Noun
dish  /dɪʃ/ Noun
a magazine is like a thin book with a paper cover which
a dish is a kind of food that you make in a
you can buy every week or every month
particular way
do you read any fashion magazines? | a football
a typical Italian dish | my favourite chicken dish
magazine | a monthly magazine (that is published every
| a delicious fish dish
month) | the magazine comes out every Thursday
dress  /dres/ Noun
player  /ˈpleɪə/ Noun
a dress is a piece of clothing for women or girls which
a player is someone who plays a sport
has a top and a skirt joined together
she’s the best player in the team | a good football player
she’s wearing a blue dress | an expensive dress |
| the players are about to start the match | there are
a wedding dress (that someone wears to get
11 players in a football team
married in)
present  /ˈprez(ə)nt/ Noun
exam  /ɪgˈzæm/ Noun
a present is something you give to someone, for
an exam is an important test that you do at school or
example when it is their birthday or at Christmas
Collocates: give someone a present | a birthday/
Collocates: take an exam | pass an exam | fail an exam
Christmas present
I’m studying for an exam | when do your exams start? | I
I need to buy my dad a birthday present | it is a very
hope you pass all your exams (succeed in all of them) | I
generous present | a leaving present (a present given to
think I’m going to fail my French exam (not succeed in it)
someone when they leave their job) | she always gets a
| I have to take my exams at the end of the year | a really
lot of Christmas presents | are you going to open your
difficult exam
favourite  /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ Adjective
sell  /sel/ Verb
your favourite thing or person is the one you like the
if you sell something, you give it to someone else and
most out of a group of them
they give you money for it
which is your favourite restaurant in Bristol? | who’s your
they sell children’s clothes in that shop | do you sell
favourite singer? | my favourite colour is red | Jaguar is
stamps? | I’m trying to sell my car
her favourite sort of car
Noun: favourite sing  /sɪŋ/ Verb
I like lots of singers, but Ed Sheeran is my favourite if you sing, or sing a song, you make musical sounds
with your voice
half  /hɑːf/ Noun Collocates: sing (someone) a song
half of something is one of two equal parts that make
please sing us a song | let’s sing while we’re waiting |
the whole thing. If something in a shop is half price, you
she sings beautifully (very well) | I can’t sing very well
can buy it for just half the normal cost

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song  /sɒŋ/ Noun he plays the guitar in a rock band | there’s a live band
a song is a piece of music with words that you can sing at the party (the musicians are there, not a recording of
sitting around the fire and singing songs | a pop song | them) | the band is on tour (travelling around a country
a love song | a song by Lennon and McCartney | I can to different concerts)
remember all the words to that song
cake  /keɪk/ Noun
sport  /spɔːt/ Noun cake is a sweet food made with flour, eggs and sugar
sport is games like football or basketball or tennis and sometimes also with fruit or chocolate. You cook it
by baking it in an oven
do you like doing sports? | I hate sport | he’s watching
sport on TV | sport is great fun Collocates: make a cake
a piece of cake | chocolate cake | a birthday cake | the
story  /ˈstɔːri/ Noun shop sells lovely cakes | would you like some cake?
a story is a description of an event or series of events.
Stories can be real or imaginary (not true) Chinese  /ˌʧaɪˈniːz/ Adjective
Collocates: read (someone) a story someone or something that is Chinese is from China
he reads the children a story every evening | a story I like Chinese food | a beautiful Chinese cupboard | she
about a man and his dog | a short story | my dad is very has a Chinese passport
good at making up stories | a true story | a story with a
cook  /kʊk/ Verb
happy ending | a bedtime story (that you read to children
when you cook food, you get it ready to eat by making
when they are going to bed)
it hot
team  /tiːm/ Noun cook the chicken for an hour | I cook lunch every day |
a team is a group of people who play a sport against we’re cooking a pizza today | he likes to cook
another group of people in a sports event such as a Noun: cooking | Noun: cook
football match, hockey match, etc.
I like cooking | are you a good cook?
who’s your favourite football team? | I’m captain of
the school basketball team | there are 11 players in a cooking  /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ Noun uncount
cricket team | my team is winning his cooking is always delicious | Alex loves cooking

