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Today, the twenty second of April 2022, the United Nations has oficially stated that treatments, for any
disease, are free. It’s a worldwide «law», so anyone can benefit from it.

It’s not fair to have people with billions and billions of dollars, and others with nothing and even in debt,
stopping them from getting the help they require. Everyone deserves the care they need, no matter their
economic state. The UN finally came to an agreement about this subject, and now people all over the
world can be treated for as little as a bus a ride ticket to the hospital.

The new law states that there is now a limit of 3 billion dollars of wealth a person can possess.
People who own more than that, will be obligated to donate the surplus to the United Nations, who
will fund healthcare treatments for any person. There is no need for health insurance, everyone can
access this without owing anything to anyone, the treatment is simply guarenteed, so you can live a
long and healthy life.

To summarize, it’s common sense that no one should struggle to be able to survive, it is a human right,
and it’s our duty to make sure everyone can enjoy a healthy life, without worrying about whether they’ll
be alive the next day or not, due to a disease that could be treated if only they had money. For that
reason, the UN made sure everyone everywhere can be granted that right, and now, treatments are free.

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