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Assessment Sheet

Student name _______________________ Grade_______

Please use the keys below for the feedback you shall conclude.
● A =The student understood the question and answered it fully.
● B= The student understood all or part of the question and gave an incomplete answer.
● C= The student understood all or part of the question and answered in another language.
● D= The student didn't understand the question.
● E= The student showed no response.
● F= Other. (Please address your feedback).

(A B C D E F)

1. What are bones? What do bones do?

2. Do you think people’s skeletons need to be strong? Why or why not?

3. How does a bird’s skeleton help it fly?

4. How is a snake skeleton different from a human skeleton?

5. What kinds of things can you learn by looking at an animal’s Skeleton?

6. Why are an eagle’s bones hollow and light?

7. How does a blue whale’s skeleton affect the way it lives?

8. What can you tell me about the frog’s skeleton?



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