toy  /tɔɪ/ Noun dancing  /ˈdɑːnsɪŋ/ Noun

a toy is an object that children play with dancing is the activity of moving around in time with
a wooden toy | the toy section of a department store | music for pleasure
children have so many toys these days | the children are we go dancing every Saturday night | do you enjoy
playing with their toys | a toy car | a toy shop (a shop dancing? | I’m too tired for any more dancing | dancing
that sells toys) is fun
Verb: dance | Noun: dancer
try on  /traɪ/ /ɒn/ Phrasal verb
if you try on clothes, you put them on to see if you like she dances very well | I can’t dance | would you like to
them or if they are the right size, especially if you want to dance with me? | Jeffrey is a good dancer
buy them
design  /dɪˈzaɪn/ Noun
you can try on the jeans in the changing room | here – the design of something is the way it is put together and
try this one on and see if it fits | I always try on clothes the way that it looks
before I buy them | I don’t buy shoes on the internet
the design of the phone is very simple | we’re still
because I can’t try them on first | can I try on the next
working on the design of the new car | your shirt is a
really nice design
Verb: design | Noun: designer
Pages 62–63 my friend designed this ring | Gustave Eiffel designed
art  /ɑːt/ Noun uncount the Eiffel Tower | a famous dress designer
art is things like paintings, sculptures, etc. that people
enjoy looking at drive  /draɪv/ Verb
if you drive a car or other vehicle, you control it while it
she’s studying art at university | he’s not interested in
is moving
art | an art teacher | you can learn a lot about art in this
museum I want to learn to drive a car | he drives a taxi | he’s 50
and he still can’t drive | it will take an hour to drive to
Noun: artist
Brighton | I don’t like driving in cities
Picasso was a famous artist of the 20th century | she
Noun: driver
wants to be a famous artist
she’s a bus driver | a taxi driver | a very good driver
band  /bænd/ Noun
a band is a group of musicians who play music together exercise  /ˈeksə(r)saɪz/ Noun uncount
exercise is physical activity that helps you to stay fit and
Collocates: a rock/punk/brass/jazz band | a dance band |
a live band

