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28 Changelog

- Fixed some issues with Russian and Japanese settlers in Hokkaido and Sakhalin

- The Natal events now secede the provinces to whoever owns Cape Town rather than
the British
- Added a decision 'Occupation of the Sierra Leone hinterland' for the British
- Fixed a bugged decision 'Claim the Gold Coast'
- Fixed an issue where Germany randomly gets PROV2081 without owning S-W Africa
- Adjusted some french overseas pops
- Fixed an issue with British East Africa

#Middle East
- Adjusted some of the Yemeni States flags
- The Aden Protectorate now turns Yemen into a Autonomous Dependency, will now use
the Aden Colony flag, now called 'The Aden Protectorate'

- The French Revolution now selects the Open Border policy
- Added a decision for France 'Troupes de Marine' - gives a similar bonus to the
French Foreign Legion
- 'The League of the Three Emperors' - changed requirement 'Great Wars Enabled' to
Revolution & Counterrevolution
- Russian Army Reforms now give slightly more bonuses to the AI
- Added a decision 'Reforms of Abdulmejid I' for the Ottoman Empire, gives some
bonus to military techs to stop the Ottoman AI from being so pathetic
- Added a decision 'Reforms of Abdul Hamid II' for the Ottoman Empire, reverts the
Ottoman Empire to Absolute Monarchy, gives some bonus to military techs to stop the
Ottoman AI from being so pathetic.
- Greece now starts with the basic naval techs
- Re-added Austrian core to Gorz
- Removed Prague from the Capital Renovation decision, added more ways to enact the
- Added event 'The Cretan Revolt'

- Added a decision for the owner of Saigon to purchase Annam if another great power
owns it
- Added a decision 'Ethische Politiek' for the Netherlands, lowers militancy in
Indonesia, changes colonial policy to civilizing mission
- Adjusted some pops in Indonesia

#Other Changes
- Added some military inventions 'Gendarmerie', 'Mountain Warfare', 'Barrage Fire',
'Counter-Battery Fire'
- Added some modifiers to make the AI more willing to take the other Naval techs
- Most AI uncivs and weaker countries get buffs to make them more competitive
- Adjusted some of the modifiers of the Colonial Policies

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