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Complete the sentences using the preterit

1. Covid 19
•The number of cases increased ( increase) in the world, especially in the U.S.A, Brazil and
India. In Morocco, they grew (grow) too.
•Fewer people flew ( fly) to go on holiday so there was (be) less pollution.
•People stayed ( stay) on holiday in Morocco.
•On August 14th The UK said ( say) people from France had to quarantine for 14 day 2
2. Protests in the U.S.A
•After the death of George Floyd on May 25th many people protested (protest) against police
•The Black Lives Matter movement became (become) very strong.
•On 15th July a video recording showed (show) Police kneeling on his head.
•On August 23rd Police shot (shoot) Jacob Blake in Wisconsin
3. Surfer killed
•A shark attacked (attack) a 17 year old surfer in New South Wales, north of Sydney in
•Other surfers came (come) to his aid but he died (die). •The shark bit ( bite) his legs.
4. Liverpool Champions
•Liverpool won (win) the Premier League trophy.
•The team scored (score) 5 goals agaisnt Chelsea.
•It was (be) the first time for Liverpool to win the Championship.
•Fans celebrated (celebrate) in the streets.
5. Rover launched
•On July 30th NASA launched (launch) a spacecraft from Cap Canaveral, Florida.
•The Rover Perseverance will collect samples and look for signs of life on Mars.
•The Rover cost (cost) 2.4 billion $ to develop.

6. Explosion in Beirut
•An explosion destroyed (destroy) buildings and houses in Beirut in Lebanon
•It took (take) place in the port area. Ammonium nitrate exploded ( explode).
•The explosion killed (kill) and injured (injure) hundreds of people.
7. London Bridge
•London Bridge stayed ( stay) open and they could not can not) shut it for several hours.
•It opened (open) to let a big ship pass under it. •This caused ( cause) traffic jams in central
•Many tourists watched (watch) and took take) photos.
8. Hurricane Laura
•Hurricane Laura hit (hit) the coast of Louisiana on 27th August.
•15 people died (die). The wind blew ( blow) at 125mph (200km).
•It destroyed (destroy) many buildings.
•In July hurricane Hanna arrived (arrive) in Texas and Hawaii.
9. Banksy's Boat
•Banksy, a famous street artist bought (buy) a boat to help rescue refugees in the
Mediterranean Sea.
•They rescued (rescue) over 200 migrants the first day.
• The artist painted (paint) a picture of a girl with a pink heart lifejacket on the boat.


Find the irregular verbs in the previous exercise. Complete the following table.

GROW grew Grandir, augmenter

buy bought acheter

blow blew souffler

hit hit attacker

take took prendre

Can not Could not Ne pouver pas

cost cost couter

be was etre

win won gagner

come came venir

bite bit mordre

shoot shot tirer

become became devenir

say said dire

fly flew voler

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