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Collocates: do exercise | get exercise a modern building | modern furniture | modern history
I don’t do a lot of exercise | you need to do some (the history of the world since about 1600) | the house
exercise | you don’t get enough exercise | I play football looks very modern | modern art
on Sundays for the exercise | swimming is good exercise
news  /njuːz/ Noun singular
Verb: exercise news is information about things that have happened
I exercise regularly to stay fit very recently or that are happening at the moment. The
news is a programme on television or radio that regularly
Facebook  /ˈfeɪsˌbʊk/ Noun singular gives this information
Facebook is a social media website where you put
the news starts at ten o’clock | the radio has a news
information about yourself, photos, etc. so that you can
bulletin (short programme) every hour | I get my news on
share them with your friends
social media
she’s one of my Facebook friends | click this link to
add a photo to your Facebook page | over 90% of prefer  /priˈfɜː/ Verb
businesses are on Facebook the person or thing you prefer is the one you want or
like the most out of a group of them
go out  /gəʊ aʊt/ Phrasal verb
Collocates: prefer something to something
if you go out, you go to somewhere like a restaurant or
cinema to have a nice time do you prefer driving to cycling? | do you want some tea,
or would you prefer coffee? | at school I preferred history
do you want to go out? | I can’t afford (don’t have
to maths | shall we go to the theatre or the cinema –
enough money) to go out tonight | let’s go out | we’re
which would you prefer?
going out for a meal tonight
programme  /ˈprəʊgræm/ Noun
great  /greɪt/ Adjective
a programme is an individual event on radio or television
if you refer to someone as a great player, great singer,
great writer, etc., you mean that they are really very a TV programme about cooking | there was a really
good and one of the best in the world interesting programme on the BBC last night | she
makes documentary programmes for the radio | there
Gareth Bale is a great footballer | Tolstoy, Pushkin and
are lots of sports programmes on TV | that’s my favourite
the other great Russian writers | she’s the greatest tennis
player in history
running  /ˈrʌnɪŋ/ Noun
gym  /ʤɪm/ Noun
running is an activity in which you run for pleasure, for
a gym is a room or a building with lots of equipment for
sport, or to keep fit
people to do exercise
Collocates: go running
Collocates: go to the gym
I go running every morning before work | running is my
I always go to the gym on Thursdays | it costs more to
favourite form of exercise | I’m too tired to go running
go to the gym at weekends | I joined a gym this year | I
this evening
prefer walking in the park to going to the gym
series  /ˈsɪəriːz/ Noun
internet  /ˈɪntəˌnet/ Noun singular
a series is several TV shows that tell a story over a
the internet is the system that connects computers all
period of several weeks
over the world and lets them share information, pictures,
etc. a new series on BBC | a drama series | are you watching
that series with Martin Freeman in it?
I use the internet all the time at work | look it up on the
internet | an internet search | do you have access to the singer  /ˈsɪŋə/ Noun
internet? (can you connect to the internet?) a singer is someone who sings songs, especially
someone who does this as a job
look  /lʊk/ Verb
if you look at someone or something, you use your eyes Ed Sheeran is my favourite singer | there are two singers
to see them in the band | she’s a famous singer
Collocates: look at someone or something video  /ˈvɪdɪəʊ/ Noun
look at the photo | look at me | I’m looking at you | don’t a video is a set of moving pictures that you can watch,
look now | she looks at her phone every minute for example on YouTube
watch the video, then answer the questions | we
Mexican  /ˈmeksɪkən/ Adjective
watched videos on YouTube | a video showing you how
someone or something that is Mexican is from Mexico
to cook fish | a funny video
a Mexican dance | I have a Mexican friend | she has a
Mexican passport website  /ˈwebˌsaɪt/ Noun
a website is a set of pages on the internet where
modern  /ˈmɒdən/ Adjective you can get information about a particular subject or
something that is modern is quite new and uses new organisation
ideas or styles

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they have a very simple website | this is a useful website your village called? | it’s a place near Manchester, called
for information about Australia | our website gets 2,000 Salford
visits a day | which websites do you look at most often? | Verb: call
can you send the URL for your website? (the address, so
I call my car Aggie
I can find it)
Egyptian  /ɪˈʤɪpʃən/ Adjective
writer  /ˈraɪtə/ Noun
someone or something that is Egyptian is from Egypt
a writer is someone who writes books, or who writes for
newspapers or magazines he knows a lot about Egyptian history | a museum with a
lot of Egyptian art | an Egyptian passport
the first Russian writer to win the Nobel Prize | Dickens
is a famous writer | J.K. Rowling is my favourite writer | a Noun: Egyptian
successful writer a group of Egyptians
Verb: write
famous  /ˈfeɪməs/ Adjective
she’s writing a novel if lots of people know about someone or something, that
person or thing is famous
Pages 64–65 the Eiffel Tower is very famous | a famous painting in
the Louvre | Glastonbury is a famous music festival | a
about  /əˈbaʊt/ Preposition
famous football player
if a book, film, etc. is about someone or something, it
talks about them or shows them as the main subject government  /ˈɡʌvə(r)nmənt/ Noun
I’m writing a book about Berlin | a film about Winston the government is the group of people who are in
Churchill | a poem about being in love charge of a country or region
the government is spending too much money at the
after  /ˈɑːftə/ Adverb/Preposition
moment | can the government make people happier? |
when something happens later than something else, it
the local government (that works in a town or region, not
happens after, or after it
the whole country) | the government building (where the
I’m going to the cinema after school today | can I see people in the government work)
you after lunch? | what are you doing after?
help  /help/ Verb
American  /əˈmerɪkən/ Adjective if something helps you, it makes it easier for you to do
someone or something that is American is from the something or succeed in something
United States
drink some warm milk – it will help you sleep | when I
who is the American president? | an American passport | want to relax, listening to music helps
his wife is American
Noun: help
Noun: American
do you need help with your suitcase?
the Americans love baseball
Japanese  /ˌʤæpəˈniːz/ Adjective
at the same time  /æt ðə seɪm taɪm/ Phrase someone or something that is Japanese is from Japan
if two things happen at the same time, no time passes
Haruki Murakami is a famous Japanese writer | a
between one event and the other
Japanese painting | I like Japanese food | she has a
you shouldn’t listen to music and do your homework at Japanese passport
the same time | there are two films I want to watch on TV
but they’re on at the same time moment  /ˈməʊmənt/ Noun
if you talk about something happening at the moment,
British  /ˈbrɪtɪʃ/ Adjective you mean it is happening now but won’t be happening
someone or something that is British is from the United after a while
Collocates: at the moment
are you British? | a British passport | he works for a
at the moment (now) it’s 28 degrees outside | he can’t
British company
drive at the moment | I’m not very well at the moment
business  /ˈbɪznəs/ Noun uncount | he’s out of work at the moment (doesn’t have a job) |
business is the work people do that involves making, Tom’s out at the moment; he’ll be back at 7 | my car isn’t
selling and buying things working at the moment
Collocates: on business nothing  /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ Pronoun
what business are you in? | I’m in the engineering nothing means not anything at all
business | we do a lot of business with a company in there’s nothing in the fridge | he has nothing to say to
Portugal | she travels a lot on business (goes to different me | it costs nothing to walk | I have nothing in my bank
places representing her company) account at the end of the month
called  /kɔːld/ Adjective politics  /ˈpɒlətɪks/ Noun
if you are called something, that is your name. If politics is the work of getting power and running a
something is called something, that is its name country or a part of a country
my dog is called Felix | the town is called Bootle | what’s

