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Reading comprehension:

1. medicine and autonomous vehicle

2. identifying objects in photos, recognizing speech, driving a car, or translating an online postinto
dozens of languages.
3. 1. an array of numbers. Within this array of numbers, local motifs, such as the edge of an object, are
easily detectable in the first layer.
2. detect combinations of these simple motifs that form simple shapes
3. detect combinations of shapes that form parts of objects, like a face, a leg
4. detect combinations of parts that form objects
4. True
5. True


Dear Prime minister

Firstly, it is incredibly clear that the unemployment rate is starting to rise in this country, which leads to many
families and individuals not having the basics needs for life such as shelter or food which could lead to many
cases of starvation or rarely death. This issue is very common in the kingdom of Jordan which calls for
immediate action! The issue has been rising for the last decade and if no action is taken against it, the
numbers will just continue to rise and so will its effects.

Furthermore, the reason why unemployment has been rising a lot in the last decade is because of people not
being qualified to be in the positions that they are in, which has a huge impact and that impact is
unemployment. When people are not qualified enough for their positions, they make wrong or incorrect
choices, they also could fire employees for personal or wrongful reasons. The action that should be taken is
to check for everyone's qualifications compared to the required standards, if they do not match the
government should take immediate action. This way more qualified people will have jobs and make correct
choices which will lead to a higher success rate in the business and lower the unemployment rate which
would be extremely necessary to improve this country


Ahmad Yazbak

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