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I’m not interested in politics | she’s studying politics shut the window | she looks a bit angry
at university | he wants to go into politics because he
wants to improve people’s lives | we’re always arguing blue  /bluː/ Adjective
about politics if something is blue, it is the colour of the sky when there
are no clouds
Adjective: political | Noun: politician
my front door is blue | a blue car | a bunch of blue flowers
the country has political and social problems | our
political system needs to change | people don’t always Noun: blue
like politicians blue is my favourite colour

prison  /ˈprɪzn/ Noun brown  /braʊn/ Adjective

a prison is a building for people who are being punished if something is brown, it is the colour of earth, wood,
because they are criminals. Prisoners live there for coffee, etc.
months or years until the end of their punishment he’s wearing brown shoes | a brown carpet | her eyes
Collocates: send someone to prison | be in prison | are brown
spend time in prison
cheap  /ʧiːp/ Adjective
I don’t want to go to prison | he spent 20 years in prison
something that is cheap does not cost very much money
for killing a policeman | he’s still in prison but hopes to
get out next year | if they catch you, they’ll send you to a cheap hotel | tickets for the concert are quite cheap | a
prison shop selling cheap clothes | it’s cheaper if you buy it on
the internet
Noun: prisoner
Opposite – Adjective: expensive
a prisoner escaped last night
an expensive watch | it’s a good restaurant, but too
problem  /ˈprɒbləm/ Noun expensive for us
a problem is a situation that you do not like and which is
difficult to stop or change coat  /kəʊt/ Noun
a coat is a piece of clothing that you wear when you are
crime is a problem in this area | you can talk to me about
outdoors to keep warm
any problems you’ve got | there are traffic problems
in the city centre | unemployment (when lots of people take a coat – it’s cold outside | a nice warm coat | hang
cannot get a job) is a big problem | what’s the problem? your coat in the hall | put your coat on

really  /ˈrɪəli/ Adverb colour  /ˈkʌlə/ Noun

you use really to emphasise what you are saying red, green, blue, yellow, orange, white, pink, etc. are all
it’s a really good film | I really like her | you really must
stop smoking what colour is your bike? | the walls are a really nice
colour | my favourite colour is yellow | the photos in this
sad  /sæd/ Adjective book are all in black and white, not in colour
if you are sad, you feel unhappy, especially because
something unpleasant has happened. A sad time, event, comfortable  /ˈkʌmfətəbl/ Adjective
or story is one that makes you feel sad something that is comfortable makes you feel relaxed
and happy and is pleasant to be in or sit in
it was a really sad day | the film was so sad that I cried
at the end | she looks very sad | I was very sad when these shoes feel very comfortable | a comfortable
your father died | the book has a sad ending armchair | our new sofa’s really comfortable | are
you comfortable sitting there? | the bed was old and I
Spanish  /ˈspænɪʃ/ Adjective couldn’t get comfortable in it
someone or something that is Spanish is from Spain Noun: comfort | Opposite – Adjective: uncomfortable
her husband is Spanish | I like Spanish food | a Spanish lie back and relax in comfort | these shoes are really
passport uncomfortable
vegetarian  /ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/ Adjective design  /dɪˈzaɪn/ Noun
a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat, and the design of something is the way it is put together and
eats mostly vegetables. Vegetarian food is what they eat the way that it looks
a vegetarian dish of pasta and tomatoes | they sell the design of the phone is very simple | we’re still
vegetarian food here | we have a vegetarian menu | who working on the design of the new car | your shirt is a
is having the vegetarian burger? really nice design
Noun: vegetarian Verb: design | Noun: designer
are you a vegetarian? my friend designed this ring | Gustave Eiffel designed
the Eiffel Tower | a famous dress designer
Pages 66–67 dress  /dres/ Noun
bit  /bɪt/ Noun a dress is a piece of clothing for women or girls which
if you say something is a bit small, a bit cold, a bit wet, has a top and a skirt joined together
etc., you mean that it is slightly small, cold or wet she’s wearing a blue dress | an expensive dress | a
my shoes are a bit small | it’s a bit cold in here now, let’s wedding dress (that someone wears to get married in)

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extra  /ˈekstrə/ Adverb present  /ˈprez(ə)nt/ Noun

something that is extra-large, extra-small, etc. is very a present is something you give to someone, for
large, very small, etc. example when it is their birthday or at Christmas
an extra-large T-shirt | an extra-small pair of jeans Collocates: give someone a present | a birthday/
Christmas present
feel  /fiːl/ Verb
I need to buy my dad a birthday present | it is a very
if something feels warm, comfortable, soft, etc., that
generous present | a leaving present (a present given to
is what you think about it when you are touching it or
someone when they leave their job) | she always gets a
wearing it
lot of Christmas presents | are you going to open your
these shoes feel very comfortable | the sheets feel very present?
cold | the cat’s fur feels lovely and soft
size  /saɪz/ Noun
floor  /flɔː/ Noun the size of something is how big or small it is. If clothes
a floor is a level inside a building. When you come into are your size, they fit you. If they are the wrong size, they
a building from the street, you are on the ground floor. are too big or too small and do not fit you
When you go up one floor, you are on the first floor
Collocates: his/your/my etc. size | the wrong size | the
my office is on the third floor | which floor is the right size
classroom on? | my house has three floors
it’s a nice dress but it’s the wrong size for me | what size
green  /griːn/ Adjective shoes do you take? | they didn’t have my size | I can’t
something that is green is the colour of grass. A green find any jeans the right size
salad has things like lettuce in it, and looks green
small  /smɔːl/ Adjective
a green salad | green vegetables are good for you something that is small is not very big
jacket  /ˈʤækɪt/ Noun Ledbury is quite a small town | these shoes are too small
a jacket is a piece of clothing like a light coat for me | a small café | a small dog | the hotel is nice but
the rooms are rather small
he’s wearing black trousers and a grey jacket | it’s in my
jacket pocket | do you like my jacket? | take your jacket sure  /ʃʊə/ Adjective
off if you are sure about something, you are certain that you
know what you think about it
jeans  /ʤiːnz/ Noun
jeans are blue trousers made of strong material called they’re comfortable, but I’m not sure about the colour (I
denim don’t know if I like the colour) | I’m sure my wallet is in
my jacket | are you sure it’s Thursday today?
Collocates: a pair of jeans
a pair of jeans | she’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt | I T-shirt  /ˈtiːʃɜːt/ Noun
need some new jeans | do you like my jeans? a T-shirt is a shirt with short sleeves and no buttons
down the front
look  /lʊk/ Verb
she’s wearing a T-shirt and jeans | a white T-shirt | you
if something looks good, looks interesting, looks nice,
can’t wear a T-shirt to school | my T-shirts need washing
etc., that is what you think when you see it
that chair looks very comfortable | you look nice in that think  /θɪŋk/ Verb
suit | the town looks very sad in the rain if you ask someone what they think of something, you
want to know their opinion about it, for example if they
look  /lʊk/ Verb like it or not
when you are in a shop but are not ready to buy
what do you think about my new shirt? | my mum thinks
anything yet, you say you are just looking
it’s really fashionable | do you think these trousers look
Can I help you? – No thanks, I’m just looking all right with this shirt?
off  /ɒf/ Adverb top  /tɒp/ Adjective
if a price has a certain amount off, it becomes cheaper a top thing is the one that is the highest one out of a
by that amount group of them
I’ll let you have ten pounds off, so you can have it for the top floor of a building | it’s in the top drawer | my pen
£70 instead of £80 | they’re selling shoes with 25% off is in my top pocket
percent  /pəˈsent/ Noun white  /waɪt/ Adjective
percent is used to refer to amounts. For example ten if something is white, it is the colour of snow
percent of something is one of ten equal parts of it, and
a white T-shirt | we’re painting the walls white | her hair
the whole thing is 100 percent. So ten percent of 250
is white
is 25. We often use the symbol % instead of the word
percent yellow  /ˈjeləʊ/ Adjective
over 70 percent of the population live in cities | a 3% pay if something is yellow, it is the colour of the sun
increase | 12 percent of our students come from other a yellow T-shirt | a yellow sports car | our front door is
countries yellow

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EXERCISES D Write the words for the people.

1  design
A Are the words for people (P) or clothes (C)? Circle
P or C. 2  art

1  basketball player P C 3  dance

2  coat P C 4  drive

3  dress P C 5  politics

4  jacket P C E Complete the sentences with words formed from the

words in bold.
5  prisoner P C
1  I prefer cooking to Italian. Japan
6  writer P C
2  Weibo is a website. China
B Complete the words in the sentences.
3  I think Time is an magazine.
1  This s _ _ _ _ s of books is about a boy called Harry
4  I’m going to a concert in Madrid. Madrid is a
2  These cakes are ten p _ _ _ _ _ t off. Let’s buy some!
city. Spain
3  I watch a n _ _ s programme every evening at five.
5  A
 Chihuahua is a dog. I love
4  Pavlos loves exercise and he goes to the g _ m every their size – they’re very small! Mexico
F Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. The
5  Dad has a big b _ _ _ _ _ _ s. It makes and sells toys. words in bold will help you.

6  I like the colour y _ _ _ _ w – my room is that colour! have  look  sing  take  try on

C Tick (✓) the correct sentences.

1  Does this T-shirt good?
1  a  Do you often go out for dinner?
2  They team sports every
   b  Do you often go out with dinner?
Tuesday afternoon.
2  a  I like films during real life. 
3  I want the right size. Is there a place to
   b  I like films about real life. 
clothes in here?
3  a  At the moment, I’m reading
4  At this modern school, you never
The Stranger.
an exam.
  b  In the moment, I’m reading
The Stranger. 5  OK, children. I want you to this

4  a  I don’t normally buy things at song with me.

the internet. G Complete the words with the vowels (a, e, i , o, u).

  b  I don’t normally buy things on 1  a v _ g _ t _ r _ _ n dish

the internet. 2  a f _ m _ _ s actor
5  a  What do you think by this shirt? 3  c _m f _ r t _ b l _ jeans
   b  What do you think of this shirt?
4  a s _ d story

5  my f _ v _ _ r _ t _ singer

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